Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]
Posted 09 September 2013 - 11:56 AM
I've start using CILTEP since the start of my semester and gives me a lot of mental energy multiple hour study sessions on different subjects are no problem.
I want to try LLTP, of course I will stop CILTEP for the time being but did anyone combine these two? Maybe use CILTEP on your days off etc?
Posted 09 September 2013 - 12:27 PM
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
Posted 09 September 2013 - 01:24 PM
What about CILTEP en LLTP?
I've start using CILTEP since the start of my semester and gives me a lot of mental energy multiple hour study sessions on different subjects are no problem.
I want to try LLTP, of course I will stop CILTEP for the time being but did anyone combine these two? Maybe use CILTEP on your days off etc?
Only falco has combined the two to my knowledge and even then he only uses the artichoke part of it. He likes it but for more of a once a week deal. Personally I can't do artichoke because it gives me heart palpitations. Zembrin and quercetin didn't do anything for me either. Alebard Lindsey was posting in the first pages of the thread, I'm unsure if he has combined the two... you could always try and see, alternating days would definitely be the safest route though
What about CILTEP en LLTP?
I've start using CILTEP since the start of my semester and gives me a lot of mental energy multiple hour study sessions on different subjects are no problem.
I want to try LLTP, of course I will stop CILTEP for the time being but did anyone combine these two? Maybe use CILTEP on your days off etc?
Only falco has combined the two to my knowledge and even then he only uses the artichoke part of it. He likes it but for more of a once a week deal. Personally I can't do artichoke because it gives me heart palpitations. Zembrin and quercetin didn't do anything for me either. Alebard Lindsey was posting in the first pages of the thread, I'm unsure if he has combined the two... you could always try and see, alternating days would definitely be the safest route though
What about CILTEP en LLTP?
I've start using CILTEP since the start of my semester and gives me a lot of mental energy multiple hour study sessions on different subjects are no problem.
I want to try LLTP, of course I will stop CILTEP for the time being but did anyone combine these two? Maybe use CILTEP on your days off etc?
Only falco has combined the two to my knowledge and even then he only uses the artichoke part of it. He likes it but for more of a once a week deal. Personally I can't do artichoke because it gives me heart palpitations. Zembrin and quercetin didn't do anything for me either. Alebard Lindsey was posting in the first pages of the thread, I'm unsure if he has combined the two... you could always try and see, alternating days would definitely be the safest route though
Posted 09 September 2013 - 01:27 PM
I'm lovin the laser therapy...shined it on my gf and she felt she felt different within 30 seconds. Lol
Perhaps i need to try a laser and not led's. i followed the naeser study but started with 1 or 2 minutes each spot; instead of the initial start of 5 minute 10 seconds found in the study.
LLLT harmed my performance for a week after I did it, but I believe it strengthens the brain in the long run. I think people should do it once or twice a week and start very low. I do it for 5 seconds on each spot because I'm interested in tweaking what I already have, not getting a new operating system. Doing it more causes too much of a change in the brain that though I can see it being beneficial in the long run, you must keep in mind that you are probably rewiring your brain. IF you have TBI then it would be a good idea to do it for 5 minutes every other day. Otherwise, it will work in the long term if the dosage is kept low, but won't harm performance in the short term. Doing it for even 20 seconds ruins my sleep architecture.
Last time you wrote you said your cognition was impaired the same day and a bit over baseline (or atleast at baseline) the day after.
Also wondering where you found the spots you posted.
Posted 09 September 2013 - 03:43 PM
Posted 09 September 2013 - 03:46 PM
It was impaired the next day, but got better later in the day. I realized certain parts were still impaired later on and it took a week to recover and for my sleep to get back to normal. It felt like my brain was on 4 wheel drive or on a higher gear for city driving. Meaning I was using more cognitive horsepower for simple tasks and it also wasn't shutting down. I needed to use magnesium citrate to shut it down and that would only provide temporary relief. In other words, my brain was much less efficient. It was much harder to engage in areas that required a higher level of brain function, like physics, because my brain was much less efficient. This is common for mitochondrial enhancers, but with LLLT the effects lingered,whereas with M blue, for example, the effects last for only a few hours. But when I used it in lower dosages -5 seconds per a spot- the effects only lasted a day and were very mild - not enough to significantly impair my performance. Overall, I think I noticed an improvement over baseline after I stopped. So the improvement doesn't come while you do it. It comes when you stop, like exercise. That's why I'm only doing it once a week or once every 2 weeks since I take other things.
