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#1171 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:42 PM

Mixing *firams with *finils, I see. Please do it a few more times so you end up with the same lasting side effects as me. Then we can find a treatment together.

I've done it nearly a dozen times now without side effects. Worth noting I am (back) on Carbamazepine after discontinuing it for a brief SJS scare, however. Also worth noting I'm naturally someone who dislikes benzos. So YMMV. Don't try this at home. I'm a trained professional, etc :laugh:

Has oxcarbazepine been effective at all for you?

Edited by 3AlarmLampscooter, 03 July 2013 - 04:47 PM.

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#1172 Climactic

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:47 PM

Mixing *firams with *finils, I see. Please do it a few more times so you end up with the same lasting side effects as me. Then we can find a treatment together.

I've done it nearly a dozen times now without side effects. Worth noting I am (back) on Carbamazepine, however.

Ah, I can see how the carbamazepine might be helping keeping things in check. By the way, why not take oxcarbazepine instead for safety? Also, I have noticed propranolol XR helps me a bit, if only temporarily, but not sufficiently without getting an unacceptable drop in BP & HR.

Believe it or not, but I am still waiting for ADC to ship my package. Apparently they're out of stock on some drug that's holding it up. Meanwhile, my neurologist has suggested I try 500mg Depakote ER, i.e. valproic acid as divalproex sodium for 3 weeks. I will later report whether it works.

Edited by Climactic, 03 July 2013 - 04:51 PM.

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#1173 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:00 PM

Ah, I can see how the carbamazepine might be helping keeping things in check. By the way, why not take oxcarbazepine instead for safety? Also, I have noticed propranolol XR helps me a bit, if only temporarily, but not sufficiently without getting an unacceptable drop in BP & HR.

Believe it or not, but I am still waiting for ADC to ship my package. Apparently they're out of stock on some drug that's holding it up. Meanwhile, my neurologist has suggested I try 500mg Depakote ER, i.e. valproic acid as divalproex sodium for 3 weeks. I will later report whether it works.

Really I probably should be on Oxcarbazepine instead, seeing as I already freaked about SJS once. For some reason my shrink likes carbamazepine better. But aside from that, I've noticed no side effects. I'm also naturally bradycardic and hypertensive, propranolol doesn't cause too many side effects for me. Drops my BP to the lower end of normal on higher doses, but not much of an effect on HR. Can't notice any issues unless I'm trying to run 10km+.

In fact the only two drugs I've ever been on that have caused me serious side effects were clonaezepam and quetiapine.

Depakote sounds like quite a plausible treatment to me, but I'm a bit curious why he didn't just write out a script for Oxcarbazepine?

Also I can recommend unitedpharmacies for decently quick shipping, and they stock both Oxcarb and Tegretol.
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#1174 tritium

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:43 PM

I feel that Noopept works best for me. So, I'd be willing to sell my NSN sunifiram for $10 and oxiracetam for $90. Offering free unifiram if someone wants both of the previous.
sunifiram - about 500 mg left of 1g
oxiracetam - 185 to 190 mg left of 200 mg
unifiram - 100 to 150 mg left of 250mg.
Always used clean scoops in a sanitary environment. PM if interested.
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#1175 health_nutty

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 11:58 PM

I feel that Noopept works best for me. So, I'd be willing to sell my NSN sunifiram for $10 and oxiracetam for $90. Offering free unifiram if someone wants both of the previous.

I'm getting the best results from noopept as well.

#1176 xsiv1

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:23 AM

For some reason, my body just jibes well with Aniracetam, lower dose Noopept (10-5mgs) and Krill Oil. I say 10-5 mgs of Noopept because I find that by the third or fourth day of use, like clockwork, I get irritable. To compensate, I drop the dose to 5mgs for the last day or two. I'm kind of diggin' sporadic use of phenylpiracetam as well. I've been using it a couple times a week and like the stimulating feeling it gives me in the morning. I've used it on the same days as the CILTEP stack without any noticeable adverse effects. Still waiting for an opportune time to try my Sunifiram, but it'll be in low doses - slowly titrating up and then re-assessing it's use given that it's such a novel substance.

