Posted 01 May 2013 - 11:49 PM

Posted 02 May 2013 - 12:11 AM
Posted 02 May 2013 - 05:06 AM
Again I ask... are you all not dosing way too high? I have tried 1mg and 500 mcg doses with some good results.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 05:27 AM
BTW, these cheats deleted their website:
Posted 02 May 2013 - 06:14 AM
Someone on Reddit is proposing that the manic-depression from Sunifiram is consistent with the manic-depression exhibited with high dose Piracetam.
Again I ask... are you all not dosing way too high? I have tried 1mg and 500 mcg doses with some good results.
Yes. I am dosing with 6-7mg every other day with very nice results. Sometimes less is more.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 06:52 AM
Posted 02 May 2013 - 12:13 PM
Edited by Megatrone, 02 May 2013 - 12:14 PM.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 12:39 PM
Yesterday I dosed at a more early time (12pm) and had no problem going to sleep at 2AM. Slept well, so yeah, it def robs you of your sleep if taken to late, or too much.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 05:20 PM
This is when I connected the altered subconsciousness to a younger version of myself. This is very hard to describe, but I felt as though the way my mind unconsciously perceived things had changed. The initial feelings which affect my thought pattern had been changed. As an example, when looking at a picture of some scenery, or some sort of character, I felt some sort of subconscious feeling that triggered thoughts of longing, hope, dreams etc, depending on the picture. This happened very often in the past, but is something else that I feel like I lost from my youth. When I look at a picture I can appreciate the beauty and art, but that magical feeling is gone. I feel as though Sunifiram brought that back to my subconscious.
I am in my early to mid twenties, so I speculate that perhaps people noticed these things, but were unable to remember/connect them to the past. Something else that I have been pondering, is that perhaps the saturated color is something we lose eventually as we age. As I don't feel that I have lost much, if any of my color perception, it wasn't anything that was brought back.
I know exactly what you mean. I did not feel this from sunifram, but I have felt this from cannabis before, and it's my favourite thing about it. For me a it's a feeling, say I'm walking home through the streetlights and I will get a feeling that I haven't felt since I was a kid. I will feel the same emotions and have the same feeling/valeus about life. It's an amazing feeling.
Thanks so much for this feedback.

It reminds me: Lately whenever I travel and revisit places I've been to in my childhood I get these overwhelming sensations and memory-related 'flash-backs', - they're so strong especially in nature and suburban areas that I often have to stop on my bike and stand still and absorb. I got this with Piracetam years ago, a weak effect, but Coluracetam and Sunifiram definitely intensify this, there's no doubt in my mind.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 05:49 PM

Posted 02 May 2013 - 07:56 PM
For me a it's a feeling, say I'm walking home through the streetlights and I will get a feeling that I haven't felt since I was a kid. I will feel the same emotions and have the same feeling/valeus about life. It's an amazing feeling.
I got this the first few times I did Suni, and it was indeed amazing. The strongest was probably the third time I used it - I'd taken Oxi and Pram about an hour before hand, and then I stacked Suni (about 10 mg) with DMAA and caffeine. I had some 80's music playing in the background while I was getting dressed, and all of a sudden the Suni kicked in, and I swear it *was* 1989 and I was 8 years old again. I can't even begin to describe what exactly changed, but all these little nuances just shifted back to exactly how I perceived the world as a little kid. The song I was listening to seemed to have triggered it - I had some vague, disjointed memory of the song being on the radio one day when I'd been outside playing with my friends, and then BOOM, everything just shifted and I felt exactly like I was 8 - the way the air smelled, the way the music sounded, my thoughts, my emotions, my enchantment with the world, everything.
Unfortunately, I haven't experienced this (or any of the other strong blissful\happy Suni effects) again, despite taking it several more times over the past few days, which is a huge disappointment! I was hoping the anecdotal reports of Suni having a reverse tolerance would hold true for me. Has anyone had any luck figuring out if it has cross-tolerance with anything else?
