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#601 manic_racetam

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 10:30 PM

Does sunifiram have any effects on blood pressure? Even if no research mentions this maybe users still do?
I thought noopept shouldn't have any effect on that matter but now I'm finding some posts here and elsewhere about it rising the bloodpressure especially in already hypertensive people which had me stopping with noopept as my bp skyrocketed to 199/144 and my "normal" being 140/90.

Thanks so much for sharing this data on noopept! Was that rise in BP noticed while taking medication to lower your blood pressure? Or do you have mild-hypertension that you simply monitor but don't need daily med's at this point?

There's so much speculation in this area. I know my father's BP went up a lot while trying noopept, but he doesn't take medicine. Another user stated that if hypertension is controlled with med's this rise in BP wouldn't be present. But as far as I know that is speculation.

It'd be great to get some data on this.

Please excuse any typos, I'm in a bit of a hurry.

#602 renfr

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 10:54 PM

If you have 140/99 at rest then it should already be a concern.
199/144 would surely have sent you to the ER unless you got medication on the hand.

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#603 Isochroma

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 03:28 AM

Sunifiram continues to work perfectly!

So today I decided to stack something entirely new on top of it so I bought 100g of L-Tyrosine powder.

After extensive research I found that L-Tyrosine is converted by the brain into Dopamine, and that it has helped many people with better energy, anti-depressant effects, etc.

When the L-Tyrosine arrives in a couple weeks I shall report how it stacks with Sunifiram.

Meanwhile I bought 10g Sunifiram yesteray so that I can be assured of a superadequate supply of this most amazing molecule.

I am looking forward to testing out Unifiram soon - I have a paper which shows in excellent graphs how its maximum effects are even greater than Sunifiram :)

#604 baronjpetor

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 04:03 AM

Funny coincidence, I also tried to stack L-tyrosine (2.5g) with Sunifiram (12mg) today.
Felt nothing special but to be fair I've never been a L-tyrosine responder.

#605 Isochroma

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 05:29 AM

Sunifiram alone does not raise blood pressure.

Not one person who took it alone has reported any increase.

Why do I keep getting unsubcribed from this thread?

Every day I have to re-subscribe so I have reason to believe there is malicious action going on here.

The problem does not occur with any other thread I subscribed to on this forum.
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#606 emckai

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 05:36 AM

Sunifiram does not increase blood pressure for me either.

I just checked the people following this topic and you're not even listed which is quite strange.

#607 dogshitwebsite

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 07:41 AM

I don't have medication yet and I haven't ended up in ER yet. Weird that they just let me walk away with that high pressure. I'm 23 and have no such problems in family. Maybe I just have been eating too much salt and not enough motion, I get stressed easily too.
Thanks for the info on sunifiram, maybe I'll order some when I feel better :)

#608 Steve Zissou

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 11:42 AM

I tried my first dose 2 days ago, around 10mg. Was a very odd experience, for the first hour, things just seemed a bit 'different' but I couldn't really put my finger on why. Very minor altered conciousness. For the rest of the day I felt mildy stimulated, usually I have a nap in the afternoon but I didn't need one on this occasion.

It seemed to have thermogenic activity. I felt a warmth flow throughout my body. I am usually cold all the time so this was a welcome side effect.

#609 middpanther88

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Posted 26 April 2013 - 02:16 PM

So Whts the recommended dosage? When should I take it? My order comes in tues.

#610 ellasgr

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 12:16 AM

I bought 1g from NSN and took 10mg each day.
what I feel is a great mood lift and more motivation but 2 hours later crash and I feel tired.
Colours are more beautiful and I have more creativity when I try writing stuff.
even with continuous use I still feel the effects, I know take coffee to not have th crash.

#611 Isochroma

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 03:15 AM

Late this evening New Star Nootropics (Newtropics is how I should spell it) shipped my ten grams Sunifirams pun intended!

