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#1291 xsiv1

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:34 PM

After reading the recent report of toxic bulk "choline", I no longer feel inspired to use any Chinese bulk powders that have not been independently tested for purity and contaminants by at least two reliable third-party testing labs. There also are corresponding posts on Longecity about it. These companies can't even get their make-believe-CoAs together. There are plenty of drugs from legit pharmaceutical companies to keep me occupied for a while.

I'm in near complete agreement albeit some western distributors do their own 3rd party testing at independent labs leading them to stick to a certain Chinese supplier. Granted these are smaller samples of what is often an original 25kg. tub. Now, the question remains, do they continue to 3rd party test said products as they arrive in the US or do they all eventually become complacent. That's the danger.

#1292 zongler007

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Posted 20 July 2013 - 04:16 PM

anybody know UK shops (online) where i can buy sunifiram ? couse my guy on ebay is out of stock....

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#1293 jeftrit

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Posted 20 July 2013 - 09:04 PM

You might want to try newstar. They ship worldwide and have very good price too. I bought from them recently and- very satisfied!

#1294 Isochroma

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Posted 20 July 2013 - 09:48 PM


The European Union - being a model for the world future - is an undemocractic dictatorship unelected by the creatures it exercises lordship over. As such, all the countries ensnared in its formidable but rather temporary grasp have committed to - among numerous other delicious and undoubtedly forward-thinking policies - the denial of the fundamental human right to purchase and if needed import substances of choice.

Thus, the poor souls trapped in its rather vicious claws must look to internal suppliers because they are rather effectively cut-off from external imports.

eBay's vantagecc - located within said jurisdiction - has in personal communication in the last several days indicated to me that he is finding it impossible to import the product in question.

Certainly said troublesome jurisdiction will shortly dissolve but unfortunately will likely be replaced by an even nastier gang of criminals as the world slides into the Long Emergency.

Welcome to Null Future. Enjoy the ride.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 20 July 2013 - 09:51 PM.

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#1295 xsiv1

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:23 AM


The European Union - being a model for the world future - is an undemocractic dictatorship unelected by the creatures it exercises lordship over. As such, all the countries ensnared in its formidable but rather temporary grasp have committed to - among numerous other delicious and undoubtedly forward-thinking policies - the denial of the fundamental human right to purchase and if needed import substances of choice.

Thus, the poor souls trapped in its rather vicious claws must look to internal suppliers because they are rather effectively cut-off from external imports.

eBay's vantagecc - located within said jurisdiction - has in personal communication in the last several days indicated to me that he is finding it impossible to import the product in question.

Certainly said troublesome jurisdiction will shortly dissolve but unfortunately will likely be replaced by an even nastier gang of criminals as the world slides into the Long Emergency.

Welcome to Null Future. Enjoy the ride.

Canada has experienced much of what they're seeing in the EU. In fact, you cannot sell any type of health product unless it's registered and approved by Health Canada and receive a PIN for the product. We're seeing more fascist decision making each day since they're always looking to protect us from ourselves. Unfortunately, Big Pharma also waves it lanky, long and lobbying hands at government to remove competing products from the market simply because it infringes on their bottom line. Problem here is much of what they come out with, does more harm than good. i.e. Meridia, Phen-Fen and I'm wagering all the statin drugs as evidence is growing that counters their therapeutic value. Not a single study has proven than they reduce mortality or heart disease. A cursory search on Google reveals Statin use is increases the likelihood of strokes, diabetes, permanent joint damage and more.

I won't even get into the FDA, their subcontracted labs than run these "human clinical trials". (joke) since this all works me up as it is.

Check this out:

http://www.accessdat...lang=eng Reason

For Recall Marketed Without an Approved NDA/ANDA: The products are unapproved drugs.

Piracetam," are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals. Accordingly, these ·products are drugs, under section 201(g)(1)© of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)©, because they are not foods and they are intended to affect the structure or any function of the body. Moreover, these products are new drugs as defined by section 201(p) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 321(p), because they are not generally recognized as safe and effective for use under the conditions prescribed, recommended, or suggested in their labeling.

