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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#1681 Nattzor

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Posted 08 January 2014 - 10:06 PM

So, looking at some research atm, what is the req for the laser to cause hair loss/hair removal? There seems to be no research on 800 nm or above for hair growth (or well, stop hair loss), all is on 600 nm. All the hair removal research is on 800 nm though. Can anyone please tell me I wont lose my hair if I build a helmet with 850 nm?

I'm guessing intensity (like 20 J / cm^2 vs 1-5 J / cm^2) and pusling. Any thoughts?

#1682 basicallyyes

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 01:09 AM

Hi Falco, can you explain what type of Pregnenolone you use (brand) and the dose / timing/cream or pill? Do you still use it? I'm interested in giving this another go as I may have done it incorrectly the first time.

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#1683 gwern

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 03:32 AM

Hey, gwern, if you want I can probably add to the data. I did TULIP and then took roughly a six week break and just started my second round of LED treatments this past week (minus the supplements). Before starting the second round, I took I don't know, six or so tests through cambridge brain sciences. I'll be taking the tests again, in addition to the "IQ test" through the same source, as well as a bunch of duel n-back variations, and then doing a ten day run of intranasal near infrared light (for ten days straight). The only problem with my first test data was that I was having a bad 'flare' of my HPPD symptoms and thus couldn't think straight, but regardless that adds more merit to the lights (if I did poorly on tests due to psych/neurological problems, and did even slightly better due to the uplifting of the symptoms, the simple fact that symptoms were dissipated says something in its own right).

No, that's just regression to the mean. For pretty much anything, symptoms wax and wane, and so if you look at a peak period of problems, then it's not a surprise if the symptoms then abate. Given that you were having major problems at the pre-test, I'm not sure the data is of any value.

#1684 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 05:40 AM

Well, it wasn't necessarily a peak by any means, just a re-occurrance. Secondly, I believe that what you say is completely true (the problems waxing and waning and thus skewing the meaning of the data), yet when the data is taken into consideration with the context of a log of symptoms that decrease in a time and dose-dependent fashion, and then certain related measures of cognitive performance increase, this may hold significance. For instance, if I had a gradual decline in confusion and irritability, along with an increase in some value that represents functioning in reasoning, this would help to display the changes in cognition going on. Also, with my specific problems, symptoms don't necessarily abate, so it's not as though I took the tests when having problems and took them again when coincidentally not having any symptoms - they remain there unless I actively do something to mitigate them. Lastly, correct me if I'm wrong, but data could not only be represented by comparisons of simple numbers that serve as representations, but on a plot line/scatter plot with symptoms expressed in general terms incorporated. So, you could see scores rising with symptoms decreasing.

Nonetheless, I respect your point of view. I'll attempt to accurately track many measures of health/performance/well-being in the coming weeks and months with intervals between my different additions (creatine, aural acupoint triggering, water filtered infrared-a, etc.) along with a log of symptoms, then publish them simply for people to see (who still may remain skeptical or simply haven't started LLLT or other light therapy modalities yet).

Currently, right now, it seems as though I figured out my dosing again and I'm starting to regain my cognition from my first round of LLLT - the past week I used LLLT but seem to have overstimulated myself by doing 4-5mins per area at my forehead and I didn't notice benefits. Last night I simultaneously used the 48LED unit with the 630nm red laser pen that was posted about awhile back (which is like $4) on my entire forehead broken up in 4 regions and only stimulated each for slightly over a minute. Even with two hours less sleep today I had drastically less anxiety, fear, panic, and slightly less depersonalization and derealization. I wasn't even certain if I should post my last two comments in this thread due to all my brain fog and irrational over evaluation of what I said; I had to read over the sentences multiple times to scan for errors, contemplated if it was worth posting, etc. Today - there was no such behavior. Words are flowing better as well. This could all be wishful thinking and placebo, though, so I guess I'll have to wait and see how I do on various tests in the near future while keeping a log of symptoms.

