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Propecia side effects - Brain fog, depression , mental problems(Please help)

brain fog propecia mental problems anhedonia depression

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#1 mulgezen

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:31 AM

Hi everyone,
This is my first post in this forum and i'm very desperate about my problem. Any advice/help would be appreciated.

I was using Propecia for 2 years quitted 4 months ago cold turkey. I'm currently 23 years old and i'm suffering from serious mental problems.

First of all i feel like my character has changed , i have extreme anxiety and it's almost impossible for me to be social(i feel awkward in social settings), i used to be a very funny and talkative guy but it's like i can't even laugh to anything anymore(it's ok for me to live alone for the rest of my life), i lost all my creativity , lost interest in everything that i used to enjoy. Speaking/talking is very hard, i can't concentrate or motivate myself to do anything, i have emotional blunting(this is one the worst, it's like i have no feelings anymore towards the people i loved), memory problems etc. But the worst is, i don't enjoy spending time with people i used to enjoy and love spending time together (my family,friends) - I guess this is because of the problems i mentioned above.

In terms of sexual problems, i can still get erections but there is a great decrease in my libido.

I also have some visual problems after quitting this drug, mostly a increase in eye floaters and decrease in my sight.

So i went to a 2-3 doctors about this problem and had blood tests done. They all said my hormone and blood levels are normal ( i can pm them to anyone who has an idea). But i know there is a problem, since this is not me-my whole character has changed and i feel like mentally stupid.

I tried to solve this problem in my own by trying various treatments: vitamins, wellbutrin , herbs , but nothing seemed to help even a little bit.

I'm really open to any treatment or medicine advice that could solve this problem.


#2 mulgezen

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 11:36 AM

I must also add that this drug made me very passive and because of the problems i mentioned above made me lose all my self-confidence because i feel like stupid and not mentally sharp anymore.

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#3 renfr

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 01:38 PM

Propecia destroys your T levels and rises significantly estrogen levels, this is why it helps you to regrow hair.
All your symptoms are due to low T, the doc probably says your T levels are normal because they're within the range but if you have a T level under 5ng/mL then you should be concerned if you're not overweight or have underlying issues.
There are several ways to boost your T significantly :
- Food : avoid anything containing significant amount of isoflavones, don't eat grapes, don't take soy
Eat red apples (and/or take a boron supplement which makes your T high), eat almonds (boron again), put some white/black pepper in your food (piperine highers T), lower your saturated/insaturated fat ratio, eat more insaturated fat such as organic butter, peanut butter, omegas 3, etc... Don't take your sugar from sweets, take it from fruits, an healthy diet is the first step for healthy T levels
- Exercise, exercise moderatly but not too much, exercise highers your T especially HIIT and lifting
- Boost your dopamine as it also helps normalizing your T levels
- You can also try drugs to boost your T such as clomid but it is unlikely for thelong term.
You can't go cold turkey on propecia and expect immediate recover, propecia has messed up with your hormones and it may take at least 6 months before your body starts producing T in normal levels, I have heard of some permanent effects but it occurs in a fraction of people not all.
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#4 mulgezen

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 01:53 PM

Thank you for your response, here is my blood test results maybe you can interpret them better than me ( i don't really understand) http://imageshack.us...30502at447.png/

#5 mulgezen

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 02:00 PM

Propecia destroys your T levels and rises significantly estrogen levels, this is why it helps you to regrow hair.
All your symptoms are due to low T, the doc probably says your T levels are normal because they're within the range but if you have a T level under 5ng/mL then you should be concerned if you're not overweight or have underlying issues.
There are several ways to boost your T significantly :
- Food : avoid anything containing significant amount of isoflavones, don't eat grapes, don't take soy
Eat red apples (and/or take a boron supplement which makes your T high), eat almonds (boron again), put some white/black pepper in your food (piperine highers T), lower your saturated/insaturated fat ratio, eat more insaturated fat such as organic butter, peanut butter, omegas 3, etc... Don't take your sugar from sweets, take it from fruits, an healthy diet is the first step for healthy T levels
- Exercise, exercise moderatly but not too much, exercise highers your T especially HIIT and lifting
- Boost your dopamine as it also helps normalizing your T levels
- You can also try drugs to boost your T such as clomid but it is unlikely for thelong term.
You can't go cold turkey on propecia and expect immediate recover, propecia has messed up with your hormones and it may take at least 6 months before your body starts producing T in normal levels, I have heard of some permanent effects but it occurs in a fraction of people not all.

