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#1501 Babychris

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 08:29 PM

Seriously guy's ? I get my sunifiram from NSN, maybe their first batch it was like 6 months ago, to be honest I don't remember that much, but since then, I have tried sometimes the stuff, alas I couldn't mesure my doses well because I have lost the mini-scoop they used to send with the suni, so I have made some approximative volumetric dosage, but nothing works. I have consistantly this kind of headache and a kind of debilating effect with some weird kind of irritability feeling. I have tried more than one combo but it always has worsen the experience. I wish so much it could work on my brain, but I think that those stuff are too simple for my so complex way of thinking, or maybe that's just that I'm stupid and I can't dose it sufficiently accuratly to makes it work. Or it's just my system. Or you are all some robots created to let me take some poison and destroy my life, joking of course (...)

#1502 trysomethingdiferent

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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:12 PM

maybe because your dose was too high? if you don't have scoop, and making "approximative volumetric dosage" of powerfull stuff like sunifiram, maybe that's the problem? dosage is like 10 mg and +/- 4 mg is way too much, so maybe try with scale? :)

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#1503 zongler007

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 12:09 AM

Its 9 months taking sunifiram without longer brake then 1week, its still working grate, my brain dont swim out from ears yet, but after long use i must to do 2-3 days 'off' to make it work properly again... sorry for english ;)
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#1504 Babychris

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 08:31 AM

maybe because your dose was too high? if you don't have scoop, and making "approximative volumetric dosage" of powerfull stuff like sunifiram, maybe that's the problem? dosage is like 10 mg and +/- 4 mg is way too much, so maybe try with scale? :)

Yeah right but I have this serious impression that I've tried most of the times very low dosage, to be honest most of the time it seems to be less than 10 mg with the same results.. I think that's just not for my personality, I'm still suffering from a complex depression.. For the scale I wish I could be this is really to pricey for this accuracy no ?

#1505 Strangelove

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:45 AM

Except from other effects in cognition, could you say someone could use sunifiram as a "party nootropic"? Anyone had sex on it? How difficult is to sleep some time after an effective dose?

Edited by Strangelove, 08 February 2014 - 09:45 AM.

#1506 thedarkbobo

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 10:15 AM

No problems with sleep - even with long term usage..(atm I have around 1 week break - exams).
Didn't notice increased tolerance.

#1507 Strangelove

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 10:31 AM

Its 9 months taking sunifiram without longer brake then 1week, its still working grate, my brain dont swim out from ears yet, but after long use i must to do 2-3 days 'off' to make it work properly again... sorry for english ;)

When you say you need to take 2-3 days off to work properly again, do you mean for the mood boosting effects to return or any other cognitive benefits that you might experience?

#1508 zongler007

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Posted 08 February 2014 - 11:37 AM

Everything, after longer use tolerance can be so high so it can stop work, i dont feel anything after 1month of using.

(bigger doses 25mg make me angry. very angry, and more sensetive on everything)

Except from other effects in cognition, could you say someone could use sunifiram as a "party nootropic"? Anyone had sex on it? How difficult is to sleep some time after an effective dose?

No problem whith sex i get it everyday, libido i higher i think.

#1509 Geoffrey

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Posted 10 February 2014 - 11:11 AM

Judging by the general level of spelling and grammar on this thread, I'd say sunifiram is not helping much with cognitive enhancement... ;)
I couldn't get consistent results with long-term use of sunifiram, but it's the same with almost every nootropic I've tried. Now I use it once or twice a week for a mild boost.
This isn't a recreational drug. It boosts libido slightly but it's almost the opposite of alcohol -- more likely to make you clear-minded and serious than pleasure-seeking and high, although I did experience mild euphoria on first use. Combining it with sulbutiamine gave me a headache which sunifiram alone doesn't give me unless I take it with insufficient choline.

#1510 Babychris

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 09:09 PM

that's weird because sunifiram ALWAYS gave me Bad various kind of headaches (mostly that you call "stroboscopic" and pressure) like when I shake my head. Weirdly I've switch to aniracetam and today I've taken 600 mg choline and this pain came back strongly, it's really hard to judge if it's really a choline issue.. It's seem more complex or I just overdid it.. Like 1000 mg aniracetam and 800 of oxi which seem a high dose but nothing spectacular.. I really don't like those headaches that of course shadow any potentiel benefit of the racetam..

