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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#1321 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:42 AM

Okay guys, wow, I don't even know where to start. I did a search on Robert Becker to post to this woman on FaceBook who recently discovered grounding, and I just discovered so much crap that predates Becker by a long time and is absolutely revolutionary. I mean, this stuff is so fascinating to me that I'm very strongly contemplating switching my prospective career from something in neuropsychology/cognition to biophysics. I want to first point out that I have not went through all of this material, I simply got on some very spontaneous roll of finding all of this and my mind was just blown. I'm about to post a lot of links, so please don't be annoyed, and if there are any problems, just let me know and I'll remove the post (not spamming!):

http://www.wrf.org/m...rold-s-burr.php Brief article on Harold S. Burr who discovered electromagnetic fields, and what he called "L-Fields" and how they determine all of life: "The Universe in which we find ourselves and from which we can not be separated is a place of Law and Order. It is not an accident, nor chaos. It is organized and maintained by an Electro-dynamic field capable of determining the position and movement of all charged particles. For nearly half a century, the logical consequences of this theory have been subjected to rigorously controlled conditions and met with no contradictions."

http://www.energymed...r_biofields.htm Another piece of Burr's work: "Burr made hundreds of other studies of the bio-electric field as it relates to normal and abnormal processes in living organisms. These studies include, but are by no means limited to
  • voltage fluctuations antecedent to ovulation in rabbits, Rhesus Monkeys and humans
  • bio-electric concomitants of growth and differentiation in the healing of wounds of guinea-pigs and of humans
  • the effect of drugs on the electrical potentials in rats
  • correlation between the integrity of the peripheral somatic nervous system and voltage differences measured on the surface of the arm or leg of a human
  • detection of malignancy of the human female genital tract"
http://www.amazon.co...r/dp/0854352813 One of is books - it can be found for free online, I just don't want to cross any boundaries by posting it.

http://www.planet-ta...-usapatent.aspx Apparently a US Patent: "Through years of diligent work, research and education, these complex theories have been legitimized and quantified and entered into main stream alternative health care, worldwide. Tachyonized materials have been proven to promote neg-entropy. Neg entropy is a physics term which identifies the movement from disease, chaos, disorder toward balance, health and order. In simple terms, Tachyonized materials promote rapid recovery and restoration of optimal balance which can leads to radiant health."

http://www.livingmed....com/resources/ Links to a bunch of other energy medicine modalities
http://www.cheniere....aids/index.html Lot's of work regarding Burr and other electromedicine modalities
http://www.cheniere....s/appendixI.htmThe Case of Antoine Priore and His Therapeutic
Machine: A Scandal in the Politics of Science
http://www.bibliotec...calartech01.htmThe Great Bordeaux Magnetic Machine Mystery
http://www.priore-ca...xtpriore_uk.htmThe fantastic story of Antoine Priore
http://www.rexresear...iore/priore.htmOffice of Naval Research, (London) ~ Report R-5-78 (August 16, 1978)
A Biologically Active Combination of Modulated Magnetic and Microwave Fields: The Priore Machine
by J.B. Bateman


Rife Machine

http://multiwaveoscillator.net/ Georges Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillators

http://www.amazon.co...y/dp/0766141977 Secret of Life

The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator with Thomas Joseph Brown

Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator (MWO) functional replica

Orgone Energy -- A breakthrough that has already happened

http://www.wrf.org/m...ah-ghadiali.php The Healing Art of Spectro-Chrome (relevant to TULIP)

Orgonite what it does and how to make it (this guy seems like a sophisticated hippie, lol)

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#1322 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:00 AM

The thing is, all of these theories need to be brought to transparent, exceedingly well-recorded testing, or nothing will happen. As it stands right now, they are pseudoscience.

I know that 'pseudoscience' is a matter of attitude, and that indeed some pseudoscience becomes mainstream science over time, but most of it does not...

The orgone theory and the life of Willhelm Reich is fascinating as a good story out of life, even if the theory is bunk, as is Electric Universe theory (and when you read about how the majority of physicists finally, after vehement ridiculing and attempts at character assassination had to bite the bullet and admit that Hannes Alfvéns plasma theories were correct) - but still, these ideas you present above are firmly on the fringe, and some of them have remained there for such a long time despite having a following of enthusiasts, that you have to wonder whether it would not just be much more likely that they actually are not correct?