USPS Tracking: EC201724916US
CP Tracking: EC201724916US

I was looking at the shiny surface of the water in the black plastic shot-glass that I use to mix up my PIR+SUN stack tonight and I saw how electric the bands of reflected light looked. I also notice that with eyes closed when moving or otherwise moving my eyes, that there is a jumpy electricality present which has been fading since childhood.

As for sleep, I slept in today but the SUN continues to wake me up earlier than usual with its bright light.

The extra sleep helped me to see how bright my old CRT is tonight!

I notice that with stronger racetams the brightness of my screen is perceived to be higher, and that lack of sleep causes me a dimmer visual perception of it too.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 27 April 2013 - 03:17 AM.

#612 abelard lindsay

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 04:49 AM

I tried Sunifram two days in a row with Zembrin/CILTEP. I get slight negative mood effects from it. However, I find it too interesting to give up on just yet. Some drugs, like k-opioid agonists, have negative mood effects but cause profound psychological benefits. I find that I get these very deep philosophical insights into my life and anything I put my mind to while taking it. I find I can easily reach a deeper level of understanding on topics that I've mulled over and over again previously with no forward progress. I get these inspirations to write about the "big picture" in aspects of my life and understanding of various things. It's great for programming too. The second day was even more interesting than the first.
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#613 golden1

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 05:32 AM

Sunifiram considerably enhances my ability to compose music in really creative ways, this is pretty notable because in the past I noticed that most of my music and my best music was made on aniracetam. Its almost like I'm given better perception of exactly how it should flow and it seems like the best rhythms come much more easily without thought(this is when using a computer to make the music, so it would also include enhanced ability to translate abstract-ish ideas into the program(ableton live)). I've always wanted to see a very musically talented person test if aniracetam(or specifically now sunifiram) made them even better.. I bet it would.
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#614 megatron

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 04:13 PM

Phew! I thought I'd never see Sunifiram, but then Isochroma-Reborn enlightened me about vantegecc's new inventory of Sunifiram. Ha, got it from the UK after only three days ;) The testing will begin tomorrow.
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#615 adiosameobas

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 06:36 PM

Late this evening New Star Nootropics (Newtropics is how I should spell it) shipped my ten grams Sunifirams pun intended!

USPS Tracking: EC201724916US
CP Tracking: EC201724916US

I was looking at the shiny surface of the water in the black plastic shot-glass that I use to mix up my PIR+SUN stack tonight and I saw how electric the bands of reflected light looked. I also notice that with eyes closed when moving or otherwise moving my eyes, that there is a jumpy electricality present which has been fading since childhood.

As for sleep, I slept in today but the SUN continues to wake me up earlier than usual with its bright light.

The extra sleep helped me to see how bright my old CRT is tonight!

I notice that with stronger racetams the brightness of my screen is perceived to be higher, and that lack of sleep causes me a dimmer visual perception of it too.

I used to notice the same sorts of things when I would take amphetamines and smoke a good deal of marijuana. this combo also inspired megalomania, and while making me actually feel more intelligent and creative, goal oriented, focused and in love with life...I sat around staring at my computer and my pot pipe and bottles of pills all day, reading about how smoking pot and taking amphetamines is the secret to life. weird right?
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#616 middpanther88

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:11 PM

Just got my Sunifiram. My initial thoughs: like everyone else, my vision is super sharp. I've been cleaning (although I was planning on getting it done). My mood seems more airy/pleasant. And I would say to a certain extent, details and their senses are more appreciated. Had 6-14 mg.

Edited by middpanther88, 27 April 2013 - 08:24 PM.

#617 Southern_Lights

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:48 PM

I used to notice the same sorts of things when I would take amphetamines and smoke a good deal of marijuana. this combo also inspired megalomania, and while making me actually feel more intelligent and creative, goal oriented, focused and in love with life...I sat around staring at my computer and my pot pipe and bottles of pills all day, reading about how smoking pot and taking amphetamines is the secret to life. weird right?

This sounds scarily familiar, except I read about nootropics. What made you change?

