Here it is, IDRA-21
Posted 17 January 2014 - 12:47 AM
Posted 17 January 2014 - 02:12 AM
I feel that one must be in as positive a mental state as possible. IDRA is very unforgiving in the presence of past traumas.
yeah, I worked thru my PTSD on various psychedelics and entactogens before messing around with nootropics ... ID:RA#21 definitely is going to yank memories from the oddest places like something that happened in elementary school that you haven't thought about in decades, LOL. You have to be ready to really access your full memory banks, it will let you grab long lost memories.
Katimaya, you are absolutely insane.
Unfortunately, the docs agree with you; I'm officially diagnosed with schizo~affective disorder and adult ADHD. I just spent the first half of the month in the psych ward because I pushed things too far.
That was one of the most wonderful posts I've yet to read on these boards.
Aww that is sweet of you, thanks

Any underlying issues, any trauma you may have tried to suppress will come pouring out at the first opportunity. You must be ready to face this, and I was not.
ID:RA#21 isn't bad compared to LSD or 2c* or DO*. If legalities aren't of concern I'd suggest a low dose of mescaline or mdma to work thru the issues. ID:RA#21 mostly just surfaces stuff, but it does nothing to change your emotions of them, whereas psychedelic space can alter your perceptions quite a lot. I detoxed the brainwashing of being raised in strict mormon upbringing by comboing mescaline,mdma, and piRAcetam, while looping the book of mormon on broadway soundtrack...it was one of the most spiritually freeing experiences I've had.
Clear up your problems first, then try IDRA. It's pointless and will offer little benefit otherwise. The drug alone is not dangerous, only your frame of mind while taking it.
I have to agree, work thru any issues you have on psychedelics or entactogens or just CBT if you're not into that. I do my best to try to clean up the ID~RA#21 energies but when I sucked in all of the energies of everyone who was on it to try to new year's detox the negative stuff I ended up in the hospital. And I just can't afford to do that again.
I think that zypRexA works alright so hopefully at some point I can align that...I have already aligned RisperdAl with ID~RA#21, so those spiritual energies should be helping with the mental health stuff for people using ID~RA#21 now. But I can only do so much.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 03:22 AM
I was certain it was just a really entertaining troll.. a couple hints & internet memes scattered throughout (mention of jenkem...lol). Eitherway, enjoyable writing.
well i could die my hair pink and style it like giorgio tsoukalos, but i was being super cereal, as serious as i take life itself.
i mean they put me in the hospital for psychosis for the first half of the month, because they were taking life too seriously and it seriously screwed with my immersion in the game of life, since i don't like body cavity searches and such, but whatever. YMMV, i'm just trying to be consistent with my identity which seems to be in a continual state of flux since i'm water in human form.
this is my vibe at the moment:
for Xmas someone whose initials are B.G. sent me a free "employee" copy of 01note so i could share my notes on various nootropics and quantified self experiments via my skynet drive. which i'm happy to do with anyone on longecity, even though the only noop i have on hand at the moment is noopept, which i don't like that much since it seems to mess with my short~term memory.
Edited by katimaya, 17 January 2014 - 03:29 AM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:12 AM
I was certain it was just a really entertaining troll.. a couple hints & internet memes scattered throughout (mention of jenkem...lol). Eitherway, enjoyable writing.
well i could die my hair pink and style it like giorgio tsoukalos, but i was being super cereal, as serious as i take life itself.
i mean they put me in the hospital for psychosis for the first half of the month, because they were taking life too seriously and it seriously screwed with my immersion in the game of life, since i don't like body cavity searches and such, but whatever. YMMV, i'm just trying to be consistent with my identity which seems to be in a continual state of flux since i'm water in human form.
this is my vibe at the moment:
for Xmas someone whose initials are B.G. sent me a free "employee" copy of 01note so i could share my notes on various nootropics and quantified self experiments via my skynet drive. which i'm happy to do with anyone on longecity, even though the only noop i have on hand at the moment is noopept, which i don't like that much since it seems to mess with my short~term memory.
I thorougly enjoy your posts. I don't know why some people were so combative with you. From what I've seen, piracetam can be addictive, and some other users on this and various other forums lend evidence to that statement. Katimaya, how are things going for you lately? Overall was IDRA-21 a good experience? I know how it is to be on the fence psycho-spiritually, and for me it's really interesting to observe other people because they don't even realize some of the things I'm experiencing while I'm around them (HPPD causes me to have some really odd symptoms). Things have been getting a little worse lately, so hopefully tampering with my LLLT and intranasal light regiment along with diet will aid some things (and hopefully HRV training), but I really need something to aid me quickly. I'm a little concerned about IDRA-21's effects on bringing about old memories just because I'm sure some things will arise from the event that caused me HPPD, and I don't think I'm currently in the state to deal with that (just yet). Thanks again for your intriguing posts.
