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J147 - A new Alzheimers-reversing drug based on curcumin extract

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#61 KJx

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Posted 28 April 2015 - 08:22 PM

Wow, don't want to start a new discussion about this, but someone ranked the contents of my post as " Dangerous, Irresponsible". 

Apparently attempting to treat a terminal disease with methods that have little side effects is considered irrensponsible. Well I think if anything is irresponsible, it's the 99.99% of the people who DO NOT try everything they can when their loved ones are in such conditions. I am doing this with no profit for myself whatsoever and would LOVE if someone did this for me if I was in their shoes. It's just the rational thing to do. I guess whomever ranked my post dangerous, irresponsible listens to everything doctors says 100% of the time and only chooses mainstream paths in life? That'd be sad. There are ways to make things better without using "old proven methods". It's like someone in a third world country saying you should use a shovel to build a house instead of a bulldozer because "that's the way things are being done around here". Well, in this case, the way "things are being done" with Alzheimer's patients is they are left to die with no chance to stop or reverse their condition. At least in my country. Trying something different than that cannot be irresponsible. And yes, the family is well informed and gives full consent and we give no hopes or any knowledge about the treatment to the patient. And yes, all drugs may have side effects and I believe these substances are safer than Ibuprofen ( I think ) which is recommended by doctors daily but kills hundreds of thousands. So yeah, I think I am an avatar of responsibly: someone who takes responsibility to take action instead of letting people die.  

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#62 KJx

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Posted 04 May 2015 - 02:20 PM

Shipment received in under a week. Didn't expect it to come so soon from US to EU. No issues with the customs. All packed very well. Will soon put J147 into capsules. Wondering what to do with HCBT-OX as it is in sorta resinous form. Perhaps i'll just ground it (in the bag it came with) and put into capsules as well. Ideally I would give these two substances sublingually, however, that is sadly impossible with this patient. Palmitoylethanolamide  came capsuled, just as expected.

Edited by KJx, 04 May 2015 - 02:23 PM.

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#63 KJx

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 06:10 AM

Awkay, made a stack of all kinds of stuff for the lady suffering from Alzheimer's. 


One of each daily, for 25 days:

30mg J147 from TLR

400mg N-Palmitoylethanolamide from TLR

30mg HCBT-OX from TLR

200mg Turmeric powder
200mg neem leaf powder

200mg astragalus powder

some iodine
200mg picamilone 

75mg noopept

200mg dashmool (some kind of Ayurvedic medicine mix made of 10 roots, organic and heavy metal tested, from USA)

1000mg Taurine

Vitamins B (all of them) at 1000-2000% RDA + magnesium at 55% RDA

500mg Vitamin C

Vitamin D 

Possibly a capsule of zinc+selenium+vitamins A&E

Considering adding ALA.


All will be given to the patient starting from tomorrow. Will update on the progress every time I will receive updates myself. 

Edited by KJx, 07 May 2015 - 06:11 AM.

#64 arcticjoe

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 06:54 AM

bad idea imho. having tried various noots / herbs / pharms on my gran who has dementia as well as some on my grandad who died with parkinsons I can say that combos of anything can really mess them up. giving them a dosen of substances that have a very wide range of systemic effects can end badly. if you're gonna test anything, try 1 thing at a time and start low and give it a few days at least before adding another substance.

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#65 KJx

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 07:03 AM

But all these substances are of quite different categories: there are herbs, vitamins, nootropics and the actual experimental drugs. The chance of them counterinteracting themselves in a bad way should be quite low? Do you see any specific things that should not go together? Also I've already tried a huge nootropic stack with this "patient". It was not a success as in it did not stop/reverse the disease, but the only effect there was, was that she felt good and was less anxious and paranoid. Which is a great thing of course. Could you please share some more details on your experiences please, arcticjoe?

#66 sk_scientific

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Posted 21 July 2015 - 12:47 AM

Just received between 2 and 3 months of J-147.  Going on a very strict diet during this period of time.  Will let you know in due time, my thoughts.