Under sections 301(d) and 505(a) of the Act, 21 U.S.C. § 331(d) and 355(a), a new drug may not be introduced or delivered for introduction into interstate commerce unless an FDA approved application is in effect for it. There are no approved applications for:
"Smart Powders Piracetam" and "Primaforce Piracetam."

Your sale of these products without approved applications violates these provisions of the Act.


#1296 xsiv1

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:30 AM

YAY! The FDA, in my opinion is but a puppet. An underfunded puppet controlled by bureaucrats with special interests. You can email them here and say hello lol.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Ph. 1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332)
Email FDA

Sooooooo, let's wait and see...what's next?

#1297 Isochroma

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:38 AM

Creative packaging. Sunifiram and Unifiram are potent enough to be soaked onto paper media like LSD.

Printed onto paper media after being dissolved into the edible soy-based ink inside bubblejet cartridges.

Precise dosing.

Time to get wise.
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#1298 xsiv1

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:57 AM

Creative packaging. Sunifiram and Unifiram are potent enough to be soaked onto paper media like LSD.

Printed onto paper media after being dissolved into the edible soy-based ink inside bubblejet cartridges.

Precise dosing.

Time to get wise.

Heh. That'd be nice. It's unfortunate though that prices will likely go up. I'm sure there'll still be suppliers/distributors but they'd shouldn't really make any statements about said compounds. Just a checkout button beside it with quantity will do.
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#1299 DamnedOwl

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 09:34 AM

anybody know UK shops (online) where i can buy sunifiram ? couse my guy on ebay is out of stock....

nootropics dot co dot uk list sunifiram amongst their 'coming soon' items.

#1300 Racetams

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 10:57 AM

anybody know UK shops (online) where i can buy sunifiram ? couse my guy on ebay is out of stock....

Not sure when but i know a UK store that sya they will have it in stock soon: nootropics.co.uk. I have ordered Noopept from them and some oxi with good results, anyone else used them before?? They also got Phenylpiracetam coming soon :)

#1301 university

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 06:19 PM

anybody know UK shops (online) where i can buy sunifiram ? couse my guy on ebay is out of stock....

You might want to try newstar. They ship worldwide and have very good price too. I bought from them recently and- very satisfied!


The European Union - being a model for the world future - is an undemocractic dictatorship unelected by the creatures it exercises lordship over. As such, all the countries ensnared in its formidable but rather temporary grasp have committed to - among numerous other delicious and undoubtedly forward-thinking policies - the denial of the fundamental human right to purchase and if needed import substances of choice.

Thus, the poor souls trapped in its rather vicious claws must look to internal suppliers because they are rather effectively cut-off from external imports.

eBay's vantagecc - located within said jurisdiction - has in personal communication in the last several days indicated to me that he is finding it impossible to import the product in question.

Certainly said troublesome jurisdiction will shortly dissolve but unfortunately will likely be replaced by an even nastier gang of criminals as the world slides into the Long Emergency.

Welcome to Null Future. Enjoy the ride.

I ordered suni and noopept from newstar and wasn't any problem with shipping to Poland.
In description was written:
sunifiram supplement personal use
noopept supplement personal use

#1302 zongler007

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 06:38 PM

how long fron newstar to poland? 2 weeks ?

#1303 university

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Posted 21 July 2013 - 06:40 PM

I had them after 10 days from order

#1304 violetechos

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Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:42 AM

could someone maybe someone can get across to isochroma that I wanna get in touch with him, as he has me blocked. I realize we didn't see eye to eye on some things and I was kind of being a jerk and I want to clear it up as its been bugging me...I have huge issues with the use of synthetic cannabinoids (not that I use them, but they scare me so badly) and think they are unethically unsafe, but that is my opinion and shouldn't matter... bad start ...

I honestly am starting to see the promise of nmda antagonists and AMPA agonists, especially the new 'rams. They are just RIDICULOUSLY potent and need to be used so so so so so so so so so so carefully, as I feel they have the capability to allow one to tap into the human mental command line prompt ,it is mental hacking at its finest..i don't even know what to say other then I am blown away. there is a fine line between schizophrenia and some sort of savantey abilities being able to be brought out.

