LongeCity supplements database/wiki
Posted 04 February 2014 - 09:36 AM
It would be nice to cut through the hype and get accurate and real info.
Keep up the good work!.
Posted 04 February 2014 - 07:49 PM
a quick update: after a long delay in finding the right developer, it now looks likely that we will be able to offer at least the 'bare essentials' like this:
Users combine various supplements into 'stacks' for optimal effect.
Typically, users simply open a topic in the forum, describing 'their' stack. If they are smart, they use the appropriate keywords as tags.
Important factors in a stack are
1) the supplement itself- this needs to be an open keyword system, that integrates with the 'tags' system in the forum
2) the frequency each supplement is taken: pre-defined fields (admin)
3) dosage of each supplement
4) a field that describes the purpose of the stack: again the keywords entered here should interface with 'tags'
5) a category for the stack: this needs to be from a pre-definable list (by the admin)
As a simplified example a stack entry could look like this
Name: FishNonsenseStack2
omega 3 - 20mg - daily
vitamin b12 - 50mg - daily
caffeine - 20mg - twice a week
Purpose: To give an example
Category: Alertness
Current Rating: 2 out of 5
When users post a stack, specific usergroups should be able to
1) comment
2) rate (1-5) stars
3) click on any one of the ingredients and be lead to the 'tags' page for that word
There should be a function where all stacks in a given category can be listed in order of highest rating.
Does this makes sense? Will that be useful, and used?
Posted 04 February 2014 - 09:34 PM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 07:22 PM
Posted 10 March 2014 - 02:30 PM
Posted 10 March 2014 - 05:29 PM
Why don't we forge a partnership with examine.com?
That is always a possibility. Nothing is completely ruled out at this point. We could definitely use some new input from some of the earlier posters.
Posted 25 March 2014 - 05:42 PM
Posted 28 March 2014 - 02:43 AM
[quote name='postscarce' timestamp='1394461810' post='648602']
a possibility.
Hi all,
In relation to this thread, Live120Plus needs several more health/longevity scientific literature researchers/writers and a website developer. However, such people must also be longevists practicing one or more currently proposed health/longevity methods and fully willing to make all their practices and health test parameters open to subscribing clients of Live120Plus, as is the case for all current team members.
If anyone here is interested or can help find such people, we can greatly accelerate the progress (2-yrs in). I am a recent recruit to the project, having left grad school to join the team. The partnership/association operates under expectation of input from everyone and pay is a combination of salary plus investment in the project.
If you are sufficiently interested in this project to want to know more about it, its methods and operation, then please read and digest the above "help wanted" link followed by instructions on the Main Live120Plus page, to seek access to the development wiki.
PS: In order to roughly organize the good ideas that were generated from this thread last year and communicate to those authors, I quote portions:
[quote name='caliban' timestamp='1391543375' post='641290']
Important factors in a stack are
1) the supplement itself- this needs to be an open keyword system, that integrates with the 'tags' system in the forum
2) the frequency each supplement is taken: pre-defined fields (admin)
3) dosage of each supplement
4) a field that describes the purpose of the stack: again the keywords entered here should interface with 'tags'
5) a category for the stack: this needs to be from a pre-definable list (by the admin)
Name: FishNonsenseStack2
omega 3 - 20mg - daily
vitamin b12 - 50mg - daily
caffeine - 20mg - twice a week
Purpose: To give an example
Category: Alertness
Current Rating: 2 out of 5
When users post a stack, specific usergroups should be able to
1) comment
2) rate (1-5) stars
3) click on any one of the ingredients and be lead to the 'tags' page for that word
There should be a function where all stacks in a given category can be listed in order of highest rating.
[quote name='Sinter' timestamp='1391506615' post='641168']
<snip>...include summaries of research and pros/cons of the supplement like examine.com does. It would be nice to cut through the hype and get accurate and real info.
[quote name='Q did it!' timestamp='1367787819' post='584505']
[quote name='BobMarin' timestamp='1367734456' post='584399']
[quote name='Q did it!' timestamp='1367547539' post='583994']
images in MP...similar to system LongeCity is using.
1) Molecule structure should be to the left of the text
2) Text should be put inside a bracket along with the molecule structure
3) search engine for database should be placed on top of the page
4) More info section should be moved to the left of the categories tab
[quote name='BobMarin' timestamp='1367734939' post='584400']
<snips>...for the third picture (piracetam specific information), written top to bottom (and not as bulky as you posted)...
[quote name='Q did it!' timestamp='1367869152' post='584673']
I am out of class for the summer and fall, don't go back to class tell spring session...
What are you studying this Spring?
What is your school schedule / availability after Spring?
