Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]
Posted 26 November 2013 - 09:55 PM
http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/11959421 - 19% higher ATP, 0% more ADP. Could explain the sleep hypothesis I was looking at before. Sleep is ofc way more complex, but this is atleast one part of reducing the need for sleep. Some interesting parts of the study is the increase in heat (4 degrees celcius, I do not expect it to go that high in humans though) and that the effect was not seen at 652 nm. The last part really fucks my understanding up. I thought it was the exact same MoA, just excited copper instead of iron (iirc (or how is it?)).
Posted 26 November 2013 - 11:12 PM
Hi everyone. I've bought myself a 96 850NM LED lamp in the hopes that i'll find some benefit from it. When i plugged it in i was expecting bright light but what i've got is a very dim light coming out the bulbs. Is this supposed to be normal? Here is the link to what i bought off ebay :- http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1497.l2649
Wrong link, this is the right one:- http://www.ebay.co.u...US_Surveillance
The LEDs are near infrared - this means you will see only a slight red light emit from the device. If it was true infrared, you wouldn't see anything. This means the human eye simply can't see those wavelengths but rest ashured, the light is coming out.
You should be able to feel them warming up.
Thanks for your reply. I'm a total noob to this LLLT so is this device i've got suitable? I know this LLLT is in the experimental stages for most but i just don't want to be using the wrong type of LED lamp and think that LLLT doesn't work for me.
I believe those are fine. Those are the same ones I have.
Posted 26 November 2013 - 11:18 PM
Posted 27 November 2013 - 12:02 AM
I'm always interested in people with a lot of enthusiasm and you... Sr. Lostfalco are a very curious character!
May I ask what kind of work you do when you're not... experimenting with this transhumanist-stuff? Or, as a less common but imo superior question of character: how do you spend your time?

Posted 27 November 2013 - 01:32 AM
I have gone through the whole thread and there seems to be a lot of ideas as to how long is necessary to do per spot. Is there a general consensus about this?
Start with 30sec per area and work your way up. See Lostfalco's profile for a guide.....
Posted 27 November 2013 - 02:20 AM
I have gone through the whole thread and there seems to be a lot of ideas as to how long is necessary to do per spot. Is there a general consensus about this?
Start with 30sec per area and work your way up. See Lostfalco's profile for a guide.....
I apologize for not being more clear with my question.
I have read everything and did start with the 30 seconds. But I guess what I am seeking is - work my way up to where? 5 minutes per spot? 10 minutes? I wanted to see if there was a general consensus as to where we needed to "get" to. Others suggest only 10 seconds per spot is enough. I wanted to see if we, as a community, could put together a protocol to implement.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Posted 27 November 2013 - 03:04 AM
I like the idea, but so far it looks like not enough is known and understood to be able to firmly recommend a particular protocol, and therefore, subjective experimentation and assessment of effects seems the way forward.
Putting together subjective experimentation at different durations into a shared spreadsheet with pre-entered variables/questions could enable us to distinguish some general trends.
Edited by Godof Smallthings, 27 November 2013 - 03:04 AM.
Posted 28 November 2013 - 09:52 PM
Full text pdf of a pregnenolone sulfate (PregS) article I mentioned a few months ago.
"This report describes a novel process of delayed onset potentiation whereby PregS approximately doubles the cell’s response to NMDA via a mechanism that is pharmacologically and kinetically distinct from rapid positive allosteric modulation by PregS. The number of functional cell surface NMDARs in cortical neurons increases 60 -100% within 10 min of exposure to PregS..."
""When combined with the effect of rapid positive allosteric modulation total enhancement of the NMDA response averages 200% but can reach up to 400% in a given neuron."
Pregnenolone sulfate has different effects than pregnenolone. Check out zrbarnes' research on it here. Very interesting substance. http://www.longecity...nolone-sulfate/
Lostfalco, do you have a source for it? I am interested to try it.
Posted 29 November 2013 - 06:42 PM
Mine was 98% before and heart rate was usually around 60 to 62ish...so it might do something. Or...maybe I changed something else without realizing it. =)Ya, I'm really skeptical of the whole grounding thing as well, but grounding does have an effect on the body, so it's not implausible.