#1685 stablemind

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 11:23 AM

I've been doing LLLT for about a week so it's still too early to tell if it's a placebo but I notice right after my morning laser, I feel calmer and more focused. I also seem to get a lot of ideas and my mood improves so maybe it induced a very mild hypomanic state. I seem to have more energy as well which seems to wean off later in the afternoon. Today at around 5 pm I suddenly felt really tired. Tomorrow I'm going to increase it to 1 min per spot and see how that works. Currently doing 30 sec / spot in the morning, 2 day laser 1 day break.

#1686 rock_zaozz

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 03:19 PM

lostfalco , have you stopped for a while with doing tulip and taking supplements , just to know if you have done some good/harm for youre brain? Im interested in this

Second: when they are talking about a different spot , they refer about eg: the front of the head , the sides of the head . OR e.g a part of the whole head and go over the whole head

#1687 alpal

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 04:09 AM

Hey guys,

I bought the $50 tdcs kit recommended (way back) on this thread and must say that its effects were very poor (only tried once though) compared to my first trans-cranial.com tdcs kit. If your experience wasnt great I'd recommend shelling out for the trans-cranial one. I don't know why, but it works much better and its my go to tool when I can't focus but must get some work done.

When you mentally exercise a part of your brain enough, extra blood is sent to that area. I've been finding that playing N-back for 22 minutes increases bloodflow so much that whatever is in my blood at the time is significantly enhanced and severely effects my brain. On an empty stomach in the morning I took fish oil (nutrasea) and then played N back and felt intense effects on focus and it feels like the effects of fish oil are extremely enhanced.
Once I did this with only diet coke in my stomach and had terrible effects. I now always watch whats in my blood before I play N-back.

Fish oil (only good quality) in my blood also ups my dual n-back from 7 to 8 almost every time, and without, I can never get to 8.

I've done so much experimentation (even lllt) and yet my most potent daily nootropic free of side effects is quality fish oil and dual n-back. But hell they work well.

Lastly, my general observation for what actually works in improving cognition in its totality, not just a specific aspect, must improve working memory and increase bdnf.

My fishoil (bdnf) and n-back (working memory) confirms this.
My tdcs confirms this (shown to increase regional cerebral bloodflow and working memory as well as bdnf),
my experience with combining panax ginseng (rb1 ginsenosides are a trkb agonist just like bdnf), Ginkgo (increases blood flow), they increase working memory in together this study (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/11140327) and curcumin (increases bdnf)

So yeah, in my experience bdnf and working memory together improve my cognition


#1688 montana2012

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:44 PM

Any update from the members that TULIP has a positive impact? Does the positive effects increase over time or there is a ceiling of the effects after a while?

I tried once more, unfortunately I got very tired, got over it, but I did not came back any different, I am still fighting a chronic infection with antibiotics and other means, and my body and brain is certainly not at its best.

For the people that have a good effect there is any kind of positive benefits in real life? Academics, relationships, work e.t.c

The LEDs make me sluggish, and VERY irritable every time. They destroy my sleep as well. Unfortunately I didn't see improvement in mental performance/ENDURANCE. ATP is pretty fundamental, it should work equally for everyone. I am yet to add PQQ in the coming days and see how that turns out.


Hey Steve, sorry to hear that man. Have you tried extremely low dose LLLT? Joe Cohen has reported good results with as little as 10 seconds per spot. http://selfhacked.co...review-of-lllt/

Also, there is definitely no requirement of lasering before bed if it's ruining your sleep. Have you tried at various times of the day?

Hi LostFalco and thank you for caring so much.
So yeah, I saw Joe's video and tried to use the laser for 20, 10, 5 s/spot but it still doesn't work for me the way it should. Did it at all times of the day.
However, what's even worse is that paradoxically mitochondrial enhancement makes me feel tired. I feel a burst of energy, but I don't last long and crash in a couple of hours. It is worth mentioning, that I have emotional/psychiatric issues that could be preventing me from feeling the effects. I think I am bipolar as well. There could be free radicals at play as well. Oh well.
Having problems with M Blue as well, if someone is willing to help, shout out.

- do I have to inhibit HDAC2 specifically for cognitive purposes or just any of the HDACs?
- could drinking 15 oz of kombucha + 5g of fiber a day be the same as taking 600mg of NaB?
- do I have to take NaB, or regular butyric acid or any other equivalent will do the same job?
- is valproic acid as effective, is it as safe?


