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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#631 88LS

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 02:42 PM

Why not start doing tests to see the effects and not just "feel" it?

And a question, why didn't CoQ10 and MB work together?

Excellent point Nattzor! I've asked the best self-experimenter on the internet to blind himself (hopefully not with the laser), test LLLT/TULIP, and measure his results. He's seriously thinking about it. http://www.reddit.co...pplications_of/

Check out gwern's blog here. The dude is awesome. http://www.gwern.net

Here's his nootropic experiments section. http://www.gwern.net/Nootropics

Or, you know, you and everyone else can do it too. ;)

I'm planning on going 1 week on, 1 week off and measure, might blind it if I can.

Besides "feeling" awesome I can attest to the positive cognitive effects of this protocol by looking at my Dual-N-Back, Cambridge Brain Sciences and Lumosity scores, to name a few, and how I'm on top of my game and been putting up high scores for the last few weeks.

Trust me on this one, stop hating and just try it.
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#632 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 03:15 PM

so can you guys read my posts or was it not worth responding to lol

Edited by mettmett, 02 September 2013 - 03:27 PM.

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#633 lostfalco

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 03:23 PM

so can you guys read my posts or was it not worth responding too lol

haha Hey...I gave you a +1. I'll respond more soon. =)

I can't tell you how cool this is for me to hear though: "Thats all i have to say for now, keep up the good work everyone, this is definitely one of the best things that has happened to my life..."

#634 Nattzor

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 03:36 PM

Or, you know, you and everyone else can do it too. ;)

I'm planning on going 1 week on, 1 week off and measure, might blind it if I can.

Besides "feeling" awesome I can attest to the positive cognitive effects of this protocol by looking at my Dual-N-Back, Cambridge Brain Sciences and Lumosity scores, to name a few, and how I'm on top of my game and been putting up high scores for the last few weeks.

Trust me on this one, stop hating and just try it.

Where am I hating? I've already ordered LED and has been quite active compared to most on reddit about this and quite active here. So stopp assuming stuff and/or trolling.
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#635 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 03:38 PM

so can you guys read my posts or was it not worth responding too lol

haha Hey...I gave you a +1. I'll respond more soon. =)

I can't tell you how cool this is for me to hear though: "Thats all i have to say for now, keep up the good work everyone, this is definitely one of the best things that has happened to my life..."

haha good to know im not invisible

Why not start doing tests to see the effects and not just "feel" it?

And a question, why didn't CoQ10 and MB work together?

aarfai posted not to take mb and coq10 together, so I had to search google as to why. to summarize what people said, coq10 dulls the effects of MB making it useless. Also read that they have interfering modes of action.

#636 88LS

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 04:25 PM

Or, you know, you and everyone else can do it too. ;)

I'm planning on going 1 week on, 1 week off and measure, might blind it if I can.

Besides "feeling" awesome I can attest to the positive cognitive effects of this protocol by looking at my Dual-N-Back, Cambridge Brain Sciences and Lumosity scores, to name a few, and how I'm on top of my game and been putting up high scores for the last few weeks.

Trust me on this one, stop hating and just try it.

Where am I hating? I've already ordered LED and has been quite active compared to most on reddit about this and quite active here. So stopp assuming stuff and/or trolling.

My apologies Nattzor, I misinterpreted the tone/intention of your two previous posts. Happy TULIP'n :)

Edited by 88LS, 02 September 2013 - 04:27 PM.

#637 Nattzor

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 04:30 PM

aarfai posted not to take mb and coq10 together, so I had to search google as to why. to summarize what people said, coq10 dulls the effects of MB making it useless. Also read that they have interfering modes of action.

I think he is wrong, would love if he could respond with citations.



They look quite synergystic, MB enhancing CoQ10 (and helping in more steps).

#638 Olorin

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 04:43 PM

Thank you for a very interesting thread.

I've already purchased both the 96 LED lamp and a Vetrolaser. So far I've tried the LED on my head and the vetro on a painful ligament in my elbow a couple of times. Too early to say if anything good is happening, but I'm taking it slow, making sure I'm not hurting myself. On my first trial of the vetro I managed to burn two nice scratches in my black leather sofa, so that made me reconsider aiming it at my head until I had tested it a bit more on other less important bodyparts. :)

I might have missed this earlier in the thread, but people doing the LLLT should be aware of drugs and herbs increasing photosensitivity, to avoid unnecessary damage. Things like St. John's Wort, tetracyclines and Retin-A. (There is a nice list here of possible photosensitivity triggers: http://www.skincance...afer-in-the-sun)

#639 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 05:52 PM

aarfai posted not to take mb and coq10 together, so I had to search google as to why. to summarize what people said, coq10 dulls the effects of MB making it useless. Also read that they have interfering modes of action.

I think he is wrong, would love if he could respond with citations.



They look quite synergystic, MB enhancing CoQ10 (and helping in more steps).

you're right, it would appear to be synergistic. hell, ill give it a shot tommorow.

Thank you for a very interesting thread.

I've already purchased both the 96 LED lamp and a Vetrolaser. So far I've tried the LED on my head and the vetro on a painful ligament in my elbow a couple of times. Too early to say if anything good is happening, but I'm taking it slow, making sure I'm not hurting myself. On my first trial of the vetro I managed to burn two nice scratches in my black leather sofa, so that made me reconsider aiming it at my head until I had tested it a bit more on other less important bodyparts. :)

I might have missed this earlier in the thread, but people doing the LLLT should be aware of drugs and herbs increasing photosensitivity, to avoid unnecessary damage. Things like St. John's Wort, tetracyclines and Retin-A. (There is a nice list here of possible photosensitivity triggers: http://www.skincance...afer-in-the-sun)

so the dangers they are weary of is contact with uv-rays. that makes me wonder if photosensitivity would apply to the band of light we are using ~850nm. and what the implications of that would be...would the cells more readily accept the photons making it so we could run the laser for 1 minute and get the effect of 10 minutes? are we introducing a new type of hormetic response with increasing photosensitivtiy and using led/lasers? would that mean that led lights could potentially effect cells that are deeper in the brain since the cells would be more sensitive to the light source? just hypothesizing

...ive read that chlorophyll increases photosensitivty and i see st johns is on the list. I happen to have both of those supplements already so maybe i will experiment soon with that and see what results

Edited by mettmett, 02 September 2013 - 05:53 PM.

#640 phil8462643

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 05:53 PM

Thank you for a very interesting thread.

I've already purchased both the 96 LED lamp and a Vetrolaser. So far I've tried the LED on my head and the vetro on a painful ligament in my elbow a couple of times. Too early to say if anything good is happening, but I'm taking it slow, making sure I'm not hurting myself. On my first trial of the vetro I managed to burn two nice scratches in my black leather sofa, so that made me reconsider aiming it at my head until I had tested it a bit more on other less important bodyparts. :)

I might have missed this earlier in the thread, but people doing the LLLT should be aware of drugs and herbs increasing photosensitivity, to avoid unnecessary damage. Things like St. John's Wort, tetracyclines and Retin-A. (There is a nice list here of possible photosensitivity triggers: http://www.skincance...afer-in-the-sun)

Good point about not wanting to increase photosensitivity.
But I do feel a bit better knowing that these lights are IR and not UV!

#641 Strangelove

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 06:28 PM

I found the document below searching a yahoo "mind machine" group I am a member, the author certainly put much work on it!
I hope there is no issues with copyright infringement.
I tried to contact the author for further comments but unfortunately I did not get a response.
Lostfalco put many links with research on LLLT, I have not researched TULIP much but I hope there are some new information here.
(edit) Just to add that after much search on line it seems that "Euon" is no longer in production.

Copyright 2004 James Clayton Roberts

What is the Euon?

The name, Euon, comes from the prefix "eu" , which means "good or normal" , and "on" from "photon" , a wave-particle of light

The Euon is an infrared (IR) light. It is, in part, a special LED that uses an alloy of aluminum, gallium and arsenic to turn electricity into a specific wavelength of light, which is 880 nanometers (billionths of a meter) in length. The LED employs three "chips" of this alloy encased in an epoxy lens, mounted on a steel TO-66 case. The case and the electrodes are gold-plated, to avoid corrosive damage with age. The LED is large, with an active surface area of 7/16 inch (.4375 inch, about 11 millimeters) . This LED is much more powerful than the ones used in television remote controls, etc.

The Euon's output power is 170 mW/Steradians, which is a measure including the beam angle as a factor. It is difficult to represent light output power in the same way we would electricity. The average output power of the Euon's LED is 53 mW. The output from the LED spreads from the active surface area at 120 degrees, a third of a circle.

A small amount of the Euon's light output is slightly longer or shorter than 880 nanometers in wavelength.

The LED is attached to a heat sink (a piece of aluminum) especially made for it's case style, which increases the life of the LED. The heat sink, as with those inside a computer, draws heat away from the LED and radiates into the surrounding air. The case allows maximum airspace around the heat sink for greater efficiency.

The light from the Euon is steady and constant. It is not modulated.

What is the Euon's purpose? What is it good for?

The Euon is what is called a "mind machine" , although it has many more uses over parts of the body other than the brain. A mind machine is an electronic device which uses some form of magnetic, electromagnetic and/or sound energy to alter or enhance awareness. Other mind machines use flashing LEDs in goggles or eyeglass frames, headphones, electrodes to deliver low-level electricity, electromagnets, or biofeedback (EEG, etc.) to manifest positive effects in the user. The Euon is the first infrared light mind machine. The Euon enhances mental and physical function. The specifics, in myself and those who have used the device, are:

1. Better cognitive and neurological abilities (memory recall, problem solving, creative thinking, eye-hand coordination, reflexes, mental and physical stamina, increased sensory resolution and clarity, positive thinking, etc.)