#618 Bismarck

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 08:49 PM

I used to notice the same sorts of things when I would take amphetamines and smoke a good deal of marijuana. this combo also inspired megalomania, and while making me actually feel more intelligent and creative, goal oriented, focused and in love with life...I sat around staring at my computer and my pot pipe and bottles of pills all day, reading about how smoking pot and taking amphetamines is the secret to life. weird right?

This kind of describes my experience with higher doses of suni over several consecutive days. Despite feeling extremely intelligent and productive I was extremely unproductive when it comes to my every day workload.

However I was much more creative and my brain made some cool connections. But yea it inspired mania which was really harmfull to my everyday productiveness but it wasnt dangerous ( it might be at even higher doses that some people are taking ) and I will do it again whenever i have no work lined up that needs to be done.

Btw I do not experience this mania at low doses ( 1mg-2mg 4 - 5 times/day )

#619 adiosameobas

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 09:39 PM

I used to notice the same sorts of things when I would take amphetamines and smoke a good deal of marijuana. this combo also inspired megalomania, and while making me actually feel more intelligent and creative, goal oriented, focused and in love with life...I sat around staring at my computer and my pot pipe and bottles of pills all day, reading about how smoking pot and taking amphetamines is the secret to life. weird right?

This sounds scarily familiar, except I read about nootropics. What made you change?

I stopped taking amphetamines and smoking pot, I started taking nootropics of varying kinds. I do the same thing you describe, but if I can feel myself obsessing about it and considering ordering a chemical that has only really been tested on scopolamine intoxicated mice (until now) I usually close the laptop and go do something outside where i can see the 'super saturated colors' in real life, and not just on my computer screen. I did actually have to do this a few times while reading this post.
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#620 Stormy

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 10:34 PM

Checking is as another person who ordered some Suni and has been experimenting with it over the past few days! (Long time lurker, first time poster - I just figured this thread could use as many human lab rats as possible). I don't have a scale, and I tend to just eyeball stuff when experimenting to find a dosage that works for me, which may render me a minimally useful rab rat, but here are my experiences, for whatever they might be worth.

Usual daily noots: Oxiracitam, Pramiracitam (both taken at night, as Oxi makes me sleepy, and Pram brainfogs me a bit for the first half hour after I take it)
Occasional noots: Nefiracitam (gives me laser-beam focus for several hours, but only works if I take it rarely), Phenylpiracetam (happy euphoria for the better part of the day, makes me impulsive and I've been told I act "high" - I save this for occasional weekends)
Other stuff: Ginkgo (daily), fish oil (daily), DMAA (4-5x a week), Multivitamin (daily), Caffeine (tons of it, whenever and wherever it's available)

Stuff that does weird stuff to me: Noopept (major migraine trigger, no positive effects that I can tell), choline (puts me to sleep), aniracitam (gives me major brain fog and puts me emotionally off kilter, for lack of a better description).

