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opinion on gmo


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#91 illuminatus104

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:09 PM

I think our bodies will adapt, well most of us and if you hadn't noticed whether preplanned/orchestrated the due to the growing world of humans, we need new plants that can handle the extremes we are seeing to help feed our 8.6 billion residents of the world plus about 3 trillion domesticated animals. You could say better use of lots/and new growing methods+global movement to go towards none wasting and better farming techniques is the answer, but since we know the world isn't going to do that (sad times). - I think then I'll take my chances with Giant alien eggplants over food riots, but hey that's just me. The technology will advance very quickly give it another decade or two and they will have all the kinks out of the science, BTW- I have been following GMOs (science wise since 05 and have seen most of the studies and have come to this conclusion.)

1 out of 2 males get cancer
33% of americans are obese

we'll be dead before we adapt (population control?)

So instead of doing it the right way, which is to fix how food is grown, you recommend we keep doing what we're doing and hope technology improves. Cool! It's like knowing McDonalds is bad for you, so you go to the doctor and get medicine instead of doing what you should have done in the first place - stop eating McDonalds! It's time to be preventative about this stuff instead of putting bandaids over the problem. bandaids seems to be the popular way most humans take care of things. It's so narrow minded, it's like everyone is walking around with binoculars over their eyes (figuratively...)

Edited by illuminatus104, 02 August 2013 - 05:18 PM.

#92 Ark

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:42 PM

I think our bodies will adapt, well most of us and if you hadn't noticed whether preplanned/orchestrated the due to the growing world of humans, we need new plants that can handle the extremes we are seeing to help feed our 8.6 billion residents of the world plus about 3 trillion domesticated animals. You could say better use of lots/and new growing methods+global movement to go towards none wasting and better farming techniques is the answer, but since we know the world isn't going to do that (sad times). - I think then I'll take my chances with Giant alien eggplants over food riots, but hey that's just me. The technology will advance very quickly give it another decade or two and they will have all the kinks out of the science, BTW- I have been following GMOs (science wise since 05 and have seen most of the studies and have come to this conclusion.)

1 out of 2 males get cancer
33% of americans are obese

we'll be dead before we adapt (population control?)

So instead of doing it the right way, which is to fix how food is grown, you recommend we keep doing what we're doing and hope technology improves. Cool! It's like knowing McDonalds is bad for you, so you go to the doctor and get medicine instead of doing what you should have done in the first place - stop eating McDonalds! It's time to be preventative about this stuff instead of putting bandaids over the problem. bandaids seems to be the popular way most humans take care of things. It's so narrow minded, it's like everyone is walking around with binoculars over their eyes (figuratively...)

I somewhat agree the right way would work with a global unification movement, but without one, i see GMOs as a smart alternative for a lazy humanity and I know no one wants to be the one who gets sick from GMOs but people so quickly dismiss the + it is shocking. GMOs are infancy stages, it ls like the first cars, being released, vs the cars of today, the fact that humanity has taken to the car has tremendously pushed safety foreword, the kind of money going in GMOs i expect that it will be a safe science, but until then I shall avoid cooking with aluminum foil, eating apple skins and spending to much time in the sun/eating fast food. I bet GMOs are the least of our concerns, okay... not the least but i think the bad PR is over kill &^btw-I FULLY SUPPORT LABELING on all items containing GMOs, until it is 100% proven safe.

Edited by Ark, 02 August 2013 - 05:43 PM.

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#93 dz93

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:45 PM

Kinda like you have a leaky pipe behind your drywall and it's destroying the drywall. What would you do? Fix the drywall and ignore the pipe?

The problem is most Americans have gotten too spoiled and lazy they don't even care about the problems we have. They assume someone else will fix it and everything will be fine. How has that been working so far? What about the dramatic rise in cancer. What have we done about that? Well we've been in a race for the cure... But what about a race for the cause? Why give so much money to companies, mainly drug companies, to find a cure for cancer while we ignore the cause? Cancer obviously isn't a natural part of life that we have to accept and live with until we can buy our way out. And with the current state of the economy how long can we continue to buy our way out of the problems we cause and continue to ignore?

Edited by dz93, 02 August 2013 - 05:46 PM.

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#94 Ark

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:49 PM

I've heard GMOs have made some supplements stronger and cheaper, can you argue the health benefits from GMO supplenets out weigh the risks, aseptically if the supplement in question has super anti-cancer properties, that would exceed / protect not only against GMOs but other pollutions that cause cancer. Also how do you gauge the risk of Cancer from GMOs compared to say living near a power plant?