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#67 plumper76

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Posted 21 July 2015 - 06:46 AM

Hi I got my j147 from Tlrlr but the scale I bought was bad and I heard all of them can dcalibrate. I have 10 to 30 mg scoops do you think that is around the right amount? Can anyone take a picture of the amount they take just to be sure?

#68 sk_scientific

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 02:51 PM

Hi I got my j147 from Tlrlr but the scale I bought was bad and I heard all of them can dcalibrate. I have 10 to 30 mg scoops do you think that is around the right amount? Can anyone take a picture of the amount they take just to be sure?


It's a very small amount.  30 mgs flattened out is smaller than a piece of paper left by a hole punch.  10 mgs is about the size of the flat end of a pin.

#69 sk_scientific

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Posted 23 July 2015 - 02:54 PM

Day 3 -


Dosage 25 mg QD


Feel clear headed.  Creativity seems restored.  Initial acute effects were strikingly subtle.  Side effects are non existent.  No perceived benefit to memory yet, recall remains at baseline.  Perhaps too early to tell.  Over all feel very subtly clear headed.


Currently adjusted diet to a product called Soylent, and where dietary adjustment could be a confounding factor, I wanted the nutrition to be static throughout the assay.  Eliminated alcohol.

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#70 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 24 July 2015 - 03:45 PM

Thanks sk_scientific. Please keep the data coming. If you have an established plateau on any brain game (or any video game, for that matter), it would be helpful to continue playing and record your score trend.


Having megadosed Longvida curcumin myself (as in, 20 grams a day), I must admit that I have major doubts about the ability of a 25 mg curcumin derivative to be remotely close to that regimen in its nootropic efficacy, unless it actually acts via a different pathway than curcumin, despite its structural similarity. I hope to be proven wrong, of course, so I'm very interested in whatever data you brave guinea pigs might provide.


BTW Soylent sounds really scary, but good luck with that.



#71 sk_scientific

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Posted 25 July 2015 - 09:04 PM

There's empirical data to support J-147's efficacy in rodent models.  Curcumin alone has poor bioavailability and has extremely poor lipid solubility - that amount of ingested curcumin which is capable of crossing the BBB is of insignificant proportion in situations like your own.  Also curcumin is usually excreted after phase I metabolism (if I recall correctly).  It is from a lifetime of ingesting cooked turmeric and happenstance chemical reactions with curcumin that we see pro-congitive benefits in populations like India.  I speculate that the chemical reactions likely do not only occur in the body, but possibly in the cooking environments as well, and one of these two places are where the random curcumin-based molecules that have BBB permeability arise, but we don't know exactly what those molecules are or through what chemical reactions they are created.  J-147 circumvents the pharmacokinetic issues with curcumin when it's synthesized with cyclohexyl-bisphenol A.  Though it could be called a derivative of curcumin in a sense, it is a completely different molecule once the hbrid has been synthesized.  J-147 is moderately bioavailable orally and BBB permeable.  25 milligrams is a rough H.E.D. from the successful research studies.  I think it's a possible winner just like NSI-189, though J-147's action is very different from NSI-189 and works on SEVERAL distinct pathways in the brain.

Edited by sk_scientific, 25 July 2015 - 09:20 PM.

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#72 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 26 July 2015 - 01:59 PM

There's empirical data to support J-147's efficacy in rodent models.  Curcumin alone has poor bioavailability and has extremely poor lipid solubility - that amount of ingested curcumin which is capable of crossing the BBB is of insignificant proportion in situations like your own.  Also curcumin is usually excreted after phase I metabolism (if I recall correctly).  It is from a lifetime of ingesting cooked turmeric and happenstance chemical reactions with curcumin that we see pro-congitive benefits in populations like India.  I speculate that the chemical reactions likely do not only occur in the body, but possibly in the cooking environments as well, and one of these two places are where the random curcumin-based molecules that have BBB permeability arise, but we don't know exactly what those molecules are or through what chemical reactions they are created.  J-147 circumvents the pharmacokinetic issues with curcumin when it's synthesized with cyclohexyl-bisphenol A.  Though it could be called a derivative of curcumin in a sense, it is a completely different molecule once the hbrid has been synthesized.  J-147 is moderately bioavailable orally and BBB permeable.  25 milligrams is a rough H.E.D. from the successful research studies.  I think it's a possible winner just like NSI-189, though J-147's action is very different from NSI-189 and works on SEVERAL distinct pathways in the brain.


