The number one thing is speed. My thoughts are just lightning fast...way faster than they've ever been. The most interesting thing about it to me is that it's that way all the time. It's not like I dose in the morning and then slow down four hours later. This is part of what I mean when I say I feel changed. This just seems to be how I am now. It makes sense given the proposed effects of PQQ and photobiomodulation. I just have to make sure I get enough calories.
Ah I'm glad you mentioned that last part off the cuff, I think perhaps I had been under-eating in relation to the new metabolic demands now placed on my brain and body. I crashed earlier in the middle of the day, then when I woke up I remembered you'd written that and thought I may perhaps be hypoglycaemic or that some kind of bottleneck was going on in terms of energy usage in my brain. After that I ate a massive lunch and all of a sudden I'm alert again. I think the problem may perhaps be that I generally eat low-carb, yet the brains primary fuel source is glucose, and it's demand is probably being vastly upregulated by my wide-ranging application of TULIP. I know you're a big fan of Dave Asprey's work, and he incorporates the low-carb approach into his dietetic advice. I'm interested in what your overall approach to diet is (sorry, huge question I know.. maybe just some pointers so too much of your time is not wasted), and also whether or not you've found a need to ramp up the carbs on this regimen, or compensate in other areas?
The third thing I've noticed is actually related to the speed factor...sociability. Conversations are moving in slow motion for me now. I'm just ahead of the people I'm talking too. You know that feeling when the other person is talking and you are desperately searching your thoughts for what to say next? I just don't have that right now. I feel three steps ahead with multiple options at every step as to where I want to take the conversation. I made a very cute, fit doctor (she's probably 28) laugh so hard a few days ago that she pretty much started crying. She asked if I wanted to see her new car and go for a drive and I had to tell her I had a girlfriend (awkward). She said to call her if I was ever single. I've spent a number of years working on social skills, but this was just effortless. Regardless, my goal is not to sleep with a hundred people, it's to help a hundred patients.
It's interesting that you had this experience. I noticed that I seem to have greater social magnetism also, however I didn't attribute it to speed. In fact I haven't noticed too much of a speed increase, more of an increased fluency of thought. I mean, almost flawless; once a thought, spoken or otherwise, begins to flow its force remains unbroken and its much easier to weave explanations together skilfully on the fly. Though perhaps this is an increase in speed manifesting in a way, since my thought processes were somewhat fragmented before, which I hadn't really even noticed. Either way, I think the increase in mental energy is apparent to others - and it naturally comes off as a kind of confidence. Without wanting to sound too mystical I think the word radiance applies aptly here.
This brings me to my last point. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't stack amazingly well many of the traditional nootropics. Does anyone see any possible problems combining this with CILTEP? Anybody want to try it and report back?
I tried combining it with CILTEP and got a minor headache. Nothing too severe, but definitely out of the ordinary as I never get them. I have however used it on days inbetween laserings to good effect. I have a vague, potential hypothesis - cAMP overload
According to the PQQ wiki page -
- PQQ triggers the CREB signaling protein (cAMP-response element-binding protein), which plays a pivotal role in embryonic development and growth. It also beneficially interacts withhistones, proteins involved in the packaging and nuclear organization of cell DNA.[14] CREB also stimulates the growth of new mitochondria.
Two parts of the CILTEP stack also raise cAMP (forskolin) and inhibit it's degradation(PDE4 inhibitor of choice).
I think this four-fold action causes just way too much cAMP for the brain to deal with, causing headaches and other unpleasantries.