Edited by montana2012, 10 January 2014 - 01:00 PM.

#1689 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 05:07 PM

I was thinking about valproic acid as a quick learning enhancer for this upcoming semester, but I've now re-thought that; on another site people were largely ridiculing it, and a few who are physicians have claimed to have seen terrible outcomes from it's use (stating it caused damage to the liver).

"works great for mania, lots of my patients didn't like being on it, its very hard on your liver too,
interesting study tho"

"A close friend of mine had her hair fall out from valproate, the dreaded telogen effluvium effect. I never used it during my stint on psychiatric drugs. My P doc loved to push lamotrigine on all her patients."

"Unless you have used one of these drugs ( I have used, I believe, everyone of them) its hard to understand how unpleasant some of the side effect are. The minor ones just do not sound that bad but in practice its no fun.

Most all of them when you first start taking them make you somewhat disoriented to varying degrees, similar to how you get with a alcohol buzz but not full out drunk but without any of the euphoria or feel good. Many people describe it as feeling loopy and that is a very good basic description but it also causing the same feeling as motion sickness. (...) I can say of all the ones the worst ones I took for side effects were tegretol, topamax, and depakote." (Depakote was the drug used in the study as valproic acid that gave adults the ability to learn perfect pitch). The posts really just continue on like this. I typically think one should do their own research and make a decision, but based off of all the negative feedback I don't even know if I'd start researching the compound, especially when I'm thinking of trying the basic CILTEP stack.

#1690 hephaestus

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 06:00 PM

The foremost and most severe concern for anyone taking valproic acid is its potential for sudden and severe, possibly fatal, fulminating impairments in liver and impairments of hematopoietic or pancreatic function, especially in those just starting the medication.


Absolutely not something to play around with.

#1691 montana2012

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 08:25 PM

I was thinking about valproic acid as a quick learning enhancer for this upcoming semester, but I've now re-thought that; on another site people were largely ridiculing it, and a few who are physicians have claimed to have seen terrible outcomes from it's use (stating it caused damage to the liver).

"works great for mania, lots of my patients didn't like being on it, its very hard on your liver too,
interesting study tho"

"A close friend of mine had her hair fall out from valproate, the dreaded telogen effluvium effect. I never used it during my stint on psychiatric drugs. My P doc loved to push lamotrigine on all her patients."

"Unless you have used one of these drugs ( I have used, I believe, everyone of them) its hard to understand how unpleasant some of the side effect are. The minor ones just do not sound that bad but in practice its no fun.

Most all of them when you first start taking them make you somewhat disoriented to varying degrees, similar to how you get with a alcohol buzz but not full out drunk but without any of the euphoria or feel good. Many people describe it as feeling loopy and that is a very good basic description but it also causing the same feeling as motion sickness. (...) I can say of all the ones the worst ones I took for side effects were tegretol, topamax, and depakote." (Depakote was the drug used in the study as valproic acid that gave adults the ability to learn perfect pitch). The posts really just continue on like this. I typically think one should do their own research and make a decision, but based off of all the negative feedback I don't even know if I'd start researching the compound, especially when I'm thinking of trying the basic CILTEP stack.

Do you think sodium butyrate will be any better?

If I only had access to medical supervision, boy. I would have alot more courage.

Edited by montana2012, 10 January 2014 - 08:27 PM.

#1692 stablemind

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 03:54 AM

Any update from the members that TULIP has a positive impact? Does the positive effects increase over time or there is a ceiling of the effects after a while?

I tried once more, unfortunately I got very tired, got over it, but I did not came back any different, I am still fighting a chronic infection with antibiotics and other means, and my body and brain is certainly not at its best.

For the people that have a good effect there is any kind of positive benefits in real life? Academics, relationships, work e.t.c

The LEDs make me sluggish, and VERY irritable every time. They destroy my sleep as well. Unfortunately I didn't see improvement in mental performance/ENDURANCE. ATP is pretty fundamental, it should work equally for everyone. I am yet to add PQQ in the coming days and see how that turns out.


