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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#1 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:12 PM

7/20/2016 Check out my new website on Revolutionary Cognitive Enhancement here! http://www.lostfalco.com/


3/27/2014 My current recommendations are here. http://www.longecity...ts/#entry582938

The rest of this post remains as originally written. Enjoy! =)

So...I've decided that I prefer cooperation/collaboration to competition. Life's just better that way. With that in mind I want to share with you some of my brain enhancement attempts as well as future experiments and ideas that I am pursuing. I've benefited immensely from reading countless others and I hope to contribute a little.

I also hope to get feedback from you guys and, hopefully, to get some of you experiment along with me in reasonable directions. Please forgive me if a lot of my ideas have been mentioned before...I'm sure they have. However, you might find a few things here to try out. Obviously, good diet, exercise, and sleep are givens. Alright, here go my ramblings...I'll try to at least mention a few studies here and there that you can google or research in pubmed but I'm going off the top of my head so be nice. =)

Pharmaceuticals--Modafinil, Ritalin, Adderall
Winner--Modafinil is my favorite noot overall. Enhances mood, working memory, and wakefulness for me. No tolerance in my case. Taken daily for 8 months, 200mg in morning. Long-term risk is unknown so use at your own discretion. Most people cycle, I've found no need so far but I will soon. No angry flaming rants, please. =)

Best Virtually Unknown Noot--Lasers, low-level laser therapy, led therapy, infrared therapy
Comments--I can't believe that everybody is not using this like crazy. It is awesome but hardly anyone mentions it. It is dose dependent and wavelength dependent. Please do your research before using. Look up the work of Karu, Hode, and Hamblin. Check out recent studies done at UT Austin (2013), Harvard, and MIT (2009). I use 808nm wavelength light to my forehead at 200 mW...it's called the Vetrolaser, and yes, it's for horses with tendon problems. ha I've also used the 660nm Tendlite with awesome results but 808 is my favorite. It increases mitchondrial function by adding energy at the cytochrome C oxidase receptor. I can study 14 hours per day without getting tired. Can't believe that more people don't rave about this. Has massively enhanced the lives of head injury and stroke victims. Highly recommended, very safe (wear goggles please!)

Neurosteroids--Pregnenolone, DHEA
Comments--Neurosteroids are a fascinating new (relatively) brain enhancement area. Pregnenolone is freaking magic for me. Older studies have shown safety at over 500mg per day but most of the time 50 will do. Everybody please practice minimum effective dosing! Megadosing is almost always ill advised. My principle is this: All is goldilocks. Not too hot, not too cold...just right. I realize this principle is mentioned ad nauseum in modern popular science writing so please forgive me. If I read another popular article about quantum physics that quotes Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance' or another neuroscience book that mentions Phineas Gage then I am going to punch a koala. Seriously. ha

Epigenetic enhancement--Sodium Butyrate, Trichostatin A, SAHA
Comments--Sodium butyrate has been excellent for me so far. Epigenetics is about to change the world so please get on board if you are not already. It involves changing in gene 'expression' without changing the underlying DNA and is ridiculously easy to do compared to gene splicing, etc. You can also increase your body's natural sodium butyrate production by eating fiber. The fiber causes your gut bacteria to release sodium butyrate with is an HDAC2 inhibitor which has been shown to massively increase learning and intelligence (mostly in rodents so far though). Check out the work of the Picower Institute http://picower.mit.edu/ for more. NaB does have other effects besides impacting brain function so be careful.

Electricity--tDCS + D-cycloserine
Comments--repeated studies have shown that taking D-cycloserine 2 hours before doing tDCS causes the typical 1 hour after effects of tDCS to last for over 24 hours! Yup, that's real. This has been tested and verified in humans but, amazingly, I haven't seen any biohackers try it yet. I have a major concern about excitotoxicity on this one but I am ridiculously intrigued. Could I learn an entire semester's worth of info in a weekend? Maybe. Most of the testing has been done in the motor cortex, but I see no reason this wouldn't work in the dlpfc. Anybody tried this? I have my tDCS and a 10 pack of D-CYC in front of me but this is crazy risky. D-CYC has serious side effect potential and 24 hours of anodal excitability could very possibly fry one's brain. Not gonna try it without A LOT more knowledge. Ideas? Experiences? Would love some feedback on this intriguing idea.