I got my Suni a few days ago (this past Wednesday), and I'd intentionally stayed off my regular stuff for a few days. I went for one micro-scoop of the Suni, sublingually. The first thing I noticed is that I felt really happy and peaceful. However, I immediately started to get tired, so I dragged myself off the couch and walked over to Starbucks. Problem solved. By the time I got back home and the caffeine kicked in, I was starting to feel normal again, so I did another micro-scoop under the tongue. WAY better with the caffeine - I felt happy, peaceful, and I noticed my thoughts were coming together with more clarity - I was goofing around online at the time, and was quicker on the uptake than usual, was able to formulate sentence without having to think them through as much, as so on. I didn't experience any difference in vision, and I didn't try eating anything so I don't know if my taste was affected (will experiment with this later), but holy hell you guys weren't lying about the music! I just felt it so much more intensely, and enjoyed listening to it at a base-level that I'd never really experienced before. So peculiar! I went out for a drink with some friends, and didn't notice anything different about how the alcohol made me feel. When I went to sleep that evening, both the alcohol and the Suni had completely worn off. I didn't have any trouble getting to sleep, but I woke up strangely alert and non-groggy when my alarm went off four hours later (I normally only get about 4-5 hours sleep per night over the work\school week, and I've always been like this - I know it's not healthy, but I'm hardcore nocturnal, and this is normal routine for me). I felt uncharictaristically draggy at work the next day, but figured it was the fact that I'd had neither caffeine nor DMAA that day, and by the end of the day I felt fine, so didn't think anything of it. Came home, tried some more Suni, but this time, I did 2 micro scoops under the tongue, no caffeine this time. Felt happy, and music was crazy intense, but I noticed that as the stuff started wearing off, I got mega paranoid - started thinking everyone was mad at me (they weren't!), and also felt major spooked out in my apartment. Granted, I've got an over-active imagination to begin with, and have been known to jump at shadows if I'm either 1) exhausted, 2) using other substances which I wasn't using then, or 3) just got done reading scary stories, but none of these were the case. I went to sleep that evening with very little trouble, but I woke up several times throughout the night for no real reason, and each time, I felt wide awake, not the usual bleary-eyed daze that usually happens when I wake up in the middle of the night. I was able to go back to sleep every time though, and the next day, I was DRAGGING bigtime, felt like I hadn't slept in days. However, I'm not sure if this is due to interrupted sleep (which may or may not have been caused by the Suni) or the fact that it was now Friday and I hadn't touched caffeine since Wednesday or DMAA since Tuesday. I took a half-hour power nap on my lunch break which helped get me through the day, and I had a bit of DMAA after work so I could run a few errands and make an apperance at a friend's social gathering, but I was ready for bed before the sun had even set. I slept for quite a while last night, again waking up inexplicably and wide-awake for no real reason, but I haven't been fighting exhaustion today (and have had no stimulants today at all). I did wake up fairly brain-fogged, so I took my usual Oxi and Pram that I'd been neglecting since mid-week, and after a very brief spell of drowsiness from the Oxi, was completely back to normal. I think I'm going to try the Suni again this evening and see what it does. Will also try eating after I take it and see if it has any effect on my sense of taste. Overall, this is a very interesting substance! I need to experiment a bit more to figure out if it's actually screwing with my sleep to the point where I feel tired during the day, as there are several things that could have been responsible for that, and whether or not extreme paranoia is a normal part of the come-down effect for me (I hope not - that was NOT fun!), but whatever the case, this stuff definitely has my attention.

Edited by Stormy, 27 April 2013 - 10:45 PM.

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#621 emckai

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 11:03 PM

I found a cheap domestic supplier of Sunifiram and Noopept https://allisterssma....wordpress.com/

This sets off a lot of flags.
Seems like this site was created overnight
No shopping cart available
You have to email them to purchase?

I wouldn't even bother with this supplier.
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#622 Isochroma

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:15 AM

Neither would I so they won't be added to the Racetam Prices list.

Minimum requirements for that are a website or eBay auction, some feedbacks, real address/phone/email.
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#623 KoolK3n

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:47 AM

Sunifiram continues to work perfectly!

So today I decided to stack something entirely new on top of it so I bought 100g of L-Tyrosine powder.

After extensive research I found that L-Tyrosine is converted by the brain into Dopamine, and that it has helped many people with better energy, anti-depressant effects, etc.

No, it's not. It's converted to L-Dopa via Tyrosine Hydroxylase which is tightly regulated in its activity unlike Aromatic Amino Decarboxylase that catalyzes the conversion of L-Dopa into Dopamine.

You've been advertising Racetams for several years now and you just found out about Tyrosine? What "extensive research"?

Edited by KoolK3n, 28 April 2013 - 03:49 AM.

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#624 Southern_Lights

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:39 AM

I found a cheap domestic supplier of Sunifiram and Noopept https://allisterssma....wordpress.com/

This website is set up EXACTLY like another reputable vendor. I don't know whether they just copied him because they liked the style (it is quite visually appealing or at least I think so) or are trying to set up a phishing scheme.

Couldn't tell you, from the "About Me" section it would seem the former. Probably just some college students that saw the incredible profit potential from Nootropic, quasi-legal drug resale.

Edited by Southern_Lights, 28 April 2013 - 04:39 AM.

