Hey guys! So I was wondering if (and how) anyone uses the LEDs (or lasers) before/during/after exercise...? I'm thinking about using them today for my weekly weight lifting session. I'm looking through some studies and I can only really extrapolate information from isolated results (such as measuring lactate levels or creatine kinase), but it seems promising. Many of the studies use treatments of 830nm and the LEDs are 850nm, so not far off (unless that actually is a significant difference and I'm flawed in my reasoning, lol). The studies typically show large reductions in lactate levels post exercise, as well as creatine kinase, and often times significant increases in amount of reps achieved (one study showed an increase in over 8 repetitions compared to the control group).
I was thinking about doing 30 second increments at different regions, probably four regions on my quads, basically encapsulating my entire thigh, one or two regions on each glute, and maybe my biceps or something. I was thinking about it at my chest but I have some reservations about that - would it someone penetrate deeply enough to affect any of my organs? That may (or may not) sound outrageous, but I'm just not trying to do anything I haven't seen in a well formed study, or that someone here hasn't tried with success.
Lastly, I also stimulated my pelvic floor, genital area, etc. two nights ago as others have spoken about. I'm wondering what the effects will be. Lol there were definitely some hormetic effects, though, but maybe I over did it. Yesterday, well, it just wasn't completely the same, let's just say it took more effort to do things. It wasn't impossible, but it was more difficult. Today it is back to normal, though, maybe even 'above normal'. I may continue to do it each time I use the LEDs at my head, sporadically through the week. I did it about 10 seconds per spot at like 6 spots down there, starting near the deep pelvic floor (the area that gets tightened if you do kegels).
Before I forget, I'll be posting a bunch of resources to the other threads later. I found some really interesting laser devices I might try and get for my birthday, and a bunch of red light photobiomodulation lectures, interviews, animated videos, books, etc. Some awesome information I'm going to delve into tonight. By the way, everyone should check out Ward Dean's site - he has an extensive mitochondrial series. I haven't looked at it, but I know Falco mentioned him so I decided to look him up, and I think there is a lot to learn. I believe we haven't even touched the surface of what we can do with TULIP (not that it isn't fantastic as is), but maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...
Edited by BigPapaChakra, 27 September 2013 - 06:22 PM.