Posted 09 September 2013 - 03:48 PM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
Posted 09 September 2013 - 07:37 PM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
Nice, OK I feel somewhat better now that I bought that adapter. I remember that someone made the same question before, but I could not see any light from the LEDs in a completely dark room, or making a video with my camera (as someone suggested?). I understand that this wavelength is for a night vision camera and should not see any light at all?
For people asking for EEG and functional anatomy of the neocortex the very best accessible source I have found is this book.
No interest in the Myer Briggs personality typing is needed, but is a plus if its an interest of yours. The difference in EEG recordings of different people (and personalities) at the same tasks, is quite wide!
Posted 09 September 2013 - 11:49 PM
What about CILTEP en LLTP?
I've start using CILTEP since the start of my semester and gives me a lot of mental energy multiple hour study sessions on different subjects are no problem.
I want to try LLTP, of course I will stop CILTEP for the time being but did anyone combine these two? Maybe use CILTEP on your days off etc?
CILTEP is a part of my daily regimen, and I have the ebay LED's currently being shipped. I will be combining CILTEP and TULIP, and will report back.
Edited by Potent, 09 September 2013 - 11:49 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 04:10 PM
There was a much more distinct feeling following LED therapy than after tDCS, even when tDCS'ing at 2.0 mA.
Like a pulsating, lingering sensation of warmth and slight pressure that lasted until I fell asleep. I was knackered in the morning, and have felt very tired the following day (today) - even somewhat depressed and irritable, although to be fair, that may not be directly due to LED therapy*
* Confounding factors:
1) For the first time ever, I also drank a glass of papaya leaf juice last night before LED therapy, and had another glass this morning. The effects of papaya juice are not entirely known, but it is theorized to increase platelet count with some evidence from rodent studies, it has also been used in traditional folk medicine to kill intestinal worms and parasites. It's a very bitter brew, not something you drink for the charming taste, that's for sure.
2) Today I stopped microdosing lithium and also did not take the CiLTEP stack I had been on for a few days previously.
3) Last night after LED therapy I was too tired to sit my usual 35 minutes of meditation before bed, so I only did 10.
4) Today started in a shitty way, and sometimes it is not easy to see whether that was because I was tired and in a low mood waking up, or because the situation just happened to suck more than usual anyway.
Edited by Godof Smallthings, 10 September 2013 - 04:20 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:06 PM
To everyone: Whew!...I'll probably have a little more time to write today and hopefully we can clear some things up. I'll do my best. =)Last night, I used the 48 LED array for the first time, and applied it to the entire left side of the brain in increments of approx. 30 sec over each area, with a longer time on a) the space just under the inion on the back of the head b) the area in between and slightly above the eyebrows. I did not apply it to the right hemisphere.
There was a much more distinct feeling following LED therapy than after tDCS, even when tDCS'ing at 2.0 mA.
Like a pulsating, lingering sensation of warmth and slight pressure that lasted until I fell asleep. I was knackered in the morning, and have felt very tired the following day (today) - even somewhat depressed and irritable, although to be fair, that may not be directly due to LED therapy*
* Confounding factors:
1) For the first time ever, I also drank a glass of papaya leaf juice last night before LED therapy, and had another glass this morning. The effects of papaya juice are not entirely known, but it is theorized to increase platelet count with some evidence from rodent studies, it has also been used in traditional folk medicine to kill intestinal worms and parasites. It's a very bitter brew, not something you drink for the charming taste, that's for sure.
2) Today I stopped microdosing lithium and also did not take the CiLTEP stack I had been on for a few days previously.