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#1323 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:09 AM

I believe that was what Falco thought until he looked into Gerald Pollack and structured water. He very may well still believe all of that is bunk science, but I can't speak for him. The fact is, though, there are thousands of studies backing this up - look up Robert O. Beckers bibliography. He was nominated (twice I believe) for the Nobel Prize, worked with the Navy, etc. Andrew Marino worked with him on magnetism and EMFs and has a whole book about the deception in the public about how powerful electromagnetism is and how it can revolutionize the world. Tesla wrote all about this for years and you can purchase all of his articles and books, sketches, etc. online. Becker has regenerated bone, a human finger, and salamander's organs; not to mention his and Marino's studies on Magnetism and suicide or using magnetism to put one into a state of anesthesia. It's not unfathomable when you take into consideration TMS and tDCS. Different frequencies, doses, etc., same concepts - electromagnetic forces acting upon the organism.

The Magnetico Sleep Pad has a bunch of clinical trials that were published and all show they power of magnetism. In fact, practically everything I posted above, minus maybe the orgonite, has clinical trials and quite literally over a century of science behind it.

If you don't believe me, again, just look up Robert Becker's bibliography, or any of Andrew Marino's studies, or the studies put out by the Magnetico Sleep Pad company. Regardless, I'm beyond intrigued. I'm going to do everything possible to get my brother and myself a Magnetico 10 gauss pad ASAP (though I don't know how I'll accomplish that right now, lol), and maybe for my birthday treat myself to a set of labs before and after a month or two of sleeping on one - say BUN:CREATININE ratio to test for cellular dehydration, HS-CRP, or whatever else would be cheap. I'm definitely going to make use of electromagnetic medicine one way or another.

#1324 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:20 AM

http://www.rexresear...iore/priore.htm Office of Naval Research, (London) ~ Report R-5-78 (August 16, 1978)
A Biologically Active Combination of Modulated Magnetic and Microwave Fields: The Priore Machine
by J.B. Bateman

Bateman, J. B. (1977) "Microwave Magic," Office of Naval Research London Conference Report, ONRL C-14-77, 1977. Deals with the Prioré device and its treatment and positive cures of cancer and leukemia, including terminal cases in numerous laboratory animals.

Bateman, J. B. (1978) "Staging the Perils of Nonionizing Waves." European Scientific Notes, ESN 32-3-85-88, 1978.

Berteaud, A. J. and A. M. Bottreau, "Analyse des rayonnements électromagnétiques émis par l'appareil Prioré," [Analysis of the electromagnetic radiations emitted by the Prioré apparatus], D.R.M.E., 1971, p. 3-12.

Regeneration of tissue in diabetic ulcer. Becker chose amputate candidates for his research on chronic ulcers and NEVER lost a limb.
100% success during more than a decade of research.
Posted ImagePosted Image

Dr. Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D. Rapid Aging Syndrome - PEMF and EMF

#1325 Raz007

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:43 AM

Guys the discussion here on alternative energy modulation is fascinating &

However always bear in mind that in order to yield valuable discussion we have to do the best homework in order
to show that there's empirical & academic background (even if not the most solid ) to the claims & to the useage
of this technique on brain tissue.

I'm just saying this because there's a risk in exploring too wide & experimental while going loose on the scientific side
& relaying of anecdotal testimonies. One example is the substance NSI-189, I found nearly nothing in the academic
databases regarding this substance. relaying on a sole experiment that the developing company has made with next to
zero other references is absolutely hasty & impetuous.

Of course, BigPapaChakra I'm not necessarily directing it to you- but in general to the discussion on new technologies
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#1326 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:57 AM

Of course, I completely agree with you. I just had my mind blown by all of that and figured I may as well share it. It seems like Becker and Pollack are catching on with people, but their work is largely predated by others far back. I definitely think we need to apply the scientific method. in fact, that's what I've been doing lately to enhance learning; I've been printing out a study/article and reading+annotating it, then writing a summary in my own words along with questions I didn't have answered, and then I've been trying to apply the material (this is in terms of TULIP thus far). This is why I want to find out how to get a Magnetico sleep pad with some basic labs and compare the before and after results. The only thing is I want to also start daily deep CT soon, and that would be a major confounding variable (I've been doing cold showers for the longest time ever, but I'm trying to step it up to Wim Hof's level, lol). Dr. Kruse uses peoples BUN:Creatinine ratio as a proxy for cellular hydration, along with salivary cortisol and melatonin, DHEA, and HS-CRP as proxies for an 'altered field' and a disrupted circadian rhythm. Considering some of the symptoms I have, a little magnetic-lab-'super hydration' experiment could be of help, as well as anecdotal 'proof' for the community.