#95 dz93

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:52 PM

I've heard GMOs have made some supplements stronger and cheaper, can you argue the health benefits from GMO supplenets out weigh the risks, aseptically if the supplement in question has super anti-cancer properties, that would exceed / protect not only against GMOs but other pollutions that cause cancer. Also how do you gauge the risk of Cancer from GMOs compared to say living near a power plant?

If living near a power plant is causing you health issues then the smart thing would be to move away from the power plant....

If GMO's are causing health issues currently then why would supplements made from GMO's be any better.

Where are you getting this information from?

#96 Ark

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 05:56 PM

Kinda like you have a leaky pipe behind your drywall and it's destroying the drywall. What would you do? Fix the drywall and ignore the pipe?

The problem is most Americans have gotten too spoiled and lazy they don't even care about the problems we have. They assume someone else will fix it and everything will be fine. How has that been working so far? What about the dramatic rise in cancer. What have we done about that? Well we've been in a race for the cure... But what about a race for the cause? Why give so much money to companies, mainly drug companies, to find a cure for cancer while we ignore the cause? Cancer obviously isn't a natural part of life that we have to accept and live with until we can buy our way out. And with the current state of the economy how long can we continue to buy our way out of the problems we cause and continue to ignore?

I've heard GMOs have made some supplements stronger and cheaper, can you argue the health benefits from GMO supplenets out weigh the risks, aseptically if the supplement in question has super anti-cancer properties, that would exceed / protect not only against GMOs but other pollutions that cause cancer. Also how do you gauge the risk of Cancer from GMOs compared to say living near a power plant?

If living near a power plant is causing you health issues then the smart thing would be to move away from the power plant....

If GMO's are causing health issues currently then why would supplements made from GMO's be any better.

Where are you getting this information from?

I'm asking what the realistic risk is, vs other big problems that haunt our every day health.

I've heard GMOs have made some supplements stronger and cheaper, can you argue the health benefits from GMO supplenets out weigh the risks, aseptically if the supplement in question has super anti-cancer properties, that would exceed / protect not only against GMOs but other pollutions that cause cancer. Also how do you gauge the risk of Cancer from GMOs compared to say living near a power plant?

If living near a power plant is causing you health issues then the smart thing would be to move away from the power plant....

If GMO's are causing health issues currently then why would supplements made from GMO's be any better.

Where are you getting this information from?

Because GMOs supplements can be grown to make more available of the compound that is helpful to people.

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#97 dz93

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 06:14 PM

The fact that there's this much controversy over GMO's should show any idiot that somethings wrong here. We have a new biotech food that's supposed to feed the world and save everyone yet hunger world wide hasn't changed and there's documentaries and radio shows talking about how bad it is for you. They also talk about how Monsanto is very clearly driven by money since they sue every organic farmer if their biotech fields cross breed with it without the farmer even knowing.

http://www.monsanto....save-seeds.aspx ...yeah they are very money hungry.


They sue and sue and sue. Yeah lets feed the world with a patented product that has to be bought yearly from the same company everytime. They have a monopoly on our food supply and are getting away with it. They WROTE their own protection act that got passed as a rider on a bill signed by Obama saying they're basically above the law. They don't have to listen to court orders for whatever reason.

My point is the average joe doesn't even know what Monsanto is. How in the hell can we trust a company like that to feed the world?

Some more links on GMO's


Just think about it. Why on earth would these companies put so much money and try so hard just to get Prop 37 (which would only be effective in California) to not pass? Because they know no one will buy their products if they're labeled. Simple as that. Why else would they not want labeling? Everything else is labeled. So what's the big deal with labeling of GMO's? Is there something to hide? Will they lose money from labeling? Who is really being hurt by labeling? It's not too difficult to see that these companies are very money hungry so much that they've formed financial ties with the FDA and Big Pharma. Why Big Pharma? Well who else would make money off the people getting illnesses from GMO's? It all plays hand in hand. Do I have to repeat the fact that Monsanto wrote their own protection act that got passed as a rider on some bill. It ensures Monsanto stays above the law. Here you can read more about Monsanto being untouchable by law now while simultaniously suing organic farmers whose fields have been infected by Monsantos GM crops from a near by field. How can that be prevented and whose responisibility is it to do that? What came first? Monsanto or Organics? It's sooo corrupt that no matter your opinion on GMO's themselves you have to see that Monsanto definitely isn't in the Agricultural buisness to help the world and feed the world. They want money and only money.


Here's a video explaining what the Monsanto Protection Act means for those of you who are too lazy to read. Very interesting video I might add.

