Toni, what do you mean by Immortalist? 
I define an immortalist as someone who wants to live forever.
Everyone run for your lives !!! Here comes the elaboration.

Elaboration -- This is distinct from an immortal who is a being who has lived a very long time and will continue to live indefinitely. In literature and movies, these beings are very impractical and you never see the genetics, educational system, emergency medical system, automation or other systems that might make such a status possible. Fantasies about vampires fly in the face of such things as them being dead or undead or blood bourne diseases. Ever seen a vampire with AIDS or hemophilia? Yet despite this obvious nonsense, there are kids running around fantasizing about goth culture and being wannabe vampires and sometimes the police arrest such people who go off the deep end and we hear about them on the news and in the pages of supermarket tabloids. People waste their time on this instead of a more pragmatic activity like life extension or cryonics. I am not big proponent of cryonics (ask me why if you are curious) but it is more sensible than pretending to be a bloodsucker. The whole Highlander series with "immortals" lopping off each others heads struck me as stupid. I would laugh whenever I chanced upon it when flipping the dial. If I could recover after being riddled with bullets, I would not tempt fate by being part of a culture that thinks decapitation is desirable.
So the definition of immortalist should include someone who aspires to be an immortal and does more than just wish. They spend every moment loving life by doing practical things to extend life such as --
- macrobiotic diet
- exercise
- yoga for long life or longer life
- meditation for long life
- avoiding sucrose, nicotine, alcohol (you can get resveratrol other ways), caffeine, and other drug addictions
- use common sense to avoid STD's and, for that matter, other diseases
- wash your hands before and after using the restroom
- being knowledgeable about self-infection (scratching yourself is just one way)
- cover a sneeze or a cough
- avoid overuse of antibiotics (with the new superbugs it may be wise to avoid artificial antibiotics entirely and stick to natural antibiotics). Get it through your thick head that gram negative and other classes of superbugs (like KPC) do not spread in the same way as traditional germs. You need genomics to track some germs.
- support immortality research
- encourage young people deciding on a career to choose safety engineering
- adequate sleep
- knowing that rest is very different from sleep
- avoid life risking behavior but knowing how to survive in a wide variety of scenarios
- survivalists thought that they could eat guns and ammunition if the world came to an end, preppers seem to have a little bit more sense
- fight to reverse climate change (since we do not currently have a backup planet, we had better take care of Earth)
- get immortalists elected to local office and eventually national in all nations because ephemerals do not have a lick of sense (they have mismanaged this planet)
- move to a blue zone and get away from ephemerals (those people shoot off guns, blow themselves up, and don't mind taking everyone with them)
- stop pollution (air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution is poison. Last time I checked, poison kills you.)
- volunteer time to NPG (negative population growth) because overpopulation drives ALL other problems and leads to behavioral sink
- get out of any religious group or religion that wants you to kill or be killed. They will have you drink the Kool-Aid or wear a suicide vest. That makes you an enemy of life.
- you atheists needn't feel smug. The biggest death tolls and genocides took place under atheist Stalin (twenty million) and Mao (forty million) and Pol Pot (two million). North Korea is a train wreck still in progress and China, which demanded the right to pollute just like Western countries did when they developed and industrialized, now officially has the worst air, water and soil on Earth. Expect a cancer pandemic there.
- support universal health care -- Yes including Obamacare. Too bad if that steps on your toes. Death is the enemy not RomneyCare, which is what the Affordable Health Care Act was based on. Every president, Republican and Democrat, since FDR has been trying to get universal health care passed. They already have it in Canada, Europe, the per capita rich Arab countries, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. The only reason the Koch Brothers support this irrational anti-health care, pro-pollution, climate change denial agenda is because they must have sold their souls to Satan who demands universal death. It is the only explanation that makes sense. Greed is good as Gordon Gecko says but even he would want life.
- an immortalist cannot afford the neurosis of all or nothing thinking. In other words and in political terms, you cannot think rationally if you view life through the filter or lens of liberal versus conservative. I will make it simpler for you. They are both wrong. Extremists get angry and kill. Being a moderate makes more sense.