#1511 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 12 February 2014 - 11:40 PM

that's weird because sunifiram ALWAYS gave me Bad various kind of headaches (mostly that you call "stroboscopic" and pressure) like when I shake my head. Weirdly I've switch to aniracetam and today I've taken 600 mg choline and this pain came back strongly, it's really hard to judge if it's really a choline issue.. It's seem more complex or I just overdid it.. Like 1000 mg aniracetam and 800 of oxi which seem a high dose but nothing spectacular.. I really don't like those headaches that of course shadow any potentiel benefit of the racetam..

while only being semi-relevant to the topic - I don't get any headaches with Sunifiram (even at dosages 25mg / 3x day) BUT I do get the "stroboscopic" and pressure like headache from Sulbutiamine, always.
Dunno what the cause is.

#1512 Justchill

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 04:10 PM

yesterday: +/- 15 mg sunny: I felt a nice moodlift, and was focussed all day. Got things done.
today: +/- 20-25mg sunny: no mood lift, but a little too over-stimulated all day. It's too much. Tomorrow I'll try 5-10mg. Not impressed so far.

#1513 Geoffrey

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 06:25 PM

yesterday: +/- 15 mg sunny: I felt a nice moodlift, and was focussed all day. Got things done.
today: +/- 20-25mg sunny: no mood lift, but a little too over-stimulated all day. It's too much. Tomorrow I'll try 5-10mg. Not impressed so far.

It builds up very fast. I'd stick to 5-10mg once a day, or 5mg twice per day.

#1514 ssplash

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Posted 13 February 2014 - 10:31 PM

Sunifiram headache update: relentless headache is gone

Hi, there. I just wanted to let you know, specially to those of you that were concerned about me and gave me such great and sound advice, that my constant headaches have not completely gone (it's been about a month now and they have not come back). I added Citicoline CDP Choline daily to my stack after a few weeks of suffering and that seemed to do the trick. My sister prepared an aromatherapy inhaler with mint essential oil, and with each hit I felt it going to the core of the migraine, giving me a nice sense of freshness and relief.

Edited by ssplash, 13 February 2014 - 10:36 PM.

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#1515 baronjpetor

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 01:13 AM

I don't really get why people are still bothering with this one.
Much more negative feedback than positive experiences.
Might be good for once weekly use at best but daily use seems to always induce nasty side effects.

#1516 ssplash

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 06:42 AM

Hi, sorry about a mistake/mispell on my prior posting: I meant that my headaches have NOW completely gone (my not is a yes!). Baronjpetor, I was unlucky enough and got them after taking it twice, maybe three times, altogether. I had never tried Sunifiram before, I guess I was very sensitive to it, and it didn't go down well. It works for other people. Cheers.
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#1517 Justchill

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 08:22 AM

I want to add: this stuff works a long time! It took yesterday at 8.00 am and at 22.30pm I still experienced saturated colour vision. However at home after shower, my body felt tired and I slept great! Not 4 or 5 hours like some mentioned but 7-8 hours like normal.

Today I'm doing 1 big blue scoop. (2-5mg)

#1518 Nootropic Cat

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 11:27 AM

I've had really good experiences with suni, taking 10mg first thing in the morning, every other day (cycle EVERYTHING ;)). I STRONGLY recommend against stacking this with noopept though. That combo was causing my brain to 'overclock' in very unpleasant fashion. Admittedly that can happen to me on noopept anyway if I take too much (sweet spot for me is ~3mg).

#1519 thedarkbobo

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 11:34 AM

Hmm, did you (or somebody else) try to take anything additional to balance effects of suni and benefited from it? I stacked with noopept several times already and am not sure of combined effect :|o

#1520 deeptrance

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Posted 27 February 2014 - 02:10 AM

Now I use it once or twice a week for a mild boost.
This isn't a recreational drug. It boosts libido slightly but it's almost the opposite of alcohol -- more likely to make you clear-minded and serious than pleasure-seeking and high, although I did experience mild euphoria on first use.