By the way, I didn't mean anything I said in a confrontational manner, Godof Smallthings. It probably appears as though I did, but I didn't. Just trying to open up this thread to even more extravagant bio-hacking!

#1327 chris106

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 11:56 AM

Just wanted to update that I'm gonna ditch CILTEP for now, and solely use TULIP.

I found it rather hard to fine tune my Forskolin and Alcar doses, to the point were it became counterproductive most of the time. Also combining CILTEP and TULIP only worked for like 2 days, until it started backfiring, which I guess I should have seen coming -_-'

Long story short - I too just started using Magtein, more specifically this product:


As you can see it also has a small amount of Lion's mane in it, which I think was being discussed as being complimentary to TULIP and ATP before.
While I couldn't tell if it really worked the last days while being on CILTEP, I took it without CILTEP today and received a noticable boost in attention and immediate lifting of brainfog.

I should add that I'm also taking a popular german mineral-formula on top of that (Called BASICA, don't know if it's available outside Germany)
While only a few of the minerals in that are in citrat form, It definetely covers the basic needs in that regard, so I should be fine.
It's one of the few supplemets that really makes an immediate difference in wellbeing when I take it.

So I'm gonna combine this and Magtein+Lion's mane with TULIP from now on, with the occasional Caffeine+L-Theanine, as well as Ashwagandha.

Will report back in a few weeks as soon as I notice consecutive results.

Edited by chris106, 23 October 2013 - 12:08 PM.

#1328 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:09 PM

BigPapaChakra, just to be clear - I have complete faith in your sincerity and I do want to thank you for sharing the information you find, but I think what is lacking here is going beyond fascinating theories and cool stories. I also acknowledge that my own background simply is not up to interpreting or evaluating these theories - to me, a pseudoscientific idea can sound just as valid as a real one, simply because I haven't gone into the natural sciences.

Have to to admit that I really WANT these cool theories to be true. It would make the world that much more awesome if, for example, consciousness really did have the power to affect water and other matter surrounding us - but wanting something to be true and taking it for a fact are two different things.

#1329 Keynes

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:21 PM

Day 1:
Tired out of my mind. Weirdly my sense of smell has improved (it's been below baseline since I had mono). Don't think it could be placebo since I totally wasn't expecting it (but who knows). Noticed when I could smell the water whilst showering (not the highest quality water sadly).

This change might have happened either way, but it's definately a noticable change from yesterday.

I am gonna be able to test myself on a couple of different things. It's mostly gonna be physical, like resting heart rate and running performance, but also IQ and memory (CBS). I am not baselined but the results could still be interesting imo.

Edited by Keynes, 23 October 2013 - 12:25 PM.

#1330 Raz007

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:32 PM

Just wanted to update that I'm gonna ditch CILTEP for now, and solely use TULIP.

I found it rather hard to fine tune my Forskolin and Alcar doses, to the point were it became counterproductive most of the time. Also combining CILTEP and TULIP only worked for like 2 days, until it started backfiring, which I guess I should have seen coming -_-'

Long story short - I too just started using Magtein, more specifically this product:


As you can see it also has a small amount of Lion's mane in it, which I think was being discussed as being complimentary to TULIP and ATP before.
While I couldn't tell if it really worked the last days while being on CILTEP, I took it without CILTEP today and received a noticable boost in attention and immediate lifting of brainfog.

I should add that I'm also taking a popular german mineral-formula on top of that (Called BASICA, don't know if it's available outside Germany)
While only a few of the minerals in that are in citrat form, It definetely covers the basic needs in that regard, so I should be fine.
It's one of the few supplemets that really makes an immediate difference in wellbeing when I take it.

So I'm gonna combine this and Magtein+Lion's mane with TULIP from now on, with the occasional Caffeine+L-Theanine, as well as Ashwagandha.

Will report back in a few weeks as soon as I notice consecutive results.

