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Here it is, IDRA-21

glutamate idra-21 nmda health memory ltp

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#211 telight

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 09:53 PM

Got my IDRA-21 today from NSN. Took a 2mg dose about 30 minutes ago. I have a strange feeling in my head right now. Will update if anything interesting develops.

#212 MasterHerb

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 11:18 PM

Got my IDRA-21 today from NSN. Took a 2mg dose about 30 minutes ago. I have a strange feeling in my head right now. Will update if anything interesting develops.


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#213 telight

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 11:29 PM

I am feeling stimulated, the type of stimulation you feel when you are anxious about something, if this feeling continues for 2-3 days then I would definitely not like this drug. My recall of past events has actually been hindered somewhat, but when I was playing a first person shooter game I was doing extremely well. Not sure what to think so far, I will see how this night's sleep will go and report it in the morning when I wake up. Although according to the studies the best dose varies wildly from individual to individual so I definitely will not stop experimenting with this compound. Not to mention the fact that I am young with fairy good cognition to begin with--again the studies on this compound say it should have a good effect on me in terms of recall memory.

Edited by telight, 01 November 2013 - 11:30 PM.

#214 MercuryAX

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 03:48 AM

I just got my shipment from NSN as well. I took ~20mg around 12PM EDT, and it does seem to increase my attention span, alertness, and concentration ability.

#215 Isochroma

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 03:52 AM

I just took a crazy risk.

Just purchased 5g (5000mg or 1000 ScienceGuy Doses) from NSN by tracked Express Mail to Canada.

If it clears Customs - all my purchases of chems from NSN have cleared so far - then I will report effects.

NSN will be out of stock quickly at this rate, just like with Coluracetam and Phenylpiracetam if I remember correctly.

I will be using the IDRA-21 to treat my now recurring daytime sleepiness with recurrent microsleeps which both Oxiracetam and Sunifiram can no longer fully control despite 8h sleeptimes.

Brain decline is a scary thing. I'm sleeping until I wake naturally each morning.

I'm taking saturation doses of Sunifiram: 20mg every 3 hours all day.
I'm taking near-saturation doses of Oxiracetam: 500mg every 3 hours all day.
I'm taking a maximally safe dose of androgen - Dianabol: 10mg per day to treat low Testosterone and optimize cognitive function.

In addition I take optimal levels of vitamins and minerals.

I do not take depleting caffeine, other stimulants or alcohol.

In addition to all these things I spend my days under bright blue-white lighting only to prevent daytime melatonin secretion and preserve Cortisol output. The bright 7000K daylighting convinces my body that it is fully 'daytime' and indeed - 14-16 hours of it keep my brain and body in 'Summer' mode even now in November.

Yet despite all these powerful aids the decline is still occurring in its vicious, inexorable way. So I must move on to ever-more-powerful chemicals, ever-brighter and every-bluer lights and of course more and newer agents and techniques in order to make life livable again at only 35 years of age.

I need more power. I want more life. I won't live the dying life again.

I will tear life from the hands of those who try to take it from me. The government thieves of my hormone powder. The God thief of the life I deserve to have. I will rip every last second of existence from their greedy claws. I will fight a thousand times harder than I have already fought for more life. There is not much time left.

The next target if I can make it past December 2 is Metribolone [Methyltrienolone] by intranasal administration. The World's most powerful stocked androgen other than its two hyperpower brothers which require custom synthesis: Dimethyltrienolone and Trimethyltrienolone. I have already proven that Dianabol dosed intranasally is an incredibly powerful cognitive enhancer and potentiator of Racetam nootropics. It will soon be time to put the nuclear fire to a live test.

I want IDRA-21 to be a God-power. I want it to be my nuclear weapon against Death.

I want IDRA-21 to be my electromag-levidrive to replace the aging Model-T's of yesterday and yesteryears.

The dangers and even the side effects matter not any more. I will make a deal with the Devil himself for what I need. I have already sold half my soul to the Dianabol demon in return for a working body and brain. There is still half left to be auctioned to the highest potentiator.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 02 November 2013 - 04:12 AM.