Posted 02 May 2013 - 07:58 PM
For me a it's a feeling, say I'm walking home through the streetlights and I will get a feeling that I haven't felt since I was a kid. I will feel the same emotions and have the same feeling/valeus about life. It's an amazing feeling.
I got this the first few times I did Suni, and it was indeed amazing. The strongest was probably the third time I used it - I'd taken Oxi and Pram about an hour before hand, and then I stacked Suni (about 10 mg) with DMAA and caffeine. I had some 80's music playing in the background while I was getting dressed, and all of a sudden the Suni kicked in, and I swear it *was* 1989 and I was 8 years old again. I can't even begin to describe what exactly changed, but all these little nuances just shifted back to exactly how I perceived the world as a little kid. The song I was listening to seemed to have triggered it - I had some vague, disjointed memory of the song being on the radio one day when I'd been outside playing with my friends, and then BOOM, everything just shifted and I felt exactly like I was 8 - the way the air smelled, the way the music sounded, my thoughts, my emotions, my enchantment with the world, everything.
Unfortunately, I haven't experienced this (or any of the other strong blissful\happy Suni effects) again, despite taking it several more times over the past few days, which is a huge disappointment! I was hoping the anecdotal reports of Suni having a reverse tolerance would hold true for me. Has anyone had any luck figuring out if it has cross-tolerance with anything else?
How much are you guys taking? I used to get that feeling from methylphenidate when I first started taking it. That's why I asked you if these effects you are describing could be stemming from catecholaminergic transmission enhancement.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:22 PM
AMPA stimulation may result in noradrenaline release. Further, in the 2003 paper the researches speculated additional catecholamine release as a cause for the NMDA activity.Here is the quote from the paperHow much are you guys taking? I used to get that feeling from methylphenidate when I first started taking it. That's why I asked you if these effects you are describing could be stemming from catecholaminergic transmission enhancement.
it could be proposed that DM232 and DM235 might influence the AMPA-induced release of neurotransmitters others than noradrenaline, which might in turn facilitate NMDA receptor functions.
However, this was not obseved with Aniracetam see in this study.
However, positive allosteric modulators of AMPA receptors such as aniracetam failed to potentiate AMPA-mediated noradrenaline release in hippocampal slices, whereas cyclothiazide potently enhanced (S)-AMPA-mediated [3H]noradrenaline release
So is Sunifiram a stimulant? well.. in 2006 the researchers noted no change in the spontaneous motility of mice,
Edited by peakplasma, 02 May 2013 - 08:35 PM.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:31 PM
I tried 50mg doses of Sunifiram earlier this week and I find 5mg-10mg to be more effective.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:36 PM
In the 2006 study, the researchers noted no change in the spontaneous motility of mice which I assume evaluates the potential for a stimulant.
Edited by peakplasma, 02 May 2013 - 08:38 PM.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:40 PM
I tried to do a ninja edit there..
In the 2006 study, the researchers noted no change in the spontaneous motility of mice which I assume evaluates the potential for a stimulant.
I know motility is an industry-standard measure of stimulative properties of a compound but what if it is a very specific central nervous system stimulant due to its indirect influence? I'm just speculating of course.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:54 PM
Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:55 PM
How much are you guys taking? I used to get that feeling from methylphenidate when I first started taking it. That's why I asked you if these effects you are describing could be stemming from catecholaminergic transmission enhancement.