#1177 ThePhoeron

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:48 AM

I've also been having good results with noopept, stacked with suni and oxiracetam. It seems to work best with lower doses of oxiracetam---150mg tops. I also tried the stack with 350mg, 530mg, and 710mg of oxiracetam, but that seemed to make me more and more foggy with less interest in doing anything, more inclined to just stare off into space and day-dream. Is that typical of oxiracetam?

I haven't noticed any irritability from the noopept yet, but the suni rounds it out nicely. When I tried the noopept on its own, however, it was giving me a bit of anxiety, stomach-clenching nervousness being outside and around people---so I can see how on its own, it would probably lead to irritability. Also, I've been finishing these stack days with 2.4g's Piracetam, two to four hours before going to bed---on the days that I skipped the piracetam, my sleep was fitful and restless and I woke up the next day feeling burned out; but on the days with the piracetam night-cap, I sleep great, have nice dreams, and feel much more grounded the next morning instead of burned out.

Much earlier in this thread, a few people were wondering how suni stacked with psychedelics. I managed to get a blotter for Canada Day, and the results were very interesting. I had taken my "red pill" mix of 5mg suni + 10mg noopept + 150mg oxiracetam first thing in the morning, so I waited four hours until the morning dose wore off. It only took 20 minutes for the blotter to kick in, and I have never felt so high in my entire life, not off anything---the 5mg suni definitely potentiated the single tab, which lasted a full 12 hours, but the hallucinations were nearly all physical, in the body, a lot of weird sensations. After about 4 hours I "felt" some rainbow streaks and got fairly giddy, but that was pretty much as close as I got to visual hallucinations. My awareness of the world was greatly expanded, it seemed as if I was aware of twice as much detail as I've become used to on the noots, and as a result, time itself seemed to be moving along at half-speed, though not in slow motion. Six hours in I started craving coffee, so I made one, but it didn't really seem to do much. Eight hours in I became concerned that the trip wasn't over yet, so I took 2.4g's piracetam hoping it would ground me like normal. The last four hours went a bit smoother---I still felt very high, very hyper-aware, and there seemed to be some shadows and lights dancing around the periphery of my vision, but I buckled down and focused intently on Fringe. The fireworks displays spread across the Toronto skyline were a nice touch, too. A lot of sparklers. Twenty minutes after the twelve-hour mark, I was suddenly back at baseline.

It's been 11 years since the last time I dropped acid, and 9 years since I last did shrooms, but I remember all my trips quite clearly---this was significantly more potent and physical. Some body sensations are expected, but it was as if my conscious mind refused to let go and let the acid do its thing. So on top of potentiating other drugs, suni (as a part of its mechanism of action on the brain) also seems to reinforce the ego. I'm not sure whether or not this is desirable. I wasn't able to get to the clear light, and while I certainly had plenty of little insights, it's not like I had any transcendent visions or revelations. For a few hours I felt pretty self-indulgent, perfectly happy to lock myself in my apartment and do absolutely nothing but stare off into space and experience the experience, but later into the trip I had no trouble chatting online, discussing technology and such as if I wasn't even on anything.

The experience did get me thinking about the fictional NZT-48, though. To recreate the experience as depicted in the movie, I think there does need to be a psychedelic component to the nootropic mix---but perhaps something gentler than acid would be better, such as a low dose of pure psilocybin. I've never tried modafinil though, so I can't say whether Isochroma's experience with suni + modafinil is representative. Another aspect of NZT-48 that can't be ignored when trying to recreate it, is that once the formula is tweaked and improved by the end of the movie, it has a permanent procognitive effect, and it's suggested that it doesn't have to be taken permanently. The one racetam that does this is Coluracetam, by enhancing high-affinity choline uptake and changing the choline transporter regulatory system for long-lasting procognitive effects. It should be interesting to stack coluracetam with phenylpiracetam, since phenylpiracetam has a stimulatory effect of its own. Combine those with sunifiram or unifiram and a low dose of a psychedelic... I think we can expect that to be a mind-blowing mix.
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#1178 mkUltra999