Edited by BigPapaChakra, 17 January 2014 - 06:14 AM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:52 AM
I thorougly enjoy your posts. I don't know why some people were so combative with you. From what I've seen, piracetam can be addictive, and some other users on this and various other forums lend evidence to that statement. Katimaya, how are things going for you lately? Overall was IDRA-21 a good experience? I know how it is to be on the fence psycho-spiritually, and for me it's really interesting to observe other people because they don't even realize some of the things I'm experiencing while I'm around them (HPPD causes me to have some really odd symptoms). Things have been getting a little worse lately, so hopefully tampering with my LLLT and intranasal light regiment along with diet will aid some things (and hopefully HRV training), but I really need something to aid me quickly. I'm a little concerned about IDRA-21's effects on bringing about old memories just because I'm sure some things will arise from the event that caused me HPPD, and I don't think I'm currently in the state to deal with that (just yet). Thanks again for your intriguing posts.
hey thanks

I didn't have any direct negatives from my direct id~ra experiences, it just seemed to align me spiritually with the other users of it. It's when I started to combo with other psychotropics (namely adderall) that it seemed to take me off on a journey even as an experienced psychonaut I was ill~prepared for. I would say it meshes well with PRL 8-53 but I would be extremely careful mixing it with any rx medications.
I've not tried comboing it with psychedelics; it seems that my brain now defaults to a perma~psychedelic LSD~like state so I just have lost interest in tripping out anymore. The only thing on my radar now that is psychedelic is DMT but I'm not ready for that just yet. I guess I do still like nitrous oxide and DXM, and they're both easy to obtain from stores that are walking distance from me so I guess those are my vices, but I haven't comboed either of those with id~ra that I can recall (just going from memory and am not going to search thru my notes to see; but yes I do log every thing to the mg that I ingest). However I am kind of bummed that my recent psychotic break included flushing all my stash; I really do like DOC and mdma a lot and they were kind of a pain to obtain, so I likely won't bother to replace them anytime in the near future.
Things have been getting a little worse lately, so hopefully tampering with my LLLT and intranasal light regiment along with diet will aid some things (and hopefully HRV training), but I really need something to aid me quickly.
you lost me, what is LLLT and HVR training? the only thing I intranasal is saline solution spray to clear out my sinuses lol. feel free to pm me if you want to talk about stuff that isn't id~ra specific.
Edited by katimaya, 17 January 2014 - 06:59 AM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:59 AM
I don't want to change the topic of the thread, so I'll message you soon

Posted 17 January 2014 - 07:25 AM
Possibly ISRIB.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 07:37 AM
NMDA PAMs would be pretty interesting. May actually be helpful in my case of HPPD probably caused by extreme NMDA-antagonism. Not aware of Modafinil derivatives, but considering I haven't even used Modafinil I'm sure that alone would do me well in Uni.
Edited by BigPapaChakra, 17 January 2014 - 07:38 AM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 07:51 AM
I like NMDA antagonists, they work sooooo much better than SSRI's for me, which science has proven is mostly placebo effect. I really miss MXE, not sure where it disappeared to.
Honestly, as much as I like ID~RA for spiritual reasons, for actual pharmacological effects, like self~medication, 0x1~RA~cetam worked the best for me. ID~RA mostly improved my recall of stuff in the far past like childhood memories. It was less nootropic and more something that might be great for Alzheimer's research.
Edited by katimaya, 17 January 2014 - 07:53 AM.
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:08 PM
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:17 PM
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:23 PM
I'm going to give IDRA a try next week. What sort of dosage are people doing? I've had good results with PRL-8-53 at 10mg/day.
I didn't notice much til I hit about 20mg. I think that's probably a good safe starter dose, although I do generally recommend an allergy test of like 1mg or less before taking a real dose, just to be on the safe side.
Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:07 PM
Posted 04 February 2014 - 10:11 PM
Not to mention the backwards N which reminds me of Nine Inch Nails. Considering I occasionally have Trent Reznor in my head helping me with music I find this rather non~coincidental. And the drawing on the packaging is pretty damn psychedlic...which is unusual for a consumer product from a big corporation, but as far as big corporations go I generally get pretty good vibes from kraft foods.
Perhaps this is a sign that I should buy more ID~RA #21.
Posted 16 February 2014 - 09:01 AM
Can you please share some studies that prove its placebo?What is PAMs?
