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Nefiracetam, seriously underrated racetam/nootropic?

racetam nmda glutamate ps waves

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#31 SnowFlake

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Posted 10 May 2013 - 09:30 AM

Bummer they only sell in 100g amounts. I was hoping to trial some over summer with intensive classes.

I usually don't like to mention vendors unless it's an review thread concerning vendors, but I picked my 25 grams from the relatively reputable ebay vendor called Vantagecc. The product is extremely pure. I have tried Nefi in the dose range of anything from 150mg to a little over 700mg. Too much makes you really drowsy and sleepy. I found my sweet spot to be at somewhere in the 250-350 mg range.

How would you describe that sweet spot?

Too little and I do not really experience anything. Too much and I feel like I'm falling asleep, feel very dull and unmotivated. I also may experience some impatience and short-temperedness when dealing even with my most close everyday human connections. My driving is impaired. It almost feels like I'm driving for the very first time.

The sweet spot is just great for studying and does not cause any of the negative effects I mentioned above. I feel calm, patient, motivated, very calculative and clear in the head while I stay fully awake without that annoying drowsiness I get when I cross the 500mg border. The prime time for studying is about an hour after ingestion (orally). I tend to get an annoying "hit" from Nefi and Noopept around 20-40 minutes after ingestion (depending on stomach contents) and my focus actually gets a little worse for a while. Fast forward 20 minutes or so and that annoying effect wears off and is replaced with clear headedness. The "sought after effects" wear off really slowly and I really haven't been able to tell when the effects have worn off completely.

I found Nefi to have great synergy with noopept. I have been on a relatively high daily intake of noopept (100mg per day) for quite an while now without any negative effects. I've sometimes taken days off from both nefi and noopept (or only one of them) to see if any cognitive withdrawal would be noticeable. However, I have not experienced any withdrawal from either.

As for me, the GABA down regulation has not been an issue with this dose range of Nefiracetam. (no side effects / withdrawal)

#32 mait

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Posted 10 May 2013 - 08:12 PM

I am itching to try out nefiracetam, but the toxicity findings still concern me.

A nice study here: Chronic exposure of rats to cognition enhancing drugs produces a neuroplastic response identical to that obtained by complex environment rearing.

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#33 medievil

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 06:46 PM

I am itching to try out nefiracetam, but the toxicity findings still concern me.

A nice study here: Chronic exposure of rats to cognition enhancing drugs produces a neuroplastic response identical to that obtained by complex environment rearing.

Its been safely trialled in humans and you can check test levels to see wheter any toxicity occurs (before its permanent).

#34 mait

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 07:09 PM

I am itching to try out nefiracetam, but the toxicity findings still concern me.

A nice study here: Chronic exposure of rats to cognition enhancing drugs produces a neuroplastic response identical to that obtained by complex environment rearing.

Its been safely trialled in humans and you can check test levels to see wheter any toxicity occurs (before its permanent).

The problem here is that I have no access to testosterone test in my home country just as that. But I ordered 5g of it and try it out at 100mg per day with rosemary and Curculigo orchioides that have shown testicular and kidney protective effects.

#35 mait

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Posted 16 May 2013 - 11:35 AM

100mg nefiracetam seems to stack really really well with aniracetam. I type faster and my thinking during writing or doing data analysis work seem to be a bit more coherent and I seem to be able to concentrate a tad better than usually. yadayada - how have been your experience with nefiracetam so far?

Edited by mait, 16 May 2013 - 12:05 PM.

#36 chris106

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 11:32 PM

Very interesting! I still have an allmost full bag of Nefi from NSN lying around :)

I stopped a few months back due to the whole testicular-debate, but having tried varous things in the meantime, I'm ready to give it a go again. Also with the risks not yet fully certified, it seems like a perfect candidate as a potent substitute to use when cycling of other substances/stacks.

And since I'm also finicking around with Armodafinil again at the moment ( trying to take the edge of it and increase effectiveness), I might as well try combining the two to see how that goes.
Today, catecholamine- precursors and co-factors, L-Theanine and Piracetam made for a suprisingly well working combo with Armoda in that regard - so tomorrow I will try the exact same thing, except with Nefi instead of Pira.

Will let you guys know how that works!

#37 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 05:29 PM

I took nefiracetam again today and it has a very normalizing effect on me. It just makes you sharper and more in touch with reality if that means anything.

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#38 jroseland

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 11:54 AM

Seriously under rated? More like seriously over rated.


The risk profile of Nefiracetam makes it inappropriate for usage as a long term option for Biohackers. I'm grasping for any kind of end benefit this offers that safer, more establish Racetams don't do better.
For memory Piracetam
For focus Oxiracetam
For enhanced cognition Pramiracetam
For anti-anxiety Aniracetam
As for Nefiracetam, pass on it.



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