#625 OpaqueMind

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 02:14 PM

I'm coming to like this little chemical more and more... the effects are accumulative, and pretty damn profound! My thought process on a whole is far more integrated, connections form spontaneously and flow from one to another. My psyche has become liquid, in essence. I've only been taking 10mg in the AM every other day as well. Interestingly, it doesn't affect my sleep at all, whereas even small doses of piracetam (800mg+) give me sleep maintenence insomnia. Like Isochroma, I've actually noticed a consolidation of sleep. Another excellent bonus is that, also unlike piracetam, it doesn't interfere with meditation, in fact it allows me to go deeper than I could otherwise. There's also a slightly manic tendency to racing, flowing, raging torrents of thought at about 8 hours after the initial dose and lasting about 2 hours, which is fucking awesome. All in all, I am throughly impressed.
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#626 Kyle McGill

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:47 PM

Sunifiram continues to work perfectly!

So today I decided to stack something entirely new on top of it so I bought 100g of L-Tyrosine powder.

After extensive research I found that L-Tyrosine is converted by the brain into Dopamine, and that it has helped many people with better energy, anti-depressant effects, etc.

No, it's not. It's converted to L-Dopa via Tyrosine Hydroxylase which is tightly regulated in its activity unlike Aromatic Amino Decarboxylase that catalyzes the conversion of L-Dopa into Dopamine.

You've been advertising Racetams for several years now and you just found out about Tyrosine? What "extensive research"?

Yeah, I found this peculiar also.

#627 golden1

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:13 PM

With green tea and after dosing @ 20mg 2-3/day consistently for about a week or more, it has sweet effects. It's a lot like amphetamine if it had little to no physical stimulation, and slightly less euphoria and motivation(I think the physical stimulation of amphetamine helps a lot with motivation, it kind of keeps you going even mentally since you feel so fatigue-less). The mood boost is very reminiscent of it and the overall head-space feeling too. Awesomely at the same time it makes me very serene and relaxed. I also notice more moments of inspiration and motivation to do creative things.

The coolest part is that usually green tea or caffeine makes me jittery(since I'm tapering off benzos) and sunifiram makes it completely smooth and lacking any anxiety. It also does that in general I suppose as part of the mood effects, life just feels very smooth. My motions feel extra smooth and relaxed, etc. I feel much less scatter-brained and restless, which is awesome since I've been dealing with feeling slightly restless since I started tapering off benzos. It seems like it would really help ADHD symptoms, but idk, I only ever considered myself to have slight ADD/ADHD so I can't really say.

#628 abelard lindsay

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:31 PM

Am I the only one getting really depressed when I come down from Suni? It is really strong and not triggered by any personal circumstances. It's usually gone by the next day but I find it's making me want to write sunifram off in favor of piracetam or phenylpiracetam which are much more predictable.

Edited by abelard lindsay, 28 April 2013 - 09:33 PM.

#629 Q did it!

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:38 PM

Am I the only one getting really depressed when I come down from Suni? It is really strong and not triggered by any personal circumstances. It's usually gone by the next day but I find it's making me want to write sunifram off in favor of piracetam or phenylpiracetam which are much more predictable.

Could you list your complete stack and times when doses are taken. This should help us to further understand you situation (Do you still take L-Phenylalanine). I have got a depressed a few times after coming off Sunifiam but I just altered my stack to compensate and it no longer happens. (I take 10mg Sunifiam in the morning)

Edit: Also do you try to go for walks or seek out stimuli to keep your mind entertained. Physical exercise seems to enhance Sunifiram might be due to the AMPA receptors.

Edited by Q did it!, 28 April 2013 - 09:42 PM.

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#630 golden1

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:55 PM

Am I the only one getting really depressed when I come down from Suni? It is really strong and not triggered by any personal circumstances. It's usually gone by the next day but I find it's making me want to write sunifram off in favor of piracetam or phenylpiracetam which are much more predictable.

how long from when you dose do you start getting depressed? oh and does it happen after just 1 isolated dose or over a couple days of taking it and then stopping?

Edited by golden1, 28 April 2013 - 11:25 PM.

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