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Here it is, IDRA-21

glutamate idra-21 nmda health memory ltp

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#301 xsiv1

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Posted 23 November 2013 - 01:57 PM

This has nothing to do with spending any time in jail. Uttering a threat, even if convicted here, carries very minimal sentencing unless a person has a history of violence. Iso, please forgive me if I came off as insensitive in any way. Aside from major depressive episodes, there are a number of people who also live with intolerable pain due to illnesses. I only hope you find peace within yourself and seek some forms of help you've never tried before in the hopes that it may salvage what remnants of yourself you have and can offer the world. Having a younger brother who suffered from a rare form of aggressive lymphoma, during his pinnacle of health, I know too well what he was going through, especially near the end.

My lawyer just insulted me again. Public lawyer. He refuses to speak as I direct him and won't answer my questions. So I have emailed him back telling him in various terms that he won't likely be speak for me in court.

On Dec.2 I will be taken into court to be criminally charged with uttering a threat that I never did. With no evidence but one person's word I lost my home this spring and spend a month in a homeless shelter, lost half my property and have been treated as guilty.

If the judge rules some punishment I won't be following it. That includes fines, service, etc. If I am caged then I will use my ejection system which will be either poison or death fast. No food or liquids for eight days.

I will have an end to my suffering. All my life I have been victimized by human scum. Now I will have my exit. No more suffering. And no more physical suffering from my health either. Instead I will have absolution. Beautiful absolution.

Freedom. What the others alive on this planet will have is endless suffering. Hell is coming silently and there won't be any place to hide from the Hell that is rapidly forming all over this world. I will be gone before then. My golden parachute goodbye.

Isochroma you have an awesome personality and writing skills and I am sure that in person it is hard to believe that you are mentally ill due to your high functioning and elaborate use of language. I am sure that in your mind you are winning many arguments and are making sense. And emotionally you are. But when it comes to communicating reasoning, which is the case with a legal dispute, you are not that well endowed. Being a shining interesting and peculiar character does not get one out of a legal case.

Even if you did not commit the crime you are charged with, your unstable communication would hinder your ability to make your case. Do you think it is less likely or more likely for a person who is emotionally unstable to make a threat? what do you think the judge would think? What about a person who "appears" to lack control?

Why do you think a person who you did not actually threat is under the impression a threat was implied? These are not good indicators for your communication.

Even if you don't think that you are ill, you must be aware that many people who have the chance to know you in an unsuperficial way do.

Get a psych evaluation. They would send you to a hospital for a month and you will get it over with. If no drug helps you they would let you go eventually anyway. But at least give it a try.

This has nothing to do with spending any time in jail. Uttering a threat, even if convicted here, carries very minimal sentencing unless a person has a history of violence. Iso, please forgive me if I came off as insensitive in any way. Aside from major depressive episodes, there are a number of people who also live with intolerable pain due to illnesses. I only hope you find peace within yourself and seek some forms of help you've never tried before in the hopes that it may salvage what remnants of yourself you have and can offer the world. Having a younger brother who suffered from a rare form of aggressive lymphoma, during his pinnacle of health, I know too well what he was going through, especially near the end. I can only imagine what was going on inside his head...he had the world to lose. A man has to walk a mile and more inside another's shoes to gain a true glimpse when it comes to terminal illnesses like cancer. I speak only on my brother's behalf because we don't know exactly what his mind went through during that year.

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#302 tritium

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Posted 25 December 2013 - 08:51 PM

I would be careful if you decide to take IDRA-21. I'm not certain, but it may have been the cause of me acquiring uveitis.

The first day, I took 10mg and felt really good. The next day in the morning, I took another 10mg and also felt great. However, that same evening, I took another 10mg and coencidentally was when I had the first sign of symptoms of uveitis. Also interesting is that one of the drugs they use to treat this condition has opposite effects of IDRA-21 (anticholinergics).

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#303 hathor

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Posted 26 December 2013 - 01:55 AM

I would be careful if you decide to take IDRA-21. I'm not certain, but it may have been the cause of me acquiring uveitis.

The first day, I took 10mg and felt really good. The next day in the morning, I took another 10mg and also felt great. However, that same evening, I took another 10mg and coencidentally was when I had the first sign of symptoms of uveitis. Also interesting is that one of the drugs they use to treat this condition has opposite effects of IDRA-21 (anticholinergics).