2. Deeper and more restful sleep.

3. A feeling of well-being.

4. Increased motivation to improve one's life.

5. Reduced procrastination.

6. Increased appreciation of sex, music, film, food, love, friendship.

7. Enhanced sexual sensation (whether used over the brain or over the external sexual organs) and endurance.

8. Enhanced creative visualization.

It is important to note that I can guarantee no specific effects of the Euon in anyone. As with anything, the effects will vary in each individual brain, body and mind. Thankfully, all brains and bodies are not exactly the same.

How does it work?

Infrared light of certain wavelengths and power levels has positive effects on living cells and assemblies of cells in living organisms.

It is extremely important at this point for you to understand that the Euon is not sold or intended for the treatment or diagnosis of disease, or for any medical purposes whatsoever, and each Euon is labeled as such. FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the United States) laws require me to state the above and to state that the Euon is an investigational device for experimental and investigational use only. I can not control what the Euon is used for after one is sent for delivery, and the uses it is put to are the responsibility of the purchaser. When I refer to scientific and medical studies and uses in this FAQ, it is only to establish the safety of the device, and because I believe it is important for anyone who purchases a Euon to know exactly how it affects the body, and to be educated in the science of IR biostimulation. I can not, by law, say that the Euon relieves pain, heals wounds or other kinds of disease. I am also not comparing the Euon with any other infrared device. The Euon has been used by those with severe neurological, psychological, cardiac and other health problems without negative effects. The Euon has been used on children (at a drastically reduced session time period, contact me at:xeno_tropic@ yahoo.com or euonics@yahoo. com for details, if you intend to use this on anyone below the age of 18) without negative effects. The Euon must be applied by an adult only, whether on themselves or on another adult, or child. The Euon must be kept out of the reach of children.

Infrared light has several effects on the body. The first and most important part is the release of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator and neurotransmitter chemical. A vasodilator causes blood vessels to expand, allowing greater blood flow. Aspirin and coumadin are examples of chemical vasodilators. Nitroglycerin and arginine are examples of what are termed "nitric oxide donors" which increase concentrations of NO in the body. A neurotransmitter is a chemical that the nervous system utilizes to communicate with parts of itself and with the rest of the body. Adrenaline, serotonin, GABA and dopamine are examples of neurotransmitters. Two scientists won the Nobel Prize for discovering that nitric oxide (NO) is a neurotransmitter. Nitric oxide release is the means by which morphine induces analgesia, and also is the means by which a popular prescription drug for penile function improvement achieves it's effects. Increasing blood flow in any part of the body is a sure way to increase the vitality of that tissue. Many disease states in the brain (and the rest of the body) involve deceased blood flow to certain parts, or in some cases, the whole brain. It is my belief that our modern cultures and lifestyles expose us to chemical toxins and other things, such as electromagnetic pollution, noise pollution, night work, and routines and habits that decrease blood flow in the brains of even those people that are considered normal and healthy. Some of the medical conditions in which decreased brain blood flow is noted are: autism, schizophrenia, depression, insomnia.

There is a technique called Hemoencephalography (HEG). A small, low-power infrared LED is aimed at a part of the brain. Close to the infrared LED, an infrared sensor is positioned. Some of the infrared emitted by the LED bounces back, and is measured by the sensor. This indicates the state of blood flow, and the device is connected to a computer. This is a form of biofeedback, and one concentrates on changing the image on the computer screen, which increases blood flow in that part of the brain. Brain Blood Flow Biofeedback is another term for this method, and it is used to successfully treat various brain disorders, as well as to enhance brain performance in normal, healthy individuals. It is not my intention to compare the Euon with HEG, only to illustrate the principle involved in both methods.

Other effects of infrared light (from 660 to 880 nm) that have been documented in many scientific studies are:

1. Increased ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) synthesis in cells. ATP synthesis is a measure of the vitality of cells. ATP is involved in most chemical reactions involving energy production in cells.

2. Increased growth rate of new cells, and an increase in the numbers of new cells.

3. Greater RNA and DNA production. In a patent for a nootropic (a drug that enhances cognition), a doctor named Glatzky posited eloquently the theory that RNA production in brain cells is the substrate of memory, with documentation for this theory.

4. Angiogenesis stimulation. Angiogenesis is the formation of new capillaries, which are the smallest blood vessels. This improves microcirculation in the area of IR application.

5. Reduces swelling and edema through enhanced blood and lymph flow.

6. Inhibition of the firing of non-adrenergic and non-cholinergic nerves, through nitric oxide release. Firing in these nerves is how non-sensory pain from internal organs is mediated.

7. An increase in collagen synthesis.

8. Vasodilation.

I must reiterate that I am stating the above effects as effects of infrared light in general, for educational purposes only, and I am Not claiming that the Euon treats disease or heals.

What does it feel like? How is the Euon applied?

The standard Euon protocol is to use the Euon at two points on the head, for two minutes each, per day. The Euon Must Not be used over two areas in particular: the eyes and the thyroid gland. The light from the Euon is too bright to shine into the eyes. Although human beings can not see infrared light, if aimed at the eyes, the Euon can cause damage to one's vision, just like staring at a strobe light or halogen light at close proximity. If aimed at the thyroid, the Euon could cause thyroid overactivity, which is very unpleasant (I tried this -- once was enough to convince me not to do it again). By purchasing the Euon, you are agreeing to not aim it at your eyes or thyroid, or the eyes and/or thyroid of anyone other than yourself. The only other contraindications (conditions in which the Euon must not be used) are pregnancy and over a cancerous tumor. There is much disagreement among practioners and scientists over the tumor caution, however, you and I must put safety first. Pregnancy involves so many strong changes to the physiology of the mother that anything that changes brain chemistry in a large way may negatively affect her health. A fetus is similarly vulnerable to anything that changes the chemistry of it's body, such as drugs. Do NOT use the Euon on a pregnant woman or over a fetus.

The two points are between the eyebrows (an area called the ethmoid bone) and a point at the back, base and center of the skull called the inion. A diagram of these points is included in the instructions provided with the Euon.

The Euon can induce a feeling of warmth in the head. This is caused by increased blood flow and cellular activity. It is, however, not necessary for one to feel this to have the positive effects.

After a time, some feel minor musle aches in the head and neck. This is also a consequence of increased cellular metabolism and activity, and possibly because of the elimination of toxins from the brain as a result of enhanced blood flow. These aches do not require medical care, and are best dealt with in the manner that most deal with minor aches, and they stop occurring after a number of sessions.

Some have reported sneezing after using the Euon. This dissipates after a number of sessions. This effect can also be caused by walking into an area of bright sunlight.

Those reporting the muscle aches and sneezing are a small percentage of Euon users.

When the mental/neurological benefits of the Euon begin to appear, they do so in phases.

One notices different effects on different days before they integrate into lasting features of the mind and body. For instance, on one day, you may notice increased pleasure from food or sex, on another, you may notice your keyboarding speed has bettered, or that you can read faster, or see more clearly and farther. Over time, the positive effects become permanent and balanced. To improve clarity of vision, if your vision is already normal and healthy, the Euon can be used over the occipital lobes for two minutes each, which are at the back of the brain. We have two occipital lobes, left and right. If occipital sessions are used, discontinue the ethmoid/inion sessions until vision is improved.

The Euon can also be used over the Reticular Activating System, a part of the upper brainstem, just below the base of the skull in the back. A diagram of this site is included with the Euon instructions. The RAS is a part of the brain involved in novelty-seeking. My experience with stimulation of this site is that it encourages me to change negative aspects of my life, and to seek out new pleasures. It is motivational. I suggest doing this in the mornings. The RAS session can be done in conjunction with the ethmoid/inion sessions. Do not exceed six minutes total exposure per day on the brain/upper spine. As with many things, more is not always better. On other parts of the body, the Euon can be used for longer periods of time. I use it over my heart and lungs for four minutes each point on occasion.

In any case, the Euon may be used for only 15 minutes at a time. After 15 minutes use, unplug the Euon and allow it to cool for 10 minutes. This will help prolong the life of the LED. The LED produces heat, and leaving it plugged in for long periods of time can damage it or shorten it's life.

The Euon can be used over muscles, bones, internal organs, acupuncture points and charkas with positive effects, depending on your wants and needs.

One effect that I enjoy is that, when the Euon is applied at points over the external sex organs for one minute per site, sexual function and enjoyment are drastically improved.

Do not read the below paragraph if the subject of sex offends you.

With the penis, application of the Euon on the area just above where the penis joins the body (where pubic hair grows) increases erectile function. Applying the Euon over the "head" and body of the penis increases sexual sensation dramatically. Use of the Euon in women over the clitoris causes a stronger sensation during physical stimulation of that part, whether by cunnilingus, intercourse, or "other" . The Euon can also be used over the fingertips, which produces enhanced sensitivity (An extreme pleasure during foreplay, I assure you). Using the Euon over the middle of the nose (between the top and the tip) stimulates the sense of smell and the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO).

The VNO detects human pheromones, biochemicals involved in sexual activity, and stimulation of it adds an element to lovemaking. The Euon can also be used over the nipples, which enhances sensitivity.

For any sexual use, sessions should be limited to one minute per site, including the fingertips.

End of sexual information.

What led you to make this device?

I recommend avoiding the temporal lobes of the brain (on the sides of the head). The amygdala (we have two, left and right), part of the temporal lobes, are involved in fear and aggression, an "act first, think later" system that is most active during emergencies.