Hey! could you elaborate what exactly made you to see that CILTEP doesn't work with LLLT?

Plus, if you had to re-add the CILTEP again (with your current negative experience ) - what
dosage would you take of each of the components of the CILTEP stark in order to make it
get along better?

Because I just order the stuff for CILTEP from ebay in order to try improve my general energy levels
that seems to drop a little (regardless of the LLLT, but gotta admit that since I started LLLT my general
energy level drop one little tab lower then it use to be.. however I still feel the enhancement in other

#1331 swen

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 01:37 PM

Just wanted to update that I'm gonna ditch CILTEP for now, and solely use TULIP.

I found it rather hard to fine tune my Forskolin and Alcar doses, to the point were it became counterproductive most of the time. Also combining CILTEP and TULIP only worked for like 2 days, until it started backfiring, which I guess I should have seen coming -_-'

Long story short - I too just started using Magtein, more specifically this product:


As you can see it also has a small amount of Lion's mane in it, which I think was being discussed as being complimentary to TULIP and ATP before.
While I couldn't tell if it really worked the last days while being on CILTEP, I took it without CILTEP today and received a noticable boost in attention and immediate lifting of brainfog.

I should add that I'm also taking a popular german mineral-formula on top of that (Called BASICA, don't know if it's available outside Germany)
While only a few of the minerals in that are in citrat form, It definetely covers the basic needs in that regard, so I should be fine.
It's one of the few supplemets that really makes an immediate difference in wellbeing when I take it.

So I'm gonna combine this and Magtein+Lion's mane with TULIP from now on, with the occasional Caffeine+L-Theanine, as well as Ashwagandha.

Will report back in a few weeks as soon as I notice consecutive results.

Hey! could you elaborate what exactly made you to see that CILTEP doesn't work with LLLT?

Plus, if you had to re-add the CILTEP again (with your current negative experience ) - what
dosage would you take of each of the components of the CILTEP stark in order to make it
get along better?

Because I just order the stuff for CILTEP from ebay in order to try improve my general energy levels
that seems to drop a little (regardless of the LLLT, but gotta admit that since I started LLLT my general
energy level drop one little tab lower then it use to be.. however I still feel the enhancement in other

I also have a small drop in energy levels since switching form CILTEP to LLLT.

I'm using the led 96+48 for 3 days now, and I experience an afternoon fatigue around 1400-1500, something I didn't experience with CILTEP. Before CILTEP, interestingly enough I'd overcome this fatigue by dosing 300mg Q10 in the morning.

But off course there can be other factors:
- Adjusting to LLLT
- Did a hard workout with squats AND deadlifts yesterday
- Possible a little bit sick.

Possible solutions:
- Caffeine
- Siesta (when I've time for a siesta I wake up VERY refreshed and clearheaded, more then without LLLT)
- Meditate

I will keep testing, and adjust accordingly. However, combing LLLT and CILTEP is (from what I've read in this topic and Abelard Lindsey's CILTEP topic not advised), because it can increase cAMP too much (PQQ, LEDs and Forskolin). For me personally I felt a weird spaciness.

Hope this helps :)

Edited by swen, 23 October 2013 - 01:39 PM.

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#1332 chris106

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:09 PM

Just wanted to update that I'm gonna ditch CILTEP for now, and solely use TULIP.

I found it rather hard to fine tune my Forskolin and Alcar doses, to the point were it became counterproductive most of the time. Also combining CILTEP and TULIP only worked for like 2 days, until it started backfiring, which I guess I should have seen coming -_-'

Long story short - I too just started using Magtein, more specifically this product:


As you can see it also has a small amount of Lion's mane in it, which I think was being discussed as being complimentary to TULIP and ATP before.
While I couldn't tell if it really worked the last days while being on CILTEP, I took it without CILTEP today and received a noticable boost in attention and immediate lifting of brainfog.

I should add that I'm also taking a popular german mineral-formula on top of that (Called BASICA, don't know if it's available outside Germany)
While only a few of the minerals in that are in citrat form, It definetely covers the basic needs in that regard, so I should be fine.
It's one of the few supplemets that really makes an immediate difference in wellbeing when I take it.

So I'm gonna combine this and Magtein+Lion's mane with TULIP from now on, with the occasional Caffeine+L-Theanine, as well as Ashwagandha.