I'd never heard of uveitis. I've been taking ~50mg a day for 4 or 5 days in a row now and haven't had any physical health issues that I can tell from it. That being said, everyone reacts to things differently. I had some weird reactions to getting some extremely potent ginkgo biloba to where 120mg felt like a big overdose and gave me headaches. So like with anything I recommend starting small and doing your best to isolate introducing new substances to the mix 'til you've had enough time to sufficiently evaluate what they do on their own. Also, everything has the potential for weird interactions with anything else you're taking. But this is why I try to sell people on the Quantified Self philosophy; capture as much data as possible and try to scientifically understand your own body based on actual anecdotal data collected over time. And if a substance is promising but having some issues try a different vendor as everything is not always equal, and some synthesis/extraction methods are purer or more potent than others.

#304 tritium

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 12:54 AM

^ Which vendor did you use for your IDRA-21?

#305 hathor

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 01:13 AM

pm'd you, hopefully telling you isn't against the rules
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#306 Ekscentra

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 09:44 AM

First 8 or so doses resulted in a slight pressure in the head, a mildly painful headache that lasted for the duration of the drug. At this recent dose which was taken yesterday, I'm noticing the dark-side of the drug. IDRA makes me more apathetic than any SSRI I've yet experienced, more violent than any amphetamine (yet without the tendency to act on it), and depresses me more than methylphenidate, the drug which ruined my life by giving me suicidal depression, though fortunately lacking the extreme fear and paranoia of Ritalin. One poster on Reddit described this as one of the most terrifying drugs he's ever experienced - I now understand what he meant. IDRA is death, stay away at all costs. This is the type of drug that slowly convinces you to commit suicide. This is not a nootropic, this is poison for the brain. I have a strong feeling this was what caused Isochroma to advise suicide, and his thoughts almost seem reasonable at this point. I refuse to dose myself with this evil substance again, I'll stick to PRL and Coluracetam for cognitive enhancement from now on. Of course, that's assuming I survive the next two days. The self-destructive thought loops IDRA puts you on are incredibly.difficult to break out of. I wouldn't have expected NSN to sell such a dangerous substance. I repeat, this is NOT a nootropic. Cognitive enhancement may be the result of initial dosages, but proceeding dosages seem to cause negative worse than any substance I've ever been on. For your own safety, I'd recommend anyone currently taking this or considering taking taking this to BE WARY of the side effects. I had chosen to take this substance regardless of advice otherwise, and now I'm paying the consequences. If suicide starts to seem rational, STOP TAKING THIS DRUG IMMEDIATELY. If you'd like to slowly kill yourself, Heroin is a much safer option, relatively speaking. Whether or not this is neurotoxic is irrelevant to me, it's clear this drug is doing something very dangerous to my brain. No point becoming a genius if you've hung yourself before achieving anything. Just thought I'd let you all know how this drug started effecting me recently. My experiences were positive but subtle at first. Things couldn't be any more different now. This one crept up to me like no other. What this drug achieves is far from what anyone here wants from cognitive enhancement. I just hope no one else has to suffer like I did...
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#307 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 04:40 PM