Hey Steve, sorry to hear that man. Have you tried extremely low dose LLLT? Joe Cohen has reported good results with as little as 10 seconds per spot. http://selfhacked.co...review-of-lllt/

Also, there is definitely no requirement of lasering before bed if it's ruining your sleep. Have you tried at various times of the day?

Hi LostFalco and thank you for caring so much.
So yeah, I saw Joe's video and tried to use the laser for 20, 10, 5 s/spot but it still doesn't work for me the way it should. Did it at all times of the day.
However, what's even worse is that paradoxically mitochondrial enhancement makes me feel tired. I feel a burst of energy, but I don't last long and crash in a couple of hours. It is worth mentioning, that I have emotional/psychiatric issues that could be preventing me from feeling the effects. I think I am bipolar as well. There could be free radicals at play as well. Oh well.
Having problems with M Blue as well, if someone is willing to help, shout out.

- do I have to inhibit HDAC2 specifically for cognitive purposes or just any of the HDACs?
- could drinking 15 oz of kombucha + 5g of fiber a day be the same as taking 600mg of NaB?
- do I have to take NaB, or regular butyric acid or any other equivalent will do the same job?
- is valproic acid as effective, is it as safe?


It's interesting you mention you are bipolar because I'm bipolar as well (bipolar II), and have experienced the crash after a while. I'm going to try reducing the dose to <30 sec every other day and see how that works out. The 1 min laser / spot was way too much and I felt super tired and irritable for the first half of the day.

#1693 88LS

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 10:35 AM

For all those who are having issues with fatigue, tiredness, crashes, irritability etc. either a few hours after LLLT or the next day, you guys should be supplementing with NAC to counter the additional ROS. NAC immediately got rid of all those "funky" symptoms for me. I take 500mg NAC right before I light up :) as well as the next morning, works like a charm.

#1694 montana2012

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 12:25 PM

For all those who are having issues with fatigue, tiredness, crashes, irritability etc. either a few hours after LLLT or the next day, you guys should be supplementing with NAC to counter the additional ROS. NAC immediately got rid of all those "funky" symptoms for me. I take 500mg NAC right before I light up :) as well as the next morning, works like a charm.

Indeed, NAC alleviated some of the symptoms for me as well. However, my stack is getting expensive and I was wondering if 4-5 raw eggs would provide enough acetylcysteine (n-acetyl-l-cysteine?) for optimal glutathione production.

#1695 montana2012

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 04:07 PM

Also, does anyone think, that actually pouring psyllium fiber in the kombucha tea itself and fermenting it together is going to boost butyric acid even more?

Edited by montana2012, 11 January 2014 - 04:08 PM.

#1696 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 10:52 AM

lostfalco: Do you still feel as amazing on TULiP, or have there been ups and downs, and if so, a short summary of your thoughts about why and how?
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#1697 hephaestus

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:47 AM

It's possible that NAC helps by regulating glutamatergic neurotransmission:


#1698 Raza

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 08:15 PM

What is the reasoning behind keeping the infrared LEDs/lasers away from the eyes?

Isn't the entire idea behind the eyes being more sensitive to light than other tissue that photoreceptors can be damaged by absorbing too much energy? Photoreceptors don't absorb wavelengths that we cannot see; this is why we cannot see them. So is there really a reason for keeping IR light sources away from the eyes, specifically?

I ask because I'm building a plan for getting started with TULiP, and I'd really like to include the orbitofrontal and frontopolar cortices.

Edited by Raza, 14 January 2014 - 08:15 PM.

#1699 Nattzor

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 08:47 PM

What is the reasoning behind keeping the infrared LEDs/lasers away from the eyes?

Isn't the entire idea behind the eyes being more sensitive to light than other tissue that photoreceptors can be damaged by absorbing too much energy? Photoreceptors don't absorb wavelengths that we cannot see; this is why we cannot see them. So is there really a reason for keeping IR light sources away from the eyes, specifically?

I ask because I'm building a plan for getting started with TULiP, and I'd really like to include the orbitofrontal and frontopolar cortices.

zawy has written a bit about it - http://heelspurs.com/led.html#safety
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#1700 Raza

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 09:30 PM

Right, it's the lens that takes the damage, not the retina. That does make it easier to aim away from. Thanks!