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#216 telight

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 08:57 PM

It has been about 24 hours since I took my 2mg IDRA-21 dose. My sleep last night remained unaffected so I slept fairly well. I have been quite productive after I awoke today. Although I have noticed a slight headache that been with me this entire day. The good news is that the anxiety that I felt yesterday and that continued into today was ameliorated with a meal and B-vitamin complex . Now I am experiencing auditory and visual enhancement as well motivation.

So to summarize,

Auditory enhancement
Visual enhancement
Drive for motivation

Slight headache

Effect lasts at least 24 hours

#217 Isochroma

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 10:30 PM

Exellent. All that I want to hear and all that I need to hear.

I will also find out how IDRA-21 works when combined with another NMDA positive allosteric modulator: Sunifiram.

The IDRA-21 will initially be combined only with Oxiracetam.

#218 Nattzor

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 10:33 PM

Exellent. All that I want to hear and all that I need to hear.

I will also find out how IDRA-21 works when combined with another NMDA positive allosteric modulator: Sunifiram.

The IDRA-21 will initially be combined only with Oxiracetam.


Please don't go hypomanic again (as I'm guessing you're starting to atm).
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#219 telight

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 10:57 PM

I am starting to experience some brain fog right now, although I am feeling very awake. My ability to make complex thoughts has been hindered as well as my working memory that I just tested, I fell about 1.5n back from my baseline. I am going to get some rest and will update in the next 24 hours. So far I have not experienced any gains in my ability to recall from memory.

#220 Isochroma

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 11:01 PM

Thanks for the link.

Perpetual brain hypomania combined with that lovely hot thermogenic whole-body metabolic fire is the precise combination I am aiming for.

The body thermogenicity was achieved during the initial two weeks of Dianabol dosing but faded. It is to be re-achieved using a more potent steroid such as Methyltrenbolone [Metribolone], Trenbolone or Winstrol. Forum reports indicate all three can achieve metabolic fire in descending order of efficacy. These more powerful androgens should also provide stronger increases in dopamine synthesis with splendid cognitive and phsyical results as Dianabol so beautifully demonstrated during those initial two weeks.

#221 Isochroma

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Posted 02 November 2013 - 11:16 PM

Wow, I see common similarities in the reports!


They match up perfectly with acetylcholine overload.
Or more likely hyperpotentiation of cholinergic receptors:


Verifiable by concurrently dosing an anticholinergic.

Real cause is overdose. 5mg is too much and for some 2mg is an overdose.

#222 MercuryAX

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 12:22 AM

Are you kidding me? I took like 20mg (per Scienceguy's conversion to human mg/kg) and I only subtly notice any effects.
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#223 p3x888

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 12:34 AM

I took 10mg today and had absolutely no effects. For me, nothing happened. I will try increasing the dose slowly to 25mg to see if I have anything. I am 350 pounds so that may be why the lower dosage didn't have any effect on me.

#224 MercuryAX

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 12:36 AM

I think that if somebody responds well to sunifiram or unifiram, they'd respond well to IDRA-21. Unfortunately, they don't seem to work well for me. Anybody have an idea why ampakines don't work for some people?

#225 YOLF

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 03:06 AM

The acetylcholine overload theory for the headaches sounds interesting. Is that the same thing that happens with piracetam? Has anyone taken this with a choline source? Or if the choline is being overproduced, could it be necessary to stack with something like piracetam? I might be a good alternative to taking choline??? I definitely need a better explanation of what is meant by acetylcholine overload.

#226 telight

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 04:03 AM

The dose of 10mg I took 4 hours seems to have cleared all my brain fog and improved cognitive function. I will note that experience generally got worse as time went on, so we will see how I feel tomorrow at around this time.

Edited by telight, 03 November 2013 - 04:04 AM.

#227 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 04:35 AM

You know sooner or later someone is going to mix IDRA-21 with other powerful glutamatergics, and then tragedy's a comin.

As RCs currently on the market go, this is still probably one of the safer ones. As RC nootropics go, this is probably one of the more (potentially) dangerous.
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#228 Particle

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Posted 03 November 2013 - 01:31 PM

A racetam derivative :)? This is a benzothiadiazide. Yep, it induces PAM of the AMPA receptor, but that doesn't make it a derivative of other modulators. Racetam analogues are ruled out as well (aniracetam?), the structural-electronic characteristics are not exactly similar.