[quote name='Q did it!' timestamp='1368386133' post='586352']
Name(s) of supplement/Overview
Side Effects & Safety
Complete Summery With Extracts from Articles (This Would More or Less Represent the Information Found on Wikipedia)
Popular Places to Purchases (Longecity Could Possible Make Money off Advertisement Here)
Links to Popular Threads Discussing the Compound
[quote name='lelf' timestamp='1368391353' post='586379']
I can provide some programming/DB skills
[quote name='1kgcoffee' timestamp='1369366123' post='589090']
It should be a relational database. I'd like to see supplements broken down into sortable categories by their ingredients and biological activity. For example olive leaf is a 'herbal' supplement rich 'apigenin' 'luteolin' 'oleuropein' 'hydroxytyrosol' etc. Each of those supplements or compounds (a compound is also a supplement) is classed (is it a herb, peptide, sterol, flavonoid etc) and associated to biological activity and pathways, with links to cited studies and articles. For example, because olive leaf contains luteolin, and luteolin is a PDE-inbitor, olive leaf would have that listed as a property. Because luteolin is in the flavonoid class of chemicals, olive leaf would also be listed as having a potential anti-glycation effect, as thats a property of flavonoids. Or if you select 'luteolin', you'd have a list of all it's properties and other supplements containing it. If you select PDE-inhibitor you'd instantly have a list of supplements and compounds with this biological activity. See the idea? The hydroxytyrosol in olive leaf activates pgc-1a. PGC-1a itself is classed as a protein that has a property of boosting T3 levels (proven activity of olive leaf not too long ago). You end up with the ability to map complex pathways and the supplements that influence those pathways. Thus, each supplement would have activity listed as either proven (directly linked) or probable (linked to compounds contained in the supplement).
It should also be possible to sort supplements according to their closest relatives.
[quote name='platypus' timestamp='1370449187' post='591840']
I think the database should cover both:
a) interactions between supplements, drugs and foodstuffs and
b) how supplements and foodstuffs block absorption of other supplements, i.e. what should not be taken with what, what needs to be taken on an empty stomach etc.
[quote name='pamojja' timestamp='1370885577' post='592829']
Already pretty extensive commercial supplement databases (like Natural Standard) and the ongoing research and immense efforts needed for voluntary works (like at examine) to reach a similar 'standard'...
The problem with the biggest existing relational database: the worldwide web, is the time wasted by searches landing on commercial sites or studies where only after reading one would know that it didn't really pertain.
[quote name='cuprous' timestamp='1367298062' post='583292']
[quote name='GeneralKrang' timestamp='1367282067' post='583253']
Use a set of specialized tags as supplements, and allow each 'supplement tag' to have it's own landing page with information. If you do this, each landing page should also point back to all threads tagged with the thread, creating a nice central hub for that supplement.
We need to assemble and curate the vast amount of information that gets tossed about in the various forum topics. Yes, let's still link out to particularly interesting threads...
a very elaborate rating system, ie. quality, completeness and last update of informations, number and rating of references, etc. which would automatically sort the link list accordingly. A random list of such existing resource:
Links to pertaining discussions would be rated/tagged equally, and short comments about content could be added.
Soon, just by newbees rating the quality of information of links and a few comments by more knowledgeables, a very efficient system for access to high quality supplement information could be provided.
[quote name='Logic' timestamp='1366830466' post='582072']
...type in a supp name and find out what its good for, dosage, side effects, etc.
Type in a malady and get a list supps and meds for it with dosage etc.
[quote name='GeneralKrang' timestamp='1367282067' post='583253']
...My recommendation would be to avoid wikis at all costs. People are going to stay in the forums, and while the wikis will get some initial traction - I forsee them being abandoned eventually and out of date.
....build out the tagging system further. Use a set of specialized tags as supplements, and allow each 'supplement tag' to have it's own landing page with information. If you do this, each landing page should also point back to all threads tagged with the thread, creating a nice central hub for that supplement. Right now you can click on a tag, and the page is pretty barren.
The new tags could be specified either in a new input box, or with a specialized format like, "sup: piracetam" or "supplement: piracetam".
Basically I see this as something that can be built on top of what you already have, and can add functionality to over time.
[quote name='Q did it!' timestamp='1367514238' post='583876']
[quote name='Q did it!' timestamp='1367298759' post='583296']
After further review it looks like What Are Nootropics are pretty much doing what we are trying/aiming to do. They list Nootropics, stacks, suppliers, articles and more it’s just not as extensive as what we are aiming for. Who runs What Are Nootropics any way? We could look into an integration or something.
I find that What Are Nootropics accomplishes the job of getting people interested/started in nootropics very well.
