This stuff definitely has it's ups and downs. For those of you who don't know, 5-htp is a serotonin pre-cursor.
It has worked wonders as a sleep aid, and worked well for decreasing cravings, whether it be for sugary food, or porn. 5-HTP is also a melatonin pre-cursor, and seems to be more effective to me than taking plain melatonin.
Downsides: My sleep is so deep that I oversleep, and I also have began to feel very drained of energy. I have read 5-htp can deplete dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
Mental/Physical Energy Motivation:
I didn't think it would be that bad honestly, but since I weight lift multiple times a weak, this supplement is doing me more harm than good. On a typical weight lifting day my workout is split into 5 sections. After taking 5-htp the night before I barely have enough energy to get through 1 section, and that is a serious problem, because of this I am quitting 5-htp all together.
5-htp is known to decrease hunger and cravings for food. Since I weight lift I try to eat a set number of calories every day, regardless of how hungry I am. Right now I have it set up so I loose weight and my muscles become more defined, which has been showing results for the past weeks in that I can maintain very defined muscles. The past 2 days since taking 5-HTP it appears as though I have become bloated almost, or just put on more weight in general, as I can no longer see my abs. Since I have not eaten anything extra, I can assume this is because 5-HTP slowed my metabolism down, which would also explain the depletion of appetite and energy.
Kind of pissed my workouts for the week were ruined, but oh well, I'll recover. 5-HTP does seem to be a good mood lifter and relaxer, for those who suffer with depression.... though that is if you don't care about being low on energy as long as you're happy, relaxed, and in a good mood.