DuPont was banking during the drought last year.

Another article on Monsanto

Both dated for today, April 30th 2013.

Virus found in GMO crops called Gene VI

Well here's some links that I posted in this topic.. Have you not read through this whole thing before giving your 8 cents?

Btw, why did Monsanto and DuPont purchase this gene?

Probably to help us even more right?

So there's my source of information. Where's yours?

Edit: I should add that Monsanto has also patented the BT toxin and that people have tried to have Serum levels of this toxin tested before but couldn't due to it being patented. So not only is it suggested that Monsanto has crops producing a toxic substance but you aren't even allowed to know if this toxic substance is in your body. I can't find the source where I read this at so this is the only one I can't back up but I'm sure if you do some digging you might be able to find it. It's just an example of what will inevitably happen.

Let the destruction of humanity begin with patenting our genes. Soon we won't even have legal rights to our own bodies.

Edited by dz93, 02 August 2013 - 06:20 PM.

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#98 illuminatus104

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:51 PM

I think our bodies will adapt, well most of us and if you hadn't noticed whether preplanned/orchestrated the due to the growing world of humans, we need new plants that can handle the extremes we are seeing to help feed our 8.6 billion residents of the world plus about 3 trillion domesticated animals. You could say better use of lots/and new growing methods+global movement to go towards none wasting and better farming techniques is the answer, but since we know the world isn't going to do that (sad times). - I think then I'll take my chances with Giant alien eggplants over food riots, but hey that's just me. The technology will advance very quickly give it another decade or two and they will have all the kinks out of the science, BTW- I have been following GMOs (science wise since 05 and have seen most of the studies and have come to this conclusion.)

1 out of 2 males get cancer
33% of americans are obese

we'll be dead before we adapt (population control?)

So instead of doing it the right way, which is to fix how food is grown, you recommend we keep doing what we're doing and hope technology improves. Cool! It's like knowing McDonalds is bad for you, so you go to the doctor and get medicine instead of doing what you should have done in the first place - stop eating McDonalds! It's time to be preventative about this stuff instead of putting bandaids over the problem. bandaids seems to be the popular way most humans take care of things. It's so narrow minded, it's like everyone is walking around with binoculars over their eyes (figuratively...)

I somewhat agree the right way would work with a global unification movement, but without one, i see GMOs as a smart alternative for a lazy humanity and I know no one wants to be the one who gets sick from GMOs but people so quickly dismiss the + it is shocking. GMOs are infancy stages, it ls like the first cars, being released, vs the cars of today, the fact that humanity has taken to the car has tremendously pushed safety foreword, the kind of money going in GMOs i expect that it will be a safe science, but until then I shall avoid cooking with aluminum foil, eating apple skins and spending to much time in the sun/eating fast food. I bet GMOs are the least of our concerns, okay... not the least but i think the bad PR is over kill &^btw-I FULLY SUPPORT LABELING on all items containing GMOs, until it is 100% proven safe.

I see educating the public on not being lazy fucks being a much better alternative. Not only will our food supply be improved, but society as a whole! Again, that's putting a bandaid over a deep gash.

GMO's are partially responsible (in my opinion) for the astronomical cancer rates we're seeing. GMOs are certainly responsible for the health crisis we're in. If health isn't on the top of your list of important things, then I have no idea what you're thinking. You can't be happy without health. You're not ambitious if you're not happy. Research suggests that the elevated levels of Omega-6 from rbst actually cause DEPRESSION. This shit is no joke dude, if you've done as much research as you've said, you'd know this. GMOs will NEVER be proven safe BECAUSE they are not! The evidence is right in front of your face, look at how much Americans lack health. It's horrifying! You can't expect unhealthy, depressed people to be productive. I don't think you understand the importance of health and how it impacts your life.

There really is no argument for GMOs right now. None. If companies want to investigate them, then fine, have at it. But I'm not interested in being a fucking guinea pig because some assholes want to make millions of dollars.

Obviously, this topic aggravates the shit out of me. I'll never comprehend the complacency people show with this sort of stuff. You are being poisoned! Your health is being stolen from you because .0001% of the population wants MORE POWER. This should upset every living person, but nobody seems to give a damn.

Edited by illuminatus104, 02 August 2013 - 07:54 PM.