I think you're spot on about curcumin's role in India's low Alzheimer's rate: it's being lipidated somehow (coconut milk?), which enhances its bioavailability just enough that lifelong chronic dosing manifests in profoundly better brain health than the SAD diet.


But the reason for my skepticism about J147 is that Longvida (and probably other forms of lipidated curcumin) already reach 60% penetration into the circulatory system, essentially using a unique packaging technique to sneak past the liver; this is in stark contrast to purified curcumin. So the maximum improvement that could be made would be to raise this to 100%, which is perhaps approachable using miscellular technology. But even in that case, we could only cut the dose in half. The amyloid-dissolving effects are only seen in rodents at 125 nM and above, which is roughly 4 g of Longvida a day in a human. So if J147 works because it mimics curcumin, 25 mg won't even close to cut it.


Curcumin itself works on a multitude of different pathways; it's not just an antioxidant. The question is: does J147 work on pathways which are unaffected by curcumin? I don't think we know. I sincerely hope that it does.


In any event, please carry on with your experimentation and don't be biased by my doubts. I'm a sucker for data.

#73 KJx

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Posted 26 July 2015 - 05:49 PM

I've given an Alzheimer's patient J147 25-30mg/day for a month (in gelatin capsules) for a full month. Perhaps there was some improvement but it certainly didn't cure her and no miraculous signs of disease reversing itself were noticed. It is hard to evaluate her condition as I haven't seen her for years by myself and only know what her husband tells me... And he doesn't seem to say anything conclusive or notice smaller details... 

It could be that it was simply the next step in her disease, but I think her mood was really increased by all the treatments she was provided with (J147, all kinds of hand-picked nootropics, N-Palmitoylethanolamide and HCBT-OX also from teamtlr, all kinds of herb (but only for a short while). So all in all I think the mood can probably be increased so I'm happy at least that can be done, without any side effects, too. 

Next on the list I'm thinking to give her:








Padma Circosan 


All at the same time probably. After trying J147 on her for a month I think it's too inconclusive to ask her relatives to pay another 100$ when we could try so many other substances for that money. If budget were unlimited I would most certainly recommend  J147 with everything else. Also other curcumin extracts. Like Longevida, as someone mentioned.

Edited by KJx, 26 July 2015 - 05:51 PM.

#74 sk_scientific

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Posted 26 July 2015 - 06:49 PM

The rodent studies began to demonstrate rescue of memory after 3 months, not one.  You would be measuring short term memory here, by the way.

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#75 sk_scientific

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Posted 26 July 2015 - 11:01 PM

Actually, I was completely wrong about curcumin being lipid insoluble.  It is lipid soluble.  

#76 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 27 July 2015 - 08:45 PM

I've given an Alzheimer's patient J147 25-30mg/day for a month (in gelatin capsules) for a full month. Perhaps there was some improvement but it certainly didn't cure her and no miraculous signs of disease reversing itself were noticed. It is hard to evaluate her condition as I haven't seen her for years by myself and only know what her husband tells me... And he doesn't seem to say anything conclusive or notice smaller details... 

It could be that it was simply the next step in her disease, but I think her mood was really increased by all the treatments she was provided with (J147, all kinds of hand-picked nootropics, N-Palmitoylethanolamide and HCBT-OX also from teamtlr, all kinds of herb (but only for a short while). So all in all I think the mood can probably be increased so I'm happy at least that can be done, without any side effects, too. 