I tried wellbutrin to boost my dopamine but haven't seen much positive effects from it

#6 mulgezen

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 02:16 PM

Also forgot to mention that i have lack of energy and fatigue.

#7 Olon

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Posted 02 May 2013 - 08:49 PM

Finasteride inhibits the synthesis of neurosteroids, which leads to a desensitivation of GABA A receptors, so permanent changes in brain function can't be ruled out.
Minocycline helps against emotional blunting / cognitive defictis / drive / social dysfunction in schizophrenics. No idea whether it would help in your case, but might be worth a try.

#8 renfr

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:20 PM

Thank you for your response, here is my blood test results maybe you can interpret them better than me ( i don't really understand) http://imageshack.us...30502at447.png/

Your problem doesn't seem to be related with low T but rather with high estrogen.
Your DHT is on the low side but the worst is estradiol that is very high, you are within the limits.
SBHG also is very high! Even if you have proper T levels, SBHG inactivates your T and make you feel like you have low T.
Propecia does mess up with your hormones and it can take months or even years to totally recover.
To lower estrogenic compounds (such as estradiol) :
- you can use estrogen inhibitors on receptor sites (such as Arimidex : http://www.steroid.com/Arimidex.php)
0.25mg should be enough to control excessive estrogenic activity, get it prescribed from your doctor if you can because it is very expensive. (135 dollars for 28 tablets of 1mg => 135 dollars for 112 doses).
- reduce intake of estrogenic food containing isoflavones
- reduce your body fat percentage (adipocytes which are fat cells synthetize aromatase which converts T to female hormones)
- HIIT exercise/weight lifting, bodybuilding could be a good way out of this syndrome

Here is a quote of symptoms of high estradiol (E2), could you copy it and write down next to each statement YES/NO/N.A.(not applicable) in bold?

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of high E2 (you don't have to
experience all of the symptoms to know that you have high E2):
* Depression
* Trouble reaching an orgasm
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood")
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Prostate problems
* Gyneomastia
* Water Retention
* Dizziness/Vertigo
* Increased Blood Pressure
* Decreased Libido
* ED
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up)
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs)
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night
* Lack of Libido
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies
* Easier to get angry (think PMS)
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes)
* Larger stomach
* Redness on the face and/or chest
* Feeling hotter than everybody else
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier

Edited by renfr, 03 May 2013 - 03:32 PM.


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Posted 03 May 2013 - 03:32 PM

I tried wellbutrin to boost my dopamine but haven't seen much positive effects from it

Wellbutrin weakly inhibits the the reuptake of dopamine. It's actually more of a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, which can cause anxiety, which can increase stress, which can lead to further hairloss. So.. Watch out what you're taking!

Don't go back to Propecia. That stuff can be very bad for you despite what your doctor will tell you. Many men have permanent life altering side effects. But! Don't get down on yourself. Luckily, you caught it early and discontinued it. You'll probably have lingering side effects for the next couple months maybe. So, be prepared for that.

Also, if you're interested in a more natural solution to hairloss - check out immortalhair.com and do some reading. The author has put together some really great potential solutions to hairloss without the need of harsh drugs like Propecia.

It pays to be healthy too.

#10 nowayout

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 04:55 PM

Propecia destroys your T levels and rises significantly estrogen levels, this is why it helps you to regrow hair.

No, it does not do that precisely. Propecia reduces DHT levels, not T levels. DHT is a metabolite of T (testosterone). It actually tends to slightly raise T levels in the average patient, because less of the T gets turned into DHT.

#11 mulgezen

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:36 PM

I tried wellbutrin to boost my dopamine but haven't seen much positive effects from it

Wellbutrin weakly inhibits the the reuptake of dopamine. It's actually more of a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, which can cause anxiety, which can increase stress, which can lead to further hairloss. So.. Watch out what you're taking!

Don't go back to Propecia. That stuff can be very bad for you despite what your doctor will tell you. Many men have permanent life altering side effects. But! Don't get down on yourself. Luckily, you caught it early and discontinued it. You'll probably have lingering side effects for the next couple months maybe. So, be prepared for that.