#1701 Rumpelstiltskin

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 11:12 AM

In a few weeks from now 1kg of Uridine is coming in. I'm going to combine the three stacks (happy stack, ciltep and tulip). I'll keep you guys updated. Also I'm keeping track of a lot of things like dual n-back, working memory, blood work, oxygen level, amount of push-ups I can do, juggling time (three balls), Cambridge brain sciences-tests and time that I can hold my breath (which also tells me something about the oxygen in my blood). Cheers! :cool:

#1702 basicallyyes

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 01:15 AM

Ok so I've been doing this since October 5th so just around three months and got off of it at about Jan 5th. I took a daily log where I pretty much wrote down everything I was experiencing with this and my conclusion is that it actually gave me a bit of brain fog. I started off doing it for just 30 seconds in each spot (96) LED then eventually worked my way up to 1:30 each spot and I noticed no difference in cognition and possibly more confusion and my memory wasn't as sharp. When I got off of it Jan 5th , three days later I felt clarity again that I didn't fully realize I had lost until it came back. Suspicious, I started up again the next day (30 seconds a spot) and the day after that the confusion/swirly brain foggish feeling was back.

There is always the possibility that I need to lessen my time, maybe to 15 seconds a spot, or maybe increase it and I may mess around with that at a later time but for now I have to conclude that this isn't for me. I've been using PQQ along with my protocol and have always been using ubiquinol (form of COQ10) so I think I did it correctly. I will say one thing, someone had mentioned that this is somewhat of a vasodialator and I can attest to that for sure, I would be extremely careful with using this for prolonged periods of time anywhere else on the body because I did this one night and my breathing patterns were so messed up that I drove myself to the emergency room and waited in it for two hours just in case I passed out or something. It felt like I couldn't breathe, or maybe I had too much air, it's hard to explain and you can think it's placebo if you want but I guarantee you it was definitely not.

I'm only posting this as a word of caution, it looks like other people are benefiting from this and as with most things...everyone responds differently but my responses were definitely not something that enhanced me. Still enjoyed the ride though, thanks :D
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#1703 Joe Cohen

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:24 AM

Any update from the members that TULIP has a positive impact? Does the positive effects increase over time or there is a ceiling of the effects after a while?

I tried once more, unfortunately I got very tired, got over it, but I did not came back any different, I am still fighting a chronic infection with antibiotics and other means, and my body and brain is certainly not at its best.

For the people that have a good effect there is any kind of positive benefits in real life? Academics, relationships, work e.t.c

The LEDs make me sluggish, and VERY irritable every time. They destroy my sleep as well. Unfortunately I didn't see improvement in mental performance/ENDURANCE. ATP is pretty fundamental, it should work equally for everyone. I am yet to add PQQ in the coming days and see how that turns out.


Hey Steve, sorry to hear that man. Have you tried extremely low dose LLLT? Joe Cohen has reported good results with as little as 10 seconds per spot. http://selfhacked.co...review-of-lllt/

Also, there is definitely no requirement of lasering before bed if it's ruining your sleep. Have you tried at various times of the day?

Hi LostFalco and thank you for caring so much.
So yeah, I saw Joe's video and tried to use the laser for 20, 10, 5 s/spot but it still doesn't work for me the way it should. Did it at all times of the day.
However, what's even worse is that paradoxically mitochondrial enhancement makes me feel tired. I feel a burst of energy, but I don't last long and crash in a couple of hours. It is worth mentioning, that I have emotional/psychiatric issues that could be preventing me from feeling the effects. I think I am bipolar as well. There could be free radicals at play as well. Oh well.
Having problems with M Blue as well, if someone is willing to help, shout out.

- do I have to inhibit HDAC2 specifically for cognitive purposes or just any of the HDACs?
- could drinking 15 oz of kombucha + 5g of fiber a day be the same as taking 600mg of NaB?
- do I have to take NaB, or regular butyric acid or any other equivalent will do the same job?
- is valproic acid as effective, is it as safe?