3) Last night after LED therapy I was too tired to sit my usual 35 minutes of meditation before bed, so I only did 10.
4) Today started in a shitty way, and sometimes it is not easy to see whether that was because I was tired and in a low mood waking up, or because the situation just happened to suck more than usual anyway.
To godofsmallthings: First of all, tiredness is to be expected the first time. Remember, the first Naeser TBI patient didn't feel good until her third day. She slept most of day 2. I'll explain why I think that is soon.
Secondly, those are some pretty strong confounding factors. Give LLLT a little time...a few weeks to a month...before deciding whether to keep going or not. Again, explanation coming.
Third...your extra tiredness last night before bed is a good sign, not a bad one.
Fourth...your tiredness today may be due to LLLT (which is not a bad thing) or it may be due to life or some of the other things you mentioned. Regardless, give LLLT a little time. The pressure and warmth in your head was most likely due to the vasodilating effects that LLLT is known to cause. Nothing to worry about for now. Of course, if you experience serious pain then listen to your body and stop.
What I think is going on with LLLT
1. Laser for 20 minutes (or whatever), 2. ATP release, 3. ATP is very reactive, therefore gets used up quickly, 4. Tiredness/sleepiness caused by ATP depletion, 5. Body restores ATP levels a few hours (or minutes) later therefore energy (notice one of Opauqe's early experiences...he lasered, got tired, napped, and then had ridiculous mental energy a few hours later), 6. Body responds to this new level of ATP need by upregulating genes related to neurogenesis, ATP production, etc. 7. Results build over time as new structures are built and maintained.
Analogy: bodybuilding.
Q: Why am I tired and why do my measurables decrease after LLLT? A: ATP depletion
Q: Why does sleep/nap/rest help? A: ATP creation...ie. recharging of ATP batteries
Q: Why am I so tired the first time? A: New level of ATP depletion your body has never experienced before PLUS genes are upregulated to new levels and need energy to build their structures according to the new level of increased demand.
Opposite: astronaut bone loss in space.
Principle: use it or lose it?....no..."intensely use it, upregulate it." Just not TOO intensely and not too frequently.
Statement I would coat in gold and hang on every page of this thread if I could..."So the improvement doesn't come while you do it. It comes when you stop, like exercise." -Joe Cohen
The nail's head is throbbing with pain right now. =) (don't make that dirty!)
The Importance of Diet
We are building/rebuilding new structures in our bodies. Those structures are made of substrates/raw materials. Your body is a 'reshaper' of existing materials, NOT a 'creator' ex nihilo. I will get into this much more in the future but I want you guys to notice a trend. Those of us doing LLLT and finding success with it have pretty decent diets for the most part. I would like for everyone to focus on 'eating for your cells' and 'eating for your mitochondria'. These overlap pretty substantially. We are going to focus on eating the fundamental substrates and letting our increased ATP production provide the energy to power the construction of the highest quality neurons, axons, dendrites, myelin, dna, rna, etc. that we can. Check out Mr. Happy's thread on here for some excellent directions for future experimentation. I need to experiment more to fully recommend him and add him to my list of 'shoulders'...but he's a likely candidate. Also check out "Minding My Mitochondria" by Terry Wahls for some possible ideas as well.
Also, we need chemical bond energy from the environment. Our mitos basically chop it up into smaller parts (ATP) and use those tiny parts to orchestrate the ridiculously choreographed and shockingly mechanical dance that IS our bodies. Make sure you get enough food, but not too much...of course.
If you have any more questions god...please feel free to ask. ha I'm sorry, I just HAD to write that sentence! Truth is, I'm just a dude. =)
Everyone else please feel free to ask away as well. I'll do my best.
btw, LLLT has MANY other effects other than the ones I just mentioned. Mine is just one theory and it will probably need plenty of future amending, addition, or tossing into the trash bin. Hopefully, not too much of the later. =)
Mr. Happy's Thread: http://www.longecity.../page__st__2130
Recent Reddit Thread on Mr. Happy's Stack: http://www.reddit.co...in_development/
Minding My Mitochondria: http://www.amazon.co.../dp/0982175086/
Edited by lostfalco, 10 September 2013 - 05:37 PM.