#99 Ark

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:59 PM

GMOs are good in moderation, i can't stress how much you guys miss my points. BTW! Can you really link all the problems for-sure to GMOs as if there are studies that test what your saying in a large base without any other factors, remember studies tend to lean towards what the studiers want to see. I'm not trolling, these are my views, you guys shouldn't get so heated when someone thinks differently about a subject. The tone in this thread towards anyone PRO GMO is retarded, and more so the fact I said I believe that with time it will become the solution for the future, and noted that there are still some kinks to work out. +++++891-8888```11111-88888````9999`````11111---681`````` I am out, you guys are some anti GMO media tools, this is just the new big thing to jump behind, give it a chance and some time and I promise you, you'll reevaluate your biased views.

#100 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:02 PM

i think gmo porn coming next. 4 instead of the usual 2. do you think quadruple would be the ge norm. cats birth 6 at a time right? i bet this would get a lot of guys excited. hahaha.... moo moo porno...O_o... is this the future you want? lol.

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Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 02 August 2013 - 08:08 PM.

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#101 illuminatus104

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:05 PM

GMOs are good in moderation, i can't stress how much you guys miss my points. BTW! Can you really link all the problems for-sure to GMOs as if there are studies that test what your saying in a large base without any other factors, remember studies tend to lean towards what the studiers want to see. I'm not trolling, these are my views, you guys shouldn't get so heated when someone thinks differently about a subject. The tone in this thread towards anyone PRO GMO is retarded, and more so the fact I said I believe that with time it will become the solution for the future, and noted that there are still some kinks to work out. +++++891-8888```11111-88888````9999`````11111---681`````` I am out, you guys are some anti GMO media tools, this is just the new big thing to jump behind, give it a chance and some time and I promise you, you'll reevaluate your biased views.

You need to define "good", lets not argue over semantic misinterpretations

There are numerous posts in this thread linking GMOs to health problems. It is IMPOSSIBLE to create a test with NO other factors. The air is contaminated, the water is contaminated, we're all exposed to radiation daily. These might also be a factors in these experiments. The earth is contaminated, there is no such thing as a perfect study. With this in mind, all pro-gmo tests are invalidated then.

You're going to leave this thread because what you're arguing holds no weight? ok

Edited by illuminatus104, 02 August 2013 - 08:09 PM.

#102 dz93

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:07 PM

I think our bodies will adapt, well most of us and if you hadn't noticed whether preplanned/orchestrated the due to the growing world of humans, we need new plants that can handle the extremes we are seeing to help feed our 8.6 billion residents of the world plus about 3 trillion domesticated animals. You could say better use of lots/and new growing methods+global movement to go towards none wasting and better farming techniques is the answer, but since we know the world isn't going to do that (sad times). - I think then I'll take my chances with Giant alien eggplants over food riots, but hey that's just me. The technology will advance very quickly give it another decade or two and they will have all the kinks out of the science, BTW- I have been following GMOs (science wise since 05 and have seen most of the studies and have come to this conclusion.)

1 out of 2 males get cancer
33% of americans are obese

we'll be dead before we adapt (population control?)

So instead of doing it the right way, which is to fix how food is grown, you recommend we keep doing what we're doing and hope technology improves. Cool! It's like knowing McDonalds is bad for you, so you go to the doctor and get medicine instead of doing what you should have done in the first place - stop eating McDonalds! It's time to be preventative about this stuff instead of putting bandaids over the problem. bandaids seems to be the popular way most humans take care of things. It's so narrow minded, it's like everyone is walking around with binoculars over their eyes (figuratively...)

I somewhat agree the right way would work with a global unification movement, but without one, i see GMOs as a smart alternative for a lazy humanity and I know no one wants to be the one who gets sick from GMOs but people so quickly dismiss the + it is shocking. GMOs are infancy stages, it ls like the first cars, being released, vs the cars of today, the fact that humanity has taken to the car has tremendously pushed safety foreword, the kind of money going in GMOs i expect that it will be a safe science, but until then I shall avoid cooking with aluminum foil, eating apple skins and spending to much time in the sun/eating fast food. I bet GMOs are the least of our concerns, okay... not the least but i think the bad PR is over kill &^btw-I FULLY SUPPORT LABELING on all items containing GMOs, until it is 100% proven safe.

I see educating the public on not being lazy fucks being a much better alternative. Not only will our food supply be improved, but society as a whole! Again, that's putting a bandaid over a deep gash.

GMO's are partially responsible (in my opinion) for the astronomical cancer rates we're seeing. GMOs are certainly responsible for the health crisis we're in. If health isn't on the top of your list of important things, then I have no idea what you're thinking. You can't be happy without health. You're not ambitious if you're not happy. Research suggests that the elevated levels of Omega-6 from rbst actually cause DEPRESSION. This shit is no joke dude, if you've done as much research as you've said, you'd know this. GMOs will NEVER be proven safe BECAUSE they are not! The evidence is right in front of your face, look at how much Americans lack health. It's horrifying! You can't expect unhealthy, depressed people to be productive. I don't think you understand the importance of health and how it impacts your life.