My experience is identical to yours, at least the part of your experience quoted above. I take it once or twice a week for a mild boost. It's not recreational at all for me, but it does give a lift that is hard to explain. For me, the greatest benefit I receive is if I take it on days I'm going to work out. I find it much easier to work out on sunifiram than without it. But I can't take it as often as I'd like for that purpose because I start getting unpleasant side effects, mainly in the form of twitches and various parasthesias.

I definitely relate to what you said about it giving a more clear-minded serious experience rather than hedonistic, but I also had that initial experience of a kind of euphoria. It wasn't the kind of euphoria one gets from recreational drugs, it was more "clean" than that. It was a sense of connectedness to everything, with heightened perception. It was like a tiny dose of LSD but without any of the hallucinogenic side effects such as the pleasant body load of Lucy.

#1521 Ultravioletbllc

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 12:49 AM

I was getting rather odd side effects from sunifiram when I first trialled it , Now I get 0 Side effects from it and it works wonders IMHO

These days its a cement part of my stack I DID in the BEGINNING experience large amount of side effects and or Undesired sunifiram effects
The biggest difference between then and now is then I tried Modulating the "negative" effects of sunifiram through a variety of novel methods (This was my "excitotoxicity Prevention Treatment kit)Pregabalin or gabapentin as a calcium channel blocker , a Benzodiazepine , and Either one of the gaba B agonists I deal With (Phenibut or baclofen) Along with propanolol.......

Now what ive changed is this A HUGE part of my Stack (that has taken me years too perfect) is an :
NMDA inhibition stack I created (for Adhd,Anxiety,Nootropic effects,Anti depressant, Pain management / drug(Opiate) induced fibromyalgia

I take 2000Mgs of Magnesium L Threonate Bid (totalling 4000 Mgs as Magtein)
I take anywhere from 2-4 Grams of agmatine daily dosing is spread from morning , after lunch,early evening as my main implicationwith its use is its NMDA inhibition , B-endorphin Release, and calcium Channel Blocking capabilities)
I take 200-600mcg of Huperazine A BID(always titrate up with any nmda inhibitor.....but specifically I would say taking a daily dose of 800-1200mcg daily would be a waste when the same effects can be achieved in Early stages of Huperazine-A therapy at 200mcg Bid Dosages)

Ever since Creating this stack and including into my daily stack...Its hard too see ever not having a dedicated NMDA inhibition Program (for me it works wonders)

for some reason I find Nmda Inhibition too synergize with sunifiram as well mediate and modulate any unwated or negative effects
I also believe It has a clear synergy with Magnesium L threonate as where Plasticity is concerned I believe they Potentiate each other more so then have True synergy

Also Ive noticed a lot of pramiracetam Non responders have a 360 effects wise when an ampakine is thrown in the mix, Ive always responded too pramiracetam albeit at higher dosages then are economically feasible for me too maintain

These days I take 100-300mgs Pramiracetam (as opposed too 600-800mg Bid when Sunifiram wasnt a Permanent member of my stack)

I have no Proof as too why this would or does work, but is of interesting note

It surely allowed me too lower my dose of Pramiracetam(every racetam actually sans piracetam)

and In so called "Non Responders" too Pramiracetam it PRODUCES what everyone else gets from it

In general Ampakines are very very Exciting .....Nevermind sunifirams PKC activity(make sure you supplement Krill oil and astaxanthin a a Supra Supplement too your fish oil while you take Sunifiram....Phosphorylazation could benefit from the Phosphlipids after deficiencies have corrected themselves... IE if you werent supplementing them already)
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#1522 violetechos

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 02:24 AM

I bet this is an NMDA agonist , AMPA agonist, PKC enhancer...Wouldn't be suprised if it was an inverse GABA agonist. Very dangerous in my opinion. Pretty much the recipe for glutamate toxicity.