My research that led to the Euon started as an attempt to noninvasively stimulate a part of the brain that inhibits the amygdala. This brain part is under the inion site on the head, at the back and base of the brain. This part is called the Anterior Cerebellar Vermis. Electrical stimulation of the vermis with implanted electrodes has been shown to quell irrational and inappropriate fear and violence. The vermis is involved in the giving and receiving of affection, and is strongly involved in orgasm, at which times it deactivates the amygdala. The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which is at the front of the brain and is a target of the ethmoid sessions (between the eyebrows), is also involved in inhibiting the amygdala.

Some of the first IR research I read of was that NASA had been developing IR arrays (many small LEDs) for quick healing of astronauts while in outer space. One doesn't heal in microgravity until one returns to earth, or until IR light treatments are used.

It seemed to me a common sense idea to use IR over the brain, although I certainly got more than I expected. IR changed me 100% for the better, in so many ways.

Is the Euon the same as an infrared sauna?

No. Saunas and heat lamps emit Far Infra Red (FIR), which is outside of the wavelengths necessary for the cellular changes that 880 nanometer light effects. The effects of the Euon can not be had with saunas, heat lamps, or ceramic heaters. FIR mostly involves wavelengths of 1000 nm and longer.

How much does the Euon cost, and how can I order it?

The Euon, at present and into the foreseeable future, costs $198 + shipping.

In the United States, shipping is $4.00

Outside of the US, shipping costs vary. Contact me at:

euonics@yahoo. com for details.

Payment can be made by credit card or paypal, http://www.paypal. com

sent to me at: euonics@yahoo. com

A paypal link is in the works, as is a website. I can also accept checks or money orders at:

James C. Roberts

416 East Silver Street

Lebanon, OH 45036 USA

With check or money order payments, Euons will not be shipped until the checks clear.


The below are some relevant scientific references on the interaction of infrared light with living tissue:


Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2004 Jan;3(1):96- 101. Epub 2003 Sep 01

Enhancement of the blood growth promoting activity after exposure of volunteers to visible and infrared polarized light. Part I: stimulation of human keratinocyte proliferation in vitro.

Samoilova KA, Bogacheva ON, Obolenskaya KD, Blinova MI, Kalmykova NV, Kuzminikh EV.

Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Tikhoretsky Ave, Saint Petersburg, 194064, Russia. kirasam@mail. cytspb.rssi. ru

The systemic mechanisms of the wound healing effect of low intensity lasers remain largely uninvestigated. The goal of this randomized, placebo controlled, double blind study is to prove that irradiation of a small area of the human body with visible and infrared polarized (VIP) light (400-3400 nm, 95% polarization, 40 mW cm(2), 12 J cm(2)) leads to an increase of the growth promoting (GP) activity of the entire circulating blood for primary cultures of human keratinocytes (KCs).Thirty minutes after the VIP-irradiation of a sacral area of volunteers, the GP activity of circulating blood was seen to increase through the elevation of the number of KCs cultured with the isolated plasma by 20 +/- 3%, p < 0.001. A similar increase in GP activity was seen in plasma derived from the in vitro irradiated blood of each volunteer, and from the mixture of irradiated and non-irradiated autologous blood 1:10. Enhanced GP activity was also recorded at 24 h after the 1st and 4-9th daily phototherapeutic sessions. Hence, exposure of volunteers to VIP light leads to a fast increase in the GP activity of the entire circulating blood for human KCs in vitro, which is a consequence of the transcutaneous photomodification of blood and its effect on the rest of the circulating blood volume.

Lasers Med Sci. 2003;18(2):95- 9

Increased fibroblast proliferation induced by light emitting diode and low power laser irradiation.

Vinck EM, Cagnie BJ, Cornelissen MJ, Declercq HA, Cambier DC.

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. elke.vinck@ugent. be

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: As Light Emitting Diode (LED) devices are commercially introduced as an alternative for Low Level Laser (LLL) Therapy, the ability of LED in influencing wound healing processes at cellular level was examined.

STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cultured fibroblasts were treated in a controlled, randomized manner, during three consecutive days, either with an infrared LLL or with a LED light source emitting several wavelengths (950 nm, 660 nm and 570 nm) and respective power outputs. Treatment duration varied in relation to varying surface energy densities (radiant exposures).

RESULTS: Statistical analysis revealed a higher rate of proliferation (p < 0.001) in all irradiated cultures in comparison with the controls. Green light yielded a significantly higher number of cells, than red (p < 0.001) and infrared LED light (p < 0.001) and than the cultures irradiated with the LLL (p < 0.001); the red probe provided a higher increase (p < 0.001) than the infrared LED probe and than the LLL source.

CONCLUSION: LED and LLL irradiation resulted in an increased fibroblast proliferation in vitro. This study therefore postulates possible stimulatory effects on wound healing in vivo at the applied dosimetric parameters.

J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2003 Jun;21(3):165- 70

Comment in: J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2003 Aug;21(4):183.

Low-level laser irradiation attenuates production of reactive oxygen species by human neutrophils.

Fujimaki Y, Shimoyama T, Liu Q, Umeda T, Nakaji S, Sugawara K.

Department of Hygiene, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Japan.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on production of reactive oxygen (ROS) species by human neutrophils.

BACKGROUND DATA: LLLT is an effective therapeutic modality for inflammatory conditions.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The laser device used was the infrared diode laser (GaAlAs), 830-nm continuous wave (150 mW/cm(2)). After irradiation, ROS production by neutrophils was measured using luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LmCL) and expression of CD11b and CD16 on neutrophil surface was measured by flow cytometry.

RESULTS: The LmCL response of neutrophils was reduced by laser irradiation at 60 min prior to the stimulation with opsonized zymosan and calcium ionophore. The attenuating effect of LLLT was larger in neutrophils of smokers than non-smokers, while the amount of produced ROS was larger in neutrophils of smokers. Expression of CD11b and CD16 on neutrophil surface was not affected by LLLT.

CONCLUSION: Attenuation of ROS production by neutrophils may play a role in the effects of LLLT in the treatment of inflammatory tissues. There is a possible usage of LLLT to improve wound healing in smokers.

J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2003 Apr;21(2):67- 74

Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on molecular changes for wound healing in diabetic mice.

Whelan HT, Buchmann EV, Dhokalia A, Kane MP, Whelan NT, Wong-Riley MT, Eells JT, Gould LJ, Hammamieh R, Das R, Jett M.

Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226, USA. hwhelan@mcw. edu

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the changes in gene expression of near-infrared light therapy in a model of impaired wound healing.

BACKGROUND DATA: Light-Emitting Diodes (LED), originally developed for NASA plant growth experiments in space, show promise for delivering light deep into tissues of the body to promote wound healing and human tissue growth. In this paper we present the effects of LED treatment on wounds in a genetically diabetic mouse model.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Polyvinyl acetal (PVA) sponges were subcutaneously implanted in the dorsum of BKS.Cg-m +/+ Lepr(db) mice. LED treatments were given once daily, and at the sacrifice day, the sponges, incision line and skin over the sponges were harvested and used for RNA extraction. The RNA was subsequently analyzed by cDNA array.

RESULTS: Our studies have revealed certain tissue regenerating genes that were significantly upregulated upon LED treatment when compared to the untreated sample. Integrins, laminin, gap junction proteins, and kinesin superfamily motor proteins are some of the genes involved during regeneration process. These are some of the genes that were identified upon gene array experiments with RNA isolated from sponges from the wound site in mouse with LED treatment.

CONCLUSION: We believe that the use of NASA light-emitting diodes (LED) for light therapy will greatly enhance the natural wound healing process, and more quickly return the patient to a preinjury/illness level of activity. This work is supported and managed through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center-SBIR Program.

Microvasc Res. 2002 Sep;64(2):240- 6

Systemic effects of low-intensity laser irradiation on skin microcirculation in patients with diabetic microangiopathy.

Schindl A, Heinze G, Schindl M, Pernerstorfer- Schon H, Schindl L.

Department of Dermatology, Division of Special and Environmental Dermatology, University of Vienna Medical School, Vienna, Austria.

Low-intensity laser irradiation has been shown to induce wound healing in conditions of reduced microcirculation, which is in part explained by systemic effects. We therefore investigated such a potential systemic effect of low-intensity laser irradiation on skin blood circulation in patients with diabetic microangiopathy. Patients with diabetic microangiopathy were randomized to receive either a single helium-neon (HeNe, 632.8 nm) low-intensity laser irradiation with a dose of 30 J/cm(2) or a sham irradiation over the forefoot region in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study. Skin blood circulation by means of temperature recordings over forefoot regions was detected by infrared thermography. Following a single transcutaneous low-intensity laser irradiation, a rise in skin temperature in both feet of the subjects in the laser group was noted, whereas in both feet of the subjects in the placebo group a drop in skin temperature occurred. The baseline-adjusted skin temperature 15 min after the end of the irradiation was significantly higher in the laser-treated forefeet compared to the placebo-" treated" forefeet (p < 0.0001); the baseline-adjusted difference in the temperature was 1.94 +/- 0.35 degrees C. Simultaneously, the baseline-adjusted skin temperature was significantly higher in the laser-untreated forefeet compared to the placebo- "untreated&quo t; forefeet (P < 0.0001); the baseline-adjusted difference was 1.70 +/- 0.33 degrees C. Our data show a significant increase in skin circulation due to athermic laser irradiation in patients with diabetic microangiopathy and point to the possibility of inducing systemic effects.

J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2000 Apr;18(2):67- 73

Wound healing of animal and human body sport and traffic accident injuries using low-level laser therapy treatment: a randomized clinical study of seventy-four patients with control group.

Simunovic Z, Ivankovich AD, Depolo A.

Department of Anesthesiology, La Carita Medical Center, Laser Center, Locarno, Switzerland. info@lasermedico. ch

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The main objective of current animal and clinical studies was to assess the efficacy of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on wound healing in rabbits and humans.

STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the initial part of our research we conducted a randomized controlled animal study, where we evaluated the effects of laser irradiation on the healing of surgical wounds on rabbits. The manner of the application of LLLT on the human body are analogous to those of similar physiologic structure in animal tissue, therefore, this study was continued on humans. Clinical study was performed on 74 patients with injuries to the following anatomic locations: ankle and knee, bilaterally, Achilles tendon; epicondylus; shoulder; wrist; interphalangeal joints of hands, unilaterally. All patients had had surgical procedure prior to LLLT. Two types of laser devices were used: infrared diode laser (GaAlAs) 830 nm continuous wave for treatment of trigger points (TPs) and HeNe 632.8 nm combined with diode laser 904-nm pulsed wave for scanning procedure. Both were applied as monotherapy during current clinical study. The results were observed and measured according to the following clinical parameters: redness, heat, pain, swelling and loss of function, and finally postponed to statistical analysis via chi2 test.

RESULTS: After comparing the healing process between two groups of patients, we obtained the following results: wound healing was significantly accelerated (25%-35%) in the group of patients treated with LLLT. Pain relief and functional recovery of patients treated with LLLT were significantly improved comparing to untreated patients.

CONCLUSION: In addition to accelerated wound healing, the main advantages of LLLT for postoperative sport- and traffic-related injuries include prevention of side effects of drugs, significantly accelerated functional recovery, earlier return to work, training and sport competition compared to the control group of patients, and cost benefit.

J Clin Laser Med Surg. 2001 Dec;19(6):305- 14

Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on wound healing.

Whelan HT, Smits RL Jr, Buchman EV, Whelan NT, Turner SG, Margolis DA, Cevenini V, Stinson H, Ignatius R, Martin T, Cwiklinski J, Philippi AF, Graf WR, Hodgson B, Gould L, Kane M, Chen G, Caviness J.

Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 53226, USA.

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and near-infrared light therapy on wound healing.

BACKGROUND DATA: Light-emitting diodes (LED), originally developed for NASA plant growth experiments in space show promise for delivering light deep into tissues of the body to promote wound healing and human tissue growth. In this paper, we review and present our new data of LED treatment on cells grown in culture, on ischemic and diabetic wounds in rat models, and on acute and chronic wounds in humans.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vitro and in vivo (animal and human) studies utilized a variety of LED wavelength, power intensity, and energy density parameters to begin to identify conditions for each biological tissue that are optimal for biostimulation.

RESULTS: LED produced in vitro increases of cell growth of 140-200% in mouse-derived fibroblasts, rat-derived osteoblasts, and rat-derived skeletal muscle cells, and increases in growth of 155-171% of normal human epithelial cells. Wound size decreased up to 36% in conjunction with HBO in ischemic rat models. LED produced improvement of greater than 40% in musculoskeletal training injuries in Navy SEAL team members, and decreased wound healing time in crew members aboard a U.S. Naval submarine. LED produced a 47% reduction in pain of children suffering from oral mucositis.

CONCLUSION: We believe that the use of NASA LED for light therapy alone, and in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen, will greatly enhance the natural wound healing process, and more quickly return the patient to a preinjury/illness level of activity. This work is supported and managed through the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center-SBIR Program.

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2001 Dec;17(6):261- 5

Near-infrared irradiation stimulates cutaneous wound repair: laboratory experiments on possible mechanisms.

Danno K, Mori N, Toda K, Kobayashi T, Utani A.

Department of Dermatology, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan.danno@belle. shiga-med. ac.jp

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Several physical agents such as low-energy lasers have been used in the treatment of chronic skin ulcers. This study was performed to investigate potential effects of a newly-developed, specific near-infrared light source on wound repair.

METHODS: Cultured human keratinocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts were exposed to the light, and the production of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 was examined by enzyme immunoassay, zymography and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Incisional wounds were created in ICR and db/db diabetic mice and the effect of irradiation on wound closure was followed photographically.

RESULTS: The TGF-beta1 and MMP-2 content of the medium of cultured cells was significantly elevated after irradiation. The amount of MMP-2 mRNA extracted from irradiated fibroblasts was also upregulated. Negative results in thermal controls suggested that the action of the light was athermic in nature. In animal models, the rate of wound closure was significantly accelerated by repeated exposures.

CONCLUSION: Near-infrared irradiation potentially enhances the wound healing process, presumably by its biostimulatory effects.

Neuroreport. 2001 Oct 8;12(14):3033- 7

Light-emitting diode treatment reverses the effect of TTX on cytochrome oxidase in neurons.

Wong-Riley MT, Bai X, Buchmann E, Whelan HT.

Department of Cell Biology, Medical College of Wisconsin, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA.

Light close to and in the near-infrared range has documented benefits for promoting wound healing in human and animals. However, mechanisms of its action on cells are poorly understood. We hypothesized that light treatment with a light-emitting diode array at 670 nm (LED) is therapeutic in stimulating cellular events involving increases in cytochrome oxidase activity. LED was administered to cultured primary neurons whose voltage-dependent sodium channels were blocked by tetrodotoxin. The down-regulation of cytochrome oxidase activity by TTX was reverted to control levels by LED. LED alone also up-regulated enzyme activity. Thus, the results are consistent with our hypothesis that LED has a stimulating effect on cytochrome oxidase in neurons, even when they have been functionally silenced by TTX.

Lasers Surg Med. 2001;29(2):179- 84

Comparison of the low level laser therapy effects on cultured human gingival fibroblasts proliferation using different irradiance and same fluence.

Almeida-Lopes L, Rigau J, Zangaro RA, Guidugli-Neto J, Jaeger MM.

Institute for Research and Development, Universidade Vale do Paraiba-SJC, Brazil.lal@apcd.org. br

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The low level laser therapy (LLLT) has been used in Dentistry to improve wound healing. In order to analyse the effect of LLLT on the in vitro proliferation of gingival fibroblasts we developed a primary culture of human gingival fibroblasts.

STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cell line named LMF was grown in Dulbecco' s Modified Eagle's medium (DME) with either 5% (nutritional deficit) or 10% fetal bovine serum (fbs). Laser irradiation was carried out with diode lasers with the following wavelengths: 670 nm (L1), 780 nm (L2), 692 nm (L3), and 786 nm (L4). The fluence was fixed in 2 J/cm(2). For growth analysis, control (not irradiated) and treated cultures (irradiated) were plated in 60 mm diameter culture dishes for 12 h before the irradiation.

RESULTS: We found that cells cultured in nutritional deficit condition grown in medium supplemented by only 5% fbs presented a cell proliferation rate significantly smaller that cell grown in ideal culture conditions (10% fbs). However, when irradiated, cells in nutritional deficit presented cell growth similar or higher than that of control cells grown in ideal culture conditions. Using the same fluence, the infrared laser induced a higher cell proliferation than visible laser when the power outputs were different. However, lasers of equal power output presented similar effect on cell growth independently of their wavelengths.

CONCLUSIONS: The LLLT acts by improving the in vitro fibroblast proliferation and a smaller laser exposure time results in higher proliferation. Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2001 Feb;17(1):32- 8

Effects of phototherapy on pressure ulcer healing in elderly patients after a falling trauma. A prospective, randomized, controlled study.

Schubert V.

Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Occupational Therapy and Elderly Care Research, Huddinge University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.

BACKGROUND: The effects of infrared and red pulsed monochromatic light, with varied pulsations and wavelengths, on the healing of pressure ulcers were evaluated in this prospective, randomized, controlled study.

METHODS: Elderly patients (> or =65 years) with Stage 2 or 3 skin ulcers were enrolled and assigned to one of two groups. Both groups were given the same standard ulcer therapy. One group was also given phototherapy with pulsed monochromatic infrared (956 nm) and red (637 nm) light. Treatments lasted 9 min each time using a regimen with pulse repetition frequency varied between 15.6 Hz and 8.58 kHz. Patients were followed for 10 weeks or until the ulcer was healed, whichever occurred first. The ulcer surface area was traced weekly.

RESULTS: Patients treated with pulsed monochromatic light had a 49% higher ulcer healing rate, and a shorter time to 50% and to 90% ulcer closure compared with controls. Their mean ulcer area was reduced to 10% after 5 weeks compared with 9 weeks for the controls.

CONCLUSION: The results are encouraging as pulsed monochromatic light increased healing rate and shortened healing time. This will positively affect the quality of life in elderly patients with pressure ulcer.

Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2000 Aug;16(4):178- 82.

Effects of a 2-week treatment with pulsed monochromatic light in healthy pigs: a clinical and morphological study.

Jensen-Waern M, Ekman S.

Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.

BACKGROUND: Pulsed monochromatic light (PML) is now used clinically for pain relief and wound healing in both human and veterinary practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluated the clinical and pathological effects of PML irradiation in an animal model, using healthy specific pathogen-free pigs.

METHODS: After 2 weeks of habituation, one group of animals (n=9) underwent treatment with pulsating monochromatic infrared and red light while the control group (n=9) was left untreated. PML was given five times a week during a 2-week period, and at each treatment the total radiant exposure was 6.3 J/cm2. At the completion of the study, all pigs were subjected to complete necropsy.

RESULTS: None of the animals showed any clinical signs of disease during the study period. The measured hematological and clinico-chemical variables all showed values within the reference range and the daily weight gain was high in both the treatment and control groups (825 and 923 g/day, respectively) . The pathological examination revealed no morphological differences between treated and non-treated animals.

CONCLUSION: In healthy pigs, no adverse effects of low-energy photon therapy on the clinical state of health or on the morphology of different tissues were observed.

Dermatol Surg. 1998 Dec;24(12):1383- 6.

