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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Delaware - Going to start a local group. Any ideas?

craigslist immortality local groups

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  • Location:Delaware Delawhere, Delahere, Delathere!

Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:46 AM

Subject: Personal Immortality, Group for indefinite lifespans

We live in a time of rapid technological development and death is quickly becoming an option. All across the world, people are uniting for unlimited and indefinite lifespans. Like the internet in the early 90s, the indefinite lifespan movement is reaching an ageless maturity. We may still age for a few years or decades to come, but radical life extension has been achieved in rats and is being duplicated in the world's first distributed rat clinical trial. People at home, from across the globe are gathering data and conducting research and pitching in to help! Political parties focusing on a more inexpensive and efficient healthcare philosophy. People are asking, why cure a disease when you can stop aging and never have to deal with the disease? Why waste the effort and deprive more important patients to maintain death? If we cured aging and it's related diseases, how much talent and resources would be free to cure childhood diseases? People are realizing that we won't run out of space and are discovering how longer lifespans contribute to decline in new births, how the carrying capacity of the earth for feeding and sheltering people will increase with better technology.

I'm looking to find like minded people interested in any of the following:

Indefinite lifespans
Indefinite youth
Life extension
Longevity political party (European but we could bring it here too)
Transhumanism (body/brain enhancements)
Activism for the above

What can you do to help? Maybe selling things on ebay to help with cryopreservation of dieing family members in the hope of helping them reunite? Maybe there is an area of science or medicine you'd like to raise money for. The roadmap to regenerative medicine and immortality exist today and have large donors. Maybe you just want to support fledgling sciences or get involved with community research initiatives such as C60@home or the folding@home longevity meme team. The list or volunteer and charitable opportunities goes on and on! There is so much to do!

Preservation of the body in a glass like state in liquid nitrogen with hopes of future reanimation? Maybe your interested in organ banking/organs on demand applications?

Indefinite Lifespans:
Life on your terms. Die when you choose, not when your body fails. Experience space travel, be the first to go on a mission to colonize a far away star system without worrying about wasting your lifespan, or operate a space business, join the Space Forces.

Indefinite Youth:
Probably subsumed by other line items as the likely result indefinite lifespans or life extension. But who wants to get old and not be able to do the things they were able to when they were younger

Longevity Party:
Yeah, their is an actual political party starting up in parts of Europe and the East. People are lobbying their governments for the human right to live and access to a different philosophy of healthcare.

Life Extension:
Extension of the human mean lifespan, be it 5 years of 500.

Thinking it would be cool to be a cyborg and be one with you iPhone? Dental implants and removed tonsils not enough? Maybe your done with the body and would prefer to live in the net? Or maybe you're questioning whether this is where you want to end up?

Is it not happening fast enough for you? Sick of all the people around you dieing and suffering and can't stand the idea of being one of them?

Get on board! I want to help Delaware or even Delmarva get all of these groups going right here, right now! Let's all get orgnaized and support each other in the initiative to abolish involuntary death!

Aubrey De Grey on aging:


Edited by caliban, 12 April 2013 - 07:08 PM.
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#2 jolly

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Posted 11 April 2013 - 03:56 PM

I'm on board.


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Posted 11 April 2013 - 08:56 PM

Are you local to Delaware? Your twitter says your a nomad and spend some time in NYC, so I'm hoping!

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#4 jolly

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Posted 12 April 2013 - 04:13 PM

Nope, sorry - I spend a few days a week in NYC, and weekends jetsetting around the country.

#5 Mind

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 12:12 PM

Any ideas?

Start small. It is a good idea to meet face-to-face. We don't do enough of that nowadays. Find out who is in your local area and what they are interested in. You can apply for a LongeCity grant to fund a little get-together. Of course, then you would be required to post here in the forums about the event, pictures what-not... and that is a good thing - showing everyone how fun and interesting it is to pursue unlimited lifespans.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: craigslist, immortality, local groups

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