The nootropic effects of IDRA-21 have been way overhyped in my opinion. I'd say the true potential of this drug lies in treating induced cognitive impairment. Really makes it all the more exciting to see the results of this! You guys are great.

#229 Isochroma

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 02:21 PM

Where are the new reports?

Those who are using IDRA-21, please report again.

#230 Amorphous

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 03:12 PM

I think It is still early to describe my experience with it yet. Since this compound has a very long half-life, I am still trying to figure out its proper dosage and frequency (rather I should take it every other day or every 3 days). I took the first dose at about 10 mg. The first few hours seemed nothing, but then I felt a general increase in alertness. Picture seemed sharper kind of like the effect of sunifiram without the "wow" initial effect. It induced insomnia (I am not sure if it is placebo)- with the first few hour couldn't fall to sleep and woke up whenever there was minor noises. Second day I didn't take any Idra-21 and the insomnia got lessen ( still hard to fall to sleep). The third day, I took a 5 mg dosage but I was able to fall sleep without any problem (I slept over 10 hours!). General effects include alertness, faster thinking, insomnia, unmotivated (?), seems like more clear headed, didn't improve any dual-n-back score (since I was unmotivated I only forced myself to play 2 games).

#231 MercuryAX

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 03:13 PM

Where are the new reports?

Those who are using IDRA-21, please report again.

Took my second dose yesterday morning. Again, there's nothing that I can "feel", but I do believe I've been much more "on-task" and absorbing information somewhat more easily.

Also, Isochroma - Do you know if sunifiram/unifiram/IDRA are steroid hormone dependent? I think that may be the reason why racetams don't work well for me. Getting my hormones tested this winter.

Edited by MercuryAX, 05 November 2013 - 03:15 PM.

#232 Isochroma

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 03:24 PM

Thanks for the reports guys.

MercuryAX: What dose are you taking?

Also, one of the trials in monkeys showed that effective doses can vary 10x between individuals.

That means some may have to take 50mg rather than ScienceGuy's 5mg to see maximal effects.

#233 MercuryAX

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 03:52 PM

Thanks for the reports guys.

MercuryAX: What dose are you taking?

Also, one of the trials in monkeys showed that effective doses can vary 10x between individuals.

That means some may have to take 50mg rather than ScienceGuy's 5mg to see maximal effects.

I'm taking approximately 20mg placed into a gel capsule. Perhaps there's an advantage to taking it sublingually. Any idea about my steroid question?

Edited by MercuryAX, 05 November 2013 - 03:59 PM.

#234 Isochroma

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 04:17 PM

Considering that androgens have a crucial impact on brain function, yes.

I have noticed that both the Oxiracetam and Sunifiram effects are much stronger now.

Better yet, the effects don't 'slump' like they did before at my weakest time of day.

#235 telight

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 10:12 PM

Where are the new reports?

Those who are using IDRA-21, please report again.

I am not sure what's going on with everyone else, but the 10mg dose that I took of this substance took me for an intense psychedelic-like ride--my mood shifting from melancholy to bright happiness brought about by my realizations of the beauty of this world.

There was strong visual/aural enhancement as well as a DECREASE in working memory. I also experienced a strange huperzine A-like effect where memories would "loop" themselves in my head as I was sleeping. I would say the effects last somewhere between 24-36 hours, during this entire time I felt anxious, and felt the "pushiness" of this drug. It definitely felt like I was "on something"during most the time I was under the influence of this drug. When I could feel the effects I would describe the experience as mostly negative as I experienced lots of mood shifts between positive and negative states. From this alone I was almost tempted to throw out the drug, but I went ahead and took another dose of 10mg as I was beginning to experience some comedown effect 24 hours after I took my last 10mg dose. This dose produced the same effects but to a lesser extent and when I woke up the next morning to go to class thinking that I was about to have a bad day, I actually had a surprisingly good day. I was finally having the effects that the drug was supposed to produce, my memory was very good and I was able to recall and absorb information very well.

This is why I haven't posted my experience here because it is incomplete, I just don't know what to think of this drug other than that it has a profound effect on me.

#236 Isochroma

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Posted 05 November 2013 - 11:04 PM


Thanks for squeezing the last drops of living experience from the latest moments of your journey at the razor's edge of both time and new creation.