There really is no argument for GMOs right now. None. If companies want to investigate them, then fine, have at it. But I'm not interested in being a fucking guinea pig because some assholes want to make millions of dollars.

Obviously, this topic aggravates the shit out of me. I'll never comprehend the complacency people show with this sort of stuff. You are being poisoned! Your health is being stolen from you because .0001% of the population wants MORE POWER. This should upset every living person, but nobody seems to give a damn.

This is exactly how I feel. As soon as I got out of highschool I started working on my health and compared to others I graduated with (It hasn't even been two years) I can already see what tole is being taken on people. So I've been learning as much as I can about the mind, body, and spirit and health in general. It's all connected. I would have never learned about this stuff if I didn't have an open mind. My friend in highschool was desperately trying to get me to understand what's going on politically and I never cared to even know because I didn't think it affected me. Boy was I wrong. The lesson I learned was to never ever deny something until you can prove it wrong yourself. And I've been having a very hard time proving myself wrong about my views on GMO's.

#103 Ark

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:17 PM

I believe that parts of the world where current farming techniques can be modified naturally to produce higher yields should be done, to keep the bio-diversity, But at the moment there are more places non- farmable places in the world then farmable, with future GMO strains it will be possible to turn these non - farmable places in bread baskets for the world. = all the problems can be worked out within 8 years, and when they do finish these 98% safe GMO strains, I hope you guys give this a rest, 8)
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#104 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 02 August 2013 - 08:19 PM

I believe that parts of the world where current farming techniques can be modified naturally to produce higher yields should be done, to keep the bio-diversity, But at the moment there are more places non- farmable places in the world then farmable, with future GMO strains it will be possible to turn these non - farmable places in bread baskets for the world. = all the problems can be worked out within 8 years, and when they do finish these 98% safe GMO strains, I hope you guys give this a rest, 8)

but the problem is higher yield claim was a hoax. hahaha...
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#105 Logic

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Posted 03 August 2013 - 09:13 PM

I think our bodies will adapt, well most of us and if you hadn't noticed whether preplanned/orchestrated the due to the growing world of humans, we need new plants that can handle the extremes we are seeing to help feed our 8.6 billion residents of the world plus about 3 trillion domesticated animals. You could say better use of lots/and new growing methods+global movement to go towards none wasting and better farming techniques is the answer, but since we know the world isn't going to do that (sad times). - I think then I'll take my chances with Giant alien eggplants over food riots, but hey that's just me. The technology will advance very quickly give it another decade or two and they will have all the kinks out of the science, BTW- I have been following GMOs (science wise since 05 and have seen most of the studies and have come to this conclusion.)

The assumption that GMOs produce more food per hectare may be incorrect:

The aggressive way in which Monsanto is pushing its wares is also very worrying, as are the high level contacts it has on its side:

When one joins all the dots you cant help but come to the conclusion that Monsanto et-al are well set up to cause the extinction of all plants except theirs. As you cant eat money that would give them more power over everyone than all the nukes in the world. That is really scary.
Burying your head in the ground because thinking about the possibility is depressing is the option taken by the majority. As the average global IQ is 88.44; the majority are idiots.

So have a really shitty, depressing day doing your own research people.
I don't think China and some other countries set fire to large quantities of GMO corn? based on the advice of the village idiot!

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#106 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 05 August 2013 - 12:44 AM

14-year-old teen GMO activist schools ignorant TV host on human rights, food labeling


dunno if that leary dude paid off by monsanto or just bent on accusing the girl of something. the girl already stated shes for responsible science with proper testing which enough evidence pointed as sorely lacking .

but i dunno if leary's confused with the debate or what, tried to imply shes misguided and in need of redemption.

this case a good reminder there all kind of people out there whether brided or just baised supporter.

its like saying a stupid cult convincing people that jumping off a cliff going to take you to a higher plane of existence, and it's debatable whether outsiders should intervene. but when they try to force non-believers to jump off cliff too, then we have a problem people. lol.

Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 05 August 2013 - 12:51 AM.