The use of low energy photon therapy (LEPT) in venous leg ulcers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Gupta AK, Filonenko N, Salansky N, Sauder DN.

Department of Medicine, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

BACKGROUND: Venous ulcers are estimated to be present in 0.2 to 0.4% of the population. Although new therapies have significant promise, nonhealing ulcers still represent a significant problem.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of low energy photon therapy (LEPT) in the treatment of venous leg ulcers.

METHODS: A placebo-controlled, double-blind study using low energy photon therapy was performed in nine patients with 12 venous ulcers. Treatment was given three times a week for 10 weeks, using two monochromatic optical sources. One source provided a wavelength (lambda) of 660 nm (red) while the second source delivered a wavelength of 880 nm (infrared). Two optical probes were used, one consisted of an array of 22 monochromatic sources, operating at a wavelength of 660 nm and covering an area 6 x 10 cm2. The second probe had seven infrared sources, operating at a wavelength of 880 nm and covering an area of 4 cm2. The above configuration of optical probes was selected to cover the majority of the ulcer area being treated. The patients who were randomized to placebo treatment received sham therapy from an identical-appearing light source from the same delivery system.

RESULTS: Nine patients with 12 venous ulcers were randomized to receive LEPT or placebo therapy. At the conclusion of the study, the percentage of the initial ulcer area remaining unhealed in the LEPT and placebo groups was 24.4% and 84.7%, respectively (P = 0.0008). The decrease in ulcer area (compared to baseline) observed in the LEPT and placebo groups was 193.0 mm2 and 14.7 mm2, respectively (P = 0.0002). One patient dropped out of the study, complaining of lack of treatment efficacy; he was found to be randomized to the placebo group. There were no adverse effects.

CONCLUSION: In this placebo-controlled, double-blind study LEPT was an effective modality for the treatment of venous leg ulcers.

Lasers Surg Med. 1998;22(5):294- 301

Stimulatory effect of 660 nm low level laser energy on hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts: possible mechanisms for increase in cell counts.

Webb C, Dyson M, Lewis WH.

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Varying effects of red light wavelengths on in vitro cells have been reported. Low level lasers (LLL) are employed to assist wound healing especially for indolent ulcers. On healing, burn wounds may become hypertrophic, resulting in excessive wound contraction, poor cosmesis, and functional impairment. This study enquired whether 660 nm LLL affected hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts.

STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: The experiments investigated the effect of a 660 nm, 17 mW laser diode at dosages of 2.4 J/cm2 and 4 J/cm2 on cell counts of two human fibroblast cell lines, derived from hypertrophic scar tissue (HSF) and normal dermal (NDF) tissue explants, respectively. The protocol avoided transfer of postirradiated cells. Estimation of fibroblasts utilized the methylene blue bioassay.

RESULTS/CONCLUSION: The post-660 nm-irradiated HSFs exhibited very significantly higher cell counts than controls P < 0.01 on days 1-4 (Mann-Whitney U-test), and P < 0.01 on days 1-3 for similarly irradiated NDFs.

Grud Serdechnososudistai a Khir. 1993 Jul-Aug;(4): 42-5

[Combined use of various laser radiations in thoracic surgery in experimental studies]

[Article in Russian]

Ismailov DA, Khoroshaev VA, Shishkin MA, Baibekov IM.

The impact of various types of low-intensive lasers (He-Ne, copper vapour, ultraviolet, infrared, infrared gallium arsenide) on healing of a wound made by CO2 laser at an output power of 25 W was studied in an experiment on 120 albino Wistar rats. It was found that a concurrent application of high- and low-intensive lasers resulted in acceleration of reparative processes in the lung, stimulating the healing of laser-induced wounds. The infrared gallium arsenide laser was demonstrated to be the best tool in stimulating the healing process.

Orthopedics. 1992 Sep;15(9):1023- 6

Evaluation of the degree of effectiveness of biobeam low level narrow band light on the treatment of skin ulcers and delayed postoperative wound healing.

Iusim M, Kimchy J, Pillar T, Mendes DG.

Center for Implant Surgery, Flieman Geriatric Rehabilitation Hospital, Rappaport Family Institute for Medical Sciences, Technion, Haifa, Israel.

Twenty-one patients with 31 postoperative delayed open wounds resistant to conventional therapy were randomly allocated to three groups. Group 1 was treated with red low level narrow band (LLNB) light (660 nm); group 2 was treated with infrared LLNB light (940 nm); and group 3 was treated with a placebo such as the Biobeam machine (no light irradiation) . Group 1 showed a significant improvement compared to groups 2 and 3 (t-test).

Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 1992 Mar;148(3):291- 3

[Laser radiation in the infrared range in the treatment of aseptic postoperative wounds]

[Article in Russian]

Efendiev AI, Sarosek IuK, Dadashev AI, Efendiev NI.

An analysis of results of treatment of 85 patients subjected to planned operations for calculous cholecystitis and inguinal hernias with the application of high-energy CO2 and YAG laser, surgical scalpel was performed. For local treatment of the aseptic wounds radiation of semiconduction arsenide gallium laser "Uzor" was used. Results of the investigation suggest that laser infrared radiation promotes rapid liquidation of acute inflammatory symptoms, quicker healing and smooth course of the postoperative period. The method is recommended for wide introduction into clinical practice.

Ann Vasc Surg. 1990 Mar;4(2):179- 81

The use of infrared laser therapy in the treatment of venous ulceration.

Sugrue ME, Carolan J, Leen EJ, Feeley TM, Moore DJ, Shanik GD.

Department of Vascular Surgery, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.

Management of intractable venous ulceration remains an unrewarding task which is increasingly delegated to the realm of the vascular surgeon. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess the ulcer-healing effects of the newest form of biostimulation -- the low power laser. Twelve patients with chronic venous ulcers unresponsive to conservative measures were treated with infrared laser irradiation for twelve weeks. Two ulcers healed completely and there was a 27% (p less than 0.01) reduction in size of the remaining ulcers. Treatment resulted in a 44% (p less than 0.01) increase in ulcer floor area occupied by healthy granulation tissue. The most dramatic effect of laser treatment was the reduction in ulcer pain, from 7.5 to 3.5 (linear analogue scale) (p less than 0.001). Laser irradiation had no effect on TcPO2, number of skin capillaries or pericapillary fibrin deposition in the lipodermatoscleroti c area around the ulcer. The results of this pilot study are encouraging and a carefully controlled randomized study is indicated to compare low power laser irradiation to conventional treatment in the management of venous ulcers.

Vestn Khir Im I I Grek. 1985 Mar;134(3):74- 9

[Treatment of burns with infrared rays in patient isolators]

[Article in Russian]

Kuzin MI, Sologub VK, Vassermann D, Lavrov VA, Shloter' e Sh.

Experience with the treatment of 82 burned patients in isolation wards with the infrared radiation has shown the level of energy losses in these patients to be lower. the incidence of infectious complications to be less, the course of the disease to be better and terms of the treatment shorter than those in patients with similar burn surfaces treated by a bandage method. An automatic regulation of the intensity of infrared radiation gave the individual treatment in accordance with the metabolism level of the patient.

Vopr Med Khim. 1984 Mar-Apr;30(2) :53-6

[Effect of infrared laser irradiation on the catecholamine content of tissues in the dynamics of the wound process]

[Article in Russian]

Pronchenkova GF, Chesnokova NP, Koshelev VN, Astaf'eva OG.

Phase alterations of adrenaline and noradrenaline content were observed in dynamics of wound repair in the wound itself and in surrounding tissues of rats. Distinct alterations in the catecholamines content in wound and various tissues of the animals accompanied the injury process after repeated irradiation of the wound area by infrared laser. The modulating effect of laser irradiation on catecholamines metabolism appears to constitute one of causes responsible for its influence on the tissue posttraumatic regeneration.

Biull Eksp Biol Med. 1983 Sep;96(9):49- 51

[Metabolic effects of infrared laser radiation in the area of posttraumatic wound regeneration]

[Article in Russian]


Edited by Strangelove, 02 September 2013 - 06:37 PM.

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#642 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 07:05 PM

Hey guys! I just wanted to drop in and give my current experience and some input and ask some questions. Thanks to Falco's extreme generosity and knowledge, I've been able to start using these red LEDs as well as the TULIP stack, and I believe it's having an effect. The reason why I was extremely interested in this route of therapy (therapy for me anyhow) is because I have extreme HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder) and possibly altered acetylcholine levels from possible acute anticholinergic syndrome. Essentially, to keep things short, these problems have affected my sensory gating and perception (for more information, look here: http://en.wikipedia....eption_disorder and here: http://en.wikipedia....Anticholinergic), causing me to perceive pretty trippy things in my visual field on a daily basis. Keep in mind, I'm not hallucinating, but there are very 'trippy' changes in my visual perception that cause seemingly 'psuedohallucinations' - objects seem as if they quiver, wooden floors look to be patterning for a few seconds, etc.This has also come with a lot of anxiety (which I've never had before), depersonalization (to a degree) and apathetic, un-motivated moods. This is very bad for me as I'm 18, in college (causes me to do online courses where I feel more 'secure'), screwed up my job, and affects my relationship with my fiance (I know, only 18! blah blah blah, we can talk about that at another time, lol).

