It's been a week on IDRA-21. My beautiful poison.
IDRA-21 10mg x 6/day
DM-235: 25mg x 6/day
Oxiracetam: 500mg x 6/day
Tested a 106mg dose of IDRA-21 with no additional effect.
My vision is sharper than ever before - completely blowing Sunifiram's treeline horizon enhacement away. The branches on the distant trees are impossibly sharp.
My appetite has declined by 15%. This may be due to cannabinoid withdrawal.
The low temperature of my extremities has increased by about 5% while core temperature has decreased by the same amount. This is a known effect of cannabinoid 5F-AKB48 and its persistence of effects is long so three days clearance is insufficient to discriminate the effect's source.
I'm in the usual four-day cannabinoid withdrawal so sleep is hard.
It's never been like this though. Five hours or more every night of lying in bed with no need to sleep. Yet the former anger and frustration while lying in bed is absent.
During the day, IDRA-21 has finally managed to completely wipe my afternoon microsleeps, fadeouts and similars. A power that even Sunifiram could not realize.
Balance is off due to reactive slowness. Slowing down AMPAr desensitization means transforming nice signal spikes into rather ugly slopes. Slowdowns but no emptyhead like Orphan Annie or Pramiracetam.
No specific anxiety but a sense of frowning inside that is also present with almost all nootropics that enhance my intelligence with no specific anti-bitchiness effects like Aniracetam and Pramiracetam provide.
My sense of smell has been amplified at least 50% effective immediately on starting to today.
Typing is slower just like Orphan Annie. I spend more time polishing typing and other things.
Memory has been disturbed recently with small fast forgets reappearing. May be due to effects of the 5F-AKB48 cannabinoid which is now done and clearing out.
Sleep is strange now. Just a series of hallucinated segments interrupted. So light.
Yet despite awful sleep deprivation over the last three days IDRA-21 has saved me better than Sunifiram could. Sunifiram could barely make up for the sleep it stole from me. It took more than a week to make up the initial deficit. Now Sunifiram has become weak.
I wake up each day with a high level of refreshment. I bounce out of bed now.
Such a useful poison. Yet for all its powers IDRA-21 has its toxicities.
I can feel the poison. Since the first day of dosing to today with no interruption.
The smell comes out from inside my nose. It is a strange smell. Not bad but chemical.
It exudes from my pores. Yesterday was rather shocked at how strongly it exudes from body pores.
Some chemicals taken into the body exude from pores. When they have a smell they can often be smelled due to exudation from nasal pores. The molecules exude from skin pores inside the nose/sinuses and re-absorb into the scent sense-apparatus where they are promptly detected. The scent of IDRA-21 is weakly on my breath too.
General intelligence has increased exponentially. IDRA-21 bests Pramiracetam. That statement is something to ponder - perhaps something to be most impressed by. Pramiracetam is the most powerful intelligence enhancer of the racetams and potentially of all nootropics in existence.
With this increase has come more tightness. More power and more anger and yet a different orientation is trying to impose itself. That orientation is IDRA-21's most unexpected property. It is female. This molecule is female. Thus it has pushed my weak sexratio in that direction. My sexratio is not stiff, ie. 'weak' in the sense that due to bad genetics and concurrent supplementation it can easily be pushed around.
The push has been strong enough to bring back wild emotionality with barely enough check to keep the angers and dangers away. Luckily the increased intelligence has been an additional help.
For the final dose last night I skipped DM-235. I also skipped it this morning. I notice no difference in effects. I will continue to skip DM-235 for a week or more to verify this. I am hoping DM-235 is disposable. Current effect evidence indicates that DM-235 is not only less potent than IDRA-21 but has lower peak power at every measure of nootropicism my body is capable of providing.
Music is slower! Oh so much slower. Even now. The slowness is a bit distracting because music has a time and the time seems about 10% too slow. And the
sound, oh the glorious
sounds of eternity ring within my ears. Sounds that I could never have imagined on Sunifiram. Another level entirely of detail, richness, depth, complexity, musicality and the remainder of auditory attributes in existence.
There is something more. So many things. My mind feels partly unbalanced by IDRA-21. And yet
there is a euphoria. It hides. It's a joke. It's a ghost that runs in and out and in and out of my room. So hard to explain. I notice it and then it's immediately gone. Like a figure that if looked at disappears but can be seen from the edge of vision.
It's a real high. Even though it is so weak and ghostlike, it's
strong underneath. It has a strong backbone of depth and real emotional power behind it. Perhaps because I have taken no stimulants or euphorigenics or it could be the high doses of fish oil - 16g/day - or maybe some genetic accident of hypersensitivity. I can hear the subtlest of notes from molecules. It's my weakness that I'm so easily pushed around. Yet that weakness means excellent sensitivity. Too bad it's killing me.
Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 20 November 2013 - 12:37 AM.