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Nat Rev Neurosci. 2014 Feb;15(2):98-110.
Synaptic changes induced by melanocortin signalling.
The melanocortin system has a well-established role in the regulation of energy homeostasis, but there is growing evidence of its involvement in memory, nociception, mood disorders and addiction. In this Review, we focus on the role of the melanocortin 4 receptor and provide an integrative view of the molecular mechanisms that lead to melanocortin-induced changes in synaptic plasticity within these diverse physiological systems. We also highlight the importance of melanocortin peptides and receptors in chronic pain syndromes, memory impairments, depression and drug abuse, and the possibility of targeting them for therapeutic purposes.

"Short-term plasticity (STP) involves phases of facilitation, depression, augmentation and potentiation, and it strengthens or weakens synaptic transmission. During synaptic facilitation, the arrival of two or more presynaptic action potentials (red dashed lines) leads to the opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) for 1 to 10 milliseconds, which enhances synaptic strength, whereas the phase of depression lowers Ca2+ entry, causing the opposite effect. An increase in the level of intracellular Ca2+ enables synaptic vesicles to fuse with the plasma membrane over a different timescale during augmentation (1 to 10 seconds) or potentiation (10 seconds to minutes). Then, glutamate is released into the synaptic cleft and binds to NMDA receptors (NMDARs) and AMPA receptors (AMPARs). Under these conditions, the pore of the NMDAR is blocked by Mg2+ and no current can flow through the channel until prolonged and simultaneous depolarization of the postsynaptic neurons occurs. After the expulsion of Mg2+ from the NMDAR channel, Ca2+ entry into the pore of the channel promotes long-term plasticity, which results in long-lasting changes such as gene expression and protein synthesis. During long-term potentiation (LTP), cytoskeletal proteins are synthesized and promote the formation of new dendritic spines or the enlargement of pre-existing dendritic spines201, 202. LTP results in the increased expression of AMPARs, which in turn enhances the strength of the glutamatergic synapse during LTP. Conversely, during long-term depression, dendritic arborization is reduced and is accompanied by decreased surface expression of AMPARs (not shown)40, 203. Activation of melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) enhances LTP through cyclic AMP–protein kinase A (PKA) activity along the Schaffer collaterals, which are axons of pyramidal cells in the CA3 and CA1 region of hippocampus. Once Mg2+ is expelled from the NMDAR channel, entry of Ca2+into the pore of the channel stimulates production of the second messenger cAMP, which releases the catalytic subunit regulatory site of PKA. PKA induces the association of repressor/activator protein 1 homologue (RAP1; also known as TERF2IP), which in turn activates BRAF-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase (MEK), which then activates MAPK. MAPK activates transcriptional factor cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) and the transcription of plasticity-associated genes59, 75, 76. During the late phase of LTP (L-LTP), the secretory brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is synthesized. Other mediators such as Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and PKC promote MAPK phosphorylation via RAS signalling during Ca2+ influx; however, the cascade is blocked by PKA and SYNGAP activation204. Postsynaptic Ca2+ influx can also induce CREB phosphorylation via CaMKIV and MAPK205. Activation of MC4R enhances cAMP–PKA signalling, which leads to the phosphorylation of the GluA1 subunit of the AMPAR at Ser845. Activation of the MC4R promotes surface expression of AMPARs and maturation of immature dendritic spines, which in turn potentiates L-LTP. As a result, surface trafficking of AMPARs increases and so does the postsynaptic response to glutamate released from the presynaptic terminal. Glutamate released into the synaptic cleft is removed via glial cell-facilitated uptake or enzymatic degradation (not shown). RASGRF, Ras-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 2."
Edited by lostfalco, 15 December 2015 - 05:10 AM.