First 8 or so doses resulted in a slight pressure in the head, a mildly painful headache that lasted for the duration of the drug. At this recent dose which was taken yesterday, I'm noticing the dark-side of the drug. IDRA makes me more apathetic than any SSRI I've yet experienced, more violent than any amphetamine (yet without the tendency to act on it), and depresses me more than methylphenidate, the drug which ruined my life by giving me suicidal depression, though fortunately lacking the extreme fear and paranoia of Ritalin. One poster on Reddit described this as one of the most terrifying drugs he's ever experienced - I now understand what he meant. IDRA is death, stay away at all costs. This is the type of drug that slowly convinces you to commit suicide. This is not a nootropic, this is poison for the brain. I have a strong feeling this was what caused Isochroma to advise suicide, and his thoughts almost seem reasonable at this point. I refuse to dose myself with this evil substance again, I'll stick to PRL and Coluracetam for cognitive enhancement from now on. Of course, that's assuming I survive the next two days. The self-destructive thought loops IDRA puts you on are incredibly.difficult to break out of. I wouldn't have expected NSN to sell such a dangerous substance. I repeat, this is NOT a nootropic. Cognitive enhancement may be the result of initial dosages, but proceeding dosages seem to cause negative worse than any substance I've ever been on. For your own safety, I'd recommend anyone currently taking this or considering taking taking this to BE WARY of the side effects. I had chosen to take this substance regardless of advice otherwise, and now I'm paying the consequences. If suicide starts to seem rational, STOP TAKING THIS DRUG IMMEDIATELY. If you'd like to slowly kill yourself, Heroin is a much safer option, relatively speaking. Whether or not this is neurotoxic is irrelevant to me, it's clear this drug is doing something very dangerous to my brain. No point becoming a genius if you've hung yourself before achieving anything. Just thought I'd let you all know how this drug started effecting me recently. My experiences were positive but subtle at first. Things couldn't be any more different now. This one crept up to me like no other. What this drug achieves is far from what anyone here wants from cognitive enhancement. I just hope no one else has to suffer like I did...

I think you need a chekup. IDRA-21 is benign in its effects. I guess placebo can be quite strong in some individuals.
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#308 Ekscentra

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 05:14 PM

Not placebo, just emotional trauma amplified by the effects of the drug. Fortunately this has subsided since. Little things seem to have a significantly greater impact on me, positive or negative. IDRA makes me overly expressive in my emotions, whether positive or negative, and for that reason along with the fact that it has synergy with seemingly not a single substance, I see no point in continuing to take it. IDRA has been a major disappointment for me. Still, chalking up my experiences as placebo to make yourself feel better is utterly ridiculous. The emotional amplifying aspect is a consistent effect I've experienced from IDRA over the 2 months I've been taking it. Tell me, how long have you been taking it? There have been no human trials, and simply looking at the structure is an incredibly flimsy foundation for an argument, in any case. What are your experiences with IDRA and how long have you been taking it? I'm genuinely curious, as you seem pretty quick to dismiss my experiences.

#309 xsiv1

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 05:56 PM

Not placebo, just emotional trauma amplified by the effects of the drug. Fortunately this has subsided since. Little things seem to have a significantly greater impact on me, positive or negative. IDRA makes me overly expressive in my emotions, whether positive or negative, and for that reason along with the fact that it has synergy with seemingly not a single substance, I see no point in continuing to take it. IDRA has been a major disappointment for me. Still, chalking up my experiences as placebo to make yourself feel better is utterly ridiculous. The emotional amplifying aspect is a consistent effect I've experienced from IDRA over the 2 months I've been taking it. Tell me, how long have you been taking it? There have been no human trials, and simply looking at the structure is an incredibly flimsy foundation for an argument, in any case. What are your experiences with IDRA and how long have you been taking it? I'm genuinely curious, as you seem pretty quick to dismiss my experiences.

Please take this with no offense as I believe the effects you've described are entirely true, however, applying such a broad brush from your experience to that of others is incorrect. If it were the case, no drug would ever be approved for human use. As an example, there are people who get panic attacks from Xanax, while others get it's intended effects. It is important to describe what has occurred in your experience so that others may approach this novel compound with extreme caution. People should be taking it with caution in the first place. I have not had any myself so it could be likely that I'd experience the same or similar effects as you did, or none of the above. Just saying to keep that in mind. The very thing occurred in the original Sunifiram thread.

Edited by xsiv1, 01 January 2014 - 05:58 PM.

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#310 Ekscentra

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 08:43 PM

None taken. My original both was written in a state of paranoia while in a mild semi-manic/psychotic state. I apologize for overreacting. I agree, it is in our best interest to exercise caution. While I reacted negatively to this substance, I'm sure many could benefit from it just as well. Still, I felt I needed to get this out there as quickly as possibly, even if I may not have been in the right mental state to post. This is certainly not a substance without side effects, and I have no desire to take it again with the way I reacted. Just in case others are skeptical of my reported effects, I suggest looking up reports on Reddit. One in particular is eerily similar to mine. It should be noted that I am unusual case, and that most drugs, stimulants, antipsychotics, and antidepressants especially, don't agree with me. Ritalin had given me many side effects, some of which were unreported elsewhere - suicidal depression, extreme fear and paranoia, and sleep paralysis among other symptoms. I'm only making sure everyone knows how dangerous this substance can potentially, nothing more. Given the emotional amplification I've experienced however, I'd recommend extra caution to those with BPD or any form of depression, however mild. One thing's for certain - IDRA doesn't agree with me. Moving onto the next substance...perhaps I'll have better luck with NSI-189.