I've taken 5-10mg of Suni each time I experienced this, and it was by far the strongest the time when I stacked it with DMAA and caffeine. (I'd stacked with caffeine alone a previous time, and although I did get this feeling, it wasn't nearly as intense.) I've never used Ritalin, so I can't make a comparison there, but I have used Adderall, DMAA, and DMAA stacked with caffeine. Adderall and the DMAA + caffeine stack both give me a happy euphoric feeling, but neither of them did anything like *this*. Same deal with Phenylpiracetam - happy, euphoric, almost manic, but nothing like this "holy crap, I'm a little kid again and the world just shifted" deal I got with Suni. The only time I've experienced anything even remotely similar has been a few times with cannabis, but even then, it was weak, hazy, disjointed, and easily chalked up to simply being high. With Suni it was crystal clear, downright amazing, and I wasn't remotely "high" or in a haze at all.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 09:00 PM
As you've mentioned, I get that "feeling like a kid again" effect from cannabis too but it is coupled with laziness and mental fog.
Edited by therein, 02 May 2013 - 09:00 PM.
Posted 02 May 2013 - 09:14 PM
Posted 02 May 2013 - 10:05 PM
Posted 03 May 2013 - 02:55 AM
Oh and he's getting it from the same Chinese chemco as New Star Nootropics is - TrustWe Group.
All Sunifiram on the consumer market - at least until yesterday when Sun Nootropic put theirs up for sale - is from them so there's no difference in purity.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:08 AM
Sun Nootropic added another sales unit size for their new Sunifiram sale!
50g: $99.18 + $39.16 EMS Fee = $138.34 TOTAL
Finally! Bye-bye New Star Nootropics!
Now I can afford to really raise the dose - I will be buying 50g Sunifiram every other month and instead of consuming a pitiful, paltry 5g/month, I will be chowing down on 25g/month

That means 138mg/dose x 6/day = 828mg/day.
When combined with PIR/OXI it shall yield the highest level of anti-fatigue combined with the greatest brain amplification and memory potentiation.
What a fool I was to buy another ten grams of Sunifiram from New Star Nootropics!
If I had waited but a few more days then I could have had my Sunifiram 5.2x cheaper!
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:15 AM
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:29 AM
SunifiRAM continues to work as expected - my sleep hours continue to be in the impossible range: 5.5h - 6.5h.
Dreams continue but there isn't as much time for them and they are not as memorable to concurrent usage of 5F-AKB48 - which just like its natural partner decreases my dream quality/recall.
Yet now two new phenomena intrude into my life:
1. Eternal Awake. Even while I sleep - and even as my sleep is consolidated - the sleep is very light. I cannot sleep during the day even if I want to. My mind is burned by the brutal bright cold daylight. There is a shift from a balance of sleep/dream/silence/otherworld to awake/clear/bright/thisworld. Without proper management this kind of constant function can be draining, vicious, upsetting, and generally disruptive to a life-course based on lower-energy functioning. Thus I must decide between this state of perfection which is a driver and won't let me go, and the old state - the state of lower racetams, which is a state of tiredness, lower energy and less clarity but which permits unrestricted sleep.
I choose to stay Sunny. I will chase this star until I can hold it tight in my hand and in my mind without becoming burnt by it.
2. Something else. I can't explain it but this effect is becoming stronger every day. It's like a part of myself never finished developing but now it has the right molecular nutrient to complete its growth phase. That unflowering is becoming evident.
3. Visual-Temporal time desync. Ever since not long after I started with the Mary Jane so long ago, I started noticing something peculiar: my rate of brain function varies instantly depending on my visual focus. If I stand looking at a street of cars but just look at the street and omit following any of the cars with my eyes, then the cars move at a certain Speed A. Now if I follow the cars with my eyes, they slow down to Speed B. I conclude the effect is due to my brain changing processing speed depending on the context of visual data inflow. I believe the effect is disoptimal, since it never occurred when I was younger. I tried all the racetams - and though Piracetam prevented dizziness when moving/turning quickly, neither it nor any other racetam modified the speed delta when visual contextswitching activated.
Only days after I started Sunifiram I made the nice mistake of looking at cars on the road. Except they moved at exactly the same speed no matter how I changed my focal context. From that day to this: total cure. My brain now runs at unitary speed - also reflected in my typing, which runs at unitary speed now with each letter falling into its own temporal 'hole' in exact sequence. Musics and sounds fit into the holes too! Even now as I listen each note falls into the exact correct place. The timing is right too - a perfection of synthetic invariance.