- Earth needs several backup worlds in case the ephemerals try to get us all killed. The most logical ones are Mercury (which has terraformable zones), Mars and Ceres. Callisto, Venus, and Triton will take a lot of work and current terraforming methods might be inadequate for the challenge. We immortalists need our own independent and reliable and cheap access to space in case the worst happens. I am extremely pro-clean air, clean water, and clean land but we are saddled with ephemerals as national leaders who make war (death), fossil fuel (more death), and fission (mega-death) higher priority than immortality research and development. That being the case, it is simple common sense to have a Plan B and Plan C and Plan D and so on.
- keep up with science because it is far ahead of most science fiction
- don't wear clothing that has toxins in it
- get toxic chemicals out of your home
- install air filters in your home but do not delude yourself like the Chinese leaders that this will protect you from cancer. Pollution causes cancer.
- install water filters in your home.
- consider getting rid of pets. My niece brought a pet into a house that had never had pets. For the first time in the centuries-old history of that house, we had bedbugs and fleas. Ticks too small to see bring strange diseases like Lyme. Your dog drinks from the toilet, licks up its own vomit, licks the anuses of other dogs, and then runs to lick your face. Your cat walks on kitchen counters and dining toom tables and there is hair in your butter. Pregnant women are sometimes warned to avoid cats. Why? Watch a few episodes of House MD. Cats are not even very good at ridding a house of mice.
- we need to rethink dentistry. If you cannot chew, the whole body suffers. You would not go to a physician who routinely treats everything by amputation. Yet dentists routinely pull teeth instead of saving them and replace them with toxic amalgams and fake teeth. [This is one of the things I want to personally research once I get a research lab.]
- we need better earthquake prediction just like we need better tornado prediction. There is thought that pumping oil and gas out of the ground has consequences. When water is entirely pumped out of the ground in certain geologies, sink holes result. The theory (hypothesis is the correct word) is that earthquakes can result from pumping oil and gas. In the meantime, people near fracking operations are not happy. They get poisoned wells and sometimes flammables coming out of their water faucets.
- we need schools for both our children and for adult education that can teach us what we need to know to extend our lives. The ephemerals will never put this curricula in schools because their whole outlook is predicated on dying. They die and are replaced and the replacements are replaced and on and on in an endless cycle of death. Ephemerals actually think death is somehow good. There is nothing good about death. We poison ourselves and our children by letting them attend ephemeral schools where their minds will be infected with pro-death ideas.
- carnography is worse than pornography and its effects are far worse on adults than on children who laugh it off like Bart & Lisa Simpson watching the Itchy & Scratchy Show. Video games are known to be addictive. I know because I have heard video game addicts say so. Most of them are full of violence. Do you really want this soaking into your subconscious when even psychologists do not fully understand the subconscious?
- Life has value when it is scarce. On a planet of seven billion when the carrying capacity of the planet is one billion, you have a dangerous situation. Real estate developers, warmongers and religious leaders want females and males to squirt out as many children as possible because the pro-growth businessmen are greedy, the warmongers want cannon fodder (preferably mindless young people) and the preachers want souls to fill up their houses of worship. When life is not scarce, we humans are reduced to the level of vermin -- rats and roaches. We humans are not insects or germs.
- What we are is a species on the brink of changing from ephemeral to immortalist. And this transformation is not achieved by getting a Google implant in our brains and uploading to their internet where they will erase us and replace us with Big Data. We are not Borg. This transformation is as simple as deciding that you are no longer an ephemeral. You are an immortalist. That's it. Didn't cost you a penny.
I could add several hundred other items to this list covering the gamut from recreation, communication methods, banking, insurance, new legal specialties, taxes, welfare, the arts, politics (a lot more controversial than anything I have said), engineering, technology, software, immortalist businesses, philosophy and so on but since that would take up a lot of forum space, I will put it in a book. Some of you know that I used to be on Squidoo. I do not know if those lenses are still there but if you saw them, then that gives you a taste of what I am working on for you. I am very proud to be here on Longecity. I feel like I have come home.