My blood oxygenation is usually 99% and resting heart rate is 60 or under generally, so not sure what it will do for me on that front.
Are you still experimenting with lactate? What's your current recommendation there? Still sourdough bread?
btw...have you tried Hydrogen Boost? I bought some two days ago and it really seems like a powerful antioxidant. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. It's only about $13-$14 on amazon. http://www.amazon.co...8&condition=new
Lactate is pretty good, but I stopped using sourdough after more careful experimentation. Kombucha is my main source of lactate now. As I have found all or almost all of the foods that I'm sensitive to, I'm able to notice more acutely what gives me problems, and the sourdough gave me some problems. I think it's a great food if someone isn't sensitive to gluten.
Posted 29 November 2013 - 10:47 PM
Posted 30 November 2013 - 12:01 AM
Might not be the best place to ask but since both substances have been talked about pretty extensively on this thread, I was hoping someone was aware.
Thanks in advance
P.S. NAC is definitely the worst smelling supplement I've ever taken. That sulfur really shines through.
Edited by Dizzon, 30 November 2013 - 12:04 AM.
Posted 30 November 2013 - 11:46 AM
Can someone explain to me or provide a link that explains why methylene blue supplementation is contraindicatory with CoQ10 supplementation? I've heard this expressed across the forum without any explanation.
Might not be the best place to ask but since both substances have been talked about pretty extensively on this thread, I was hoping someone was aware.
Thanks in advance
P.S. NAC is definitely the worst smelling supplement I've ever taken. That sulfur really shines through.
They're not, they're most likely synergystic. I asked the same thing and no one could show any evidence of it (and I showed quite the opposite). MB and LLLT might be a problem though.
Posted 30 November 2013 - 06:53 PM
Unfortunately, I've only been able to find the absurdly expensive stuff. Haven't tried it yet.Full text pdf of a pregnenolone sulfate (PregS) article I mentioned a few months ago.
"This report describes a novel process of delayed onset potentiation whereby PregS approximately doubles the cell’s response to NMDA via a mechanism that is pharmacologically and kinetically distinct from rapid positive allosteric modulation by PregS. The number of functional cell surface NMDARs in cortical neurons increases 60 -100% within 10 min of exposure to PregS..."
""When combined with the effect of rapid positive allosteric modulation total enhancement of the NMDA response averages 200% but can reach up to 400% in a given neuron."
Pregnenolone sulfate has different effects than pregnenolone. Check out zrbarnes' research on it here. Very interesting substance. http://www.longecity...nolone-sulfate/
Lostfalco, do you have a source for it? I am interested to try it.
Edited by lostfalco, 30 November 2013 - 07:14 PM.
Posted 30 November 2013 - 07:13 PM
Thanks Chung...I appreciate it man. I think our world is a pretty fascinating place.Interesting stuff going on here.
I'm always interested in people with a lot of enthusiasm and you... Sr. Lostfalco are a very curious character!
May I ask what kind of work you do when you're not... experimenting with this transhumanist-stuff? Or, as a less common but imo superior question of character: how do you spend your time? :)
I'm currently a student...and I work a little to pay the bills. Once upon a time I was a decent basketball player...so I still play from time to time. I play guitar, sing, and write songs a little. I have a girlfriend and a handful of close friends that I hang out with...and I read A LOT. Pretty much any nonfiction I can get my hands on.
Posted 30 November 2013 - 07:22 PM
Nice finds Nattzor. Thanks man!http://www.ncbi.nlm....les/PMC2672926/ - Has that one been posted? Looks like LLLT helps with NGF too. Very low dosage though and in vitro. If it helps release NGF the oxidative stress might be of less worry, but always good to take glutathione.
http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/11959421 - 19% higher ATP, 0% more ADP. Could explain the sleep hypothesis I was looking at before. Sleep is ofc way more complex, but this is atleast one part of reducing the need for sleep. Some interesting parts of the study is the increase in heat (4 degrees celcius, I do not expect it to go that high in humans though) and that the effect was not seen at 652 nm. The last part really fucks my understanding up. I thought it was the exact same MoA, just excited copper instead of iron (iirc (or how is it?)).
