I have taken Noopept for a period of about ten days, high doses ranging from 200mg on Day1 to about 100 Mg on D3, doing about 60Mg from about D9.
I have experienced increased forgetfulness and more silly mistakes in my academic work; and am wondering if memory loss is proportional to the dosage, and if a reduced dosage will give similar effects without having a detrimental effect.
I am a Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and Physics A Level student and I have all my exams in the space of the next month, the first in 9 days. I regularly take modafinil; but as the result as a technical error on the part of mod.ph, I am yet to receive my latest shipment (although I am assured it is on it's way) and have been completely without for 3 weeks .
In your experience,
is it wise to take modafinil when doing timed exams/assessed work?
Is Noopept a bad idea for the lead up to exams, the day of exams (due to increased memory loss after dosing) or fine to take during both?
Is it wise to risk modafinil insomnia at a time where I need to be on top of my game for a sustained (6 week) period
Thank you