#107 Logic

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Posted 06 August 2013 - 01:18 PM

Foods We’ll Lose When Bees Are Gone

•Kiwi Fruit
•Rose Hips
•Black and Red Currants
•Prickly Pear
•Passion Fruit
•Lima Beans
•Kidney Beans
•Adzuki Beans
•Green Beans
•Orchid Plants
•Custard Apples
•Acerola – used in Vitamin C supplements
•Macadamia Nuts
•Sunflower Oil
•Goa beans
•Palm Oil
•Star Apples
•Brazil Nuts
•Mustard Seed
•Brussels Sprouts
•Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage)
•Congo Beans
•Sword beans
•Chili peppers, red peppers, bell peppers, green peppers
•Black Eyed Peas

Now what herbs that your fav supps are made of will disappear?
What other insect pollinators are being killed?

#108 dz93

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Posted 07 August 2013 - 04:04 AM

Foods We'll Lose When Bees Are Gone

•Kiwi Fruit
•Rose Hips
•Black and Red Currants
•Prickly Pear
•Passion Fruit
•Lima Beans
•Kidney Beans
•Adzuki Beans
•Green Beans
•Orchid Plants
•Custard Apples
•Acerola – used in Vitamin C supplements
•Macadamia Nuts
•Sunflower Oil
•Goa beans
•Palm Oil
•Star Apples
•Brazil Nuts
•Mustard Seed
•Brussels Sprouts
•Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage)
•Congo Beans
•Sword beans
•Chili peppers, red peppers, bell peppers, green peppers
•Black Eyed Peas

Now what herbs that your fav supps are made of will disappear?
What other insect pollinators are being killed?

That's why we need GMO bees to survive the GMO plants. I wonder how much that'll cost.

#109 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 12 August 2013 - 11:58 PM

That's why we need GMO bees to survive the GMO plants. I wonder how much that'll cost.

sounds drastic...that like making humans resistant to radiation...

#110 dz93

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Posted 14 August 2013 - 01:34 AM

That's why we need GMO bees to survive the GMO plants. I wonder how much that'll cost.

sounds drastic...that like making humans resistant to radiation...

Well why not. Instead of fixing the problems we caused lets change our biochemistry to compensate. It may cost more and people who don't have enough money to do so will die but oh well.

Sarcasm obviously.
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#111 adak

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Posted 14 August 2013 - 03:55 AM

Maney plants on the list are self pollinating.

Foods We'll Lose When Bees Are Gone

•Kiwi Fruit
•Rose Hips
•Black and Red Currants
•Prickly Pear
•Passion Fruit
•Lima Beans
•Kidney Beans
•Adzuki Beans
•Green Beans
•Orchid Plants
•Custard Apples
•Acerola – used in Vitamin C supplements
•Macadamia Nuts
•Sunflower Oil
•Goa beans
•Palm Oil
•Star Apples
•Brazil Nuts
•Mustard Seed
•Brussels Sprouts
•Bok Choy (Chinese Cabbage)
•Congo Beans
•Sword beans
•Chili peppers, red peppers, bell peppers, green peppers
•Black Eyed Peas

Now what herbs that your fav supps are made of will disappear?
What other insect pollinators are being killed?

#112 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 14 August 2013 - 04:35 AM

That's why we need GMO bees to survive the GMO plants. I wonder how much that'll cost.

sounds drastic...that like making humans resistant to radiation...

Well why not. Instead of fixing the problems we caused lets change our biochemistry to compensate. It may cost more and people who don't have enough money to do so will die but oh well.

Sarcasm obviously.

now you starting to sound like bill gates, lol. how much truth do you think there is on his vaccine program to wipe out third world poor folks?

on " people not having enough money and dying out", you know that like 99% of the global population. ok so i stretched 99 a bit too far but you get the point.

as jeffrey smith often mentions, " surprise side effects", i beleive that a sound concern. there what little research already uncovered, and then there what 's not known. there was this case involving some company trying to make gm mosquites to wipe out malaria or something by making them sterile through mating to induce some diseases or something. but like this concern was cited that they could acquire immunity through some chemcial that not some uncommon in nature. and who knows how things would evolve if that happens.

i should also point out this out. i beleive bt was accidently discovered when monsanto rounduped something and found out this wonder bacteria was resistant. then their light blubs went off," holy mother.... lets turn this into cash cow." "cha ching... $$$". and that how we got roundup ready soy, corn , canola and all those other sheet.

you really wanna go down that path? you gotta becareful of this sheet. i understand what you saying, that we should protect ourselves. but this is extreme and should only be considered in most extreme scenario.

monsanto whole motivation been to put profit over consumer safety by fraudalent testing or disregarding testing. it wasn't done for the benefit of humanity. GE can be good if it is aim for humanity's benefit through gradual testing and moving forward, not rushing like you anxious to make a lot of money. monsanto is evil and been poisoning all of us.

Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 14 August 2013 - 04:45 AM.

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#113 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 16 August 2013 - 11:22 PM



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Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 16 August 2013 - 11:27 PM.

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#114 Ark

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Posted 17 August 2013 - 11:30 AM


Engineered Golden Rice May Be Planted Soon In Philippines
The genetically engineered rice has had a long journey to from lab to bowl.
By Francie Diep
Posted 08.06.2013 at 12:16 pm

Golden Rice and White Rice Photo taken in 2011 International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Nearly 15 years after its invention, farmers in the Philippines could start growing golden rice within a year, the BBC reports. But much depends on what national regulators will say after Filipino scientists submit their rice samples for approval in a few weeks.

Golden rice, which is genetically modified to produce vitamin A, has had a tortuous journey from lab to field. Soon after its invention, media reports billed it as a savior for kids in developing countries suffering from vitamin A deficiency, the number-one cause of preventable blindness in children worldwide. At the same time, however, genetic engineering opponents such as Greenpeace launched campaigns against the technology. Consistent opposition against genetically modified crops has delayed every step of golden rice's development, as Science magazine reported in 2008.

Golden rice continues to see opposition in the Philippines. Opponents worry that the rice will cross-pollinate with non-modified plants, which they say has unknown consequences. (The BBC report cites worries that the modified rice will threaten "the nation's food security," but it's unclear if that means cross-pollination may cause non-modified rice to die or what.) Opponents also say there are better ways of relieving vitamin A deficiency, such as encouraging farmers to grow and eat other vegetables. The Philippine government's campaigns to fortify flour, instant noodles and other staples have already dramatically reduced vitamin A deficiency in the country.

Field Tests: Antonio Alfonso, project leader for the Philippine Rice Research Institute, harvests some golden rice. Photo taken in 2011. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Philippine governmental authorities will evaluate the rice's "food safety, feed safety, environmental safety, safety to humans, safety to animals, all these are considered," Antonio Alfonso, the lead scientist for the Philippine Rice Research Institute, told the BBC. The Philippine Rice Research Institute is a branch of the International Rice Research Institute, which studies golden rice. The government has no official position on the high-tech grain, the BBC reports.

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#115 Exception

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 06:25 PM

Here is a short essay I've written about GMOs that I've gotten published on a campus newspaper's website and have scheduled to be published by a local zine.

I am addressing this editorial to all people who consider themselves progressive with regard to politics. I define my own political views as, among other things, as progressive, and I define “progressive” as the desire to make the world a better place for all of humanity. I consider making the world a better place to be one of my most defining goals in my life.

In pursuit of this goal, I would like the opportunity to appeal to other progressives regarding a specific political issue that I believe many of us have gotten wrong. This is the issue of genetically modified organisms. The viewpoint I am advocating against is “All GMOs are bad.” This is a common view, but it is a view that is fundamentally flawed.

First, I wish to emphasize the lack of intellectual rigor behind most of the common arguments against genetic modification technology. Perhaps the most repeated argument against such crops is that they are associated with corporations like Monsanto that have an alleged history of scandal. While this may be true, the argument is a clear association fallacy. We cannot postulate that a technology is bad because the people who use it are bad. If that were true, it would logically hold that computers are bad because the Nazi Enigma machines were the state of the art computers of the day, which is of course ridiculous.

Another common argument against genetic modification is that GMOs are bad because they are unnatural. This is a clear naturalistic fallacy. If one may argue “X is bad because X is unnatural,” we would have to conclude that all technology is bad, which would be absurd.

Finally, many anti-GMO advocates argue that genetic modification is wrong because it is “gross.” This is an emotional argument. If we were follow the logic that things should be legislated against because some people are personally disgusted by them, we would be forced to intrude into many people’s personal lives and discriminate against people with alternative lifestyles. The fact that the emotion of disgust used to be used to advocate against same-sex marriage is a good illustration of how it is not a good guide for public policy.

Now, I wish to discuss the extent to which agricultural biotechnology has been adopted worldwide. Ever since GM crops were first planted in 1996, the acreage planted has grown every year. In 2012, 170 million acres of GM crops were planted. This makes GM crops “the fasted adopted crop technology in modern agriculture” according to the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications. Many opponents of GM have argued that market forces would prevent the technology from benefitting the poor. Despite this objection, of the 17.3 million farmers that grew GM crops in 2012, over 15 million were small, poor farmers from the developing world. Genetically modified crops are currently being grown on all six inhabited continents, including four nations in Africa.