Posted 30 November 2013 - 08:01 PM
What's up Opaque? Thanks for the updates on earthing and NeurOptimal! I suddenly find myself looking around my house for five thousand dollars worth of things I can sell. =)Also, I've been using NeurOptimal for the last few months, and experienced awesome results. So far I've done about 30 sessions, and evidently I have quite a way to go because I still hear glitches in the audio track while using it, which supposedly correspond to impending aberrations in brain function... they're pretty black box about their mechanisms.
Edited by lostfalco, 30 November 2013 - 08:03 PM.
Posted 30 November 2013 - 08:16 PM
Posted 30 November 2013 - 11:24 PM
What's up Opaque? Thanks for the updates on earthing and NeurOptimal! I suddenly find myself looking around my house for five thousand dollars worth of things I can sell. =)
Hey what's up man! Sell one of your kidneys maybe? It's worth it

Regarding neuroptimal - one shouldn't expect the clicks to stop. The clicks 'label' or 'eventalize' amplitude spikes or threshold-crossings in program-defined frequency ranges. The ranges are pre-defined, but the thresholds sort of waggle to prevent habituation or entrainment responses. Which product version do you have?
Ah, I was under the impression that the clicks responded to aberrant brainwave movements, when the amplitude changes more rapidly than is optimal for 'smooth' brain function, whatever that is. If it operates by 'discouraging' these aberrations via some kind of negative reinforcement then surely there will come a time when all aberrations have been ironed out? The way i've experienced the progression has been generally less clicks over time, then every so often it seems to 'move on' and lots of clicks reappear, only to slowly reduce again. I guess that corresponds to the shift in frequency range, as one range gets 'sorted out'. I wish I knew more about the specifics of these mechanics, it's all so vague. Even they don't seem to really know what's going on. Surely there's a ceiling though, at which point my wiring will be most efficiently interconnected?
Posted 01 December 2013 - 11:30 AM
Which product version do you have?
Sorry, I missed this question yesterday! I have the personal version and the latest software updates, why'd you wonder?
Posted 01 December 2013 - 11:45 AM
Hey guys, check this out. Big shout out to our boy BigPapa for landing a guest post on bengreenfieldfitness. He lists 10 biohacks that a few of us around here may have tried. =) Anyway, congrats Papa...great article man!
yeps cool ... found that out via the FB page. Very nice one BigPapa :-)
Posted 01 December 2013 - 12:33 PM
Anyway, here's my thrown-together "sun" bed for the winter that the kids are enjoying as much as me. About 7 minutes on each side is all you can take of it laying down before you're sweating pretty good. The kids will say in the 30 minutes playing around. My old bed like the one in the 2nd to last picture (belongs to a man in Canada) used water blocking to prevent getting too hot. You hang halogens over pyrex baking pans filled with water to absorb the heat. It can also use red food coloring, but it's not needed and that blocks the blues and greens. Aluminumized "emergency blankets" can be bought for $1 each from ebay and amazon when you buy 4. Free shipping. So it's really cheap and easy to do this. The white bed sheets work pretty good. To focus the light better when using aluminum or mirrors, it helps a lot to place your bodyin the bottom of a 50 degree V made by the reflectors. If you want full body without having to "turn over" you make the aluminum reflectors iinto a tear drop shape with the light source in the "V" corner and your body in the middle of the teardrop so it's like the target in a trough parabola reflector, but you want circular in the bottom of the tear drop instead of parabolic because the light source is from a close source instead of a distant source like the sun where the incoming light would have been parallel. Using the Sun is just as good and I've acquired a deep tan in December and January at Atlanta latitude.
Attached Files
Posted 01 December 2013 - 12:39 PM
Posted 01 December 2013 - 12:46 PM
They seem to find it only mildly beneficial, as their last comments show. I believe they are returning it for a $1,000 refund out of the $1200 I charged. I'm letting them keep it for at least 2 months, so it's like a $200 rental fee. I think they reduced treatment time to 7 minutes once or twice a day.Really cool build zawy! Got any updates on the dementia patent btw?
