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jdtic kappa antagonist bulk/group buy

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#541 socialpiranha

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 10:13 AM

98% is considered pharmaceutical grade suitable for human consumption afaik, Jdtic might help your dp but it won't help the damage done to your brain, i would suggest cerebrolysin for that, or n-pep-12 i attribute my recovery in part to n-pep-12.

#542 Missjess

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 10:31 AM

ok im guys!! where can i pay for this? and how long will it take before we all get it...iam going to brazil on the 28th of this month do u think i will have it before then??

socialpiranha im not sure how much is damage and how much is just extra dissociation...dissociation is causing all my cognitive problems and more detachment from my body etc

i have had an MRI brain scan a couple of months ago and that came back all good....but if we talking messed up chemistry then Im not sure about that coz mine cud very well be messed up

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#543 addx

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Posted 14 February 2014 - 02:30 PM

missjess, research nitric oxide for your issues, it might be worthwhile

as for the group buy, i can add some more money if need be

Edited by addx, 14 February 2014 - 02:53 PM.

#544 neuroatypicow

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 12:26 AM

ok, i stepped up to help the group, and paid in for another share.
come on people, let's get this going. for those of you on the fence, jump down and make the sacrifice, even if it hurts. this has potential to induce a de facto remission of your affliction or at least enable all your other coping therapies work that much more effectively. it's worth eating ramen for a month.

#545 socialpiranha

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 01:00 AM

Thanks neuroatypicow we only need one more person!

#546 Jbac

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 01:01 AM

I'll pick up a few more shares if someone can tell me what we know about this proxy lab and how likely they are to get all scammy on us

#547 socialpiranha

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 03:19 AM

I don't trust anyone, all i can say is they are agreeing to purchase it themselves and send it in two shipments. After the first shipment(1/4) we will pay for 1/2, then they will send the remaining 3/4 and we will send the remaining 1/2. It's a way of spreading out the risk. They are a canadian company and have already made me sign a confidentiality agreement for their own legal safety, I trust business in my country it's very hard to get away with any trickery because of our heavy regulations and efficient law enforcement, plus people are generally pretty honest here.

#548 socialpiranha

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 03:52 AM

Since were so close now i've created a private group. If you have paid pm me and i will invite you to the group.

#549 Here_Now

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 04:22 AM

Socialpiranha, I have sent you a private message. Thank you!

#550 meatsauce

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 09:31 PM

I just paid so we should be good now right?

#551 socialpiranha

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Posted 16 February 2014 - 12:56 AM

Hey guys it looks like admin has to approve the group so i'll try to find out how long thats gonna take and get back to you. On the plus side it looks like we have enough money so we're going to cut off any further payment and get going on this.

Edited by socialpiranha, 16 February 2014 - 01:05 AM.

#552 addx

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 03:30 PM

wtf is this, first time I ran into it


any drugs that can "touch" that?

#553 socialpiranha

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 06:22 PM

never heard of it. Interesting though

#554 KieranA001

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 06:57 PM

wtf is this, first time I ran into it


any drugs that can "touch" that?

I think if you're thinking about getting rid of pain, then this looks promising ?


#555 tritium

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Posted 17 February 2014 - 07:27 PM

Here's a quick update on my experience of JDTic:

I'm starting to think that the effects may gradually increase through a day or two after taking it. So, I may have taken too much when I took a second dose on the same day and may be the reason for the negative effects.

I just felt a slight discomfort in my body which I can't really pinpoint the area. I also felt a little spaced out. Two days after my first dose and I still felt a 'glow' effect that's kind of hard to describe. Maybe I was starting to feel the good effects again from the first day now that the dose that was too large partially wore off.

Now, I'm taking a break off JDTic to see the residual effects and I think I'm doing fine. It seems like to glow feeling has mostly worn off, but there might be a slight increase in clarity of thought. There might have also been an increase in dopamine, but I can't be certain.