Oxygen--Oxygen concentrator, Scuba gear, etc.
Comments--100% oxygen breathed for 3 minutes has been shown to increase oxygen blood levels and greatly increase learning...especially memorization and reaction time. Studies have also shown that 30% and 40% work as well. It seems that the dangers of oxygen mostly occur when someone breathes it for a much greater time than this. I really want to try this and will very soon. Any experiences from anybody here? I do worry about damage so feedback there would be greatly appreciated.

Neuropeptides--very fascinating. Little real data yet. Will keep watching.

Coffee--Bulletproof Coffee, coffee + grass-fed butter + MCT oil
Comments--have been drinking this for over a year now with very good results. Check out Dave Asprey's blog for an absurd amount of detail and experimentation with this coffee as well as brain enhancement in general. Overall, the guy is a must read. And btw, I have no affiliation with anybody or any product of any kind.

Sleep--valporic acid
Comments--read a recent study showing that this improves memory if taken right before bed. Anybody try this? Very interesting but I've heard bad things about valporic acid. Would love some feedback here.

Typical noots I've tried that did nothing for me...choline, racetams (pretty much all of them that are currently available), sunifiram, bacopa, binarual beats/isochronic beats

More future experiements--external trigeminal nerve stimulation (the first method of deep brain stimulation available without surgery, used for epilepsy patients, mostly while sleeping), CES stimulation for sleep consolidation, D-serine (has worked a little for me so far, but not great, more research needed), Nicotene (tried the gum, seems more like a temporary stim to be used very occasionally, more research), HeartMath heart rate variability training (good so far but nothing amazing, small addition to meditation at best), Dual n-back (pretty good, seems overhyped, done for 3 years, not very transferable imo, more research needed)

Alright, those are some of my preliminary thoughts. Please comment and make suggestions if you have any insights. I know that I have left out an insane number of things. Please be nice. :) This is all anecdotal and just one person's VERY limited experience and opinion. Please experiment with some of these if you are so inclined and let me know how it goes for you. I'm hoping we can continue this process of learning and growing as a group. Information wants to be free.

Edited by lostfalco, 20 July 2016 - 11:24 PM.

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#2 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:38 PM

Can you expand on the laser studies? What papers are you referencing?

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#3 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:49 PM

3/27/2014 My current recommendations/experimental directions

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, not a scientist, not an expert. ALL decisions are your exclusive responsibility. I do hope some of this info might help ya though. =)

My (humble/non-medical) Recommendations

TULIP = T.U.L.P. = The Ultimate Laser Protocol = Laser+PQQ+CoQ10 = Enhanced Mitochondria/ATP = Transformed Life

LLLT = Low Level Light Therapy

1. Laser (LLLT/Photobiomodulation): more efficient ATP production, neurogenesis, extended axonal branching
2. PQQ: more AND better mitochondria
3. CoQ10: more AND better mitochondrial output

Why ATP? It RUNS your body...esp. brain, liver, heart, kidneys (ie. important things).
Why mitochondria? You have TWO interacting genomes...mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) AND nuclear DNA (nDNA). Mitochondria (some individual cells have 1000+) provide the energy and the nucleus tells the energy where to go and what to build (the information...most of it, anyway).

How does LLLT work? Check out these short videos.

LLLT for Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussion, CTE

Laser Dosing Recommendations:
1. Remove glass cover and place LEDs directly on skin. They get a little warm, but nothing to worry about.
2. Laser whole brain, before bed
3. Start with 30 seconds per location. You can always increase. Minimum effective dosing is VERY important with LLLT.
4. 2 days on/1 day off OR every other day. DO NOT use every day. =)
5. 850nm, 96 LED, 9 individual "regions" on sides, top, and back of head AND 850nm, 48 LED, 5 individual spots on forehead along hairline (roughly).
Total Time: 7 minutes. Try this for 1 to 2 weeks before increasing dose time. (Note: ALL is currently provisional.)
96 LED array: http://www.ebay.com/...=item232c0ac99b
48 LED array: http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672

PQQ/CoQ10/Shilajit: http://www.amazon.co.../dp/B00DBYI6RQ/
PQQ: http://www.amazon.co...s/dp/B008OA99EQ
CoQ10 and Shilajit: http://www.amazon.co...B003VBK5RS/

Expectations: You will be tired after the first time for 2 to 24 hours. It's perfectly normal. You *might be slightly tired after future sessions (many aren't) but it will be much less. Analogy: cardio, weight training. Lift, rest, eat/drink/breathe correctly, come back stronger.
Results build over time, give it a few weeks. Also, be 100% prepared to tweak. Everyone is different.
Finally, NOTHING works for everyone. This is VERY fundamental (energy enhancement, ATP production, etc.) but is not the WHOLE story. Be safe and listen to your body. I wish you the best!