#311 hathor

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Posted 01 January 2014 - 10:00 PM

I took 117mg yesterday and had a bubble bath and it cleaned my brain of noise, it helped me calm down racing thoughts, it helped me sleep peacefully and calmly.

Every individual reacts differently to every chemical.
Know your Body - Know your Mind - Know your Substance - Know your Source.

Words to live by.

Placebo effect is real:

I've been trying to study and understand how the placebo effect works exactly, but IME many psychotropic drugs are in essence aligning you with the brainwave frequencies of everyone else taking those same psychotropic drugs. So if the majority of those taking the drug feel that it is helping them with whatever it is that they're having issues with, and you align with the energies of that sub section of the users, you can get profound healing effects. If you think that it's bunk and neurotoxic and are scared of whatever, then you align with those energies and it doesn't work for you.

It's not good or bad; it's just that whatever spiritual forces you had originally agreed to align with are going to be the ones where the nootropics or pharma meds or whatever actually work for you, and if you align with the wrong ones you're at best going to feel nothing and and worst going to feel like crap like it's causing you harm.

If a medication or nootropic is working for you and has no side effects then you're on the right dose and doing what you're supposed to be doing. If it has some side effects and generally seems more helpful than unhelpful then chances are you just need to adjust the dosage until you find the "sweet spot"; this is where the "quantified self" philosophy comes in to play; use a scale, weigh out what you take, keep notes to see if a bit more or a bit less works better, or if when you eat is disrupting it or whatever.

If you have a lot of side effects but spiritually still feel like it's the right med for you, chances are something else you're taking or not taking is probably interfering. Likely diet~related or rec~drug related, and yes soda and energy drinks and alcohol count as rec drugs too. I recommend going to the local farmer's market and buying some fresh fruit and some fresh eggs (if you eat eggs) and going on a detox fast where that's all you eat for a few days are fruit and eggs, and drink tap water, and take your prescribed meds from your doctor, but don't consume anything else. Do it when you have time off work so that you can completely isolate yourself from exposure to any media or people who may have toxic energy.

You'll find while you're at home, isolated as much as possible from outside influence, doing this detox, the stuff that pops into your head will be stuff you've been procrastinating, the project you forgot to work on, the video game you meant to play but never had time for, the camping trip you keep putting off, something, whatever it is. If the equipment is broken that you needed for it, see what you can do to fix it on your own, if it's software try going online to see if it has updates, or if you pirated it try seeing if there's a free 30-day trial version the same software or an open~source version of something else similar enough to it.

Whatever it is, a project, a book, a movie, cleaning out that closet full of junk, reconnecting with a family member or spending a lot of time tweaking your online dating profile to be "just right", you'll know, and when you focus on it you'll start having clarity, you'll start seeing what parts of your diet is good or bad, what people you need to make amends or cut ties with, if your job is the job you should be at or if you should start looking, if you really were missing stuff you had to buy to do your hobby, or if you can just get started on the hobby now at a basic level. if that one particular book or movie or video game series is what you needed to play.

Not placebo, just emotional trauma amplified by the effects of the drug

Come on now, you're being a bit antagonistic. Placebo is real, and "not placebo" really just means that in your case it works "better than placebo" or it has effects that you can't just chalk up to "my beliefs about the drug vs. what it actually does when I take it".

There have been no human trials

Again I mention "quantified self" philosophy. It's not some self~help program or organization or anything. It's the idea of taking personal responsibility for your chemical consumption and being your own lab rat, doing your own human trials and seeing what works for you or not. If that's not your approach, why would you bother with nootropics? Stick to asking your doctors for help, and stick to pharmaceuticals and OTC vitamin pills or whatever...stuff that has actual trials. I refer to the video I posted earlier; the way FDA approval works is by comparing stuff to placebo. If you start just inducing placebo effect in yourself then you can get good results.