I am once again optimistic about IDRA-21's effects.

I also see that a short adaptation period is necessary.

I have also had to adapt - in my case to both Dianabol and Sunifiram.

Sex after all is about two bodies wrapping around each other. Both partners must flex.

Brain molecules are so much deeper than sex.
They penetrate all the way inside - not just into some minor orifice.

I love having molecular sex with my drugs.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 05 November 2013 - 11:33 PM.

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#237 unregistered_user

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Posted 06 November 2013 - 01:08 AM

This is the Isochroma we all remember.
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#238 Amorphous

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Posted 06 November 2013 - 05:25 AM

My overall impression so far for Idra-21 is positive. My insomnia could be from something else, such as too much coffee in the late afternoon. After the first dose, I was able to fall into a good sleep on the day I took the second dose in the morning. Today I am happy with my performance at work and I don't feel tired at all the whole day. The alertness is still there. (Today is my off day of Idra-21). For now, I think I will continue to use 5mg every other day. What complicated the issue is my PRL 8-53 is arriving tomorrow. I am not sure if I should stop Idra-21 first and then the test PRL. I've only taken 2 doses so far and it is producing positive results. I don't think I should stop. Since Idra-21 didn't affect my n-back score, any improvement should be due to PRL. At any rate, I need to think more thoroughly about this.
One more thing. There is another side-effect - I think Idra-21 intensify pain.

#239 Isochroma

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Posted 06 November 2013 - 05:41 AM

Excellent report!

NMDA receptors are implicated in pain transmission of a different kind than that blocked by opiates.
NMDA blockers are used to treat neuropathic pain - ketamine in particular.

NMDA potentiators could act to potentiate pain. And pain always exists all over our bodies. The sub-threshold micropains are everywhere. The ones that withdrawing Heroin addicts feel. They are real but normally suppressed.

That is one scary thing. I withdrew from daily doses of a synthetic cannabinoid [5F-AKB48] months ago. One of the acute effects was a syndrome that resembled peripheral allodynia in the feet. Fast withdrawal of full-agonist cannabinoids can have negative effects. One of them is that the neurosystem adapts very strongly to full CB2 agonism by massively upregulating compensatory systems. Cannabinoids suppress pain sensation and full agonists much more so. Withdrawal of full agonists - unlike the natural partial agonists THC and CBD - can result in painful neurological rebound.

There is a severe danger with DM-235, DM-232 and possibly IDRA-21. IDRA-21 is worst due to its long duration of action. This danger is that the NMDA potentiation will be strong enough to prevent pain relief and possibly also anaesthesia.

Don't get into an accident or have a rupture while you're on these agents - especially IDRA-21. When they wheel you into the operating room and try to put you under, they may fail. All the commonly-used sleep agents are NMDA antagonists. Due to toxic effects, doses of sleep anaesthetics cannot be increased past the maximum save level so if they can't put you under within that dosage range, it means no operation. Or you lie awake while they cut you open.

In an emergency like my ruptured appendix years ago there was no time to wait even four hours - never mind days - for an NMDA potentiator to wear off. That means death for medical emergencies requiring surgery. Luckily I was not on Sunifiram at the time.

Regarding the PRL 8-53: Please do spend more days or weeks testing IDRA-21 alone.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 06 November 2013 - 05:47 AM.

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#240 ihsanozkan

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Posted 06 November 2013 - 07:38 AM

I took 5mg of IDRA-21 yesterday sublingually, I was awake till 8pm without need for sleep (becasue I have it always due to my ideopatic hipersomnia problem). I drunk 2 glass of wine then I fall asleep suddenyly and very deep at 10pm. I had lucid dreams and my sleep was very deep with snoring :) I have recalled some of my dreams after wake up.

The effect of IDRA-21 was too far from the effects of Unifiram. Unifiram worked best for me among all racetams, modafinil and IDRA-21 so far. When I get 3-4 mg of Unifiriam every 3-4 hours I feel very awake and very motivated. And dream recall rate is very high.

I do not know if I should try more IDRA-21 or just stop it and continue with Unifiriam and plus Choline source and Noopept and Sunifiriam as amplifier?

Please advise.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: glutamate, idra-21, nmda, health, memory, ltp

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