Also, if you're interested in a more natural solution to hairloss - check out immortalhair.com and do some reading. The author has put together some really great potential solutions to hairloss without the need of harsh drugs like Propecia.

It pays to be healthy too.

Thanks for the encouring words really. Im having the worst time in my life so far and it's very hard to live like this. Im not really concerned about the hairloss anymore and i blame myself for starting such a drug because when you lose your health you see that being bald, fat etc. are very small and stupid things to be concerned of. I just want to live like how i used to be before this drug.

#12 mulgezen

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 06:47 PM

Thank you for your response, here is my blood test results maybe you can interpret them better than me ( i don't really understand) http://imageshack.us...30502at447.png/

Your problem doesn't seem to be related with low T but rather with high estrogen.
Your DHT is on the low side but the worst is estradiol that is very high, you are within the limits.
SBHG also is very high! Even if you have proper T levels, SBHG inactivates your T and make you feel like you have low T.
Propecia does mess up with your hormones and it can take months or even years to totally recover.
To lower estrogenic compounds (such as estradiol) :
- you can use estrogen inhibitors on receptor sites (such as Arimidex : http://www.steroid.com/Arimidex.php)
0.25mg should be enough to control excessive estrogenic activity, get it prescribed from your doctor if you can because it is very expensive. (135 dollars for 28 tablets of 1mg => 135 dollars for 112 doses).
- reduce intake of estrogenic food containing isoflavones
- reduce your body fat percentage (adipocytes which are fat cells synthetize aromatase which converts T to female hormones)
- HIIT exercise/weight lifting, bodybuilding could be a good way out of this syndrome

Here is a quote of symptoms of high estradiol (E2), could you copy it and write down next to each statement YES/NO/N.A.(not applicable) in bold?

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of high E2 (you don't have to
experience all of the symptoms to know that you have high E2):
* Depression
* Trouble reaching an orgasm
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood")
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Prostate problems
* Gyneomastia
* Water Retention
* Dizziness/Vertigo
* Increased Blood Pressure
* Decreased Libido
* ED
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up)
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs)
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night
* Lack of Libido
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies
* Easier to get angry (think PMS)
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes)
* Larger stomach
* Redness on the face and/or chest
* Feeling hotter than everybody else
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier

* Depression. -YES
* Trouble reaching an orgasm -NO (but less pleasure in orgasm)
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood") -NO(even though theres a decrease)
* Anxiety -YES
* Panic Attacks -YES but rare
* Prostate problems- NO
* Gyneomastia -NO
* Water Retention N/A
* Dizziness/Vertigo -N/A
* Increased Blood Pressure -N/A
* Decreased Libido -YES
* ED -NO
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up) - NO
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs) - NO
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night -NO
* Lack of Libido -NO
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies -NO(i have no emotions no empathy)
* Easier to get angry (think PMS) - i dont even get angry i feel like a ghost
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes) -NO
* Larger stomach -NO
* Redness on the face and/or chest - YES
* Feeling hotter than everybody else -NO
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier - NO

As i said my problems are more mental related but it really sucks feels like i lost -50 iq... I dont talk to people have nothing to talk to them, its harder for me to understand things(im not mentally sharp) also i have speech problems(slurring of speech, takes time to find the words to talk etc.)

#13 renfr

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Posted 03 May 2013 - 08:01 PM

Thank you for your response, here is my blood test results maybe you can interpret them better than me ( i don't really understand) http://imageshack.us...30502at447.png/

Your problem doesn't seem to be related with low T but rather with high estrogen.
Your DHT is on the low side but the worst is estradiol that is very high, you are within the limits.
SBHG also is very high! Even if you have proper T levels, SBHG inactivates your T and make you feel like you have low T.
Propecia does mess up with your hormones and it can take months or even years to totally recover.
To lower estrogenic compounds (such as estradiol) :
- you can use estrogen inhibitors on receptor sites (such as Arimidex : http://www.steroid.com/Arimidex.php)
0.25mg should be enough to control excessive estrogenic activity, get it prescribed from your doctor if you can because it is very expensive. (135 dollars for 28 tablets of 1mg => 135 dollars for 112 doses).
- reduce intake of estrogenic food containing isoflavones
- reduce your body fat percentage (adipocytes which are fat cells synthetize aromatase which converts T to female hormones)
- HIIT exercise/weight lifting, bodybuilding could be a good way out of this syndrome

Here is a quote of symptoms of high estradiol (E2), could you copy it and write down next to each statement YES/NO/N.A.(not applicable) in bold?