Did you take it with NAC? How about selenium? Iodine? Try all three. My bet is you have an endocrine issue - particularly a thyroid issue. If you're still having tiredness issues after 1200mg of NAC, 200mcg Se and 450mcg iodine and longvida curcumin. I would suggest fixing the underlying endocrine issue and/or take a cocktail of antioxidants, both herbal and non herbal. You can look at my toolkit for brands to buy http://selfhacked.com/my-regimen/.

Edited by Joe Cohen, 17 January 2014 - 01:05 AM.

#1704 stablemind

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:39 AM

Have any of you guys tried the laser without the COQ10/PQQ? How did it work out?

#1705 Joe Cohen

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:48 AM

Somebody messaged me asking about my opinion on happy stack, ciltep and tulip.

Wasn't sure what happy stack was but looked it up and it's uridine, choline and DHA. I take all of these things already and don't notice a difference from any of them. However, I take them because the stack is important for long term brain health, so it's not expected that I notice the benefits right away. I would recommend these supplements, though they probably won't help much if you eat fish, eggs and meat. I don't eat much of any of these foods.

I am against CILTEP. I don't think forskolin should be taken casually and by most people. It causes liver damage in a relatively normal dosing range and increases acetylcholinesterase. I figured the liver damage out because I felt a sensation in my liver area when I took it and so I googled it came across this study: http://www.ncbi.nlm....d/22729658. It also uncontrollably increased gastric secretions. I keep it around because it has its uses but I don't recommend it unless someone has a specific problem that can be helped by it.

I am in favor of TULIP when used in moderation and with breaks. TULIP is PQQ, CoQ10, LLLT and Pregnenolone?? I use PQQ+CoQ10 and LLLT, but not as a synergistic formula (PQQ and CoQ10 are synergistic, but I only notice an effect from PQQ). Is there study that shows synergy? Pregnenolone should only be used by a minority of people, but maybe a majority of people on a forum like this. Don't know if oxygen is a part of TULIP but it works and should be used by people in moderation. 3 minutes with nasal cannula 2-3X/day.

Edited by Joe Cohen, 17 January 2014 - 12:53 AM.

#1706 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 01:01 AM

Haven't tried the Happy Stack, but not sure if I will (though it looks interesting). CILTEP I may try after I get some mindfulness, HRV training, more bag breathing, etc. under my belt - it seems to be a viable option in addition to BPC for getting through my upcoming exhaustive workload. I believe the liver damage/gastric problems is why Abelard has recommended C-bolic capsules because it's the main ingredient one would want, rather than other parts of the compound that can cause damage. There is a study showing PQQ+CoQ10 has synergy, but it's almost impossible to track down unfortunately.

Have any of you guys tried the laser without the COQ10/PQQ? How did it work out?

I have been trying this, and will continue to do so with the addition of creatine. Not much to report back yet, but I will keep everyone updated. I think I'm going to be trying to get the most out of halogen, heat, and incandescent bulbs/lamps for red and near infrared light, especially when filtered through water (even more so if red dye is used in the water).

I think I may give Pregnenolone a shot, even at my young age. Simply tracking my temps and heart rate along with some physical anomalies show that I can drastically improve my thyroid health, and I think preg. would be the safest thing I can try to aid in seeing my numbers move in the right directions while enhancing my cognition and mood (really low on time now, does anyone know if pregnenolone is an NMDA-agonist??).

How could I best use/find ways to use oxygen? I'm interested in using it as a study aid, especially when also increasing CO2 levels to more efficiently utilize the oxygen. Thanks!

#1707 swen

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:03 AM

I am against CILTEP. I don't think forskolin should be taken casually and by most people. It causes liver damage in a relatively normal dosing range and increases acetylcholinesterase. I figured the liver damage out because I felt a sensation in my liver area when I took it and so I googled it came across this study: http://www.ncbi.nlm....d/22729658. It also uncontrollably increased gastric secretions. I keep it around because it has its uses but I don't recommend it unless someone has a specific problem that can be helped by it.

Some extra info from Abelard Lindsey about the liver-thing and CILTEP: http://forum.natural...to-fatty-liver/ He talks about the study you linked :)

Edited by swen, 17 January 2014 - 06:04 AM.

#1708 Nattzor

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 01:08 PM

Have any of you guys tried the laser without the COQ10/PQQ? How did it work out?