Posted 10 September 2013 - 05:47 PM
I am however going to do one session before sleep tonight, gonna update how I feel tomorrow (very subjectively).
This is what I'm going to measure next week (gonna do blinded for a month, 1 week at a time).

Posted 10 September 2013 - 09:40 PM
Can I request your next post/thread to be on dietary matters LF? I'm very interested in what you think about this, and I think others could benefit too. Many people seem to use nootropics as a quick get smart fix, eating pounds of proverbial icing and missing entirely the cake it's supposed to compliment! It's about time we baked a cake wouldn't ya say

Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:08 PM
Got really tired after using the LED, I however had a problem falling asleep. I did not measure it, but it felt way longer than usual.
The tiredness continued today up until 11.00 or so (got up 06.00, used the laser at 21.00) when I decided to get some sugar to not be so tired (coca-cola). Since then I have not noticed a thing.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:34 PM
Sorry about the tiredness. That seems to be a pretty consistent trend at first...anecdotally and in the studies. Make sure you're getting enough calories. ATP is formed from the food we eat...fats/carbs/etc. Was the coke the first thing you had today?Update:
Got really tired after using the LED, I however had a problem falling asleep. I did not measure it, but it felt way longer than usual.
The tiredness continued today up until 11.00 or so (got up 06.00, used the laser at 21.00) when I decided to get some sugar to not be so tired (coca-cola). Since then I have not noticed a thing.
Also, if it's disrupting your sleep you can definitely try different times of day. Lasering right before bed is not some sort of dogmatic rule. =)
Anyway, the tiredness should lessen as you go along. I'm looking forward to seeing your measurables along the way and in a month or two. I hope it works for you!
Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:35 PM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
I second that. I bought 2 48 LEDs and I couldn't make them work properly. I bought a 12V 500mA universal power supply because that's the 48 LEDs spec. I finally made the LEDs work with a 12V 3A power supply. The seller told me that sometimes it requires as much as 2A to work properly. I will finally have the chance to test LLLT tonight.
BTW, I've been lurking on this thread for quite some time. Many thanks to Lostfalco and all other contributers. This is a great thread!
Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:50 PM
Thanks man! I hope it works well for you. Keep us posted.I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
I second that. I bought 2 48 LEDs and I couldn't make them work properly. I bought a 12V 500mA universal power supply because that's the 48 LEDs spec. I finally made the LEDs work with a 12V 3A power supply. The seller told me that sometimes it requires as much as 2A to work properly. I will finally have the chance to test LLLT tonight.
BTW, I've been lurking on this thread for quite some time. Many thanks to Lostfalco and all other contributers. This is a great thread!
Edited by lostfalco, 11 September 2013 - 05:51 PM.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:52 PM
Sorry about the tiredness. That seems to be a pretty consistent trend at first...anecdotally and in the studies. Make sure you're getting enough calories. ATP is formed from the food we eat...fats/carbs/etc. Was the coke the first thing you had today?Update:
Got really tired after using the LED, I however had a problem falling asleep. I did not measure it, but it felt way longer than usual.
The tiredness continued today up until 11.00 or so (got up 06.00, used the laser at 21.00) when I decided to get some sugar to not be so tired (coca-cola). Since then I have not noticed a thing.
Also, if it's disrupting your sleep you can definitely try different times of day. Lasering right before bed is not some sort of dogmatic rule. =)
Anyway, the tiredness should lessen as you go along. I'm looking forward to seeing your measurables along the way and in a month or two. I hope it works for you!
Why are you sorry? It's not your fault

The coke was my first thing, I always fast to atleast 12.00. I considered that it might be because of that.
This was just to try before I do my experiment, so wont do anything until Monday.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 08:35 PM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
I second that. I bought 2 48 LEDs and I couldn't make them work properly. I bought a 12V 500mA universal power supply because that's the 48 LEDs spec. I finally made the LEDs work with a 12V 3A power supply. The seller told me that sometimes it requires as much as 2A to work properly. I will finally have the chance to test LLLT tonight.