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of high E2 (you don't have to
experience all of the symptoms to know that you have high E2):
* Depression
* Trouble reaching an orgasm
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood")
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Prostate problems
* Gyneomastia
* Water Retention
* Dizziness/Vertigo
* Increased Blood Pressure
* Decreased Libido
* ED
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up)
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs)
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night
* Lack of Libido
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies
* Easier to get angry (think PMS)
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes)
* Larger stomach
* Redness on the face and/or chest
* Feeling hotter than everybody else
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier

* Depression. -YES
* Trouble reaching an orgasm -NO (but less pleasure in orgasm)
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood") -NO(even though theres a decrease)
* Anxiety -YES
* Panic Attacks -YES but rare
* Prostate problems- NO
* Gyneomastia -NO
* Water Retention N/A
* Dizziness/Vertigo -N/A
* Increased Blood Pressure -N/A
* Decreased Libido -YES
* ED -NO
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up) - NO
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs) - NO
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night -NO
* Lack of Libido -NO
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies -NO(i have no emotions no empathy)
* Easier to get angry (think PMS) - i dont even get angry i feel like a ghost
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes) -NO
* Larger stomach -NO
* Redness on the face and/or chest - YES
* Feeling hotter than everybody else -NO
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier - NO

As i said my problems are more mental related but it really sucks feels like i lost -50 iq... I dont talk to people have nothing to talk to them, its harder for me to understand things(im not mentally sharp) also i have speech problems(slurring of speech, takes time to find the words to talk etc.)

To be honest you sound exactly like me some years ago. I totally understand the state in which you are because I already was there, not for the same reason though.
I managed to get out of this hell and I told you a small part of what I did to get out of it but I'm not sure if it will work with you since you've been poisoned with a drug and the solution is likely different.
This is what I did but it may not work on you :
- I was overweight so I lost all my weight, I reduced my body fat and it clearly helped
- I started exercising regularly, HIIT 5/7 days when losing weight, now 3/7 days (5th plateau : 6 cycles of 2 mins/1min rest), to increase your endurance I suggest NAC/glutathione and MSM+fish oil
- I cut out everything that is unhealthy in my diet, junk food out, my only sugar comes from fruits, no more sweets, no more soda, no more processed food, I increased my insaturated fat intake. If you want sugar for your coffee, tea, whatever replace it with stevia, you'll get used to the taste and it's very healthy!
I try eating various meats, from beef to fish to turkey (not the country haha!), meat is good for you. Also a diet high in fiber is good for your memory.
I can tell you it does change you! The first two weeks I changed a lot, my memory was better, I felt better. Then one day I made a small "break" and took some processed food (just a kinder maxi king), the next hours were horrible, I had acne that appeared on some parts of my body and my head was scratchy (I attribute this to high glutamate and high levels of stress), even high dose magnesium was hardly countering this. I was trying to study but I couldn't, I was mixing up everything and it was harder.
Wow I never could imagine this kind of food could be so unhealthy, now I'm never taking this crap again.
So I would definetely suggest a change in diet, you will likely see some results.
- I also increased this well being with sulbutiamine supplementation, it is OTC, it's a derivative from vitamin B1 and it makes you more sensitive to dopamine
- I started taking anything that could raise T, such as apples, almonds, black pepper, zinc (zinc should be good for you as it decreases aromatization => conversion of male hormones to female hormones)

Once I started doing all this, I became more talkative, I could find the right words, I am able to learn faster and I don't walk in the streets and look awkwardly at people anymore.

So basically I recommend you try that out and you could use an aromatase inhibitor if needed to start feeling better. Also checkout propeciahelp forums, there are several recovery stories with people listing was worked on them.
You can talk to your doctor about it but he will likely not believe you, the best he will do is administer you a symptomatic treatment to correct your symptoms but the underlying cause will still remain.
Don't worry mate you're not alone in this hell and determination will help you to get out of it, you may not necessarily find a way out in the first months but overtime you will likely find it, I found out this to be true to me.