Next on the list I'm thinking to give her:








Padma Circosan 


All at the same time probably. After trying J147 on her for a month I think it's too inconclusive to ask her relatives to pay another 100$ when we could try so many other substances for that money. If budget were unlimited I would most certainly recommend  J147 with everything else. Also other curcumin extracts. Like Longevida, as someone mentioned.


That's unfortunate, not that we should expect much in her current state. BTW lion's mane mycelium (3g or more a day) is something else to consider for boosting NGF.

#77 KJx

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Posted 27 July 2015 - 09:26 PM

Thank you for your suggestion, resveratrol_guy. I had already given her this interesting stack http://animalpharm.b...nootropic-blend which has a small amount of Lion's Mane. Vinpocetine is a  cerebral blood-flow enhancer which I think is also a good thing for Alzheimer's treatment. When she wasn't taking something with Vinpocetine she was taking something with Picamilon, which is also a vasodilator (+ GABA is supposedly good for diseases like Alzheimer's to protect against glutamate toxicity. 
Again, she only took it for a month, so nothing conclusive...
I guess I was giving different stuffs every month anticipating a miracle which (unsurprisingly) didn't happen for this chronic disease. There are just too many things to try. If it was me or a very close person, I'd start with diet and lifestyle changes... Unfortunately in this case it was impossible  :dry: so the least I could do is suggest pills that could help but had little-to-no side effects (like J147).

#78 sk_scientific

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 05:56 PM

Seven days deep.


Upon reading  scholarly journal articles about j-147's synergistic qualities with Donepezil, and Semax's synergistic qualities with various Alzheimer's drugs, I decided to completely obfuscate my assay and combine the two... and I am glad that I did.  Creativity is through the roof -- I am finding myself writing again for the first time in many, many months, my sex drive has increased, my sense of humor is beginning to resemble that which it did five years ago, I am finding myself curious about technologies that I have not previously used, and additionally I find myself exercising calculated judgment in a fashion that I recall from Adderoll days many years prior.  Probably also of mention is that the combination of the two has enhanced my color perception as well as my perceptual identification of object features; I suspect that this is owing to the action of Semax upon the optic nerves but I have no evidence to support it aside from what is mentioned in research publications, so call it a "hunch". I can only tell you by way of conjecture that I am indeed perceiving more visual information than before.


Something of note is that in my personal instance, I find that taking occasional breaks from J-147 (drug holidays) is advantageous to the results I describe, that is, something to the effect of J-147 cessation of 1 day, every 3 or 4 days while continuing Semax daily.


I do detect a slight increase in anxiety, and I am not sure if it is owing to current environmental circumstances.  Next month I intend to add Selank.


 In any case, my personal exploration would not be of any particular value to those who are developing j-147, but I can say with confidence that for the first time in many years I am feeling myself getting back on track intellectually and it is exciting. This is very, very good.

Edited by sk_scientific, 30 July 2015 - 06:48 PM.

#79 KJx

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 06:40 PM

Glad it is working for you. I am also thinking that the anxiety you are experiencing is a very natural reaction to increased creative thinking, perception and intellect. Aren't children creative, rapidly mentally developing and anxious at the same time..?

Could you give us more information of where you bought the substances you are using and what doses you are using? Also it is unclear from what you wrote whether it was J147+Semax, J147+Donepezil, Donepezil+Semax or J147+Semax+Donepezil :) Please clarify.

Are you noticing increased long/short term memory?

#80 KJx

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 09:07 PM

Hmm, not sure if you are always this off-topic in forums or if it's an adverse effect of the substances you've mentioned :P 
That being said, I am actually thankful you've notified us of this issue. I've certainly had no knowledge about possible legal changes of these substances. 

Again you hadn't answered if the substances affected your memory?