Will report back in a few weeks as soon as I notice consecutive results.

Hey! could you elaborate what exactly made you to see that CILTEP doesn't work with LLLT?

Plus, if you had to re-add the CILTEP again (with your current negative experience ) - what
dosage would you take of each of the components of the CILTEP stark in order to make it
get along better?

Because I just order the stuff for CILTEP from ebay in order to try improve my general energy levels
that seems to drop a little (regardless of the LLLT, but gotta admit that since I started LLLT my general
energy level drop one little tab lower then it use to be.. however I still feel the enhancement in other

Well, it's actually too early to claim that they don't work together, and all I'm about to report is highly anecdotal from my personal experience, but here goes:

I've been on CILTEP as well as on TULIP for about allmost two weeks. I only did TULIP every other evening ( I think people here should really pay attention to Lostfalco's warnings and NOT LED/Laser every day!)

It went well for one or two days. Then I realized that CILTEP didn't work in the usual doses for me. I basically had to up the Artichoke extract to 2g (instead of 900mg) and the Forskolin to 10mg (instead of 4). So I pretty much doubled the doses. Only then would I feel a slight improvement in wakefullness and attention/focus.

That meant however that I had to more than double my Alcar dose as well to 2g. While this worked "ok" for two more days, when I then did TULIP the other evening and increased to one minute per brain region (2 regions per session), I became insanely aggressive and bad-mooded the next day. Most negative mindset I've been in since a long time - luckily it didn't last long!

Since I now could no longer determine what was the cause of this (TULIP or CILTEP), and I'm taking a couple of other supplements as well (as mentioned above), I realized that it was a shitty idea to start both at once to begin with.

Plus I'm hypothesizing that since I have ADD-PI (inatentive form of ADHD) symptoms, the basic mechanisms of CILTEP might not work as well for me as for others. Most stimulants don't.

Therefore I'm giving TULIP a try first now. Call it intuition. Plus it's cheaper for me right now. -_-'

While all this doesn't mean that you can't try both at once, I would strongly advise against it. You'll never be able to tell which one does what, unless you've sticked to one for months.

But hey, your CILTEP ingredients won't expire any time soon, I guess. Maybe do what Lostfalco did and only add Artichoke every other day?
If you add the complete stack, I would definetely dose everything at the lower end.

Edited by chris106, 23 October 2013 - 03:19 PM.

#1333 AscendantMind

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:16 PM

I want to also start daily deep CT soon

This is something I really want to start soon as well. Any ideas on how to do it without spending $10 a day on bags of ice? (Since I don't have a car, carrying a bathtub's worth of ice back from the store is a bit of a challenge as well).

Edited by AscendantMind, 23 October 2013 - 04:19 PM.

#1334 stephen_b

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:28 PM

Should we be paying more attention to which brain regions get dosed? Any suggestions on spots to hit for attention, focus, and motivation?

Anecdotally, my hearing seems to have become more sensitive.

#1335 lostfalco

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:33 PM

Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brainhttp://m.sciencemag....nt/342/6156/373.
Makes me wonder if using the LED in the morning might not be a better idea.

This is an awesome paper and a really cool finding. Thanks stephen!

I looked through some of the recent studies related to the newly-monikered 'glymphatic' (glial + lymphatic) system and indications seem to be that the metabolite clearance pumps use tremendous amounts of ATP (sleep brain energy usage = awake brain energy usage). Therefore, I would tend to lean toward the conclusion that lasering before bed might be better (if your sleep isn't disrupted by it, of course). Regardless, there is def going to be some variance between individuals and I wouldn't state it as some hard and fast rule.

Edited by lostfalco, 23 October 2013 - 05:25 PM.

#1336 Raz007

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:27 PM

Thank you guys for the advices!

I have ADD as well, I'm taking Concerta regularly. However- since I do have ADD it doesn't give me any added value
to wakefulness but rather just concentration & general apathetic feeling ( but I don't care much about that since
I really just study in this time .. )

Bear in mind I won't take PQQ , but rather just 300mg of CoQ10 ;
So I guess I could try adding 4mg of Forskolin + 1500mg ALCAR
And see how it goes ..

Edited by Raz007, 23 October 2013 - 05:28 PM.