I like NMDA antagonists, they work sooooo much better than SSRI's for me, which science has proven is mostly placebo effect. I really miss MXE, not sure where it disappeared to.
Posted 16 February 2014 - 11:18 AM
Can you please share some studies that prove its placebo?
sure, is Havard prestigious enough for you?
Posted 16 February 2014 - 09:45 PM
Well that doesn't even mention SSRIs and is not an actual study itself but rather an article about a study... SSRIs do have antidepressant effects similar to placebo according to some studies, but their mechanism of action and psychoactivity/repression of emotion is most definitely not placebo. IME, SSRIs work because they blunt affect. You become less happy, and less sad. You become neutral. You aren't manic but you aren't hypomanic. Their therapeutic use seems to fall under their ability to weaken overactive emotions.Can you please share some studies that prove its placebo?
sure, is Havard prestigious enough for you?
Edited by katuskoti, 16 February 2014 - 09:47 PM.
Posted 16 February 2014 - 10:30 PM
Posted 30 March 2014 - 10:13 PM
Posted 30 March 2014 - 11:11 PM
Damn, wore out my scroll finger. I'd like to participate if it can be determined it's not contaminated. I knew there were lot's stim fans somewhere around here.
There is no group buy (at least that I know of). You can buy at at either NSN (New Star Nootropics) or Nootropics Depot; I believe they both have it in stock.
Posted 31 March 2014 - 12:11 AM
Damn, wore out my scroll finger. I'd like to participate if it can be determined it's not contaminated. I knew there were lot's stim fans somewhere around here.
There is no group buy (at least that I know of). You can buy at at either NSN (New Star Nootropics) or Nootropics Depot; I believe they both have it in stock.
Well this might be easier unless the group buy is an indicator of the necessity for a 2nd mortgage to get some. I'll check out those noot pages. And thanks quite a bit.
Posted 31 May 2014 - 07:36 PM
What a thread.
Posted 11 June 2014 - 08:30 PM
After even further extensive testing of IDRA-21, the results of which are posted in Bluelight's current B&D Nootropics thread, I've not changed my mind, but I can absolutely say that IDRA-21 has some invaluable uses. It is not, by any means, a cognitive enhancer in my experience. Unlike most of the other AMPAkines currently in existence, IDRA-21 doesn't have much of an effect on cognition at all in healthy individuals. Where it shines, however, is in individuals with cognitive deficits, temporary or otherwise. I've deliberately induced (relatively) minor brain damage by binging on Datura for 5 straight days (What can I say? I'm desperate for sleep. We severe insomniacs crave it like heroin after so long.) At the end of this experiment, I dosed 10mg of IDRA-21. After this dose kicked in, I felt entirely back to normal - no, in fact, better than normal! After 3 days, I slowly returned back to baseline - the one prior to my Datura use, that is. I've remained there for many months since, with none of the damage from that experimenting returning. Granted this is purely anecdotal evidence reported by one individual, and I didn't do any real tests unfortunately, but given that my perception of my positive cognitive state has held up so long, that could at least be said to be a fairly reliable subjective indicator of my overall mental well-being. IDRA-21, in this initial experiment, proved to me its worth, and as far as I'm concerned, this one absolutely deserves to remain in my supply for as long as I live.
The second experiment, attempted multiple times, involved the use of dissociatives, partially for my usual reframing routine carried out weekly or semi-weekly, and the other part to induce temporary cognitive damage, which, at least in the case of Ketamine, is known to reverse itself within 2 weeks. I know I'm taking a risk, but I see no reason MXE or DXM would not be the same. Now I wasn't aware of what IDRA-21 was doing during my DXM trips, but once I began using this substance after my MXE trips, that's when things got interesting. IDRA-21 dosed after the beginning of a MXE comedown severely diminished dissociative effects (although it didn't completely eliminate them save for once) and, more significantly, all cognitive effects reversed themselves. Once again, I found myself slightly but perceptibly sitting above baseline, even when I shouldn't be back to normal until at least a week after dosing. After this second wave of experiments, I really came to appreciate the potential of IDRA-21 for cognitive restoration.