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 03:59 PM

I have to say that I, too, have found that Noopept really works well for me. I stack it with Aniracetam and the two together, for my needs, seem to compliment one another perfecty. I felt that way since the day I tried Noopept, and I have found that it has remained constant in terms of the benefits I glean from it. Same with Aniracetam, which agreed with me from the first time I ingested it. I have to say that the combo is just right for me. Interestingly enough, while I am an extremely verbal person who talks A LOT, Noopept seems to really, really enhance my verbal fluidity, to the point where I feel I my verbalizations seem like machine-gun fire. I've always been aware, being hyper verbal, that not everyone is interesting in conversation as an art form, but for me, it is, though I temper my compulsion to talk so as not to be off-putting. The good news is that in my line of work, I am around people who are all researchers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other therapists like myself, so we tend to be a riffing bunch who, for the most part, love to talk about things that compel us. I just wanted to jump on that Noopept train, though, because I'll be damned if it isn't my favorite nootropic. Just for the record, I've been trialing Unifiram, too, which I rather like. Moreso than Sunifiram, which I do have a vertain affinity for at low doses as a potentiator. I never mega-dose with anything, and certainly never did with Sunifiram, nor do I plan to. I subscribed to the "less CAN be better" school of thought, for sure. And I am very happy with my stack at this point, and to to my knowledge, am not aware of any negative/adverse effects.

Oh, and I recently got some of the white phenylpiracetam from NS, it I am REALLY liking that. I am glad I bought ten grams of it when I could get it. I'll post more on that later.

#1179 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 06:01 PM

The experience did get me thinking about the fictional NZT-48, though. To recreate the experience as depicted in the movie, I think there does need to be a psychedelic component to the nootropic mix---but perhaps something gentler than acid would be better, such as a low dose of pure psilocybin. I've never tried modafinil though, so I can't say whether Isochroma's experience with suni + modafinil is representative. Another aspect of NZT-48 that can't be ignored when trying to recreate it, is that once the formula is tweaked and improved by the end of the movie, it has a permanent procognitive effect, and it's suggested that it doesn't have to be taken permanently. The one racetam that does this is Coluracetam, by enhancing high-affinity choline uptake and changing the choline transporter regulatory system for long-lasting procognitive effects. It should be interesting to stack coluracetam with phenylpiracetam, since phenylpiracetam has a stimulatory effect of its own. Combine those with sunifiram or unifiram and a low dose of a psychedelic... I think we can expect that to be a mind-blowing mix.

And everyone was worried about PKC-α with Sunifiram... just wait until everyone is on 5-HT2A receptor agonists all day long. ;)
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#1180 Climactic

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 06:07 PM

It should be interesting to stack coluracetam with phenylpiracetam, since phenylpiracetam has a stimulatory effect of its own. Combine those with sunifiram or unifiram and a low dose of a psychedelic... I think we can expect that to be a mind-blowing mix.

You're suggesting mixes of powerful agents with no regard whatsoever to safety. Please proceed, and when there are some permanent anti-cognitive effects due to receptors or neurotransmitters having gotten out of proportion, that's when you'll know what mind-"blowing" means.
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#1181 xsiv1

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 07:20 PM

Ah, this all reminds me of the days when I took bodybuilding with some seriousness. Never competed, never had the desire to - but I do remember friends of friends becoming insulin-dependent, hypothyroidal, depressed for a long time when they were using substances that caused actual permanent damage to their metabolisms, namely insulin and T3 lol Testosterone variants always played games (mental and physical) but somehow they've managed to go unscathed up until now. Nowadays, I train with some common sense both aerobically and using resistance but this wasn't always the case. Something about permanently altering the way ACh functions in the CNS (without the use of any compounds) is a tad, well, scary in that so much of your sleep, mood/emotional state and cognition is dependent on various balancing acts. However, you'll never stop people from continuing to experiment with anything they can take that may effect their bodies and minds. Realistically speaking, and with this truth in mind, it does inevitably wind up being "for science" lol. I hate to be crass about it and I'm definitely a proponent of harm reduction (had I only knew what alcohol really did to the brain during my drinking days) but sometimes people will simply learn things the hard way...over and over and over again. It was William Blake who stated, "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom; for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough".
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#1182 ThePhoeron