#1337 lostfalco

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 08:19 PM

More info regarding the glymphatic system and it's possible role in preventing/treating Alzheimer's: "Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's are associated with the aggregation of endogenous peptides and proteins that contribute to neuronal dysfunction and loss. The glymphatic system, a brain-wide perivascular pathway along which cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluid (ISF) rapidly exchange, has recently been identified as a key contributor to the clearance of interstitial solutes from the brain, including amyloid beta."


Press Releases

Edited by lostfalco, 23 October 2013 - 08:21 PM.

#1338 lostfalco

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Posted 23 October 2013 - 09:03 PM

Quick Summary: deep brain stimulation causes astrocyte (glial) ATP release, causes adenosine increase, causes neuronal regulation.

Extended Quotes:
"The team also showed that in mice, an infusion of adenosine itself, without any deep brain stimulation, reduced abnormal brain signaling. They also demonstrated that in mice whose adenosine receptors had been blocked, DBS did not work; and they showed that a drug like caffeine that blocks adenosine receptors (the reason why caffeine helps keep us awake) also diminishes the effectiveness of DBS.

“It may be possible to enhance the effectiveness of deep brain stimulation by taking advantage of the role of agents that modulate the pathways initiated by adenosine,” said Nedergaard.

“There are at least a dozen theories of what is happening in the brain when deep brain stimulation is applied, but the fact is that no one has really understood the process completely,” said Robert Bakos, M.D., a neurosurgeon at the University of Rochester and a co-author of the paper, who has performed more than 100 DBS surgeries in the last decade. “We’ve all been focused on what is happening to the nerve cells in the brain, but it may be that we’ve been looking at the wrong cell type.”

Nedergaard’s team showed that the electrical pulses that are at the heart of DBS evoke those other cells – astrocytes – in the area immediately around the surgery to release ATP, which is then broken into adenosine. The extra adenosine reduces abnormal signaling among the brain’s neurons."

Edited by lostfalco, 23 October 2013 - 09:04 PM.

#1339 chris106

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 11:31 AM

Just a small update from me. Yesterday evening I took 20mg PQQ and 200mg Q10, as well as Magtein and LED'd the whole brain with my 96LED last evening (30 seconds roughly to each region).

An hour later I took a sleep-stack consisting of 400mg Ashwagandha, 200mg L-Theanine and 100mg 5-HTP with VitC+B6. The idea was to counteract any wakefullness that TULIP might induce over night.

But holy mother, was I awake and motivated the whole night @_@. I will probably go into more detail in the TULIP-experiences thread.

Can anyone hypothesize whether a serotonine inducing stack like the one above (which would otherwise just make me really tired) could actually potentiate TULIP effects?

Again, my bad for combining too many things, I guess. I will for now ditch any sleep-stacks as well.
Also, next time i will try TULIP in the morning, hoping for the same effects I had last night during the day. :)

Edited by chris106, 24 October 2013 - 11:32 AM.

#1340 AscendantMind

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 01:04 PM

Just a small update from me. Yesterday evening I took 20mg PQQ and 200mg Q10, as well as Magtein and LED'd the whole brain with my 96LED last evening (30 seconds roughly to each region).

An hour later I took a sleep-stack consisting of 400mg Ashwagandha, 200mg L-Theanine and 100mg 5-HTP with VitC+B6. The idea was to counteract any wakefullness that TULIP might induce over night.

But holy mother, was I awake and motivated the whole night @_@. I will probably go into more detail in the TULIP-experiences thread.

Can anyone hypothesize whether a serotonine inducing stack like the one above (which would otherwise just make me really tired) could actually potentiate TULIP effects?

Again, my bad for combining too many things, I guess. I will for now ditch any sleep-stacks as well.
Also, next time i will try TULIP in the morning, hoping for the same effects I had last night during the day. :)

Bizarre. I've been observing exactly opposite effects with TULIP. It deepens my sleep consistently and quite significantly--my deep sleep percentages have moved from 40% to 60% from TULIP alone, and my number of sleep cycles has gone from 4-5 to 7-8. On an occasion where I consumed a few drinks with friends before going to bed late (normally a very bad recipe for sleep quality--I've seen it go as low as 29%), using the LEDs right before bed completely canceled out any sleep-damaging effects of the alcohol, leaving my deep sleep percentage at 50%.