Sorry if I appear rude, honestly didn't mean to, maybe just a bit of harmless irony, not meant to be personal! :)

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#81 88LS

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 10:08 PM

Agree, you sound slightly "manic" brother - compared to your previous posting style. No offense intended and I think what you're doing is great. Can't wait to get my hands on J147!
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#82 KJx

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Posted 30 July 2015 - 10:12 PM

It could actually be that his brain is acting "childish". As in, it is creating new connections, growing new paths etc. Which is probably a good thing! I'm really interested to hear your thoughts about this theory, sk_scientific! I know it's a far shot.

#83 sk_scientific

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 01:21 AM

Short term memory is improving, long term consolidation is completely irrelevant.


And you're welcome.

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#84 88LS

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 07:05 AM

Maybe, effects sound more like Ach overload to me - did you ever introduce the Donepezil or something else very cholinergic sk?

Amen to that - short term / working memory is all I really care about.

Keep kicking ass and taking names man [emoji6]

#85 sk_scientific

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 01:03 PM

I did not add Donezipil or anything specifically cholinergic and although I took artistic license with my post I can assure you that there was no mania.  Although Semax does seem to have some sort of dopamine related action, I was pretty much my usual self when I threw that together. 


You guys really ought to have a look at the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, it's buzzing all around me in Washington right now.


The twelve nations currently negotiating the TPP are the US, Japan, Australia, Peru, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Canada, Mexico, and Brunei Darussalam. The TPP contains a chapter on intellectual property covering copyright, trademarks, and patents. Since the draft text of the agreement has never been officially released to the public, we know from leaked documents, such as the May 2014 draft of the TPP Intellectual Property Chapter [PDF], that US negotiators are pushing for the adoption of copyright measures far more restrictive than currently required by international treaties, including the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

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#86 resveratrol_guy

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Posted 31 July 2015 - 05:57 PM

Thank you for your suggestion, resveratrol_guy. I had already given her this interesting stack http://animalpharm.b...nootropic-blend which has a small amount of Lion's Mane. Vinpocetine is a  cerebral blood-flow enhancer which I think is also a good thing for Alzheimer's treatment. When she wasn't taking something with Vinpocetine she was taking something with Picamilon, which is also a vasodilator (+ GABA is supposedly good for diseases like Alzheimer's to protect against glutamate toxicity. 
Again, she only took it for a month, so nothing conclusive...
I guess I was giving different stuffs every month anticipating a miracle which (unsurprisingly) didn't happen for this chronic disease. There are just too many things to try. If it was me or a very close person, I'd start with diet and lifestyle changes... Unfortunately in this case it was impossible  :dry: so the least I could do is suggest pills that could help but had little-to-no side effects (like J147).


FYI 50 mg of lion's mane is effectively zero. 3 to 5 grams of the stuff would be more useful for dementia treatment. Various threads here discuss it extensively. AFAIK, the highest dose I recall was over 20 g/day. It's possible to get organic US-sourced powder for $0.10/g, or $0.03/g for the stuff from China, plus shipping. Not that this will fix everything, but it might restore some precious functionality or social interaction, especially if used with MCT oil and/or green juicing.


BTW I read the vinpocetine posts here, and it sounds like it has some nasty side effects -- not that I have a better suggestion.

#87 88LS

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:06 AM

Any updates on the trial sk? Have you tried J147 sublingually yet?

#88 ceridwen

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 09:48 AM

The above sounds promising. The problem is I can't remember if I have Semax or Selank in my fridge. The packaging has Russian all over it but I will try a combination of whatever

#89 sk_scientific

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Posted 10 August 2015 - 02:44 PM

Everything is going well.  Not much to report aside from feeling better and having a clearer head.  I have not tried J147 sublingually, yet.


Also, Ceridwen.  You needn't source Semax and Selank from Russia at this moment.  They are offered by both Ceretropic and TLR.  New regulations may change come things in the near future, unfortunately.  Let's hope not.

Edited by sk_scientific, 10 August 2015 - 02:45 PM.

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#90 ceridwen

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Posted 11 August 2015 - 11:50 AM

I am trying J147 sublingually

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