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Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:12 PM

I think it goes without saying that taking any street drug is foolhardy at best, and I'm well aware of the risks---so there's no need to be sarcastic with me, Climactic. It also goes without saying that you should never take any psychedelics if you're on lithium, tricyclics, any SSRIs or MAOIs, or predisposed-to/currently-diagnosed-with a mental illness, stressed out, or depressed. It's actually a good thing that so many people are terrified of psychedelics, because there are a lot of people that should never, ever take them. I think it's also worth noting that a lot of people on here take benzos and other prescription drugs that I would never touch in a million years, and that as far as I know, also should not be mixed with psychedelics. I'm not on any medication, I don't have a mental illness, I'm not at risk of developing one, and I've used salvia, lsd, and shrooms individually in the past without ill effects. I stopped using all drugs years ago, including alcohol, for purely personal (and arguably spiritual) reasons. This experiment was very unlike my usual habits, and not one I'm likely to repeat. But honestly, I'm more concerned with the fact that I'm still a smoker even though I've been trying to quit since 2008---I know tobacco is killing me.

3Alarm: There's no point taking serotonin receptor agonists on a regular basis, though---because of the immediate tolerance and cross-tolerance between psychedelics for a few days post-dosing. The most often you can take LSD is once a week, and even Timothy Leary considered that extreme.

The main reason I decided to trial suni and a single blotter is simply because no one else has reported doing so, and only two other users have stacked it with any other psychedelic (but they had good results, despite also taking benzos). See golden1's entry (#709) on page 24 of this thread (who stacked it with 2C-E), and marekso's entry (#744) on page 25 (who stacked it with shrooms). I didn't use controls, so I can't honestly claim---as xsiv1 put it---that I did this experiment "for science", but I did take a big risk "for the community". Given the well-known adverse reactions with other drugs, the absolute prerequisite of psychological stability, and the individual's need to overcome the deeply instilled fear of psychedelic compounds, I don't think I need to retract anything I said earlier this morning. But I do wish it wasn't too late to edit that post and add a disclaimer and acknowledgement of risk...

As for my suggestion-in-poor-taste for recreating the experience of NZT-48 (as depicted in the movie), well... all I can say in my defense is that not every insight you get on acid is a good one.

PS for xsiv1: great quote from William Blake, btw; I'd up-vote your post twice if I could.
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#1183 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 07:37 AM

I think it's also worth noting that a lot of people on here take benzos and other prescription drugs that I would never touch in a million years, and that as far as I know, also should not be mixed with psychedelics.

Actually, benzos specifically mix well with psychodelics from anecdotal evidence I've heard, suppressing a lot of negative symptoms. Benzos in general though are really quite nasty, and should be avoided, speaking from personal prescription experience. They are about as close as you can get to an anti-nootropic without using an axe.

Edit: did get me thinking about inverse benzos as nootropics, like α5IA... :|o

Edited by 3AlarmLampscooter, 05 July 2013 - 07:38 AM.

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#1184 ThePhoeron

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 02:33 PM

Very good point, actually... See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%915IA

#1185 Climactic

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 07:17 PM

The two Japanese sunifiram researchers who are the "corresponding authors" of the 2013 articles on sunifiram have failed me almost completely. Here are their initials and the outcomes of my attempts to contact them:

Author [Email 1] [Email 2]
S.M. No reply. No reply.
K.F. No reply. Replied fast.

Email 1: This was a long email explaining my (and others') side effects, and asking for help with a diagnosis and suggested treatment. Two follow-up attempts were also made over two weeks.
Email 2: This was a short one-line email sent from a different identity asking a straightforward but non-trivial question having to do with the neurological effects of sunifiram.