Taking amphetamines with this will override the brains natural protective measures against dopamine overload, the chief one being endogenous NMDA antagonists . I have RARELY heard my neurons sizzling before, but I definitely did when I dosed this.

Sure, mania FEELS good . But once you come down, you see what a damn idiot you were. If you want an example, look at the spun out posts on this thread.

You must also remember it is to be dosed in the MICROGRAMS. The smallest those microscoops will safely scoop is over 5 mgs. If you were to dose this , lick your finger, put it over the top of the bottle , then tap some off. Try to only take what is in the ridges of your fingerprints. A mg of powder (especially with the density of this) is probally what will fit over an asterisk (*) key on a standard keyboard.

I have posted many warnings about this before. This nootropic has NO inherent neuroprotective measures built in , like the 'tams. It has a piperazine backbone. Don't expect it to have the safety of other 'tams.

One of the inherent properties of racetams is that the most liked ones are also highly neuroprotective . IMO Noopept is the safest nootropic i've experienced.

You can't feel brain damage, often. The original chloroamphetamine trials were used as an antidepressant , with patient satisfaction rating high (oh I feel better!) . They just didn't get that it was frying the HELL out of their dopamine receptors. Now it is used to selectively kill DA receptors in mice for research purposes.

Sorry if this effects the sales of this substance, but it should be effected.
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#1523 Ultravioletbllc

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Posted 28 February 2014 - 02:48 AM

It should be noted I AGREE ...Like I said When I first Assayed this Product on myself I found myself in some serious anxiety attacks as well as glutamate excito toxic action wich was in no way subtle...one man can theorize and thats fine but as an individual I KNOW my body i am very very physically concious (C-ptsd has made me so hyper vigilant thats its so I can literally feel and hear my own hearts beat) But In my initial Experience I definitely FELT The nasty wrath of sunifirams Excitoxic Glutamate Pump, Ca Influx MOA.......I modulated those VERY sucessfully with A stack I created (and oddly enough it had nothing too do with sunifiram ) Low dose gabapentin combined with Magnesium L Threonate, Agmatine(nmda antagonist/ Novel Calcium channel blocker) and Huperazine a Has OBLITERATED All Negative Effects .........I wont get too much into dosage too each his own .....when I was first taking sunifiram I could feel issues with 3x10mg a day , Now I dose around 30mg AM with a Late Am 10-20mg sublingually ..but I coadminister my Nmda Stack + L theanine(+Pqq+Pterostilbene with second dose) with each dose and like I said all of my negative side effects were obliterated

Now I can
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#1524 andrea23

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 01:52 PM

What supplements or drugs should be completely avoided when taking sunifiram?

Edited by andrea23, 25 March 2014 - 01:55 PM.

#1525 kassem23

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 02:34 PM

What supplements or drugs should be completely avoided when taking sunifiram?

Strong stimulants, such as modafinil, amphetamines, etc. Can cause excitotoxicity.

#1526 baronjpetor

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 03:39 PM

What supplements or drugs should be completely avoided when taking sunifiram?

Strong stimulants, such as modafinil, amphetamines, etc. Can cause excitotoxicity.

Some users have reported pretty nasty side effects with caffeine too. Beware...
Honestly, I don't get why people still take this one.
Pretty small benefits -if any- VS bad side effects + not researched in humans + potential exitotoxicity: the risk/benefits ratio is insanely high.

Personally, I feel much more confortable taking RCs like 2-FA or 2-FMA than Sunifiram. Oh sure: they are poorly researched too and are not nootropic, BUT at least you get instant massive results if you need to get the work done.
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#1527 Climactic

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 03:39 PM

What supplements or drugs should be completely avoided when taking sunifiram?

Although some users have reported success combining sunifiram with modafinil, for me it was the specific action of combining sunifiram+modafinil with everything else I was taking that led to my extensive side effects. It is possible that something else in my stack at the time, e.g. NALT, led to this happening.

I consider sunifiram a strong short-term LTP promoter. As such, I would avoid anything that is remotely glutamatergic or anti-gabaergic. Several strong stimulants can in part contribute to this effect. I would also avoid other strong LTP agents, including but not limited to glycine and sarcosine.

