Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:48 AM
I've also been having good results with noopept, stacked with suni and oxiracetam. It seems to work best with lower doses of oxiracetam---150mg tops. I also tried the stack with 350mg, 530mg, and 710mg of oxiracetam, but that seemed to make me more and more foggy with less interest in doing anything, more inclined to just stare off into space and day-dream. Is that typical of oxiracetam?
I haven't noticed any irritability from the noopept yet, but the suni rounds it out nicely. When I tried the noopept on its own, however, it was giving me a bit of anxiety, stomach-clenching nervousness being outside and around people---so I can see how on its own, it would probably lead to irritability. Also, I've been finishing these stack days with 2.4g's Piracetam, two to four hours before going to bed---on the days that I skipped the piracetam, my sleep was fitful and restless and I woke up the next day feeling burned out; but on the days with the piracetam night-cap, I sleep great, have nice dreams, and feel much more grounded the next morning instead of burned out.
Much earlier in this thread, a few people were wondering how suni stacked with psychedelics. I managed to get a blotter for Canada Day, and the results were very interesting. I had taken my "red pill" mix of 5mg suni + 10mg noopept + 150mg oxiracetam first thing in the morning, so I waited four hours until the morning dose wore off. It only took 20 minutes for the blotter to kick in, and I have never felt so high in my entire life, not off anything---the 5mg suni definitely potentiated the single tab, which lasted a full 12 hours, but the hallucinations were nearly all physical, in the body, a lot of weird sensations. After about 4 hours I "felt" some rainbow streaks and got fairly giddy, but that was pretty much as close as I got to visual hallucinations. My awareness of the world was greatly expanded, it seemed as if I was aware of twice as much detail as I've become used to on the noots, and as a result, time itself seemed to be moving along at half-speed, though not in slow motion. Six hours in I started craving coffee, so I made one, but it didn't really seem to do much. Eight hours in I became concerned that the trip wasn't over yet, so I took 2.4g's piracetam hoping it would ground me like normal. The last four hours went a bit smoother---I still felt very high, very hyper-aware, and there seemed to be some shadows and lights dancing around the periphery of my vision, but I buckled down and focused intently on Fringe. The fireworks displays spread across the Toronto skyline were a nice touch, too. A lot of sparklers. Twenty minutes after the twelve-hour mark, I was suddenly back at baseline.
It's been 11 years since the last time I dropped acid, and 9 years since I last did shrooms, but I remember all my trips quite clearly---this was significantly more potent and physical. Some body sensations are expected, but it was as if my conscious mind refused to let go and let the acid do its thing. So on top of potentiating other drugs, suni (as a part of its mechanism of action on the brain) also seems to reinforce the ego. I'm not sure whether or not this is desirable. I wasn't able to get to the clear light, and while I certainly had plenty of little insights, it's not like I had any transcendent visions or revelations. For a few hours I felt pretty self-indulgent, perfectly happy to lock myself in my apartment and do absolutely nothing but stare off into space and experience the experience, but later into the trip I had no trouble chatting online, discussing technology and such as if I wasn't even on anything.
The experience did get me thinking about the fictional NZT-48, though. To recreate the experience as depicted in the movie, I think there does need to be a psychedelic component to the nootropic mix---but perhaps something gentler than acid would be better, such as a low dose of pure psilocybin. I've never tried modafinil though, so I can't say whether Isochroma's experience with suni + modafinil is representative. Another aspect of NZT-48 that can't be ignored when trying to recreate it, is that once the formula is tweaked and improved by the end of the movie, it has a permanent procognitive effect, and it's suggested that it doesn't have to be taken permanently. The one racetam that does this is Coluracetam, by enhancing high-affinity choline uptake and changing the choline transporter regulatory system for long-lasting procognitive effects. It should be interesting to stack coluracetam with phenylpiracetam, since phenylpiracetam has a stimulatory effect of its own. Combine those with sunifiram or unifiram and a low dose of a psychedelic... I think we can expect that to be a mind-blowing mix.
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