In summary, they've been quite useless to me. One can wonder what their motivation, or the reason for the lack of it, is. We here go out of our way to help, if only incorrectly, but there are those who can't be bothered to try. I realize they've zero obligation to reply, but unless they're extremely busy doing challenging life-saving work all day everyday, it does speak of their character.

Before you ask me why I didn't bother to write the American author (T.N.), he was old and he passed away earlier this year.

Edited by Climactic, 05 July 2013 - 07:37 PM.

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#1186 xsiv1

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 09:41 PM

Climactic, have your symptoms shown any reduction with the passing of time or are you still experiencing headaches daily? I'm hoping there's some progress here as your brain tries to rebalance itself.

I still find it curious that Isochroma hasn't chimed in for some time. At the very least, to give some inkling of information as to how he's doing or feeling given the doses and combinations he has been using. Good, bad, working well, not working well, alive, sick? I know you don't owe anyone anything, but let us know something given the fact that there are still people out their contemplating it's use. You were contributing on nearly every other page as to sunifiram's prowess in, well, I'm not even sure if it was in the area of cognitive improvement, learning or memory but it was a whole whack of things lol. Have you discontinued it's use, experienced any side effects?

If, for some reason, I missed this very type of post somewhere along the way... disregard above please, and thanks for your feedback! :blink:

#1187 Climactic

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:04 PM

Climactic, have your symptoms shown any reduction with the passing of time or are you still experiencing headaches daily? I'm hoping there's some progress here as your brain tries to rebalance itself.

I still find it curious that Isochroma hasn't chimed in for some time. At the very least, to give some inkling of information as to how he's doing or feeling given the doses and combinations he has been using. Good, bad, working well, not working well, alive, sick? I know you don't owe anyone anything, but let us know something given the fact that there are still people out their contemplating it's use. You were contributing on nearly every other page as to sunifiram's prowess in, well, I'm not even sure if it was in the area of cognitive improvement, learning or memory but it was a whole whack of things lol. Have you discontinued it's use, experienced any side effects?

The symptoms experienced by me and Rudy have shown no reduction or improvement whatsoever. Yes, I am experiencing headaches daily, and right now as I'm writing this message. L-theanine 200mg taken several times a day helps me very temporarily. I have lately tried 40-80mg XR propranolol which also helps, but not perfectly, and is probably insufficient to reverse the problem without lowering my vitals too much. I will soon try something else, and remain hopeful. I also haven't been able to fall asleep all of last month without 200mg L-theanine. The relative permanence of the effects is astounding. It goes to show the power of some drug/combinations, whether for good or bad.

Isochroma-Reborn has been following this thread, and has been fairly active on Longecity, especially on the unifiram threads. Going by his posts, he's apparently doing all right and is still a believer. I think this thread is now too toxic for him to touch, in the same way that a preacher probably won't try preaching to atheists, but will prefer the sheep instead.

Edited by Climactic, 05 July 2013 - 10:07 PM.

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#1188 Mr. Pink

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 10:57 PM

i haven't posted in this thread, but i've been reading it since the beginning. I purchased 2g of sunifiram from LiftMode on Amazon in the middle of April. It arrived very quickly, even without prime shipping. I first took like 2mg just to test it out, but didn't feel very many effects. I slowly increased the dose. I eventually settled on about 25mg per dose, dosing 1 and sometimes 2 times per day. I took it for 2 months until my semester ended. As far as effects: I didn't get any straight stimulant type effects like people have been talking about. I did experience the side effect that i would wake up at 5 am, but i'd be able to go right back to sleep. I did experience a lack of fatigue throughout the day (like if i pulled an allnighter, i'd be able to be somewhat coherent the next day). I also think i've gotten some improvement in memory (my weakest area of cognition) but don't have objective data to back that up. I've mixed it with noopept, phenylpiracetam, piracetam, phenylethylamine, hordenine, synephrine, choline, caffeine, theanine, bacopa, and various vitamins and minerals, with no ill effects. Overall, i've been very happy with it, but I've also enjoyed taking a month off. I really don't miss waking up in the middle of the night. But I just ordered 2 more grams from LiftMode. That's my honest experience. I'm sympathetic to people that have had bad experiences with it, but it's been good for me for 2 months at 25mg.
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#1189 Isochroma

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Posted 05 July 2013 - 11:23 PM

More than good here :)

Night before last due to circumstances I didn't get one minute of sleep.