I prefer this method of biofunction. I can feel its ideal, steady traction - and now I am convinced that this molecule made my brain into a machine that could endure for eternity.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:40 AM
And now it is time for another decompression of reportage.
SunifiRAM continues to work as expected - my sleep hours continue to be in the impossible range: 5.5h - 6.5h.
Dreams continue but there isn't as much time for them and they are not as memorable to concurrent usage of 5F-AKB48 - which just like its natural partner decreases my dream quality/recall.
Yet now two new phenomena intrude into my life:
1. Eternal Awake. Even while I sleep - and even as my sleep is consolidated - the sleep is very light. I cannot sleep during the day even if I want to. My mind is burned by the brutal bright cold daylight. There is a shift from a balance of sleep/dream/silence/otherworld to awake/clear/bright/thisworld. Without proper management this kind of constant function can be draining, vicious, upsetting, and generally disruptive to a life-course based on lower-energy functioning. Thus I must decide between this state of perfection which is a driver and won't let me go, and the old state - the state of lower racetams, which is a state of tiredness, lower energy and less clarity but which permits unrestricted sleep.
I choose to stay Sunny. I will chase this star until I can hold it tight in my hand and in my mind without becoming burnt by it.
2. Something else. I can't explain it but this effect is becoming stronger every day. It's like a part of myself never finished developing but now it has the right molecular nutrient to complete its growth phase. That unflowering is becoming evident.
3. Visual-Temporal time desync. Ever since not long after I started with the Mary Jane so long ago, I started noticing something peculiar: my rate of brain function varies instantly depending on my visual focus. If I stand looking at a street of cars but just look at the street and omit following any of the cars with my eyes, then the cars move at a certain Speed A. Now if I follow the cars with my eyes, they slow down to Speed B. I conclude the effect is due to my brain changing processing speed depending on the context of visual data inflow. I believe the effect is disoptimal, since it never occurred when I was younger. I tried all the racetams - and though Piracetam prevented dizziness when moving/turning quickly, neither it nor any other racetam modified the speed delta when visual contextswitching activated.
Only days after I started Sunifiram I made the nice mistake of looking at cars on the road. Except they moved at exactly the same speed no matter how I changed my focal context. From that day to this: total cure. My brain now runs at unitary speed - also reflected in my typing, which runs at unitary speed now with each letter falling into its own temporal 'hole' in exact sequence. Musics and sounds fit into the holes too! Even now as I listen each note falls into the exact correct place. The timing is right too - a perfection of synthetic invariance.
I prefer this method of biofunction. I can feel its ideal, steady traction - and now I am convinced that this molecule made my brain into a machine that could endure for eternity.
I have been taking 10mg of Suni every morning for a little under two weeks. My sleep cycles were shortened but went back to normal about the fifth day in. I do take 3mg melatonin every night (for the last 2.5 mouths and will continue to do so) and noticed that the effects of melatonin have been much much stronger after I started taking Suni. I will be starting to take Suni twice daily at 10mg at the start of next week.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:42 AM
Also, I am taking some 20mg+ of 5F-AKB48 in the dark right before bed each night.
Just like natural cannabis, this synthetic xenomolecule is an agonist at both CB1 and CB2 receptors and allows me to sleep under the most difficult circumstances.
And just like natural cannabis, when I run out I cannot sleep for days - when taking low-powered racetams.
However, I will be on Sunifiram/OXI combo when it runs out in about a month, and I fully expect absolute horrors of insomnia.
Even now I just don't need enough sleep to fill the blank space where sleep ought to be in my daily cycle - though I have noticed that since starting Sunifiram my sleep hours did rebound by about one hour. We fill our lives with so much that depends on the human body's intrinsic cycles. Then a total distruptor like Sunifiram comes along and wrecks that careful fabric.