BTW, I've been lurking on this thread for quite some time. Many thanks to Lostfalco and all other contributers. This is a great thread!
What do you mean it did not work properly? Cαν you see a light from the LEDs or you are having better effects now?
I was not home, I tried it couple days ago without an effect, I cannot see any light from my 48 LEDs even in complete darkness.
For people that got an adaptor with your LEDs, could you give specifications for the 48 one? The LEDs that you can get in Ebay for international costumers look the same as the link that lostfalco gave.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:08 PM
Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:27 PM
I am very interested to hear any new ideas on supplementation and TULIP from lostfalco or anyone else.
I have the minding your mitochondria book that lostfalco recommended and I ll have a look again for any ideas to upgrade our mitochondria.
I got the book a few years ago and the only thing that seemed new was a supplement with the building blocks for myolyogenesis (from pastured cattle) but it was kind of expensive from what I remember and I did not look much into it.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:40 PM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
I second that. I bought 2 48 LEDs and I couldn't make them work properly. I bought a 12V 500mA universal power supply because that's the 48 LEDs spec. I finally made the LEDs work with a 12V 3A power supply. The seller told me that sometimes it requires as much as 2A to work properly. I will finally have the chance to test LLLT tonight.
BTW, I've been lurking on this thread for quite some time. Many thanks to Lostfalco and all other contributers. This is a great thread!
What do you mean it did not work properly? Cαν you see a light from the LEDs or you are having better effects now?
I was not home, I tried it couple days ago without an effect, I cannot see any light from my 48 LEDs even in complete darkness.
For people that got an adaptor with your LEDs, could you give specifications for the 48 one? The LEDs that you can get in Ebay for international costumers look the same as the link that lostfalco gave.
I meant they didn't work at all. No light and no heat. I can now see the LEDs glowing in red and it is quite obvious. I can't say anything about the effect since I will try LLLT for the first time tonight.
12V is a fixed value, and like it was said earlier the current must be greater than 500mA. The real current flowing through the device is set by the resistances in the LED unit. I suspect the 48 LEDs are all the same on ebay.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 09:40 PM
edit: just finished the 4 minutes, and definitely felt something this time. I'll take tomorrow off and evaluate if there is any fatigue like people were mentioning when first starting. Also started the CoQ10 and PQQ at the same time.
Edited by IggyKoopa, 11 September 2013 - 10:01 PM.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 10:28 PM
Thanks for the info Iggy. The more feedback we get the better. Looking forward to hearing how this goes for you!Just wanted to point out again there is going to be minimal visible light from the LEDs. It's infrared, so if anything you'll see a very faint red glow. I just got in my 96 led light yesterday. Did 2 minutes on F3 and 2 on F4(the array is pretty big so I just centered it on those regions), didn't feel anything today. I'll bump it up to 4 minutes, and depending on how that feels I'll either skip a day or increase the time.
edit: just finished the 4 minutes, and definitely felt something this time. I'll take tomorrow off and evaluate if there is any fatigue like people were mentioning when first starting. Also started the CoQ10 and PQQ at the same time.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 11:59 PM
Yes, I would really like a copy of the Euon manual myself too, but unfortunately I never heard from him. In any case we could go further putting together all our experiences.
I am very interested to hear any new ideas on supplementation and TULIP from lostfalco or anyone else.
I have the minding your mitochondria book that lostfalco recommended and I ll have a look again for any ideas to upgrade our mitochondria.
I got the book a few years ago and the only thing that seemed new was a supplement with the building blocks for myolyogenesis (from pastured cattle) but it was kind of expensive from what I remember and I did not look much into it.
Hey, would you mind possibly sharing what substance/supplement was mentioned in the book for myelinogenesis? That would be fantastic, I'd really appreciate it.