Yupp, I only used the laser (or well, LED) and got nice results. http://www.gwern.net/LLLT
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#1709 montana2012

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:46 PM

Any update from the members that TULIP has a positive impact? Does the positive effects increase over time or there is a ceiling of the effects after a while?

I tried once more, unfortunately I got very tired, got over it, but I did not came back any different, I am still fighting a chronic infection with antibiotics and other means, and my body and brain is certainly not at its best.

For the people that have a good effect there is any kind of positive benefits in real life? Academics, relationships, work e.t.c

The LEDs make me sluggish, and VERY irritable every time. They destroy my sleep as well. Unfortunately I didn't see improvement in mental performance/ENDURANCE. ATP is pretty fundamental, it should work equally for everyone. I am yet to add PQQ in the coming days and see how that turns out.


Hey Steve, sorry to hear that man. Have you tried extremely low dose LLLT? Joe Cohen has reported good results with as little as 10 seconds per spot. http://selfhacked.co...review-of-lllt/

Also, there is definitely no requirement of lasering before bed if it's ruining your sleep. Have you tried at various times of the day?

Hi LostFalco and thank you for caring so much.
So yeah, I saw Joe's video and tried to use the laser for 20, 10, 5 s/spot but it still doesn't work for me the way it should. Did it at all times of the day.
However, what's even worse is that paradoxically mitochondrial enhancement makes me feel tired. I feel a burst of energy, but I don't last long and crash in a couple of hours. It is worth mentioning, that I have emotional/psychiatric issues that could be preventing me from feeling the effects. I think I am bipolar as well. There could be free radicals at play as well. Oh well.
Having problems with M Blue as well, if someone is willing to help, shout out.

- do I have to inhibit HDAC2 specifically for cognitive purposes or just any of the HDACs?
- could drinking 15 oz of kombucha + 5g of fiber a day be the same as taking 600mg of NaB?
- do I have to take NaB, or regular butyric acid or any other equivalent will do the same job?
- is valproic acid as effective, is it as safe?


Did you take it with NAC? How about selenium? Iodine? Try all three. My bet is you have an endocrine issue - particularly a thyroid issue. If you're still having tiredness issues after 1200mg of NAC, 200mcg Se and 450mcg iodine and longvida curcumin. I would suggest fixing the underlying endocrine issue and/or take a cocktail of antioxidants, both herbal and non herbal. You can look at my toolkit for brands to buy http://selfhacked.com/my-regimen/.

It's funny you ask, cause I take all of these. Just recently ran out of NAC. NAC definitely made LLLT more effective and made me less tired in general, I just wondered if eating raw eggs would supply the same raw materials for glutathione.
- All this gave my thyroid a definite boost.
What I started doint as well is taking thyroxine @ 25 mcg occasionally, not daily. How bad do you think things can get on it? How dangerous of a thing am I doing?
- Also started taking lithium @ 5 mgs/day. How hard is it on the thyroid and kidneys in the long run?
- Taking Selegeline @ 5mg/day too.
- I also have valproic acid in 500 mg pills right in front of me, but I'm afraid to take it. Do you think eating fiber and kombucha ( I am trying to ferment my own kombucha right now, ever tried? ) would provide enough butyric acid to inhibit HDAC the way valproic acid would?
- What's your opinion on sodium butyrate?
- Possible bad drug interactions?
Alot of questions, I know. But you're my best chance for an answer.


Edited by montana2012, 17 January 2014 - 06:49 PM.

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#1710 Joe Cohen

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Posted 17 January 2014 - 07:18 PM

@Swen and BPC,
I'm still concerned about the liver damage and the C-bolic is interesting. I would try it if not for the fact that I don't trust the company. The body building brands are the least reliable companies.

too much to say (and ask), so I'm just going to refrain bec longecity isn't the forum for your personal issues. I will say that I'm not a fan of the way you're approaching your issues. Also, I wouldn't want more butyric acid from my diet alone. Sometimes it's even too much - there's a distinct cognitive sensation. I think butyric acid is much more effectively increased by diet (like resistant starch), not supplements. I haven't come across any information of harm, so I don't see harm in experimenting.

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