I'm going to ask you a bunch of questions, answer as many as you can please. You will proberly feel uncomptable answering a few if you really don't want to, don't feel any presure what so ever to.
How do you sleep? To little? To much? Broken? How long has this been going on for if its a problem?
what time roughtly would you say you fall asleep? wake up?
How old are you?
Male or Female?
Was there any major psychological truama in your past (you don't need to tell me what it was) such as; abuse by parents or family members (mental, physical or sexual), sexual or physical assult, bullying...was it long term or a once or twice off event?
Have you ever tried to kill yourself, delibarately harm yourself or threaten to?
Do you feel 'empty'?
Are you reckless such as spending more money than you should? Abuse drugs (if so what drugs)? Drive to fast? Bindge eat?
Do you have any pain problems or chronic physical health problems etc?
Have you ever been told you have unusual or weird believes that nobody else seems to agree with? Such as aliens reading your mind, people putting thoughts or controlling thoughts in your head?
Do you dress or behave a lot differently to most people in public?
Do you ever become very exicted and happy/irritable for more than 2 days? Things you might do include spending a lot of money, sleeping for less time than ususal, being very physically active, thinking about sex a lot and getting angry with people when they aren't also as exited?
Have you had a fairly recent check up with a doctor who preformed bloods? How did they turn out?
Do your moods change a lot? What kind of moods do you have? Happy, Sad, Angry, Anxious, excited, Bored
Do the intrusive thoughts cause you a lot of anxiety?
Do you like yourself? Hate yourself?...
Why were you admitted to psychiatric wards? Suicide attempt? risk to others? couldn't look after yourself?
Have you ever had psychotherapy? If so what kind? Did it help?
Have you had any improvement of medications? Can you list all of the ones you have tried? (no problem if you can't) Have you tried mood stabilzers?
What have you been diagnosied with (all health problems from lung disease to depression that are currently effecting you)?
Have you ever been knocked out? If so did your problems start within six months of them in the absence of any major stressors?
Have you ever been charged with more than one non-trivial criminal offence (ignore stuff like jaywalking :L)?
Do you know roughly what your IQ is?
Sorry lot of questions - need to rule out a lot of possibilites. There is a good chance I will have a few but hopefully a lot less after you have answered these.
What ever treatment I'm going to suggest its going to include biological, psychosoical and behavioual interventions. You absoultely will not recover from major mental health problems with just medications alone. They might help you make the changes you need to but they will not do all the work for you.
Edited by Tom_, 06 May 2013 - 07:56 PM.