Here are the full texts of the five human studies:
1. http://dspace.mit.ed...le/1721.1/58558 (scroll to bottom to download full text pdf of pilot study)
2. http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2796659/ (non-controlled)
3. http://stroke.ahajou.../38/6/1843.long
4. http://stroke.ahajou.../40/4/1359.long

Gonzalez-Lima Summary Article

Hamblin Summary

Zawy's page

Nattzor's Self-Experiment and Gwern's Analysis

NOTE: I keep my theories transparent because my goal is NOT to create followers...my goal is to create colleagues. This is a group effort. My goal is NOT to create people who need me, it's to create people who SURPASS me. If you're looking for a 'guru', you've come to the wrong place. Research and contributions are always appreciated. WE surpass me (the understatement of the yottasecond). =)

I am a HUGE believer in respect and in acknowledging 'shoulders'. Here are a few people to whom I'm extremely grateful (sorry, I know I'm leaving out A LOT!) =)

Laser: Dave Asprey, Tiina Karu, Michael Hamblin, Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, Margaret Naeser, Fredric Schiffer
Supplements: Ward Dean, Michael Downey, Abelard Lindsay, OpaqueMind, Aarfai
Oxygen: Con Stough, Andrew Scholey, Lauren Owen, SC Chung
Water: Big Papa Chakra, Gerald Pollack
Resistant Starch: Joe Cohen, Richard Nikoley, Tim Steele
Theory: David Goodsell, Peter Hoffmann

Life Goal: enhance my brain AND the brains of as many people as are willing...then, turn our enhanced brains toward solving the shared problems of humanity (disease, natural disasters, poverty, hunger, etc...ie. misery).

Request: IF these protocols work for you, please use your new brain to help people. Of course, you may do as you please. =) (As though you need my permission! ha)

Edited by lostfalco, 27 March 2014 - 02:49 PM.

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#4 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:55 PM

MIT anecdotal study (Margaret A. Naeser et al, 2010)--2 brain injury patients used mixed wavelength diodes); UT Austin study (D.W. Barrett, 2013)--1064nm wavelength used, acts on same photoreceptor as 808nm wavelength, official published study in 'Neuroscience', the authors reference another study showing increased mood and depression effects from LLLT using 810nm by (Schiffer et al, 2009). Those should get you started. There is an extensive literature. It is only now being applied to the brain in real studies. So, take it for what it is worth. My own experiences have been awesome...but I'm just one person, n=1. The UT study is in healthy participants btw. If you try it let me know...n=2 is twice as good. (not really, but you get the point. ha)

Actually, I take that back...my girlfriend has benefited immensely from it too. I've been doing it for 5+ months. Brain injury patients used for 6+ years with no reported side effects. It's been around since the late 1960's for accelerated wound healing and tendon regrowth. A lot of fake overhyping in the past from certain types of people so be wary. As with everything, the 'dose makes the poison'...so dose response inverted U shaped curve applies here.

Edited by lostfalco, 19 September 2014 - 12:42 PM.

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#5 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:28 PM

How does it work on the brain? It's just light? Are you saying it penetrates the cranium? I don't see why someone should take something if they don't understand what it's doing to them. No offence.

But, the return seems high on this.

Do you put the flashlight in front of your head or mount it on a helmet with glasses on? Trying to picture this, lol.

Edited by yadayada, 28 April 2013 - 08:26 PM.

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#6 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:37 PM

Flashlight to head. 4 min per spot per UT Austin 2013 study parameters. 808-810 nm penetrates skin and bone up to two inches. Pubmed 'lllt' for recent study on penetration depth in animal flesh and bone.
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#7 Nattzor

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:38 PM

How does it work on the brain? It's just light? Are you saying it penetrates the cranium? I don't see why someone should take something if they don't understand what it's doing to them. No offence.

But, the return seems high on this.

Do you put the flashlight in front of your head or mount it on a helmet with glasses on? Trying to picture this, lol.