Look at how they define Choline then list benefits discus it, list types of choline with links, side effects, uses, a FAQ section, and then go to list sources.
...for the LongeCity database we should:
Have a Homepage- That discuses news and updates. On the page there would be a links to categories (leads to separate pages) for nootropics based on general effects of.
In Each Category would be set up similar to that of What Are Nootropics list of nootropics. Each item/noot in the category having a link to the noots full page of information and as always we would have links within to other noots. What Are Nootropics has already found what could be the best presentation/method of relaying nootropic information, why not mimic the success no reason to try and reinvent the wheel?
We will in no way just copy the site but just use the general layout of listing and describing nootropics. A plain wiki won’t work it just provides raw info and does not try to sell an idea and get us more traffic/members. But setting it up like a store layout (obviously we are not selling a product) for the listing of the nootropics is the best option in my mind. Persons can just scroll through a list (say a list of noots food for memory) and stop at a point of interest. It is important to realize that this database will be used primarily by persons new to nootropics and they will much more accept a setup similar to an online store/What Are Nootropics setup rather than just a wiki.
Also in the database it would be good to list stacks and general combinations of nootropics such as the CILTEP stack or Alpha GCP choline with piracetm.
[quote name='Mind' timestamp='1367513174' post='583867']
Another thing that might be valuable in this database is some user data. I was thinking maybe we could have some polls about the supps which ask "are you taking or have you ever taken substance X" coupled with "was it effective"(rated from 1 to 10). Just a thought.
Posted 28 May 2014 - 09:55 PM
As a reminder, the LongeCity feature mentioned in post #62 above is nearing launch.
there is still a last chance to supply feedback and suggestions HERE.
Posted 15 August 2014 - 10:17 PM
PLEASE---have a focus on reliable Medical research on a nutrient . Every few months a miracle nutrient seems to come about. We all aware of the millions of dollars can be made immediately on a nutrient given positive press. Our world sadly has people who will do insane ugly things for a few hundred dollars so i cant imagine the minds behind the scene trying to get a poor irrelevant nutrient and dress it up make it look anti-aging etc.======so PLEASE dont go the way of other sites selling their once caring soul to the "money first truth last"
Add medical correct reliable research done on nutrient-----show the negatives with positives----
Posted 16 August 2014 - 01:17 PM
I didn't see this posted, but what about pasting both negative and positive medical reviews of "suppliment A." I know that is the biggest time consumer for me is "search for racetam A." Followed by "search for pills B." Then if I don't find either on here I google it and usually run into http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Posted 27 August 2014 - 04:26 PM
Is there any news on this topic, since I find the idea still very intriguing! I was a bit bored today and set up a mediawiki with the bluespice extension, exported the Piracetam and NSI-189 article from Wikipedia.org and uploaded them to the "Supplement Database" just to so see what can be done additionally. If anyone wants to play around a bit, you are welcome. I am not quite sure if this could be the most adequate platform, but there seems to be a lot potential. Anyway, have a look if you want:
Posted 15 December 2014 - 12:42 AM
I've been working on my own rendition of a nootropics/supplements database for a few months now. I wasn't aware that users here at Longecity were too- I suppose we sensed the same gap. Anyway, my site is essentially a front-end wiki where users can create and edit pages describing various supplements. Users can also comment on each supplement, as well as rank them. The highest ranked supplements are shown in a sidebar.
If you want to check it out, the website is www.nootdata.com. The site is still very new, but I think I have most of the features working now. You can register if you want to edit or contribute to any pages. Thanks!
Edited by drumttocs8, 15 December 2014 - 12:43 AM.
Posted 15 December 2014 - 02:47 AM
Instead of having private websites for a supplements database, it would be the best option to have it being owned and runned by the same organisation thats behind Longecity.com, (Immortality Institute).
as private versions usually dont stay true to facts and/or markets their own products..
Posted 15 December 2014 - 06:29 PM
Instead of having private websites for a supplements database, it would be the best option to have it being owned and runned by the same organisation thats behind Longecity.com, (Immortality Institute).
as private versions usually dont stay true to facts and/or markets their own products..
Thanks for the suggestion the_apollo. So far all we have is a stacks feature. No database yet.
Posted 05 January 2015 - 11:24 AM
I am really happy to hear that someone is creating a database of this caliber, the thought had run through my mind a couple years ago when I first started researching nootropics and enthogens. From a post above it seems to be almost ready for launch, but I wanted to offer any help needed in creating/finalizing the database. I am a DBA/Developer by trade and have designed quite a few databases/DB applications from scratch and would love to be a part of this.
Edited by dimensio, 05 January 2015 - 11:25 AM.
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