Now, I don't use all the supplements in your sleep stack. I actually have tested them all, however; for a few months, I spent two weeks each testing ashwaganda, L-theanine, argining+ornithine, collagen, activated charcoal, bioactive milk peptides, and GABA. Average sleep quality values went up by perhaps 2% at most on any of those, ranging up to 5% on good nights. Nothing like what TULIP did. So I quit them all.

Ashwagandha, from what I've heard, can have sleep-potentiating for some people, but for others it encourages too much energy for good sleep. Perhaps TULIP turned some switch in your biology that changes how you interact with it. No theories about the others, though.

Note: I do take a workout-recovery stack at night, consisting of slo-niacin, chromemate, policosanol, arginine+ornithine, creatine, alpha-lipoic acid, and Magtein (magnesium l-threonate), but this didn't have any noticeable effect on my sleep. Changes only started to occur with TULIP.

Another note: I use the 48-LED array on five spots on the forehead and the 96-LED array on 10 spots on the rest of my head. Duration is 60 seconds for each region. I do it in a completely dark room, so as to avoid any interference effects.

Edited by AscendantMind, 24 October 2013 - 01:08 PM.

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#1341 Raisinthehouse

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 01:18 PM

I always find your posts interesting ascendant. Something you mentioned before was your experiments with nutrient optimization, i'm starting to think that a good deal of the variability we're seeing with tulip could perhaps be explained by micro/macro nutrient deficiencies.

From what i've read so far it seems that most people are focusing on herbs and substances to enhance cognition, while seemingly ignoring the nutrients required to get to a baseline. Could you perhaps talk a bit more about what you've done to optimize your nutrition?

Something i have just begun to experiment with is DIY soylent with great results so far.

#1342 Ender Q

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 01:41 PM

I always find your posts interesting ascendant. Something you mentioned before was your experiments with nutrient optimization, i'm starting to think that a good deal of the variability we're seeing with tulip could perhaps be explained by micro/macro nutrient deficiencies.

From what i've read so far it seems that most people are focusing on herbs and substances to enhance cognition, while seemingly ignoring the nutrients required to get to a baseline. Could you perhaps talk a bit more about what you've done to optimize your nutrition?

Something i have just begun to experiment with is DIY soylent with great results so far.

I'm extremely interested in DIY soylent as well. Would be nice to have a quick meal that was nutritiously optimal.

#1343 Nattzor

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 01:53 PM

Why are people so obsessed with soylent? Do people hate eating?

And heck, a study in Sweden even pointed towards chewing gum could be helpful for memory and learning in older people, due to the blood flow from chewing. Removing foods and replacing it with soylent would lead to less blood flow.

#1344 Raisinthehouse

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 01:54 PM

It's interesting for quite a few reasons for me. One reason being i have crohn's which goes into complete remission when i consume liquid diets. I learned about soylent while doing research on elemental diets.

I learned It's fairly easy to exceed the nutritional standards of off the shelf elemental formulas, while drastically reducing the price. It's also much easier to know the nutrients you're taking in when you measure each one individually.

#1345 Raisinthehouse

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 02:03 PM

Why are people so obsessed with soylent? Do people hate eating?

And heck, a study in Sweden even pointed towards chewing gum could be helpful for memory and learning in older people, due to the blood flow from chewing. Removing foods and replacing it with soylent would lead to less blood flow.

Surveys have shown that the majority of people are deficient in a number of vitamins. This includes popular methodologies like paleo, primal etc. It's not impossible to hit the rda with wholefoods, it just takes concerted effort. It's also more expensive, and in my particular case my crohns went away while eating this way.

My diet wasn't poor before i made the switch, i tracked nutrients carefully when I was first diagnosed with crohns. Regarding whether or not i care for food, to answer your question. I've never been one to obsess over food so this is quite easy for me.

#1346 basicallyyes

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 02:33 PM

I always find your posts interesting ascendant. Something you mentioned before was your experiments with nutrient optimization, i'm starting to think that a good deal of the variability we're seeing with tulip could perhaps be explained by micro/macro nutrient deficiencies.

From what i've read so far it seems that most people are focusing on herbs and substances to enhance cognition, while seemingly ignoring the nutrients required to get to a baseline. Could you perhaps talk a bit more about what you've done to optimize your nutrition?

Something i have just begun to experiment with is DIY soylent with great results so far.