Got some things to share. So, as some may know, I'm primarily doing this for HPPD, and hopefully after getting rid of (or at least minimizing) it, upgraded my fundamental brain processes. So far it's going really smooth, and I haven't done nearly as much as some people (but much more than others). For instance, I used the 48 LED for two minutes each at F3/4 last Tuesday, because ever since my first use at those regions my general mood has been increased, and anxiety/panic and wandering thoughts decreased. I decided to see if it was something that I would have to do multiple times a week, or if it was placebo, or if it had a lasting effect. I took off five days and was pretty much more or less unaffected, which is positive. I didn't have a reoccurrance of anxiety or anything. One day I was more irritable and slightly 'out of it', but that was after the fifth day and the days leading up to it were immensely stressful, and I ate something that Dave Asprey would tell me probably was loaded in mycotoxins, lol. I did it again Monday, and feel absolutely fine. Anecdotally, I notice a subtle yet noticeable increase in my ability to pull terms/vocabulary out of the back of my mind when trying to explain topics to my loved ones. For instance, if anyone ever listens to Dave Asprey's presentations, he rarely says 'umm' or 'uhh', he continues to speak at a consistent pace, not forgetting his place. He says different Racetams increase memory I-O and do this, but becoming bulletproof through hacks/diet does the same. I theorize TULIP is essentially doing the same through increased mitochondrial density AND functioning. I found some articles that support this that I'll post in the other threads.
To make things more scientifically rigorous, although still not to the degree that Gwern has done in his nootropic experiments, I will be (1) re-taking that HAM-D and HAM-A tests since it will be about 2 weeks since I've used the LEDs and taken the first tests, and (2) Tonight I will be blinding myself with the LED and being unaware of which regions are stimulated. I'm having someone do it all for me while I sit patiently with ear buds in and something over my eyes, and I figured that I could get around the heat of the LEDs by turning them on for awhile and allowing them to warm up - so even if whoever does this for me turns them off and puts them to my head, I won't know if I'm being stimulated (or as Falco would say, regulated) or not. I may have both F3/4 stimulated, or only one of them, or neither. So it will be interesting to partially recreate the depression/anxiety study, to a degree.
I'll decide which thread to add to, but I've been exchanging emails with Dr. Ray Peat on HPPD and other things I've learned from other bloggers and what not, and he's given me some interesting ideas. He actually agrees to a degree with Dr. Kruse about electromagnetism and studying Robert O. Becker's work on DC currents and regenerative medicine. They just have different ideas on avoiding/taking advantage of these fields. Dr. Kruse is largely a proponent of avoiding or getting away from the bad fields, and recreating beneficial magnetic fields and Schuman Resonance(s), whereas Dr. Peat said we can take advantage of these DC fields 'metabolically', although he never directly told me what he meant. Dr. Kruse told me his next blog will delve into how we do this metabolically, and I think it really just comes down to ingesting Calcium Channel Blockers to remove the cellular calcium efflux which is associated with so many diseases.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 07:58 AM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
I second that. I bought 2 48 LEDs and I couldn't make them work properly. I bought a 12V 500mA universal power supply because that's the 48 LEDs spec. I finally made the LEDs work with a 12V 3A power supply. The seller told me that sometimes it requires as much as 2A to work properly. I will finally have the chance to test LLLT tonight.
BTW, I've been lurking on this thread for quite some time. Many thanks to Lostfalco and all other contributers. This is a great thread!
What do you mean it did not work properly? Cαν you see a light from the LEDs or you are having better effects now?
I was not home, I tried it couple days ago without an effect, I cannot see any light from my 48 LEDs even in complete darkness.
For people that got an adaptor with your LEDs, could you give specifications for the 48 one? The LEDs that you can get in Ebay for international costumers look the same as the link that lostfalco gave.
I meant they didn't work at all. No light and no heat. I can now see the LEDs glowing in red and it is quite obvious. I can't say anything about the effect since I will try LLLT for the first time tonight.
12V is a fixed value, and like it was said earlier the current must be greater than 500mA. The real current flowing through the device is set by the resistances in the LED unit. I suspect the 48 LEDs are all the same on ebay.