The next day I was able to function perfectly without any sleepiness all day - impossible for me!

Daily normal sleeptimes are 5.5-6.5 hours.

Sunifiram is the superpower miraclemolecule that has managed for 2.5 months to shield me from absolutely impossible sleeptimes.

Furthermore I am seeing enormous improvements in cognition by combining it with 270mg x 6/day of Pramiracetam.

Even better, I am dreaming far more now and the dreams are dark and supercomplex and I can remember parts with excellent clarity.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 05 July 2013 - 11:24 PM.

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#1190 health_nutty

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 12:11 AM

More than good here :)

Night before last due to circumstances I didn't get one minute of sleep.

The next day I was able to function perfectly without any sleepiness all day - impossible for me!

Daily normal sleeptimes are 5.5-6.5 hours.

Sunifiram is the superpower miraclemolecule that has managed for 2.5 months to shield me from absolutely impossible sleeptimes.

Furthermore I am seeing enormous improvements in cognition by combining it with 270mg x 6/day of Pramiracetam.

Even better, I am dreaming far more now and the dreams are dark and supercomplex and I can remember parts with excellent clarity.

What is your complete stack?

#1191 DorianGray

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 09:52 AM

The symptoms experienced by me and Rudy have shown no reduction or improvement whatsoever. Yes, I am experiencing headaches daily, and right now as I'm writing this message. L-theanine 200mg taken several times a day helps me very temporarily. I have lately tried 40-80mg XR propranolol which also helps, but not perfectly, and is probably insufficient to reverse the problem without lowering my vitals too much. I will soon try something else, and remain hopeful. I also haven't been able to fall asleep all of last month without 200mg L-theanine. The relative permanence of the effects is astounding. It goes to show the power of some drug/combinations, whether for good or bad.

Have you thought about simply dropping any kind of supplement/nootropic/medication, you are taking right now and let some time pass?

I had an effect, which was described by some guys here, the strong sensation of sounds, as if they were very close, then also some kind of rush of blood through my ear.
But these side effects dissappeared always at least 1 day after discontinuing Sunifiram.

#1192 xsiv1

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 03:55 PM

More than good here :)

Night before last due to circumstances I didn't get one minute of sleep.

The next day I was able to function perfectly without any sleepiness all day - impossible for me!

Daily normal sleeptimes are 5.5-6.5 hours.

Sunifiram is the superpower miraclemolecule that has managed for 2.5 months to shield me from absolutely impossible sleeptimes.

Furthermore I am seeing enormous improvements in cognition by combining it with 270mg x 6/day of Pramiracetam.

Even better, I am dreaming far more now and the dreams are dark and supercomplex and I can remember parts with excellent clarity.

Thanks man. I was a bit concerned and hoped you would contribute again here. It's also really great to hear that this stack is helping you and not hindering your life.

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#1193 Sunwind

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 04:57 PM

Even better, I am dreaming far more now and the dreams are dark and supercomplex and I can remember parts with excellent clarity.

I took 20mg and went to sleep, I woke up from an incredibly vivid dream, and I can STILL remember nearly all of it with perfect clarity, which is pretty incredible as I usually forget my dreams within minutes of waking up, if I remember having any at all. Reinforces my belief that it was the Sunifiram now that I read your post.

Edited by Sunwind, 06 July 2013 - 04:58 PM.

#1194 tritium

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Posted 06 July 2013 - 06:49 PM

More than good here :)

Night before last due to circumstances I didn't get one minute of sleep.

The next day I was able to function perfectly without any sleepiness all day - impossible for me!

Daily normal sleeptimes are 5.5-6.5 hours.

Sunifiram is the superpower miraclemolecule that has managed for 2.5 months to shield me from absolutely impossible sleeptimes.

Furthermore I am seeing enormous improvements in cognition by combining it with 270mg x 6/day of Pramiracetam.