Really I don't understand what boost people get out of sunifiram that they cannot get out of something more well established like modafinil and methylphenidate, etc. These work all day, five days a week, with zero to negligible tolerance.

Edited by Climactic, 25 March 2014 - 03:41 PM.

#1528 Geoffrey

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 05:15 PM

I'd think twice before recommending Ritalin, a controlled dopaminergic with abuse potential and a risk to cardiovascular health. I'll stick with my sunifiram, thank you, which stacks excellently with noopept and a good quality choline source such as CDP. On a single microdose of 2 or 3 mg, stacked with 5mg noopept, I get all the stereotypical racetam effects, noticeable for up to 48 hours, without any crash. The only problem is that I can't take this every day -- twice or three times a week at most, or else it builds up (or depletes neurotransmitters) like all the other racetams and becomes unpleasant. Sunifiram does not produce physical stimulation, does not stop me sleeping, but gives me clarity of mind, an uncanny ability to help me work out the solution to logical problems, and stamina. It's also non-addictive physically and unlike Ritalin, is easy to stop taking if you build up tolerance to its effects.
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#1529 kassem23

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 07:34 PM

Some users have reported pretty nasty side effects with caffeine too. Beware...

I see - that's good to keep in mind. Care to elaborate on the side-effects experienced from these people? I have a feeling for most it could result in overstimulation, but this would also be subject to dose of caffeine and sunifiram.

Honestly, I don't get why people still take this one.
Pretty small benefits -if any- VS bad side effects + not researched in humans + potential exitotoxicity: the risk/benefits ratio is insanely high.

Dude, where are you getting this from?

Small benefits? Sunifiram, when I first tried it, gave me better effects than any 2-FA or 2-FMA or even well-known stimulants such as Adderall, Dexedrine or Modafinil ever provided. Actual positive motivation without feeling strung out and unhealthy.

What bad side effects?

Please break it down to me. Explain to me how sunifiram is more "unhealthy" than amphetamine(s) or psychostimulants in general.

Personally, I feel much more confortable taking RCs like 2-FA or 2-FMA than Sunifiram. Oh sure: they are poorly researched too and are not nootropic, BUT at least you get instant massive results if you need to get the work done.

I seriously wouldn't feel safer on 2-FA or 2-FMA. Have you actually read about the person on BlueLight who had a sudden heart attack after long-term use of 2-FMA? The doctors found out that the substance had accumulated toxic substances and this was the cause of the heart attack. The details are iffy and from a 3rd party, but I doubt you will hear of heart attacks from sunifiram - in particular if the person using sunifiram notes that it is stimulating in itself and other stimulants should be avoided.

I disagree with massive results as well from 2-FMA and 2-FA. You feel strung out, the work load may be faster to go through, but you're seeing the trees for the forest, and your overview is not at all enhanced. Much like most amphetamine(s) they provide no deeper cognitive shift, but rather cranks up the dials of the pre-existing one, and pushes out -- in a forced manner -- stimulation.

But to each their own. Given that neither Sunifiram nor Unifiram have any direct receptor effects, it's prudent to assume that these work through other mechanisms without direct agonism / antagonism.

Edited by kassem23, 25 March 2014 - 07:35 PM.

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#1530 Climactic

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Posted 25 March 2014 - 07:47 PM

Under certain conditions, such as in the historical presence of other strong agents affecting NMDAr, sunifiram is potentially excitotoxic and quite chronically neuroinflammatory, the symptoms of which are very widespread and disruptive. Chronic PKC-a activation by sunifiram may also raise your odds for a cancerous brain tumor. For the sake of argument, sunifiram would never get approved by the government as a drug. Approved psychostimulants don't have such risks, though they can have other less harmful risks.

Regarding caffeine, too much xanthine use will increase your heart rate to a dangerous level. I stick to tea and coffee, both of which are much safer, but still keep a cardiac beta blocker such as atenolol. In fact, caffeine overuse has landed me in the emergency department of a hospital once, but this was only because I didn't have the beta blocker on hand.

Edited by Climactic, 25 March 2014 - 07:49 PM.

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