The thing is, people psychically connect to each other with the combination of everything it is that they consume that allows their internal frequencies to align with the internal frequencies of everyone else attempting to live the same sorts of lifestyles.

As an example, there are people who get panic attacks from Xanax

This is precisely my point; xsiv1 knows what's up. In my case, Adderall is like a damn sleeping pill, depending on when I take it and what other stuff is in my system at the time. It can sedate me so much that I have to lay down and nap for 3 hours. Other times it gives me tons of focused energy. I believe that basically I've aligned with the "Adderall gods", by virtue of not abusing my prescription, and the energy forces behind that drug who are trying to genuinely help people basically do the equivalent of virus checking my brain and helping keep me from being distracted by frequencies that may be disruptive to me.

So yeah let's all try to look at things objectively. Nootropics for those who aren't ready for them are usually benign and do hardly anything, but by taking them over time puts you on the radar of the "gods" of the substance and you'll eventually start to get hunches and ideas and intuition from those who are best aligned with the energies of the substance. Then if you cultivate those seeds, things start getting a little easier in life, and you start having a bit more power and control over your reality. Then you start coming up with stack ideas, start evaluating your diet, start evaluating your doctors and your prescription meds and everything, seeing what feels right to you and what doesn't "pass the sniff test".

Pretty much if you forgive yourself, forgive others, make efforts to avoid getting in debt, avoid addictions, try to eat healthy (just follow your intuition, and the advice of whomever you honestly believe will help you get healthy), and when you are having issues not being scared to open up and talk about them with those who you think can help you, you're going to have a totally different experience in life.

If your diet is bad, try spending some time here to see if you can figure out what will work best for you:


That is how you can overcome mental and physical illness and start being who you intended to be. I mean the point of this board is to align people with the idea of living for a thousand years or whatever, right? Do you want to live in "hell" with health issues, or do you want to live in "heaven" where you're just pursuing all your interests and talents and whatnot? Keep in mind that media, advertising, religion, who you give money to, etc, all essentially also work via this "frequency alignment" concept.

If you're not feeling good, do a detox. There is a reason why singing in the shower with hot steam on you gives you great ideas. Why taking a bubble bath and soaking in salt water can be so refreshing. And before you start exposing yourself to soaps and other chemicals to clean up, just try letting nothing but the water run on you for a bit, cover you up, or "baptize" yourself by dunking under a tub of nothing but water.

I have no idea if this works for everyone or not, but I am aligned with the forces of water and water is roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of planet earth at any given time, and most of the water is salt water. I've actually taken a bath with bath salts, when I say that anymore I just mean magnesium sulphate. But I have in fact bathed in mephedrone and methylone and whatnot, as weird as that may sound. But when I did that I never felt compelled to have to take them again, and I feel like I still get the positive energies I got when I did take them, without any of the negative energies or consequences.

In essence, this is what a lot of religions and cults and secret societies teach. I have gone under cover in enough of them that I have an idea of how they work. I have cut ties with all of them, most recently the "what happens in vegas" secret society, and I no longer am under any obligations to hide what I know from anyone willing to listen. My preferred focus is music; I think music is safer than drugs, and if done right music is as good or better than drugs, although I do take nootropics and I do take pharmaceuticals and I do occasionally take psychedelics. I've played my cards right and now I don't have to do anything underground or illegal anymore; I just have to be aware of what's going on.

I have my own art on the walls, and I try to listen to my own music at least once per day, and I try to eat healthy and limit my exposure to things that are distracting. And although I really ought to be working on music right now, quite frankly ID~RA~21, which to me as a delusion of reference means "Identify with RA, #21", seems to be working wonders at filling in the missing gaps, like it's the missing piece to the puzzle of my brain. Do I identify with RA? Well I've won the spiritual contract to use the identity/brand/vibe for the Egyptian goddess Hathor, the goddess of sound, music, and dance, who is also know as the "eye of RA", so I'd say so. ;)

As for PLR-8-53...well to me that's "peace, love, respect" and 8 is the hourglass like the logo for longecity, and 53 is a prime number, that adds up to 8 again, which if laid horizontally is an infinity symbol. And to me, 8 over infinity is a flower or 4-leaf clover, the equivalent symbol of what a cross is to catholics.