No idea what lasers he is using, but there is some therapy with laser in the ear (against depression), might be the same. There is also some hair loss treatments with lasers on the scalp.

#8 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:42 PM

Flashlight to head. 4 min per spot per UT Austin 2013 study parameters. 808-810 nm penetrates skin and bone up to two inches. Pubmed 'lllt' for recent study on penetration depth in animal flesh and bone.

Does this target the same areas as tDCS? Sorry for asking you, I'll read up on this latter once I finish my notes.

#9 Major Legend

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:58 PM

Isn't increased mitochondrial functioning associated with eventual reduction of lifespan?

#10 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:02 PM

It can. You can target any surface brain region. Light hits bone and diffuses somewhat so its not super focal...but there is a degree of targeting possible.
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#11 Major Legend

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:20 PM

Ah I see. That is quite an effort to augment your intelligence from so many angles, I am surprised at how little you have experimented with pharmaceuticals versus your experience with other novel technologies, or your intention to anyways.

The subject of epigenetics is very interesting - it is a field that needs much research at the moment, though without doubt I think it will prove that the ideas of traditional old fashion advice of eating well, living well and good environments generally lead to better health, i'm very interested in selectively controlling gene expression.

In regards to your oxygen curiosity, I would say - why not just increase blood flow to the brain instead? thats surely a much easier way to deliver oxygen rather than risk poisoning yourself, besides having a laser pointed at your head whilst wearing an oxygen mask - lol!
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#12 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:21 PM

Long term lllt appears very safe for mitochondria in thousands of studies since its discovery in the 1960s. As always however, human knowledge is very fallible. Read Karu, Hode, and Hamblin for more info and make your own risk/benefit assessment. I'm just a fellow 'educated guesser' and no guru...brain lllt is very new and reasonable caution is advisable.
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#13 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:26 PM

Really interesting,

Have you used hydergine?

#14 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:35 PM

Vasodilators have not been amazing for me...just decent. I have a bottle of Vinpocetine on my desk in front of me as we speak. An intriguing stack idea that I have never tried would be a vasodilator + oxygen + glucose + an ice bath....this would probably cause your head to explode. ha However, it is an interesting idea. Ice baths at about 50-60 degrees water temp cause your body to shunt most of your blood to your heart and brain. So, you could hyper-oxygenate your blood, add glucose to aid in glycolysis and then send it all to your brain (and heart, of course). Just an absurdly ridiculous curiosity I have...very likely not a good idea but who knows. btw, check pubmed for studies on glucose as a nootropic and also 30,40, and 100% oxygen as cognitive enhancers. An australian researcher named A. Scholey has done some work in this area that I have read. Are these healthy? Maybe, maybe not....actually probably not. However, there may be a healthy way to do them that is still effective in small doses. The poison is in the dose...ok, no more using that quote. ha
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#15 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:36 PM

Vasodilators have not been amazing for me...just decent. I have a bottle of Vinpocetine on my desk in front of me as we speak. An intriguing stack idea that I have never tried would be a vasodilator + oxygen + glucose + an ice bath....this would probably cause your head to explode. ha However, it is an interesting idea. Ice baths at about 50-60 degrees water temp cause your body to shunt most of your blood to your heart and brain. So, you could hyper-oxygenate your blood, add glucose to aid in glycolysis and then send it all to your brain (and heart, of course). Just an absurdly ridiculous curiosity I have...very likely not a good idea but who knows. btw, check pubmed for studies on glucose as a nootropic and also 30,40, and 100% oxygen as cognitive enhancers. An australian researcher named A. Scholey has done some work in this area that I have read. Are these healthy? Maybe, maybe not....actually probably not. However, there may be a healthy way to do them that is still effective in small doses. The poison is in the dose...ok, no more using that quote. ha
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#16 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:38 PM

Vasodilators have not been amazing for me...just decent. I have a bottle of Vinpocetine on my desk in front of me as we speak. An intriguing stack idea that I have never tried would be a vasodilator + oxygen + glucose + an ice bath....this would probably cause your head to explode. ha However, it is an interesting idea. Ice baths at about 50-60 degrees water temp cause your body to shunt most of your blood to your heart and brain. So, you could hyper-oxygenate your blood, add glucose to aid in glycolysis and then send it all to your brain (and heart, of course). Just an absurdly ridiculous curiosity I have...very likely not a good idea but who knows. btw, check pubmed for studies on glucose as a nootropic and also 30,40, and 100% oxygen as cognitive enhancers. An australian researcher named A. Scholey has done some work in this area that I have read. Are these healthy? Maybe, maybe not....actually probably not. However, there may be a healthy way to do them that is still effective in small doses. The poison is in the dose...ok, no more using that quote. ha