I understand the decreased need to REM sleep as well and is not specifically mania...

I am starting to understand his enthuthisiasm .welcome to the transhumanist revolution, super-intelligent humans are coming about.

lets fire up that coincidence detector now. :P

Edited by lenses, 23 July 2013 - 11:43 AM.

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#1305 Ultravioletbllc

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 02:00 PM

Just received a Free sample that I begged for....sucessfully and got more then i had requested but Sunifram (i also take deprenyl-7.5mg daily , piracetam-2-9 grams a dose up too three times daily all the racetam extras etc, 2-9 grams fish oil distillate for o3s, methylfolate, dlpa , and occasionally 100mg doses of noopept , I use it ala the way you would use d-amp in college) IS THE REAL Deal ,Will Start A log Tonight

#1306 Ultravioletbllc

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Posted 28 July 2013 - 02:05 PM

PS Isochromas Advice and Dosing Techniques Have been The only Ones that Have ever Truly Worked for me with Piracetam So I am Using His regimen Here Will re-adjust if I need More Or Less

#1307 xsiv1

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 02:50 AM

PS Isochromas Advice and Dosing Techniques Have been The only Ones that Have ever Truly Worked for me with Piracetam So I am Using His regimen Here Will re-adjust if I need More Or Less

So, you're going to use like 25mgs of Sunifiram upto 6 times per day?
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#1308 jeftrit

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Posted 29 July 2013 - 07:13 PM

You might want to start alot lower! Maybe 10-15mg 3-4 times per day. After 3days then you will know it≈ too much or not!?!
I have taken up to 200mg/day in the past. I don't advise this as too much can have some very detrimental adverse side effects! Also a big waste of $
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#1309 thegodsmustbecrazy

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 06:53 PM

Creative packaging. Sunifiram and Unifiram are potent enough to be soaked onto paper media like LSD.

Printed onto paper media after being dissolved into the edible soy-based ink inside bubblejet cartridges.

Precise dosing.

Time to get wise.

Or to learn how to use Silk Road... Just sayin'!
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#1310 Climactic

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 07:03 PM

Sunifiram and Unifiram are potent enough to be soaked onto paper media like LSD.

This is ridiculous. Sunifiram is dosed by most people here in milligrams, whereas LSD is dosed in micrograms. Until someone starts dosing in doses less than 0.25 mg, I see no reason for the usage of blotter paper. Capsules can be methodically made at home reasonably accurately with such doses.

Edited by Climactic, 30 July 2013 - 07:04 PM.

#1311 zeropoint

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 09:11 PM

Strange, I had one microscoop this morning and noticed few, if any effects.. then I was morbidly tired and fell asleep twice in the library while studying... On walking home, at about 8-9 hours after the initial dose, my vision suddenly became hyper-real and the 3 dimensional perception of my environment increased drastically. Along with this began a slow but steady stream of insights, connecting ideas that i had been pondering recently, click click click like a jigsaw falling into place. It was accompanied by a strong feeling of happiness, I actually danced through the park on my way home haha! This went on for about two hours, and has somewhat subsided now, but was very nice while it lasted. These effects differ drastically from the effects of potent lethargy I experienced for most of the day. Has anyone else experienced such tiredness from Suni? I had only 1 microscoop, I am not sure the dose but it looked about 10-20mg. I think I may be hypersensitive, so I'll try like 2mg next time and go from there.

Yes, I also feel drowsy after a certain time,maybe about 3-4 hours after dosing suni,weird effect there.

#1312 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 10:23 PM

Just an anecdotal report on a combination i tried
Caffeine (2 leveled teaspoons)
1600mg Oxiracetam
600mg Nefiracetam
3-6mg Sunif
3-6mg Unif
at about 13:00
Plus about 50mgs of cannabis , smoked

And was welling slightly weird the whole day, slightly brain fogged but stimulated at the same time

and later in the evening 01:00 i eyeballed about 300mg Aniracetam and took it with a glass of milk

And felt a lot more stimulated
Tried going to sleep at 03:00

Couldn't get to sleep till like 06:00-06:30 and slept very lightly for 3 hours

And for the first 2-3 hours whilst i was in bed i was feeling all jittery and generally uneasy with myself for some reason, AND i was definitely manic after taking the racetams which also probably caused the insomnia, taken so late, or maybe that i took so many diff racetams plus the ampakines.