Edited by zawy, 01 December 2013 - 12:50 PM.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 05:28 PM
access to an actual computer. I envision a collaborative project reverse-engineering the technology... Zengar won't even patent it.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 06:01 PM
It is much, much easier to see what is going on with the professional version. You may not be able to see the targets or frequency ranges with the home version. I'll try to get some screen shots or documents showing what's going on behind the scenes or type something up when I have
access to an actual computer. I envision a collaborative project reverse-engineering the technology... Zengar won't even patent it.
Yeah that'd be cool man... on the personal version you literally just have the visualizer and the sound. Are you saying that Zengar haven't patented their process? I think there's been a few attempts to uncover the algorithms behind their program, but there's little indication as to how it works without delving into the sealed mechanics. Maybe that's why they give you a laptop with it. How are you finding it by the way? Considering you got the professional version I imagine you're forcing it on all your loved ones haha. If this was used in schools it would be nothing short of revolutionary.
Posted 02 December 2013 - 08:16 PM
Ok, back to the topic. On the interview days I have been taking (and doing) the following:
* 2 days prior: 30 minutes LLT session mostly over the forehead
* night prior: 300mg time release melatonin + 400mg Mg malate
* 2 - 3 hours prior the interview (usually just after waking): homemade liposomal vitamin C; beside vit C it also provides sufficient amount of choline
* 30 minutes after that: 100 - 150mg modafinil; oh boy, this thing really makes you AWAKE; no mental fatigue even after 6 hours of hard core interviewing (it takes 2 hours for plasma concentration to peak)
* 5 minutes of HIT; 10 seconds sprint at 90% intensity; 20 seconds off; repeat for 10 times; 2-3 series of pushups, squats, ab crunches (one after another without a break)
* light breakfast without starches: usually 2 - 3 boiled eggs with berries + a heaping spoon of organic virgin coconut oil + omega 3 capsule
* cold shower for 3 minutes, followed by the 2 min hot - cold water cycle
* while in shower B12 + NADH sublingual lozenges
* 1 hour prior to the interview :
ginkgo biloba (+ vinpocetine) capsule
100mg alcar
3g creatine
2g D-ribose
decaffeinated green tea capsule (mainly for L-theanine)
500mg artichoke + 3mg forskolin (semi CILTEP stack)
* 45 mins prior: double shot espresso (~200mg caffeine) bottoms up, followed with 15 minutes meditation (with meditating music through the headphones)* 4mg methylene blue (works best for me; tried 60mcg upto 6mg)
* 30 mins prior: 1g piracetam taken sublingually (another dose after 4 hours if on site)
* 20 mins prior: nicotine gum with (2mg nicotine) (repeated multiple times throughout the day if onsite)
* 15 mins prior:
hands-full of raisins (and throughout the day if onsite)
white noise through headphones, until interview starts (and while on breaks if onsite)
* 5 mins prior: 2 minutes of deep breathing technique for relaxation and increased oxygen intakeWorks VERY good! The key is not to be caffeine and modafinil addicted / tolerant. Otherwise you wont get their full benefits. Mental stamina and ability to focus is insane. You are at your best, even better. And relaxed.
I tried mixing oxiracetam with piracetam, and it works well for the first hour or so, but after that I do feel slight mental fatigue, and aniracetam doesn't work at all.
Hope someone will find this stack useful. Any feedback and suggestion is very welcomed!
Edited by rikelme, 02 December 2013 - 08:26 PM.
Posted 03 December 2013 - 07:45 AM
Damn good pic - http://www.medicligh...n-potential.pdf

Posted 03 December 2013 - 10:21 AM
Did anyone else experience similar ?
Also Joe Cohen mentioned on his blog that he doesn't laser the back of his head - any particular reasons why you should avoid stimulating some parts of the brain?
Posted 03 December 2013 - 06:21 PM
Edited by hephaestus, 03 December 2013 - 06:23 PM.
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