I first had used the 48 LED for 1 minute at F3 and F4 both, according to the Major Depression study, although I think I did it slightly lower than the correct region, The following day I also started TULIP. Either it was a very fast acting placebo, or my "wave" of HPPD that had come in the previous weeks had coincidentally stopped right as I used the red LED. That thursday I did it again for about 1.5mins at each of the same sections, and this Sunday I did it again for roughly 1.5mins at each region (F3 and 4) directly before bed. When I research a topic, I want to understand it well enough that I can both alter and apply the knowledge precisely to my specific needs, as well as explain it simply enough for someone with no knowledge of said topic to understand it easily. So, I plan on going back and annotating the review of LLLT by Gonzalez-Lima, as well as the major depression study. That being said, I definitely feel as though this protocol is helping me greatly, and I know the effects stack up over time - not only that, but I've only used very, very short amounts of time at small regions each time, I can only imagine when I build up to greater doses and larger brain regions. So:

Comments: As of now, for me, it seems as if the TULIP is working. Either that, or it's a very strong placebo. For anyone who remains a skeptic, try it out first. The literature is there for you to read and this is very safe, especially if you start with conservative doses as I have. I need to review the large review of LLLT and the depression study a few more times after reading The Machines of Life (get the book, it will help visualize what's going on tremendously), and then alter my protocol. Maybe I should stimulate areas associated with sensory gating or vision, rather than the areas associated with depression and what not. We'll see. Any input would be helpful.

Questions: (1) In the large review by Gonzales-Lima (and others), they mention Methylene Blue as a substance that is largely synergistic, and not only that, they say:
"MB rescues memory function in models of amnestic mild cognitive impairment induced by

mitochondrial dysfunction [59, 60] or anticholinergics [61] and improves memory in transgenic
mouse models of amyloid-associated memory dysfunction [57, 58]." Hmm, my HPPD was brought on by an accidental ingestion of an anticholinergic substance causing a pretty messed up night, paired with substances that affect serotonin receptors. I've used anticholinergics before as well. Can Methylene Blue help?

(2) Should I alter my protocol? Could stimulating one area for too long cause imbalances in my entire brain, or should I not even worry about that?

(3) Will I need to maintain a maintenance dose, such as one of the patients in the Naeser study, or will the TULIP protocol (which is different than just using the laser) even increase my baseline emotional/cognitive performance/state because of an increase in resilient mitochondria? For instance, let's say one day I run out of PQQ/CoQ10/Shilijat, and I have to stop lasering for a week, would I be like (1) hmm, I don't feel as strong cognitively as with TULIP, but I'm still so much better than before (increased baseline cognition) (2) Damn, I really need that TULIP, I don't feel the same, or (3) slowly notice a decline in performance and well-being

(4) Lastly, are there any supplements or effective techniques that I can use to remain grounded and 'cool, calm, and collective' while using TULIP? My fiance noticed that I have a LOT more energy the day after I lasered (this was Friday, lasered Thursday), and I felt almost 'hyper'. I've noticed OpaqueMind say that he has been almost manic with energy. He seems to have a lot more experience with nootropics, with meditation, etc. I don't want to increase my cognition and emotional well-being, but then have manic like energy without being able to control it - people already think I'm conceited when I start bringing up Bio-hacks and what not. Maybe L-theanine or something?

Misc: (1) ​Forgot to mention that I've had two bad concussions 6 months apart, cracked my head open, and have had countless other hits to the head (primarily through football and wrestling); I also have an upper cervical disc bulge, if that affects my atlas, that can in fact cause a lot of my symptoms as well.

(2) Someone had posted something about Cold Thermogenesis causing heart disease, and, I'm going to look at the study with an open mind, but as of right now I disagree. Everyone interested should read these two EPIC posts: http://www.jackkruse...ncient-pathway/ and http://www.jackkruse...hermogenesis-7/. Essentially, according to Kruse' theory, cold and dark is our primordial condition. A sleep researcher (who I'll look up and post on here) showed that people who slept underground in the dark were much more productive - well, Dr. Kruse did an experiment where he spent a large portion of time underground in the dark and cold to raise his Dopamine levels, I believe. CT works best with ketosis, especially if you follow a Buletproof or Epi-paleo diet (Dr. Kruse). This is my next bio-hack. I've been taking cold showers for a long time, but as the Fall comes on I plan on doing deep CT - face dunks to stimulate the vagus nerve and mammalian dive reflex, weekly ice baths, pre-workout CT (which has increased my exercise performance in the past), ice water drinking, cold room, working out in the snow, etc. all while eating a primarily ketogenic epi-paleo/bulletproof diet blend. For the more athletic people here, I'd recommend looking at these two posts, which largely support some of Dr. Kruse' theories as well as show that running off of fatty acids is beneficial even for performance athletes: http://jackkruse.com...ing-Adaptations and http://www.bengreenf...thlon-training/

Well, thanks everybody for creating such an amazing thread. I hope I receive some input and I hope I at least offered a bit of back up to TULIP; Thanks in advance for anyone who offers me any ideas.

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#643 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 07:36 PM

Wow awesome find strange love. I guess stimulating my temporal lobes is where some of my recent aggression is stemming from...I was wondering about using lasers to improve vision..that solves my question there...looks like I have a couple locations I'm going to laser tonight :)

#644 Psionic

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 08:22 PM

"My research that led to the Euon started as an attempt to noninvasively stimulate a part of the brain that inhibits the amygdala. This brain part is under the inion site on the head, at the back and base of the brain. This part is called the Anterior Cerebellar Vermis. Electrical stimulation of the vermis with implanted electrodes has been shown to quell irrational and inappropriate fear and violence. The vermis is involved in the giving and receiving of affection, and is strongly involved in orgasm, at which times it deactivates the amygdala. The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), which is at the front of the brain and is a target of the ethmoid sessions (between the eyebrows), is also involved in inhibiting the amygdala."

Very interesting...
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#645 Betterself

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 09:19 PM

Misc: (1) ​Forgot to mention that I've had two bad concussions 6 months apart, cracked my head open, and have had countless other hits to the head (primarily through football and wrestling); I also have an upper cervical disc bulge, if that affects my atlas, that can in fact cause a lot of my symptoms as well.

Just a thought BigPapa.
My wife's upper cirvical and atlas were way out of line either causing or agravating her trigeminal nueralgia. We have been going to Dr. Flory in Clayton, Mo. and he has helped tremendously. I know there are a couple of NUCCA chyropractors in Chicago, Springfield, and St.Louis area. Nucca chyropractors have the regular training in addition to specializing in the upper cervical area. Her regular chyropractor of 20years was not helping in the upper cervical area.

Hope the TULIP and laser continue help.

Edited by Betterself, 02 September 2013 - 09:25 PM.

#646 Strangelove

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 09:38 PM

I guess stimulating my temporal lobes is where some of my recent aggression is stemming from...I was wondering about using lasers to improve vision..that solves my question there...looks like I have a couple locations I'm going to laser tonight :)

Yes, I was wondering about this. I was thinking that for best effects its not good to use the same amount of stimulation in every brain area. I would use the LEDs in the left prefrontal and left temporal the most.
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#647 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:00 PM

I guess stimulating my temporal lobes is where some of my recent aggression is stemming from...I was wondering about using lasers to improve vision..that solves my question there...looks like I have a couple locations I'm going to laser tonight :)

Yes, I was wondering about this. I was thinking that for best effects its not good to use the same amount of stimulation in every brain area. I would use the LEDs in the left prefrontal and left temporal the most.

good plan. yeah i have been more irritable and quick to anger. more confrontational. maybe would be good for somebody that likes to be pissed off and fight all of the time, but not me.

i have a lot of interest in this "he Euon can also be used over the Reticular Activating System, a part of the upper brainstem, just below the base of the skull in the back. A diagram of this site is included with the Euon instructions. The RAS is a part of the brain involved in novelty-seeking. My experience with stimulation of this site is that it encourages me to change negative aspects of my life, and to seek out new pleasures. It is motivational" the RAS... supercharged brains with a supercharged desire to better themselves..hmm seems amazing.

and also . "To improve clarity of vision, if your vision is already normal and healthy, the Euon can be used over the occipital lobes for two minutes each, which are at the back of the brain. We have two occipital lobes, left and right." because i may have damaged my eyes by sungazing. and by may have, i mean i did. my vision has recovered somewhat but it is no where near where it used to be...i cant even remember what used to be normal for my vision anymore

oh yeah, how are you contacting this guy? the email euonics@yahoo.com is showing up as inactive for me

Edited by mettmett, 02 September 2013 - 10:02 PM.

#648 OpaqueMind

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:07 PM

The Reticular-Activiation System seems to be a very promising candidate, except it's right in the middle of the brain! I don't think laser stimulation is an option here, considering the light only reaches ~1inch in. Any other ways to stimulate it? I think most of us could use a kick of motivation every now and then :)

#649 Strangelove

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:15 PM

I guess stimulating my temporal lobes is where some of my recent aggression is stemming from...I was wondering about using lasers to improve vision..that solves my question there...looks like I have a couple locations I'm going to laser tonight :)

Yes, I was wondering about this. I was thinking that for best effects its not good to use the same amount of stimulation in every brain area. I would use the LEDs in the left prefrontal and left temporal the most.

good plan. yeah i have been more irritable and quick to anger. more confrontational. maybe would be good for somebody that likes to be pissed off and fight all of the time, but not me.

i have a lot of interest in this "he Euon can also be used over the Reticular Activating System, a part of the upper brainstem, just below the base of the skull in the back. A diagram of this site is included with the Euon instructions. The RAS is a part of the brain involved in novelty-seeking. My experience with stimulation of this site is that it encourages me to change negative aspects of my life, and to seek out new pleasures. It is motivational" the RAS... supercharged brains with a supercharged desire to better themselves..hmm seems amazing.

and also . "To improve clarity of vision, if your vision is already normal and healthy, the Euon can be used over the occipital lobes for two minutes each, which are at the back of the brain. We have two occipital lobes, left and right." because i may have damaged my eyes by sungazing. and by may have, i mean i did. my vision has recovered somewhat but it is no where near where it used to be...i cant even remember what used to be normal for my vision anymore

oh yeah, how are you contacting this guy? the email euonics@yahoo.com is showing up as inactive for me

I sent him a message through the yahoo group I was talking about, but this was 4 or 5 days ago. He could see the message in his e-mail also...