Sorry about the triple post
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#17 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:45 PM

Has anybody tried any two variable experiments with ice baths + a pharmaceutical? I'm sure there are some nootropics that are not very bioavailable that could be greatly enhanced this way. Maybe you only get a tiny amount of the drug but then you hop in an ice bath for 20 minutes and every little bit of the substance that gets into your bloodstream makes it to your brain. Thoughts? Experiences?
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#18 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:49 PM

I have not tried Hydergine
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#19 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:54 PM

Ah I see. That is quite an effort to augment your intelligence from so many angles, I am surprised at how little you have experimented with pharmaceuticals versus your experience with other novel technologies, or your intention to anyways.

The subject of epigenetics is very interesting - it is a field that needs much research at the moment, though without doubt I think it will prove that the ideas of traditional old fashion advice of eating well, living well and good environments generally lead to better health, i'm very interested in selectively controlling gene expression.

In regards to your oxygen curiosity, I would say - why not just increase blood flow to the brain instead? thats surely a much easier way to deliver oxygen rather than risk poisoning yourself, besides having a laser pointed at your head whilst wearing an oxygen mask - lol!

Lasers also act as vasodilators...so laser + oxygen could be very potent (insert Star Wars 'laser brain' joke here)
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#20 norepinephrine

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:03 PM

Although I have limited experience with ice baths for athletic recovery and emotional lifting, I do take a shower every day with water set on the coldest setting possible. It's definitely a very short-term wakefulness enhancer if my sleep wasn't optimal the night before, and a quick solution to boosting focus and mood.

Also, thanks for posting this thread - I'm always excited to see novel approaches to enhancing cognition.

Edited by norepinephrine, 28 April 2013 - 10:11 PM.

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#21 lostfalco

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:36 PM

Although I have limited experience with ice baths for athletic recovery and emotional lifting, I do take a shower every day with water set on the coldest setting possible. It's definitely a very short-term wakefulness enhancer if my sleep wasn't optimal the night before, and a quick solution to boosting focus and mood.

Also, thanks for posting this thread - I'm always excited to see novel approaches to enhancing cognition.

No problem! I'm glad you're enjoying the thread.

Agreed, cold showers are great. I've been trying face immersion in ice water, palm immersion, and foot immersion. These are very vein concentrated areas. Apparently you can cool down your core temp which reduces inflammation and accelerates your body's metabolism (to warm you back up). I've heard of the military using cooling vests and there is also a device called the Core Control Glove that was developed by Stanford's biology lab and used by their football team and now with the 49er's...through Jim Harbaugh...with reportedly good success. I looked at the studies and am a bit skeptical but not completely closed to the possibility. It's mainly for athletic performance but seems like it could enhance brain function as well.

#22 lostfalco

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:54 AM

Has anybody tried d-cycloserine + tDCS? Know anyone who has? 24 straight hours of accelerated learning sounds intriguing.

D-CYC is a partial agonist at the glycine site of NMDA receptors. D-serine is a full agonist at the same site and might work too. However, official human studies have only been done with 50 and 100mg of D-CYC. Safety profile was good at these doses but they limited stimulation plus med to once per week for five weeks. Pubmed d-cycloserine + tDCS for more info.

#23 dreth7

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:12 AM

Could you tell me more about Sodium Butyrate in your anecdotal experience.
HDAC inhibitors definitely look promising from the research perspective, but more often than not research doesn't carry though to the perceivable benefits realm. Also what have you perceived from pregnenolone?

#24 dreth7

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:26 AM

Although I have limited experience with ice baths for athletic recovery and emotional lifting, I do take a shower every day with water set on the coldest setting possible. It's definitely a very short-term wakefulness enhancer if my sleep wasn't optimal the night before, and a quick solution to boosting focus and mood.

Also, thanks for posting this thread - I'm always excited to see novel approaches to enhancing cognition.

No problem! I'm glad you're enjoying the thread.