Just wanted to write this report while I still had interest, overall a positive experience for me, as I too love being manic on occasion or is this not mania but just synergy and the resulting effects from stacking Unifiram and/or Sunifiram with Aniracetam. Will be trying various combos and reporting my results now that I have almost all of the common racetams, noopept plus both of the DM-****'s at my possesion (side note - I was a bad responder to Aniracetam a year ago, but now it felt a ton stronger).

Ciao'zors for now

Edited by marekso, 30 July 2013 - 10:28 PM.

#1313 Climactic

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 10:45 PM

Caffeine (2 leveled teaspoons)
1600mg Oxiracetam
600mg Nefiracetam
3-6mg Sunif
3-6mg Unif
at about 13:00
Plus about 50mgs of cannabis , smoked

Is it just me or has the world gone batshit insane? I'm going to imagine the cannabis saved you there. Some of you may not make it two more years, and that's me being generous.

Edited by Climactic, 30 July 2013 - 10:45 PM.

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#1314 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 30 July 2013 - 11:35 PM

Oh, wow, oops,
I meant to write how much mg of Caffeine I had consumed but instead though i'd just write the amount of teaspoons of Coffee I took (as that was my source of caffeine). 2 Leveled teaspoons of pure Caffeine would certainly not have ended well.

#1315 ThePhoeron

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 12:49 AM

Yeah, two level teaspoons of pure caffeine powder would be on the Hunter S. Thompson side of batshit-crazy. Glad that's coffee you were talking about.

I've also cut sunifiram out of my stack for the time-being. I've been sticking to my C60-EVOO (1.5ml daily) and Piracetam (3x 1.6g daily), with occasional doses of Noopept and Oxiracetam. From the past few weeks, it seems that a total of 4.8g of Piracetam daily, along with choline supplementation and the C60, is the most effective stack for my needs. I've been able to program late into the night every day without any fatigue, keeping up pace with a ridiculously tight deadline, and little need for caffeine.

As zeropoint said, and as I think I've already mentioned, after four hours I would crash pretty hard with the sunifiram in the stack, and tolerance seemed to build up fairly quickly. Overall I feel substantially better on a daily basis without the suni in my system, and my tolerance to caffeine has returned to normal. The suni definitely had positive effects, and other than crashing so hard after four hours, I didn't get any negative side-effects, but it doesn't seem to benefit my brain chemistry or complement my current stack. That research on sunifiram and schizophrenia is really interesting though; does a lot to explain why the suni suppresses visual hallucinations when mixed with psychedelics while also accentuating the weird physical sensations.

Sadly, Noopept is really rough without suni to round it out --- yesterday, I got so irritable after taking noopept that I started acting like a crotchety old man (which let me tell you, is not endearing behavior in a 30-year old). I will be dropping the noopept for now too.

It's also worth mentioning that on sunday night I tried 678mg of oxiracetam in a single dose (about an hour after my third normal daily dose of piracetam). According to smarternootropics.com, a total daily dose of 2035mg oxiracetam is supposedly the correct amount for my approximate body-mass, when I was only taking 300 -- 600mg daily before. I didn't get extremely tired right away, but when I did, I went right to sleep, slept really deep, had wild and vivid dreams, and was out cold for 12 straight hours. The next day I felt like absolute crap. So yeah, not feeling so confident about smarternootropics' recommended dosings anymore... but I suppose it's possible that 508.75mg 4x daily is better than 678.33mg 3x daily. I'll have to try it again when I have nothing important to get done.

Next up on my personal trials list are Aniracetam and Adrafinil, while I wait for NSN to restock Unifiram and get their supply of Coluracetam. I've decided to pass on Nefiracetam altogether.

Since aniracetam is lipophilic, I figure it will pair better with the daily dose of C60, but I will probably have to start taking Omega-3s again too. I'll be swapping out the piracetam from my stack for the aniracetam as soon as it arrives.