Finally I wish to address the fact that agricultural biotechnology carries the endorsement of Norman Borlaug, who was a Nobel laureate for his work to end world hunger and arguably the greatest agricultural scientist of all time. According to Borlaug, GMOs carry many potential advantages including:

1. Reduced need for pesticide.
2. More efficient use of fertilizer.
3. More efficient use of water. (more “crop per drop”)
4. Greater tolerance of acidic and alkaline soils.
5. Greater tolerance of heat, cold, and drought.
6. Greater resistance to viral and fungal diseases.
7. Greater nutritional profiles.
8. Greater yield per acre.

These advantages mean that GMOs will help humanity meet its growing need for food over the next few decades while minimizing the amount of pristine wilderness that must be converted into farmland. Reducing the global demand for crops is virtually impossible unless unrealistic and utopian dreams of global veganism come to fruition. Therefore any technology that increases yield per acre reduces the amount of rainforest that must go under the plow. Between 1996 and 2011, agricultural biotechnology reduced the demand for farmland by 108.7 million hectares.

Despite all these advantages, I do not wish to downplay the policy challenges that GM technology presents us with. The international community, thus far, has allowed the vast majority of GM research & development to be undertaken by the private sector. This means we must have a rational debate about how long GM companies should be allowed to patent their inventions, how the technology ought to be regulated, and whether or not the public sector should conduct some of its own R&D.

In conclusion, I believe that knee-jerk anti-GMO ideologies are not the path to a more just and sustainable world. If we truly do wish to leave a better planet to future generations, genetic modification technology must be a part of it.


Borlaug, N, E. (2000) Ending World Hunger. The Promise of Biotechnology and the Threat of Antiscience Zealotry. Plant Physiology. Vol, 124. No, 2. Pp, 487-490.
Borlaug, N, E. (2002) Feeding a World of Ten Billion People: The Miracle Ahead. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Vol, 38. No, 2. Pp, 221-228.
Borlaug, N, E. (2007) Sixty-Two Years of Fighting Hunger: Personal Recollections. Euphytica. Vol, 157. Pp, 287-297.
Hesser, L. (2010) The Man Who Fed The World: Nobel peace prize laurate Norman Borlaug and his battle to end world hunger. New York, New York: Park East Press.
James, C. (2012) Brief 44 – Executive Summary: Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2012. International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications.
Shiva, V. (2000) Stolen Harvest. Brooklyn, New York: South End Press.
Shiva, V. (Ed.) (2007) Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed. Brooklyn, New York: South End Press

Edited by Earth Citizen, 26 August 2013 - 06:30 PM.

#116 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 11 October 2013 - 06:12 AM

hey i mean if monsanto and it's friends can discredit a big shot like Árpád Pusztai, they can have no trouble discrediting opponents to gmo here.

"Árpád Pusztai (8 September 1930) is a Hungarian-born biochemist and nutritionist who spent 36 years at the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, Scotland. He is a world expert on plant lectins, authoring 270 papers and three books on the subject. In 1998 Pusztai publicly announced that the results of his research showed feeding genetically modified potatoes to rats had negative effects on their stomach lining and immune system. This led to Pusztai being suspended and his annual contract was not renewed. The resulting controversy became known as the Pusztai affair."
Pusztai's annual contract at Rowett was not renewed following the incident and he moved back to Hungary. He has been giving lectures on his GE potato work and on claimed dangers in general of genetic engineering of crop plants.[11] In 2005, he received the Whistleblower Award from the German Section of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and the Federation of German Scientists (VDW).[1][12] In 2009, Pusztai and his wife received the Stuttgart peace prize (Stuttgarter Friedenspreis).[13][14] "

- http://en.wikipedia....Árpád_Pusztai


and if gmo was not a concern, what the heck was obama talking about in 07?


Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 11 October 2013 - 06:37 AM.

#117 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 02:39 PM



it doesn't really matter now, these destructive bastards are finish anyways. it's only how long they can hold on now and cleaning up their mess... :dry:

Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 14 November 2013 - 02:41 PM.

#118 evolvedhuman2012

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 03:13 PM


"most evil corporation "in 2013 poll, how about that?

with a rep like that, one can really go places in life... :laugh:

one can only wonder why proponents here spoke in their favor... :|?

Edited by evolvedhuman2012, 14 November 2013 - 03:16 PM.

#119 dz93

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Posted 14 November 2013 - 06:07 PM

Oh it's not over yet.


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#120 Ark

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Posted 28 November 2013 - 12:57 PM

check out out this http://www.actionbio.../margawati.html

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