Also, thanks for the interesting thread! :)

#25 lostfalco

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:56 AM

HDAC2 inhibitors currently look like the best candidate for learning and memory. Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to target HDAC2 alone yet. Sodium butyrate is the safest non-prescription option at the moment but it inhibits more than just HDAC2 so it's not ideal. I've experimented with Bodybio sodium butyrate taking 2 capsules with each meal. I've also taken it immediately after studying. I've noticed a little spaciness (reminded me of bacopa) but enhanced recall of word lists and recent articles read. To give you an idea...let's say I'd normally remember 6 out of 10 words on list, on NaB I'd remember 8 or 9. Nothing earth shattering, but consistently noticeable for me. Could it be placebo? Yep. Epigenetics is gonna be amazing...we just don't know that much yet.

I get extremely quick effects from pregnenolone. Half an hour to an hour after taking I get a feeling of very controlled energy...much different than jittery caffeine or that overstimulated amphetamine or nicotine rush. Just focus, clarity, and energy. It's fairly memory and mood enhancing for me as well. No irritable stim syndrome. It's kind of surprising that so little is known about the grandfather of all hormones...preg converts to dhea which converts to testosterone which converts to estrogen (more or less). Sounds like cortisol won the pr battle back in the 1950's when pregnenolone was being experimented with.
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#26 lostfalco

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 06:02 AM

Although I have limited experience with ice baths for athletic recovery and emotional lifting, I do take a shower every day with water set on the coldest setting possible. It's definitely a very short-term wakefulness enhancer if my sleep wasn't optimal the night before, and a quick solution to boosting focus and mood.

Also, thanks for posting this thread - I'm always excited to see novel approaches to enhancing cognition.

No problem! I'm glad you're enjoying the thread.

Also, thanks for the interesting thread! :)

Happy to contribute!

I hope you find something useful that you can use to improve your life. Let me know if you do. Theories are essential, but limited...the more experimenters we have the better! :)

#27 Psionic

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 09:16 AM

Anybody know where one can obtain d-cycloserine and Sodium Butyrate? These compounds looks very interesting and also very dificult to find..

#28 lostfalco

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 02:21 PM

Anybody know where one can obtain d-cycloserine and Sodium Butyrate? These compounds looks very interesting and also very dificult to find..

I bought BodyBio/E-Lyte Sodium Butyrate from Amazon. Tried the Cal/Mag version but didn't like it. I'd recommend just the 600mg, 100caps sodium butyrate. As with all supplements your mileage may vary.

D-cycloserine is prescription only. It has the potential for serious side effects at higher doses but seems pretty safe (relatively) in the 50-100mg range one day per week. I got 250mg capsules, poured out half of the CYC, closed the capsule back up and took it. Definitely felt it half an hour later...strong stuff. I did this just to test my reaction to D-CYC. Haven't tried it in combination with tDCS yet. Might be the first guinea pig on this one, but I'm extremely wary of excitotoxicity. If you're a neuroscientist or a medical student reading this any advice would be greatly appreciated. I enjoy being healthy.

btw, D-CYC is an antibiotic used for tuberculosis treatment so you must be aware of effects it might have on your gut biome. Extreme caution warranted.

#29 Erebus

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:18 PM

There's some very interesting research on epigenetics & how it relates to learning and memory. (Here's a very important one with potentially broad implications: http://www.sciencema...79/753.abstract)

There are also some HDAC inhibitors which have been investigated as nootropics: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/22771460
...But sodium butyrate does not belong among them. It is a terrible HDAC inhibitor, in vivo and in vitro. It has a half-life of 6.5 minutes, and its ic50 against HDAC1 is 175uM. Sodium phenylbutyrate is very nearly as bad. I wouldn't waste any time with either one of them.

(On a tangent, an interesting note: Short-chain fatty acids like butyrate are a major product of dietary fiber digestion -- and, in fact, they are the primary energy source in ruminants. You can get more butyrate merely by eating more fiber.)

Trichostatin A and SAHA are both interesting, but much harder to get. And SAHA seems to have a side-effect profile which befits its status as a last-ditch chemotherapy drug. It's not something to be taken lightly.

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#30 peakplasma

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Posted 29 April 2013 - 04:49 PM

I've noticed that a few members on this board have access to Valproic Acid - it is a HDAC inhibitor. Is valproic acid a viable alternative?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropic

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