I will try the sunifiram again with the adrafinil, once I know at what point my body finishes metabolizing it into modafinil. It normally would only take 10 minutes for the suni to kick in, so if the adrafinil takes 40--60 minutes to metabolize, I figure I should stagger the doses with those timings in mind so they both kick in together.

Anyone else stacked sunifiram + adrafinil + aniracetam + c60, without any other drugs/medications in their system?

And, how do adrafinil and/or modafinil mix with normal amounts of coffee and cigarettes? Should I substantially lower the normal dose of adrafinil (which, at least on other topics around here on Longecity, seems to be about 300mg compared to the normal 200mg dose of pure modafinil)? Or should I just not mix coffee with adrafinil, period?

#1316 xsiv1

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 02:29 AM

I've still held off on even trying Sunifiram and it's Climatic's account that's stopping me for now. I have plenty of other things to keep me busy in terms of finding a stack that's working well for me. On the days I take CILTEP, I'll usually use Piracetam a couple hours later along with a 300mgs Alpha-GPC and then after lunch, I'll take about 1500mgs of Aniracetam will a capsule of Krill Oil. I've been swapping out my afternoon crash remedy on various days..from NALT with a b-c vitamin (lower dose), to Sulbutiamine (200-400mgs) and I've been playing with methylcobalamin B12 and NADH. My use of caffeine needs to be decreased (in the form of coffee) since I'll have one in the morning, one after lunch..and as of late, I'm just crashing pretty hard by 2:30. So much so, (despite energy filled light lunches) that I need something to stimulate me for the rest of the day. I'm attributing most of it to sleep deficit and perhaps a bit of overtraining right now.

As for Modafinil, works great for me on the second day I take it. 1st day is kind of meh (100mgs), then the second day @ 100mgs feels a better. By the third day, the awakefulness is already diminished and then I have to take a 3 day break from it.

#1317 zeropoint

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 03:07 AM

What's with the suni crash? Some say add choline and/or cholinergic material, but today after 4.6grams piracetam+CDPcholine(without the suni) , no crash,nada-go figure. It's a dreamy drowsiness for me, lethargic feeling....

Edited by zeropoint, 31 July 2013 - 03:11 AM.

#1318 Ultravioletbllc

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 07:53 AM

Idk what works for the next man but I know that it usually doesn't work for me ....... I followed ISos bio assayed advice on piracetam and that turned me into a responder....... So I have this too say I have dosed in between 100-120 Mgs a day and its a perfect dose and too be totally honest outside of a stack of multiple nootropics (Deprenyl piracetam dlpa methyl folate betaine curcumin omega 3 supra supplementation CDP choline uridine 5 Acetyl l carnitine Vinpocetine AND mag l threonate!!) I have never tried a more sucessful nootropic there's nothing "Racetam subtle" about sunifram I haven't noticed a negative side effect yet in fact quite the opposite and I will most certainly attest too its sleep rest quality modulation , as well as the fact that it makes my vision fucking laser sharp I mean LSD sensitive sharp if things keep going this well I'm gonna have too cut out a few other noots and sub suni in also keep in mind I'm stacking with normal noots and LEF supps but I've never noticed anything like this with Deprenyl plus piracetam being the closest thing I could reference and realistically neither one on a strictly nootropic level had these types of effects on me oh and I also took an amount of Phenibut alprazolam and neurontin that would be considered heinous even on the illicit drug world and not only did it even out the gabaergics various negative effects but it seems too have a much much stronger anti-amnesiac effect then even Aniracetam did ,,,,,,,,, so yea this is gonna beat out pramiracetam as my new favorite for efficacy

#1319 Kyle McGill

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Posted 31 July 2013 - 04:40 PM


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#1320 Baten

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 11:07 AM

Hi people. I currently still have some leftover coluracetam, and was going to trial it together with sunifiram.
My concern: I am currently on a regimen with DMAA (1,3-dimethylamylamine), the stimulant. Essentialy caffeine but stronger (affecting adrenaline).

I know it's never good to mix too much, but should it be fine to mix just those together with some choline?

Edited by Baten, 01 August 2013 - 11:08 AM.

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