I'm interested in DIY soylent, can you tell me where you get your recipe / where you get it? PM if you prefer

#1347 AscendantMind

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 02:49 PM

I always find your posts interesting ascendant.

Something you mentioned before was your experiments with nutrient optimization, i'm starting to think that a good deal of the variability we're seeing with tulip could perhaps be explained by micro/macro nutrient deficiencies.

From what i've read so far it seems that most people are focusing on herbs and substances to enhance cognition, while seemingly ignoring the nutrients required to get to a baseline. Could you perhaps talk a bit more about what you've done to optimize your nutrition?

Certainly. :-D Nutrition has been an obsession for me for a number of years, and I love to talk about it.

The first thing I did was create a massive Excel workbook that incorporated all of the nutrient information (every vitamin and mineral, etc.) for each of hundreds of foods, as well as hundreds of recipes I took from cookbooks. I designed macros and formulas that calculated nutrient densities and so forth. The most important part of it was a macro that would take all the information I've mentioned so far, and then automatically create a menu for the week that provided maximum nutrition (in terms of nutrient/gram), complete with a weekly shopping list.

In order to determine the amount of nutrition I would need, I used several well-researched sources that described the benefits/toxicities of various nutrients and their optimal ranges. I strive for what's described in the attached document:

But that wasn't enough. After obtaining a gene test from 23andMe, I discovered that I have several abnormalities in my methylation genes (as do many people without realizing it). After running the raw data through a source called Genetic Genie, I found that I would require different forms of some nutrients than most people. For my genotype, I needed calcium folinate for folic acid, and dibencozide instead of regular B12 (cyanocobalamin).

Now, I will note that I didn't have any serious problems before, nor have supplements made me superhuman; but they provide me with all that I need for optimal natural function. This serves as a basis for my exploration of enhancement methodologies. My body has all the nutrients it needs for performance of daily processes, and it does not have any nutrients in damaging excess. The attached picture shows an example week. I think it's still a little high in polyunsaturates and I would up the protein a bit when working out, but this provides a kind of basis to start from. I don't have diabetes or anything, so moderate-carb is fine for me.

Feel free to PM me if you want more details (or perhaps I should start a thread on nutrition).

Attached Files

Edited by AscendantMind, 24 October 2013 - 03:00 PM.

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#1348 AscendantMind

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 02:59 PM

Did not mean to make a new post.

Edited by AscendantMind, 24 October 2013 - 03:00 PM.

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#1349 Raisinthehouse

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 03:08 PM

Cool approach :)


This is an earlier version of my version of soylent. I've since changed it. It lacks carbs because it's keto. Currently in the process of repairing the gut permeability caused by crohn's. I lost over 40 pounds of lean mass as a result of crohn's, mostly due to the fact i wasn't absorbing nutrients. So far i've gained a little over 10 pounds back, while regaining mental clarity with this "brew"

When i feel my gut is where it needs to be in regards to health, i'm going to attempt to regain my lost muscle by upping my calories to 5k a day in conjunction with a strength training routine. All done via soylent :)

Edited by Raisinthehouse, 24 October 2013 - 03:21 PM.

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#1350 Nattzor

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Posted 24 October 2013 - 03:44 PM

It's interesting for quite a few reasons for me. One reason being i have crohn's which goes into complete remission when i consume liquid diets. I learned about soylent while doing research on elemental diets.

I learned It's fairly easy to exceed the nutritional standards of off the shelf elemental formulas, while drastically reducing the price. It's also much easier to know the nutrients you're taking in when you measure each one individually.

That's a reason I understand, but why soylent specifically? There are tons of others meal replacements which will provide vitamins and minerals for you.

Surveys have shown that the majority of people are deficient in a number of vitamins. This includes popular methodologies like paleo, primal etc. It's not impossible to hit the rda with wholefoods, it just takes concerted effort. It's also more expensive, and in my particular case my crohns went away while eating this way.

My diet wasn't poor before i made the switch, i tracked nutrients carefully when I was first diagnosed with crohns. Regarding whether or not i care for food, to answer your question. I've never been one to obsess over food so this is quite easy for me.

Idd, the majority is deficent in some vitamins or minerals, but that can easily be fixed with a multi. People will also lose tons of other great things like phytochemicals, dietary cholesterol (iirc, he has 0 g of it) and most likely tons of other compouns not yet found.

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