The emotional amplification I complained about in earlier reports was completely alleviated through a combination with 10mg PRL-8-53, and this combination no longer seems to cancel out any of the positive benefits of the two now. Possibly an initial placebo effect due to my strong pessimism at the time? Perhaps, but I can say without a doubt that this combination seems to work wonderfully now. However, I do find myself preferring the popular PRL + Coluracetam combo by far over this one nowadays. I can only wonder how Fasoracetam and Unifiram might do in combination with PRL, IDRA, or Coluracetam. It's certainly an interesting thought, but I digress....perhaps sometime in the near future, I'll attempt this one. Of course, I also need to give Phenylpiracetam a shot as a possible amphetamine alternative in combination with Semax and Methylene Blue. So many possibilities there are in the nootropics realm these days! We live in a wonderful time to enhance our cognition, and I'm incredibly proud to be a part of this progress. We're not far at this point from achieving our ultimate goals as a community, whatever those may be. Immortality? Photographic memory? And best of all, my favourite impossibility, true multi-tasking? LongeCity, let us begin making the impossible possible. Let us begin to break the bounds of neuroscience and do things beyond even our own wildest dreams. With a bit of effort towards progress, anything is possible, even that which is not currently so. Impossible should be erased from our lexicon, a word never to be spoken or remembered again. To rid ourselves of the boundaries and achieve what all others would have you believe cannot be done, that is what I see as the goal of this community at large, in the broadest possible sense. With each of us working together as a unit, yet remaining entirely independent from each other, we can do things no other community is capable of. Glad to be a part of a community so progressive as this one. I can only wonder what the future will bring.
Posted 25 September 2014 - 05:22 PM
Okay, so I recently aquired some IDRA-21 from ND.
Subjective impression. I feel... sharper. I can remember things with a level of detail that I haven't had in a few years at least. Clarity and speed of thought are both subtly improved. Visuo-spatial sketchpad is much improved. It feels like I have more space inside my head for things.
Objectively, I have seen a gain on one or more scores within Lumosity and/or Cambridge Brain Science on every day that I have dosed the IDRA-21. This is not the case for every day generally, but I don't have enough data collected yet to be more precise about this.
It appears that Ampakines agree VERY strongly with me. Now I just have to find a better one. D1 is an option if someone starts making it. Otherwise, it looks like Aniracetam and/or Unifiram due to their actions at the 'A' allosteric subsite; according to Lynch et al in Ampakines and the threefold path to cognitive enhancement, ligands that act in a manner like those that bind at the 'A' subsite result in increased EPSP amplitude and an increased performance ceiling...
Ampakines and the threefold path to cognitive enhancement http://dx.doi.org/10...ins.2006.07.007
Posted 14 October 2014 - 05:23 PM
To those of you who have made references to PRL 8 53. Where did you get it from?
To those of you who have talked about PRL-8-53. Where did you get it?
To those of you who have talked about PRL-8-53. Where did you get it?
Posted 14 October 2014 - 06:22 PM
To those of you who have made references to PRL 8 53. Where did you get it from?
To those of you who have talked about PRL-8-53. Where did you get it?
To those of you who have talked about PRL-8-53. Where did you get it?
Wrong Thread.
These two threads discuss PRL-8-53
I purchased both my IDRA-21 and PRL-8-53 at New Star Nootropics.
Posted 15 October 2014 - 04:23 AM
Id like to be in
Posted 15 October 2014 - 05:03 AM
Id like to be in
There isn't a group buy as it can be readily obtained from online nootropic vendors.
Namely, these two (click to follow link):
Posted 29 September 2015 - 07:07 PM
Hmm this is interesting that demand/supply nearly died for it (?)...and this topic was taken over by few not really normal/healthy individuals and is quiet for so long
Did people move to something similar/better?
For the first time I've taken it alone (with no other substances, but I am under a long term influence of NSI, probably unifram and C60) and well, after an hour, I feel pretty much ok, a little boost maybe. Hard to tell how much was it, I'd say like 10mg. I don't think it turned on any past memories, might have induced slight fear that I carried over with me today (earlier), but I just said stop and it's gone so nothing unusual.
Can't test vision since it's dark outside. Not best comparison scenario since I'm tired after work.
It seems to me that I can write in english with more ease, more fluent, and with a slightly different style. Words seem to flow easier and I really like that.
So there was a paper that
The diazoxide derivative IDRA 21 enhances ischemic hippocampal neuron injury.
Which leads to a conclusion that if you have a stroke or seizure it will make the damage worse.
So a reminder: no stroke/seizure pls, and also no alcohol.
There are some reports from reddit saying that after initial boost, it's a road downhill - well brain can get tired and needs fuel, it's hard to stay on 100% for more than few hours. At least for me.
Next time I will take really homeopatic dose of few mg.
I've mixed it few times with other substances I use (not even sure which now - most likely NSI, PRL maybe Uni or Suni) and there was no panic attack etc.
Posted 30 September 2015 - 01:23 AM
Nowadays I mostly use LEF's Curcumin with N-acetyl Semax Amidate and ORMUS. These are easily the three best nootropics I've used, with the exception of low-dose psychedelics.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: glutamate, idra-21, nmda, health, memory, ltp
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