The reticular activating system is a very interesting part of the brain ;) I do not understand though why he says to use the laser on the back of the head? I think is best on the side so you would not have to go through the cerebellum. There is also an issue that both excitatory and inhibitory parts of the RAS are pretty close...

What about stimulating the genitals? I am interested about that part also...

#650 Strangelove

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:24 PM

The Reticular-Activiation System seems to be a very promising candidate, except it's right in the middle of the brain! I don't think laser stimulation is an option here, considering the light only reaches ~1inch in. Any other ways to stimulate it? I think most of us could use a kick of motivation every now and then :)

I thought that can go as far as 2 inches, is this not correct?

I certainly agree about the motivation part :) I was wondering if the increased energy that users describe brought an increase in motivation also?

There are any data on wavelength and depth of stimulation?

Edited by Strangelove, 02 September 2013 - 10:27 PM.

#651 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:40 PM

i just started stimulating my genitals the other day. i was waiting on my leds to arrive because i didnt want to use the laser with it not covering as much area and being 'stronger'. i followed the same principals with the brain: 1 minute irradiation and gonna work it up towards 5 slowly. i cant find the studies now, i might have even posted them earlier in this thread, but it pretty much said that lasers positively affected the different measures of semen (quanitity, morphology, motitility, etc) if it was the right dose. it also said that too much was bad and lowered all markers. ill try to find where i posted that study in the meantime. my goal in doing it is to stimulate testosterone release naturally...

#652 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 10:52 PM

do you think if you put something like the vetrolaserr on your testes it would increase testosterone production, or would it be harmful?

There are a couple of pubmed studies in which they tested the effects of irradiating rat testes...it was mostly for fertility reasons though. I have yet to see any human studies on this but laser therapy is 50+ years old, I'll bet somebody's tried it.

There would definitely be a power issue with the Vetro on this. Remember, much of the light is being blocked by the cranium before it reaches the brain. Testes, on the other hand, would pretty much be a straight shot. You could hold it a long distance away (which would be pretty tricky) or do it for a very brief time. Personally, I have not tried it and I would not recommend it...actually, I would strongly discourage it...until somebody finds studies. There's no reason in principle that the proper dose of light therapy wouldn't work here though. We just have no idea what that dose is.

If you find any studies, please let me know. I'd love to read them.

I found this: http://www.rj-laser....infertility.htm

It mentions the rat study and some more. It confirmed our theory. The right amount of laser is stimulatory but the wrong amount is detrimental.

a couple excerts:
"Our results showed that irradiating human sperms with low-level 830-nm diode laser can improve their progressive motility depending on both laser density and post-exposure time."

"Treated samples were exposed to a 30 second infrared laser pulse of 50 mW/cm(2) at 905 nm...A significant increase in motility, most prominent in oligospermic and asthenospermic samples (85% increase), was observed 30 minutes after the treatment (p<0.0001). No significant increase in DNA damage compared to control samples was observed"

Of course none of this mentions testosterone but I would assume it would stimulate the release to some extent.

here it is

#653 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 11:17 PM

Misc: (1) ​Forgot to mention that I've had two bad concussions 6 months apart, cracked my head open, and have had countless other hits to the head (primarily through football and wrestling); I also have an upper cervical disc bulge, if that affects my atlas, that can in fact cause a lot of my symptoms as well.

Just a thought BigPapa.
My wife's upper cirvical and atlas were way out of line either causing or agravating her trigeminal nueralgia. We have been going to Dr. Flory in Clayton, Mo. and he has helped tremendously. I know there are a couple of NUCCA chyropractors in Chicago, Springfield, and St.Louis area. Nucca chyropractors have the regular training in addition to specializing in the upper cervical area. Her regular chyropractor of 20years was not helping in the upper cervical area.

Hope the TULIP and laser continue help.

Thanks for your input, it's greatly appreciated. I have seen some NUCCA practitioners in the Chicagoland area - I'll need to see if my mothers insurance is covered or if I can personally arrange some way to make payments or even work off the debt lol. The financial situation right now is terrible due to some problems with my younger brother that I won't get into now (farrr too dense of a topic). Thanks for that information though - I definitely feel as if seeing someone to work on my Atlas would help a lot, I know my back is pretty messed up and I can tell while doing HIT and Foundation Training, as well as just walking or standing, that I have musculoskeletal imbalances.

I forgot to ask these before: (1) Does anyone know how Upgraded Brain Octane Oil is? I plan on starting fasting again, as well as fasted state HIT/HIIT, because I firmly believe the adaptations strongly resonate with TULIP. There is mitochondrial biogenesis, upregulation of mitochondrial fat burning enzymes, PPAR, acting as a leptin mimetic, etc. I have used Upgraded MCT Oil in the past when I had my job, and it is amazing. The mechanism of MCT Oil converting to ketones in the TCA cycle leads me to believe that if I were to do Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting, but omit the butter, I'd be in even more of a 'fasted state' (it is not an on-off switch as some may believe), and only include Brain Octane Oil, I'd be greatly enhancing TULIP while enhancing cognition and being able to go into a fasted workout. If Brain Octane Oil is seriously has 18x the amount of whichever fatty acid link it is made out of (idk if it is C-8 or C-10), then I can use a teaspoon a day in addition to coconut oil being my primary fat to greatly enhance TULIP while not running out of the expensive product in a week or two, lol.

(2) So, any further experience(s) with Creatine or D-Ribose as additions to TULIP? Fancying the thought of D-Ribose, I remembered an old comment on an old thread:
"Not to be a buzz kill or a smarty pants but....* /wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif


*** American Doctors only focus on D-Ribose due to "buzz" around it - people think it's a be all fix.* However, D-Ribose is no longer used in Germany & Russia where their Doctors use something even better....** Galactose


Currently - I have to buy pure Galactose from Germany.* It's extremely expensive.* Over $120 for a small bottle.


There are only two important Glyconutrients that must be taken orally, which is Mannose and Galactose (Galactomannans).


Galactomannans play a larger role in the body than just supporting healthy immune system function. Galactomannan Glyconutrients create a high degree of integration and coherence in all cellular communication, including in the immune system and nervous system. Life has its foundation in cell to cell communication that regulates the infinite number of chemical processes in the body.


There is new research revealing the role Galactomannans play in promoting stem cell growth, which may explain some of the dramatic healings that have taken place that seem to go beyond just immune system and cell to cell communication. Stem cells stimulate the repair of all the cells, organs and glands in the body.


It has been shown that galactose inhibits tumour growth and its spread, particularly to the liver, and to protect from cataracts. Galactose enhances wound healing, decreases inflammation, enhances cell-cell communication, and increases calcium absorption. It has also been shown to trigger long term memory formation.


The Galactose glyconutrient saccharide
works by releasing substances that eat bad bacteria and cellular wastes. They may also stimulate NK cells and inhibit tumor cell reproduction. Numerous scientific publications have discovered that the absense of galactose is related to the onset of skeletal problems. It may also promote healthy calcium metabolism and its absorption preventing bone loss. It may assist in keeping the good bacteria in the body healthy.



So, TULIP+Creatine (which takes care of ATP synthesis) and Galactose for (stem) cell synthesis and enhanced cell-to-cell communication? Hmm...
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#654 mettmett

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 11:22 PM

bigpapachakra if you want to learn about fasting i highly suggest the works of arnold ehret.

ive read this book:
http://www.amazon.co...mucus free diet
and i am currently reading this book:
http://www.amazon.co...ational fasting

i thought i knew how to properly fast before reading that book. it is almost making me change my mind about what a healthy diet is. i just finished a 22hr fast and ended it like he said. i just pooped and i feel very strong and alert right now. lol but seriously

#655 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 02 September 2013 - 11:39 PM

Thanks for the recommendations, I'll look into the books. For anyone who wants to get VERY CHEAP books pretty reliably (since we all seem to want to enhance our knowledge quite a bit), check this site: http://www.alibris.com/ way back I got the 4-Hour book Series for like a total of $30 and they were all new, hardcover, etc.

There is a free book on protein fasting that has been referenced by Tim Ferris: http://proteincyclin....wordpress.com/ you can essentially get a lot of the benefits of CRON/IF from 1-2 weekly 18-36hr protein fasts, which, I believe can be lowered to even select amino acid fasts. Dave Asprey's new Bulletproof Diet infographic has a lot of information on fasting and when/how to break it, as well as different kinds such as Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting and Protein Fasting. I'm more into fasting for the neurological benefits through increased ketones and enhanced fat burning enzymes. Training while fasted upregulates all of those enzymes and processes, AND enhances autophagy. My only question is, does fasted training only provide those benefits via specific kinds of fasting (IF vs. Protein Fasted)?

The man who started the "Fasted State Training Adaptations" Thread on Dr. Kruse site is an Elite Athlete and takes it to a whole new level - and he is the definition of 'all-natural' he uses no supplements other than black coffee. As far as his most recent posts his diet is epi-paleo (changes with the seasons based upon genetics, epigenetics, geography, etc. but is typically a seafood and sea veggie loaded paleo diet) and is calorically restricted + IF + fasted state training + ketosis + cold adaptation. He largely proves Dr. Kruse theories correct. He says something like, "When the stimulus resonates, the adaptation occurs," very philosophical and thought provoking. I'm not saying everyone should copy what someone who has success does, but it should at least provoke some thoughts. I will try and find a way to read those books, but regardless, Bulletproof Coffee is so tasty, I may have to incorporate it, lol.
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#656 Plasticperson

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 12:56 AM

after the second therapy session i can feel some sort of nootropic effect building! I did take baseline scores for every game on cambridge brain science and will take control scores in two weeks.

perhaps, if someone could manage to place a laser or arrays of led's in the back of their throat they could stimulate the deep parts of the brain ie the amygdala, located in front of the base of the brain, or the brain stem itself. However, the Anterior Cerebellar Vermis, loacted in the back of the brain, would probably be stimulated best by placing light source on back of the neck/head.