It might be that your unit or your adapter is faulty, because I use a 12V 500mA adapter with my eBay 48 LED device and I can see the red lights and a faint red glow when holding it close to something.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 01:44 PM
Yes, I would really like a copy of the Euon manual myself too, but unfortunately I never heard from him. In any case we could go further putting together all our experiences.
I am very interested to hear any new ideas on supplementation and TULIP from lostfalco or anyone else.
I have the minding your mitochondria book that lostfalco recommended and I ll have a look again for any ideas to upgrade our mitochondria.
I got the book a few years ago and the only thing that seemed new was a supplement with the building blocks for myolyogenesis (from pastured cattle) but it was kind of expensive from what I remember and I did not look much into it.
Hey, would you mind possibly sharing what substance/supplement was mentioned in the book for myelinogenesis? That would be fantastic, I'd really appreciate it.
Hi BigPapaChakra,
I am just checking the book right now, I was planning to read the book again and I ll get back to you, but at this time the only thing I found from the index in the pages is the common for myelin regeneration good fats EPA and DHA. It is in the supplement section "Micro-nutrients for cell membrane and myelin". Having a quick look in all the pages I could not find anything else.
I am perplexed as I remember getting a clue and finding a supplement from New Zeland's pastured cattle for a myelin building block unrelated to omega-3. I usually buy 2-3 books at a time for an area of interest and I might read it somewhere else, I cannot really remember right now. I only looked because I did not know about the nutrient.
Looking in Amazon probably was this, as it is from free range cattle from New Zealand.
If you make further research and find it useful please let us know
Edited by Strangelove, 12 September 2013 - 01:45 PM.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 01:51 PM
I find the 48 LEDs a somewhat small size, does anyone bought a 144 LED?
The only adapter I could readily buy is a 12V - 1000mA, any ideas about changes in the output of LEDs?
I am no electricity expert, but from googling my understanding is that long as the adapter is equal to or above the rated amperage of the LED array, there should not be a problem.
The explanation given is that the adapter states the maximal amperage that can be requested from it - but will only deliver as much as the connected appliance demands. The LED array will only demand as much as it requires.
I second that. I bought 2 48 LEDs and I couldn't make them work properly. I bought a 12V 500mA universal power supply because that's the 48 LEDs spec. I finally made the LEDs work with a 12V 3A power supply. The seller told me that sometimes it requires as much as 2A to work properly. I will finally have the chance to test LLLT tonight.
BTW, I've been lurking on this thread for quite some time. Many thanks to Lostfalco and all other contributers. This is a great thread!
What do you mean it did not work properly? Cαν you see a light from the LEDs or you are having better effects now?
I was not home, I tried it couple days ago without an effect, I cannot see any light from my 48 LEDs even in complete darkness.
For people that got an adaptor with your LEDs, could you give specifications for the 48 one? The LEDs that you can get in Ebay for international costumers look the same as the link that lostfalco gave.
I meant they didn't work at all. No light and no heat. I can now see the LEDs glowing in red and it is quite obvious. I can't say anything about the effect since I will try LLLT for the first time tonight.
12V is a fixed value, and like it was said earlier the current must be greater than 500mA. The real current flowing through the device is set by the resistances in the LED unit. I suspect the 48 LEDs are all the same on ebay.
It might be that your unit or your adapter is faulty, because I use a 12V 500mA adapter with my eBay 48 LED device and I can see the red lights and a faint red glow when holding it close to something.
Thank you, I bought a new adapter at 12V 2500mA and works now, unfortunately getting warm after just a few minutes. Is this the case with yours? Maybe there was an issue with my previous adapter but at 12V 1000mA I could not see any light at all.
Posted 12 September 2013 - 02:03 PM
Posted 12 September 2013 - 02:42 PM
Yeah, mine gets a little warm after a few minutes too. I don't think it's anything to worry about. =)Thank you, I bought a new adapter at 12V 2500mA and works now, unfortunately getting warm after just a few minutes. Is this the case with yours? Maybe there was an issue with my previous adapter but at 12V 1000mA I could not see any light at all.
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