It's a crisis that's slowly becoming larger than the similar yet milder awakemare I reported when I first started Piracetam in Summer 2008.
It's so strange to be this awake in the midafternoon, when the usual slumps, fadeouts and slumbers occur. Yet, I can't just stop even if there's nothing to do and even though my head's pretty empty of thoughts. It's because of the impossible awakeness caused by Sunifiram. There's an annoying, slightly insane madness to it.
Yet I hate much more the daily exhaustion, the destroying fatigue of afternoons lost in microsleeps, slumps, myriad fatigues and ultimately unproductive sleeps.
Still, Sunifiram makes my brain feel like it's running a race with just precisely down to the tenth decimal place enough (sleep*quality) to execute another day. I can't tell if I am net losing or net gaining (sleep*quality) each day. It's that close. So close to the cutting edge my ass is coleslaw.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 03 May 2013 - 03:49 AM.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:56 AM
What I really mean is that Sunifiram eternalizes my waking mind.
Also, I am taking some 20mg+ of 5F-AKB48 in the dark right before bed each night.
Just like natural cannabis, this synthetic xenomolecule is an agonist at both CB1 and CB2 receptors and allows me to sleep under the most difficult circumstances.
And just like natural cannabis, when I run out I cannot sleep for days - when taking low-powered racetams.
However, I will be on Sunifiram/OXI combo when it runs out in about a month, and I fully expect absolute horrors of insomnia.
Even now I just don't need enough sleep to fill the blank space where sleep ought to be in my daily cycle - though I have noticed that since starting Sunifiram my sleep hours did rebound by about one hour. We fill our lives with so much that depends on the human body's intrinsic cycles. Then a total distruptor like Sunifiram comes along and wrecks that careful fabric.
It's a crisis that's slowly becoming larger than the similar yet milder awakemare I reported when I first started Piracetam in Summer 2008.
It's so strange to be this awake in the midafternoon, when the usual slumps, fadeouts and slumbers occur. Yet, I can't just stop even if there's nothing to do and even though my head's pretty empty of thoughts. It's because of the impossible awakeness caused by Sunifiram. There's an annoying, slightly insane madness to it.
Yet I hate much more the daily exhaustion, the destroying fatigue of afternoons lost in microsleeps, slumps, myriad fatigues and ultimately unproductive sleeps.
Still, Sunifiram makes my brain feel like it's running a race with just precisely down to the tenth decimal place enough (sleep*quality) to execute another day. I can't tell if I am net losing or net gaining (sleep*quality) each day. It's that close. So close to the cutting edge my ass is coleslaw.
Have you given a sleep study any thought? Would be interested to hear of the results if you did. Having brain activity monitored while your asleep could lead into some greater understating of what is happening.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 04:11 AM
Seems they channeled my marketing-brain: I thought to myself as I was adding their Sunifiram sales to the Racetam Prices list: "If only they would sell 50g in the hundred-dollar range, then I would drop New Star Nootropics in a heartbeat and buy from them!".
So you see, your fondest wishes can come true if you direct them at the Chinese. They make wishes come true!
I gave it some thoughts but they were Sunifiram-tainted :(
So now I just use the watch method: check watch at bedtime then check watch at waketime.
Posted 03 May 2013 - 04:23 AM
I have reason to believe I may be having a manic episode for a little over a week. The orientation of my persona has seemed to have shifted very noticeably, upbeat mood need for less sleep, I awaken full of energy, increase in libido and many other things have changed since I have added Suni to my stack. I am not sure if the effects are good, I feel much better on this stack than any other I have devised but am questioning whether I really am any better? Or is this some kind of mirage cast by the Sunifiram? I am starting to worry about Sunifirams unknown side effects.
Edited by Q did it!, 03 May 2013 - 04:45 AM.
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