#657 Plasticperson

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 01:33 AM

I first had used the 48 LED for 1 minute at F3 and F4 both, according to the Major Depression study, although I think I did it slightly lower than the correct region, The following day I also started TULIP. Either it was a very fast acting placebo, or my "wave" of HPPD that had come in the previous weeks had coincidentally stopped right as I used the red LED. That thursday I did it again for about 1.5mins at each of the same sections, and this Sunday I did it again for roughly 1.5mins at each region (F3 and 4) directly before bed. When I research a topic, I want to understand it well enough that I can both alter and apply the knowledge precisely to my specific needs, as well as explain it simply enough for someone with no knowledge of said topic to understand it easily. So, I plan on going back and annotating the review of LLLT by Gonzalez-Lima, as well as the major depression study. That being said, I definitely feel as though this protocol is helping me greatly, and I know the effects stack up over time - not only that, but I've only used very, very short amounts of time at small regions each time, I can only imagine when I build up to greater doses and larger brain regions. So:

What's up big papa,

Sorry to hear about your hppd. What was the anticholinergenic/serotonin drug(s) that induced your hppd? I too have a mild form of hppd from a small 25i dose. (listened to some as*holes on this website who said how safe it was and how its the best because it binds with such a high affinity to the 5ht2a receptor... bullsh*t.. hallucinogens can have a profound dark side to them even if theyre natural IMO. Some people can benefit but not me)

I will say that my hppd is way worse the night after drinking, eating a poor diet, and barely exercising... basically living an unhealthy life style.

However, recently my hppd has taken a turn for the better; mainly the depersonalization but the visual affects improved too. I'm pretty sure i can attribute this to focusing lllt therapy on the pfc and the back of my head (elucidated as Anterior Cerebellar Vermis from the post above).

If lllt works for HPPD, this thread could have discovered a treatment that unshackles a huge population of people from their hppd suffering. From what i understand there is no cure that has a high success rate for the whole hppd population.

Edited by Plasticperson, 03 September 2013 - 01:36 AM.

#658 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 02:18 AM

Wow, that's great to find someone with some relative experience with this very odd phenomenon. I wish that you didn't have to experience it, so I didn't mean it like that, but none of my friends, family ,etc. understand what I experience. I don't know how deep I can get into this and don't want to violate any terms/conditions of these threads, because I quite honestly enjoy them, lol, but I can make it brief.

I have experience with a wide variety of substances. My favorite, though, were psychedelics. To make a point clear, I have been sober from everything (including weed) for I have no idea how long - 6 or 8 months maybe, and before then I toned it down a lot. February 22 2012 was the day that I believe this was brought on, although the entire weekend of that day, especially the day before and after, may have caused my symptoms. In the past, after LSD, I would experience HPPD like symptoms only after being sleep deprived, using lot's of stimulants, or smoking TONS of weed or hash oil. Even then, it was minor - things would just seem kind of trippy, but no anxiety or depersonalization or visual snow or psuedohallucinations. I believe the drug that caused it was PCP or embalming fluid - I never smoked cigarettes but regrettably took a puff of some random persons cig at a concert and instantly felt odd and anxious and really mind blowingly trippy. It makes me feel odd even thinking about it. My friend and I investigated it and it was definitely laced - the filter was pushed up. there was some other substance in there, etc. Based off of my (at the time) bio-hacking of drugs through sites such as erowid and bluelight, I knew it was a deliriant and did further researcher in the coming weeks. That night I was also on MDMA. The night before - I drank, took xanax, codeine, smoked weed, and took a very high dose of DXM. I believe the DXM could have still been in my system from the night before, and MDMA and DXM don't mix because they can cause Serotonin Syndrome, which is deadly. The following day, having only slept about 5 hours in the past two nights, I collapsed and woke up for the (again) following day to trip out on an even higher dose of DXM. Both the day of the concert, and two days later with DXM, I had slightly odd and scary experiences. I'm sure this is what caused my problems. I never had anything but spiritually thought provoking, blissful experiences before. Reading all that, I have so many regrets. I maintained good grades throughout that period of my life (was in AP courses, in fact), and I was a rather talented wrestler - but I let my 'knowledge' get ahead of me. Looking back at it, I always scoffed at people who thought young people couldn't make wise decisions - well, I agreed, but I thought that I was somehow smarter than others my age because of all the research I did and being friends with kids much older than I - but damn, my prefrontal cortex was NOT developed thoroughly, let me tell you that (lol)!

I agree with you, that psychedelics have a dark side. I don't know if you're familiar with Graham Hancock, but he's a large proponent of Ayahuasca but he had one of the most life changing and frightening experiences on night when doing ayahuasca with shamans. They can be a catalyst for growth - or, demise.......

Dr. Abraham is a physician/researcher who specializes in treating HPPD - I've thought about seeking him out. The best theories surrounding HPPD is that in genetically susceptible individuals (*field alert*), psychedelic use can cause HPPD, and this is due to altered CNS function and altered/diminished sensory gating. There are some medications that strongly help with the depersonalization, and then benzodiazapines such as alprazolam and clonzapam can diminish HPPD symptoms; not only anxiety, fear, and panic, but visual snow and depersonalization. Oddly enough, after this weekend, I would occasionally used Xanax because it not only made me feel more calm, centered, and mellow, but it took away my visual snow and other trippy visual things quite a lot. I stopped smoking weed too, because anytime I did it (after this event) not only would I get so anxious I thought I was going to literally freak out, but all the trippy visual things would come back, and I would have INTENSE intracranial pressure so to speak. It felt like my head was going to implode, and my vision would get all shaky. I don't know if it was psychosomatic but any time I would rub my temples it would get better, but the second I stopped..... came right back. This is when I first started experimenting with things - going gluten free and vegetarian helped tremendously, but I believe it was more due to a lack of gluten and GMOs, rather than vegetarianism - I'm no longer vegetarian.

I really hope LLLT can help, and, right now, I believe it does. I was wondering if I could stimulate other areas, and you gave me ideas. Currently have done 3 very short sessions focusing on the forehead, based off of the depression study. I think I might figure out how to affect areas associated with sensory gating/visual perception, though. You noted that you've had success by also targeting the back of your head, I wonder if I could target the occipital lobes associated with occipital migraines (visual migraines, in which sufferers also experience some trippy visual symptoms as well) and visual problems. Gives me some ideas. I'm at least hopeful that I've come across such tremendously intelligent AND kind individuals. I'm also extremely excited and hopeful with the more research I do, considering I'm really accepting the fact that our brains are even more thermoplastic than I had previously imagined.

***What I meant by field alert, is, according to Dr, Kruse the 'field' determines the fate of our cells. This is why so many people go from diet to diet. why people still remain fat and fatigued even after they drop calories/increase exercise, why cancer, AZ, dementia, etc. is prevalent, why there is childhood diabesity, and so on. We have been changing our environment faster than our genome/epigenome can adapt, and now were speeding up all the negative epigenetic adaptations at increasing rates. Dr. Kruse theorizes that there are three fundamental keys to life: the photoelectric affect (sunlight), water, and magnetism. He routinely says Mars has two out of the three and look at the planet - it's dead. Apparently our brains have actually diminished in size in the past hundred or so years, and many people say its due to consumption of grains, lack of essential fats, and so on, but, it may in fact be artificial lighting and EMFs coupled with a drastically decreased beneficial magnetic field and Schuman resonance. Robert O. Becker, who was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, who also regenerated salamanders hearts and brains without magnesium, did amazing experiments at Clam Lake with the Navy showing that non-ionizing radiation from ELFs cause acute stress responses leading to depression and autoimmune diseases. 9 out of 10 of the radio tower workers at Clam Lake developed hypertriglyceridemia; Becker went on to do more studies, but this knowledge remains un-investigated. If I were to guess, it's probably because our economy relies on devices that largely emit ELFs, but who knows. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy or something. Going onward, the reason I said 'field alert', is because if Dr. Kruse (and others) is right, and the 'field' (electromagnetic field; both the electric and magnetic field), dictates our cells fates and causes negative epigenetic changes, maybe I caused damage to my blood brain barrier through concussions and what not, started using these substances while being in a bad emotional state and not having changed my diet to its current nature, all WHILE living in an altered field. Get's me thinking. By the way, I don't always just follow Dr. Kruse theories, but he, Dr. Raymond Peat, and Dr. Klinghardt are really the only innovative ones who connect dots from multiple fields. I just did a quick first time search on Robert O. Becker, and here's what I found: http://www.earthpulse.net/Becker.htm wow..... enormous amounts of research that would probably take months to go through. Here are his books: http://www.amazon.co...er/e/B001IGNU3Y but two of them are pdf files on the previous website.***

Edited by BigPapaChakra, 03 September 2013 - 02:21 AM.

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#659 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 02:25 AM

Now that I think about it, looking through that post I just made, (minus some grammatical errors) I just pulled up so much random information and memories from the back of my head without even looking at anything. Just standing here typing. TULIP must be doing something.

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#660 EncyclopediaBrown

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Posted 03 September 2013 - 02:38 PM

'well at quips'(well equipped).

I see what you did there. ;)

Edited by EncyclopediaBrown, 03 September 2013 - 02:40 PM.

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