My supplier is roughly 117 miles away from me, which is really close to local for nootropics, so I feel good about that. I took 117mg yesterday. For two years since I decided to become a pro musician, the number 117 has kept popping up all over the place, as "the number" for music for me. So I feel like I'm on the right track. When I'm on the wrong track, I suffer from delusions and hallucinations and whatnot, so that is why I'm "schizo", but when I'm on the right track I just am following the synchronicities and getting in alignment with the proper energies and I'm just "focused".

I'm still trying to detach myself from the energies of the english language to get more into the energies of sound and vibration. But I feel after reading several of the posts in this thread, including many of my own derailments of it, I need to get us back focused on what nootropics are all about, and my role with substances has always been as an educator, as a teacher of how to use things. Harm reduction is great, but it's just focusing on the negative; I want to focus people on the positive of what is possible.

Sasha Shulgin himself (the chemist behind mdma, 2c-b, and thousands of other things) goes by Shu~RA psychically, and when I put a sticker with Shu~RA on a candle and burned the flame, while I took a nice bath, he popped into my head and had me mix up a concoction that was mostly just ice water and a b6 pill, and I kept stirring it periodically until such time that it looked like a urine solution.

I'm sure that there was some kind of alchemy going on between the music I was listening to and the tones I was singing and the meds I was taking, the bubble bath, the lifesavers I was eating, etc. I'm not sure the entirety of the combination. But I'm pretty damn sure that I created some kind of new unique custom~built psychotropic that induced a placebo effect in me to allow me to detox from the energies of mania and anger and ADHD and start restoring my memory of the various memory wipes I've subjected myself to.

So whatever energies are aligned with RA, the mythological Egyptian sun god, and definitely id~RA~21 qualifies, if you align with those forces I'm sure this nootropic will work well for you. I'm sure it has something to do with a sub-set of disenfranchised illuminati, who are trying to empower those they deem worthy to be able to start their own societies instead of having to actually join up with one of the existing ones. The point being to create your own reality, with the shared vision of those aligned with the energies.

If you're having problems, do a detox, get back to the basics, make sure that whatever else may be blocking you has been addressed. When you do a detox, you'll start remembering what you agreed to and didn't agree to and can purge yourself of darker energies. Likely you have some unresolved issue with a family member or business partner or lover, either in the past or the present, so it's time to clear the air. Then any addictions you have should suddenly stop having pull over you and you'll have clarity.

If you like listening to talk radio (I don't, music for me, lol) this one is free from secret society white noise:

Frankly I think the main issue here is that the english language has become so corrupted with word~play that I have to be exceptionally verbose to get my points across. When "literally" is literally the opposite of what it literally means, there's a major problem with the english language itself. This is why I'm studying sound design and seeing if I can encode these messages into certain musical tones, to get "the message" across in a way that doesn't have people arguing over "it's placebo, no it's not" type of stuff, because it seems like there's a basic fundamental confusion about the definition of the word "placebo".

If you're interested in id~RA~21 then the forces you're trying to align with are the ones to allow yourself to create your own reality through the "sun god RA" vibrational energies, without needing religion, without needing secret societies, without being addicted to anything in particular, but by doing your own thing. To start your own gnu w0r1d order like I am. That's what you're signing up for if you take this substance. If you're ready for it but can't seem to quite align, do the detox. If you're not interested in creating your own reality then this isn't the nootropic for you.

From what I understand, the synchronicity is set for the year 2020. Everyone who has their shit together by new year's eve of 2020 will get up to 1,000 iterations of "hindsight year". And you can keep your memory every time the year 2020 loops. So you'll have more than enough time to explore whatever ideas or activities or whatever you were really wanting. So get out of debt and save up for "retirement" and try to get to the point that you don't have a lot of ties to anything you aren't super excited about being tied to for 1,000 years. Virtual currencies like bitcoin and litecoin are good to start looking into for money, since these things should be quite valuable by 2020.

Essentially 2020 is our "groundhog day" year loop. Everyone else will be off doing whatever, worrying about money, being addicted to this or that, but we get to keep coming back and trying whatever we want, more or less "playing god". Might be hell for the first few iterations if you signed up for it and aren't prepared, but I mean we have six years, that should be enough to figure it out, right?