#14 Olon

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 07:13 AM

Interestingly once a schizophrenic told me in a PM that he has a benefit from finasteride against exactly those symptoms. In a schizophrenia forum someone reported a benefit from a GABA-A-receptor blocking antibiotic.

#15 machete234

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 09:06 AM

Your problem doesn't seem to be related with low T but rather with high estrogen.
Your DHT is on the low side but the worst is estradiol that is very high, you are within the limits.

Thats what finasteride really does, lowering your DHT which by itself isnt such a bad thing but it seems for some people it can disturb a whole system of hormones

#16 Raptor87

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Posted 04 May 2013 - 11:55 AM

I've never heard of propecia causing a rise in estrogen. The only thing I know of this drug is that it reduces DHT levels to a minimum. It can take a while before you reach your normal DHT levels again, sad thing is that you will lose your hair when.

#17 daouda

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 03:20 AM

Well DHT has aromatase inhibiting properties so lowering it definitely can raise E2 - plus 5AR inhibition also means that less T will be reduced to DHT (which is "unaromatisable"), leaving more available T to be aromatised into E2 by the increased aromatase enzymes.
Also I've heard many, many, many times of propecia causing a rise in E2 (check the propeciahelp.com forums).

#18 Raptor87

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 11:53 AM


#19 Sir Chugalot

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 01:57 PM

Propecia does mess up with your hormones and it can take months or even years to totally recover.

This is it in a nutshell i was on it for ten years, and the various side effects built up gradually, it took about a year for things to gradually get back to normal some people claim it leads to secondary hypogonadism (ie your libido drops even further once you stop taking it for a while) and i've no reason to doubt this.

My own take on it was what can stall any form of recovery is depression. You can be depressed because 1) You're losing your hair that's why you were taking the damn stuff in the first place 2) You think you've done yourself damage, if either of these are the case then this needs addressing (easier said than done), a buzz cut and getting in shape at the gym can do wonders.

#20 mulgezen

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Posted 05 May 2013 - 02:41 PM

Thank you for your response, here is my blood test results maybe you can interpret them better than me ( i don't really understand) http://imageshack.us...30502at447.png/

Your problem doesn't seem to be related with low T but rather with high estrogen.
Your DHT is on the low side but the worst is estradiol that is very high, you are within the limits.
SBHG also is very high! Even if you have proper T levels, SBHG inactivates your T and make you feel like you have low T.
Propecia does mess up with your hormones and it can take months or even years to totally recover.
To lower estrogenic compounds (such as estradiol) :
- you can use estrogen inhibitors on receptor sites (such as Arimidex : http://www.steroid.com/Arimidex.php)
0.25mg should be enough to control excessive estrogenic activity, get it prescribed from your doctor if you can because it is very expensive. (135 dollars for 28 tablets of 1mg => 135 dollars for 112 doses).
- reduce intake of estrogenic food containing isoflavones
- reduce your body fat percentage (adipocytes which are fat cells synthetize aromatase which converts T to female hormones)
- HIIT exercise/weight lifting, bodybuilding could be a good way out of this syndrome

Here is a quote of symptoms of high estradiol (E2), could you copy it and write down next to each statement YES/NO/N.A.(not applicable) in bold?

Here is a list of some of the symptoms of high E2 (you don't have to
experience all of the symptoms to know that you have high E2):
* Depression
* Trouble reaching an orgasm
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood")
* Anxiety
* Panic Attacks
* Prostate problems
* Gyneomastia
* Water Retention
* Dizziness/Vertigo
* Increased Blood Pressure
* Decreased Libido
* ED
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up)
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs)
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night
* Lack of Libido
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies
* Easier to get angry (think PMS)
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes)
* Larger stomach
* Redness on the face and/or chest
* Feeling hotter than everybody else
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier

* Depression. -YES
* Trouble reaching an orgasm -NO (but less pleasure in orgasm)
* No erections while sleeping (i.e. "night wood" or "morning wood") -NO(even though theres a decrease)
* Anxiety -YES
* Panic Attacks -YES but rare
* Prostate problems- NO
* Gyneomastia -NO
* Water Retention N/A
* Dizziness/Vertigo -N/A
* Increased Blood Pressure -N/A
* Decreased Libido -YES
* ED -NO
* When penis is limp, it doesn't hang low (it seems to try to crawl back up) - NO
* Asthma like issues (due to increased water retention around the lungs) - NO
* Trouble sleeping at night - waking up multiple times per night -NO
* Lack of Libido -NO
* Crying while watching TV shows/movies -NO(i have no emotions no empathy)
* Easier to get angry (think PMS) - i dont even get angry i feel like a ghost
* Insulin Resistance (getting tired after eating a meal - if left
untreated, it can lead to Type II Diabetes) -NO
* Larger stomach -NO
* Redness on the face and/or chest - YES
* Feeling hotter than everybody else -NO
* Thinner skin/bleeding easier - NO

As i said my problems are more mental related but it really sucks feels like i lost -50 iq... I dont talk to people have nothing to talk to them, its harder for me to understand things(im not mentally sharp) also i have speech problems(slurring of speech, takes time to find the words to talk etc.)

To be honest you sound exactly like me some years ago. I totally understand the state in which you are because I already was there, not for the same reason though.
I managed to get out of this hell and I told you a small part of what I did to get out of it but I'm not sure if it will work with you since you've been poisoned with a drug and the solution is likely different.
This is what I did but it may not work on you :
- I was overweight so I lost all my weight, I reduced my body fat and it clearly helped
- I started exercising regularly, HIIT 5/7 days when losing weight, now 3/7 days (5th plateau : 6 cycles of 2 mins/1min rest), to increase your endurance I suggest NAC/glutathione and MSM+fish oil
- I cut out everything that is unhealthy in my diet, junk food out, my only sugar comes from fruits, no more sweets, no more soda, no more processed food, I increased my insaturated fat intake. If you want sugar for your coffee, tea, whatever replace it with stevia, you'll get used to the taste and it's very healthy!
I try eating various meats, from beef to fish to turkey (not the country haha!), meat is good for you. Also a diet high in fiber is good for your memory.
I can tell you it does change you! The first two weeks I changed a lot, my memory was better, I felt better. Then one day I made a small "break" and took some processed food (just a kinder maxi king), the next hours were horrible, I had acne that appeared on some parts of my body and my head was scratchy (I attribute this to high glutamate and high levels of stress), even high dose magnesium was hardly countering this. I was trying to study but I couldn't, I was mixing up everything and it was harder.
Wow I never could imagine this kind of food could be so unhealthy, now I'm never taking this crap again.
So I would definetely suggest a change in diet, you will likely see some results.
- I also increased this well being with sulbutiamine supplementation, it is OTC, it's a derivative from vitamin B1 and it makes you more sensitive to dopamine
- I started taking anything that could raise T, such as apples, almonds, black pepper, zinc (zinc should be good for you as it decreases aromatization => conversion of male hormones to female hormones)

Once I started doing all this, I became more talkative, I could find the right words, I am able to learn faster and I don't walk in the streets and look awkwardly at people anymore.

So basically I recommend you try that out and you could use an aromatase inhibitor if needed to start feeling better. Also checkout propeciahelp forums, there are several recovery stories with people listing was worked on them.
You can talk to your doctor about it but he will likely not believe you, the best he will do is administer you a symptomatic treatment to correct your symptoms but the underlying cause will still remain.
Don't worry mate you're not alone in this hell and determination will help you to get out of it, you may not necessarily find a way out in the first months but overtime you will likely find it, I found out this to be true to me.

Thanks for the advice and encouragement mate, will try it.

I really appreciate your help

#21 dannyfc

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 12:53 PM

Came off it 2 months ago and suffering the same. Everytime I read someone mentioning it's permanent I die a little inside, I can't go on living like this for much longer.

I take Zinc and Magnesium. Fish Oil, Biotin and a Multivitamin. Ashwagandha. Walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds. Plenty of brocolli, chicken and fish. Minimised carbs. I lift heavy weights three/four times a week.

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't care about my hair, I just want to be back to how I was. I'd pay anything.

Hoping to book in with a urologist to see if they have any suggestions. If not, I don't know what I'll do. I've lost my job, girlfriend and any form of social life because of this.

Edited by dannyfc, 07 May 2013 - 12:54 PM.