Even better, I am dreaming far more now and the dreams are dark and supercomplex and I can remember parts with excellent clarity.

Even if you could function perfectly with less sleep, isn't it more healthy to regularly get at least 7-8 hours for longevity?
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#1195 Isochroma

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 05:03 AM

For those unlucky few with intractable pain ie. headaches: today I built a page as part of my new personal research project to deal with my own degenerative joint pains.

There is a new agent that is legal in most of the world. It works in ways different from opiates and other painkillers.

This new agent is very safe, does not suppress breathing, there are no withdrawals, it can be used orally and it has a long duration of action - up to all day - and also includes up to a week of antidepressant action from a single small dose.

This agent is called Methoxetamine and I have built a page with a key study, article and user-reports regarding its therapeutic efficiency for pain relief: Methoxetamine for Pain Relief [Mirror].

Recent research using the methods developed to find Racetam suppliers in China has found a number of legitimate 98% purity Chinese manufacturers so I added them to the new MXE Prices list (private).

Several days ago I purchased 5g MXE from a particularly thrifty manufacturer but it has not yet been sent.

Luckily I do not need MXE to control Sunifiram headaches - my uses are different - yet MXE is a remarkably safe agent that can control pains that the strongest opiates cannot touch because its mechanism of action is entirely different. My report also includes the case of one 12-year-old boy whose post-amputation phantom-limb pain was not just controlled but eliminated by Ketamine - a very close relative of MXE.

It is my hope that the hours I have put into compiling the documentation will help others who are suffering.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 07 July 2013 - 05:13 AM.

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#1196 xsiv1

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 11:58 AM

The hunt is on by BigPharma to see how they can use ketamine or one of its analogs without the adverse side effect profile as a new class of antidepressant. It's shown significant promise in this regard but is a pretty good NMDA antagonist. It's utilization will help those suffering from glutamate excitotoxicity. I'm not sure how far they can get with it or at what doses where functioning optimally at work or school isn't hindered because of the dissociation that may occur with its use.

#1197 Babychris

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 03:04 PM

Dissociative effect is like the greatest thing someone can expect in his life.
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#1198 xsiv1

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:32 PM

Dissociative effect is like the greatest thing someone can expect in his life.

Ha, guess it depends on whose life your leading. You wouldn't wanted to feel 'disassociated' at all being an air traffic controller. Now, if you're working 12 hour shifts at the Virgin Mobile booth in the mall answering the same questions from different people over and over again for over a year...yeah, I can see how feeling dissociated may be up your alley. The whole feeling regardless of my occupation is..unsettling to me.
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#1199 Steve Zissou

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 07:55 PM

The symptoms experienced by me and Rudy have shown no reduction or improvement whatsoever. Yes, I am experiencing headaches daily, and right now as I'm writing this message. L-theanine 200mg taken several times a day helps me very temporarily. I have lately tried 40-80mg XR propranolol which also helps, but not perfectly, and is probably insufficient to reverse the problem without lowering my vitals too much. I will soon try something else, and remain hopeful. I also haven't been able to fall asleep all of last month without 200mg L-theanine. The relative permanence of the effects is astounding. It goes to show the power of some drug/combinations, whether for good or bad.

You need to try some marjiuana, it is great for migranes/headaches. Also high doses of magnesium.
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#1200 Climactic

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Posted 07 July 2013 - 08:04 PM

You need to try some marjiuana, it is great for migranes/headaches. Also high doses of magnesium.

Whatever pharmaceutical/chemical therapeutic approach is used must probably have one thing in common - it must be in the system continuously for a few weeks to prevent compensatory reversal of the effects by the body, and to allow epigenetic changes and the effects of those changes to occur. After the three weeks, it must be slowly tapered off.

As for marijuana, if I wanted to use it for treatment, and not just for pain management, I think I'd have to be high on it 24x7 for that period. In any case, it is not legal in my nanny state, and I'm not about to start breaking the law this early in the game.

Edited by Climactic, 07 July 2013 - 08:17 PM.

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