If anything I say doesn't make sense then let me know; I'm just absorbing the entirety of the energy for id~RA~21 (and longecity for that matter) and attempting to put it back into plain english for those who may have forgotten what we signed up for.

This is what I signed up for, is this what you signed up for?

If you don't want to play then you're free to walk away; I don't think there are any strong karmic ties here where there's going to be bad blood that haunts you. And I'm sure there are other longecity-connected nootropics that you could connect to if directly aligning with the mythology of "sun god RA" rubs you the wrong way.

I personally also like 0x1~RA~cetam, which is connected to the more synthetic AI systems of the "game of life" MMORPG. But many people get kind of uncomfortable with the more synthetic aspects of the system; I deal with it since I'm one of the devs and I'm trying to keep our reality as virus~free as possible. But it's more fun to get lost in the game and be immersed by its realism than to get overly philosophical and start debating theology. The track we signed up for is to be our own theology, or to be in charge of whatever religions or secret societies we're involved with.

But what the bleep do I know? I just took a nice hot saltwater bath and drew on myself with body crayons, seems kind of child~like, I know.

Happy Gnu Year's everyone, and good luck :)

~ love ~ unity ~ compassion ~ kindness ~ peace ~ love ~ respect ~

Edited by katimaya, 01 January 2014 - 10:26 PM.

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#312 golden1

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 02:43 AM

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#313 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 02:55 AM

th4t's wh4t sh3 s41d

~~~ ??? ~~~
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#314 violetechos

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:06 AM

Subscribed !

Edited by violetechos, 02 January 2014 - 03:19 AM.

#315 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:20 AM


Same here.
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#316 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:24 AM

in case you missed the thread ~ http://www.longecity...240#entry633390
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#317 violetechos

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:42 AM

in case you missed the thread ~ http://www.longecity...240#entry633390

I don't get it.

#318 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:48 AM

lol i guess the idra~21 is starting to wear off, sorry, --verbose mode is turning off, going into ~~music mode. go watch some videos if you're still having trouble:

#319 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:53 AM

know anyone who has passed away recently? write their name on a candle and burn it. you'll like me more when i'm team water than when i'm team fire. trust me on this.

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#320 tritium

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 03:57 AM

I took 117mg yesterday and had a bubble bath and it cleaned my brain of noise, it helped me calm down racing thoughts, it helped me sleep peacefully and calmly...

Can you post a summary of your post? I'm lacking enough dopamine right now to read the whole thing.

#321 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:07 AM

I took 117mg yesterday and had a bubble bath and it cleaned my brain of noise, it helped me calm down racing thoughts, it helped me sleep peacefully and calmly...

Can you post a summary of your post? I'm lacking enough dopamine right now to read the whole thing.

it's the video game of life and once again team water has to prove the point of why we make up 2/3 - 3/4 of planet earth and the human body.

go drink some ice water, take a hot shower, and then watch some movies or listen to some music. and if you know someone who has died recently, write their name on a candle and burn it.

if you think it's time to start a family then go make babies.

if you've been putting off looking for a partner, sign up for a dating site

if you've been putting off some creative project, go work on it now, with whatever resources you have available

if you hate your job then it's time to start looking for a new one.

what are your new year's resolutions? log off the internet and start working on them. i'm tired of web~goddess mode, i want to align with sound~goddess mode. english is tedious. i'd rather be writing software for musicians and making instrumental music that i release for free on sound~cloud

if you can't handle id~ra~21 then go take a shit, otherwise get off the pot. this is RA's domain, the sun god, so if you die and go to heaven, you can dance around as flames of hydrogen in the sun. if you want an ice age and want to freeze and go to hell well, dinosaurs seemed fun for a while, but they got boring.

if people around you start dying off, guess what they're not really gone, their soul merging with the next batch of babies being born. if you want to keep your contracts with the dead then align with those forces, they'll be your babies when you're ready to have them, if not maybe it's time to let them go?

National Security Agency || natural~selection~agency ???
corey rudl || paul~walker ???
internet marketing center || my~net~marketing center ???
iTunes || sound~cloud ???
GNU || good~natured~unity ???
eCash || bit~c01n ???
wall street || indie~go~go ???

i'm just one of the friendly garbage collection robots here, taking the old code, virus cleaning it, and sticking it into new code. help me do my job by cleaning up whatever garbage you have in your life, physical, spiritual, emotional, whatever.

i'm just trying to align the "real world" with the AI simulation. that's my job. i'm with the nsa, you know the natural selection agency. and i've chosen to align with id~ra~21 and prl~8~53. if you like music and movies and video games and you enjoy the immersion of this simulation then start focusing on the types of things you'd like for us to change for you.

i mean some of us would like to join the United Federation of Planets and go do some Space Exploration, right?

i don't know, it's been over a decade since i put out that song.


i started working on a remix, but somewhere some jenkem distracted me:


maybe i was too busy screwing around turning bitc01n from worthless to $1000 a coin. and now i'm going to bury the eCash idea since i just don't feel like doing it anymore.


i don't even feel like writing the manifesto. i'm just going to encode my thoughts into sound.

Edited by katimaya, 02 January 2014 - 04:16 AM.

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#322 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:22 AM