#22 Olon

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 01:32 PM

The suggestion of minocycline sounds strange, but was not a joke. It's currently (proved by studies) the most effective drug against these particular symptoms in schizophrenia.
As minocycline activates PLC and has some AMPA-receptor PAM one could speculate whether a racetam plus high dose myo-inositol will do the same, but that's speculation.

Edited by Olon, 07 May 2013 - 01:36 PM.

#23 mulgezen

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 02:59 PM

Came off it 2 months ago and suffering the same. Everytime I read someone mentioning it's permanent I die a little inside, I can't go on living like this for much longer.

I take Zinc and Magnesium. Fish Oil, Biotin and a Multivitamin. Ashwagandha. Walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds. Plenty of brocolli, chicken and fish. Minimised carbs. I lift heavy weights three/four times a week.

I don't know what to do anymore. I don't care about my hair, I just want to be back to how I was. I'd pay anything.

Hoping to book in with a urologist to see if they have any suggestions. If not, I don't know what I'll do. I've lost my job, girlfriend and any form of social life because of this.

Hi mate sorry to hear you have similar problems, i really feel for you. It can be one of the worst thing really that we can face because everyone thinks you are crazy or have phsycological problems. Did you see any improvements after quitting the drug or while using any supplement/herb/medicine? And did you get any blood tests done?

#24 dannyfc

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 04:03 PM

My libido has gotten worse since quiting, however I think mentally I'm a little better. Hard to tell, still nowhere near what I used to be.

It's immensely frustrating as most people attribute the symptoms to depression. I've had depression most of my adult life, yet have never had symptoms such as these until starting propecia. I had my blood tested and told everything was within range, however as pointed out earlier this may still mean it's significantly lower then what is was prior.

If I knew that in 6 months I'd be back to how I was, I'd be content to put up with this complete lack of motivation and sex drive. But I don't, and I'm left with a consistent worry that part of me has gone and I simply have to make do. I can't live like that.

I just feel completely dead at the minute. I should be in the prime of my life, yet feel totally restrained.

#25 nowayout

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Posted 07 May 2013 - 07:31 PM

Constant worry about libido will effectively kill libido.

#26 mulgezen

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 03:25 PM

Anyone knows how to boost allopregnalone levels?

#27 Olon

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Posted 20 May 2013 - 06:44 PM

Did the symptoms start before or after quitting?
I think your problem is rather the adaption to low allopregnanolone levels during these two years.

Edited by Olon, 20 May 2013 - 06:46 PM.

#28 mulgezen

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Posted 21 May 2013 - 02:24 AM

Did the symptoms start before or after quitting?
I think your problem is rather the adaption to low allopregnanolone levels during these two years.

like 1-2 months before quitting

#29 helluva nootro

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Posted 30 May 2013 - 08:37 PM

Interesting read through, let us know how you get on

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#30 daouda

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:30 AM

My recommendation
Take low dose deprenyl (like 2.5mg) 3 times a week or every other day.
Some l-tyrosine (500mg to 1000mg) in the morning on an empty stomach (dopamine as well as thyroid hormones precursor)
Mucuna pruriens extract on demand (like 1 or 2 pills of NOW mucuna extract before going out socializing or having sex), NOT every day (you want to avoid dopamine receptors downregulation, plus this can make you feel somehow hypomanic but in a reasonable way, not to be abused)
I guarantee this will help some although it will not cure you. Btw have you checked your prolactin levels?
Also you should definitely consider the uridine-dha-choline stack, as it could help return your dopaminergic system to homeostasis
Definitely look into pregnenolone supplementation (allopregnanolone precusor and mother of pretty much every neurotransmitters)

If you want to boost T reduction to DHT consider creatine supplementation (it does seem to do this, plus is good for many other things)
If your E2 levels are highish, consider calcium-d-glucarate (you may want to supplement a little DHEA along with it - no more than 50mg- as calcium-D-glucarate enhances clearance of this hormone as well as estrogens). Aromatase inhibitors are very tricky to use.
Some nettle root extract to lower SHBG and augment free T.

Also consider fo-ti/he shou wu (prepared root, the raw version will give you diarrhea) for libido enhancement.

Edited by daouda, 31 May 2013 - 06:38 AM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: brain fog, propecia, mental problems, anhedonia, depression

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