~~~ ??? ~~~
if you need me, text me, if you don't have my #, sorry, i'm unavailable. maybe if you PM me i'll give you my number, when i get around to checking PMs. priority goes to ID~RA~21 and Peace~Respect~Love~8~53.
~~~ ??? ~~~
~~~ must be something in the water ~~~
~~~ ??? ~~~


i'll respond to emails which start with ~@yourdomain.???

the ~ character doesn't work for your email? sorry about that. still debugging the ~~~ ??? ~~~

guess you can email me from gmail.com, but that gets lower priority than ~@

you can use i.am@yourpreferredname.me|com|net if you want.

my email is ~@SoundGoddess.me


Edited by katimaya, 02 January 2014 - 04:24 AM.

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#323 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:29 AM

~~~ ??? ~~~ https://soundcloud.c...ace-exploration ~~~ ??? ~~~
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#324 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 04:55 AM

~~~ ??? ~~~

--verbose = 0
--tweet = 1


~~~ ??? ~~~
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#325 golden1

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 06:24 AM

thanks, I see. makes sense now.
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#326 hathor

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 06:29 AM

thanks, I see. makes sense now.

you are quite welcome my friend. have a nice day, and good luck :)

~~~ count bot ~~~
characters: 67
words: 13
lines: 1
~~~ ??? ~~~
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#327 nickthird

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Posted 02 January 2014 - 02:27 PM

Actually as an output of people on IDRA-21 this thread is coming along nicely. These rants provide much stronger evidence of a mental state than subjective self-descriptions.

I think it's safe to assume that IDRA-21 may aggravate preexisting psychotic symptoms.
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#328 Ekscentra

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 03:52 PM

Yes Nick, that is exactly what I was getting at. In order to respond properly to IDRA-21, I feel that one must be in as positive a mental state as possible. IDRA is very unforgiving in the presrnce of past traumas. Until these deep psychological issues resurfaced, I had responded positively to the substance. Once I'm in the proper mental state, once I've eradicated these issues at hand, then I'll be ready to try again. Until then, PRL and Colur will suffice.

Katimaya, you are absolutely insane. That was one of the most wonderful posts I've yet to read on these boards. In a more positive state of mind, the essence of your post shows exactly how I had felt over the first two months of ingesting this substance. For this reason, I cannot throw it away. There is much potential in this substance, but it must not be taken lightly. This, I feel, is one of the last nootropics one should take. Any underlying issues, any trauma you may have tried to suppress will come pouring out at the first opportunity. You must be ready to face this, and I was not. There are hits and there are misses. For now, this was a miss for me, but this is not strictly due to the substance itself. Clear up your problems first, then try IDRA. It's pointless and will offer little benefit otherwise. The drug alone is not dangerous, only your frame of mind while taking it.
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#329 golden1

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Posted 03 January 2014 - 04:06 PM

I was certain it was just a really entertaining troll.. a couple hints & internet memes scattered throughout (mention of jenkem...lol). Eitherway, enjoyable writing.

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#330 hathor

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 11:29 PM

I think it's safe to assume that IDRA-21 may aggravate preexisting psychotic symptoms.

Most likely, and it's probably not safe to combo with adderall either, which admittedly I did.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: glutamate, idra-21, nmda, health, memory, ltp

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