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#556 tritium

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 01:43 AM

A quick intuition can be refreshing - when it works. Sometimes fast action is necessary. But in many situations, we would be less stupid if we didn’t jump to hasty conclusions. Hopefully this will be a lesson to all of you whom were making defamatory comments.

#557 socialpiranha

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:20 AM

that's just an unlabeled vial and the data sheets which can be found on medchems site.
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#558 tritium

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:35 AM

that's just an unlabeled vial and the data sheets which can be found on medchems site.

You are incorrect yet another time. The particular datasheet I posted is not on the website.

#559 tritium

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 04:41 AM

Even if I showed the label and not show the powder, you'll just say I printed the label and attached it to the vial. You're ridiculous.

#560 Virtual Reality

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:38 AM

Even if I showed the label and not show the powder, you'll just say I printed the label and attached it to the vial. You're ridiculous.

I thought u said to me that u sold it to a other person.(jdtic)

Edited by alex921, 18 February 2014 - 11:39 AM.

#561 penisbreath

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 12:13 PM

I know this is kind of a grey-area at the moment, but is anyone able to speculate on what other psychotropics might interact negatively with JDtic/kappa antagonism ..?

Because of the heart stuff, someone expressed caution about a TCA, and I'm guessing that reserve might naturally extend to MAOIs too ..

But things like SSRIs, mood-stabilizers ..? Stimulants?

I've seen moderate doses of Suboxone prescribed in psychotropic cocktails, so presume kappa antagonism in and of itself can't pose a serious interaction risk? Unless the opiate agonism mitigates some of that ..

#562 Strangelove

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 08:53 PM

Guys have you tried sourcing it from moleport?


Sorry I do not have time to search it, just a quick info on it. Years ago I was trying to source a hard to find chemical, I had the same issue with all the sources I tried as social piranha mentions (nessecery paperwork...). I found moleport, they used to be an intermediary (I do not know if anything changed by now) for larger companies, getting a fee for their services in acquiring and reselling the chemical needed. I did not buy anything from them, but I remember they used to be really easy on the "credentials" needed.
I do not remember all the details of what they wanted, but I clearly remember that they were very helpful in completing your purchase... Sorry again that I am not more helpful, but check it out, maybe it worths it.

#563 celebes

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Posted 18 February 2014 - 11:51 PM

Via Remon: http://www.rti.org/p...ster-poster.pdf

#564 socialpiranha

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Posted 19 February 2014 - 06:44 AM

Thanks strangelove i did try to order from them with no luck. It has already been ordered and i am confident about it working out well.

Can someone look into having it analyzed by a third party i am low on time and my efforts to find a place haven't panned out yet.

Sorry my private groups still haven't been approved by the mods , i think the staff is pretty limited here unfortunately.

#565 addx

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Posted 19 February 2014 - 12:28 PM

I had a shroom trip two days ago, my first one. Listened to infected mushroom CDs and flew into "emotion universe" for an hour or two, eyes closed music blasting through the entire mind, pulling you, twisting you, taking you, body dissolved into lightness of nothing(swimming in serotonin) etc.

I'm feeling somewhat different since then, it's like it reduced my neuroticism 10 fold. No emotional overreactions causing compulsive/limited/neurotic thinking in giving a reply to someone etc. Most obvious change was ability to look people in the eyes. It was just so natural, I just noticed that I'm actually looking at people with no fear as if they'll see into my soul. Shrooms made me somehow more "plain" - grounded. They seem to reduce repeating thoughts, negative repeating thoughts or whatever, negative thought loops. Reduce might not even be the right word. It like right when the negative thinking is about to occure it gets overriden by a "transient serotonergic defocusing feeling" which completely preempts the frustration that is about to happen

It does seem to be wearing off, now 3rd day already... seems like a similar timespan to ketamine/salvia "antidepressant effects".
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#566 Remon

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Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:36 PM

Now that the thing has been ordered maybe we could discuss what amounts of JDTic we should try.

Does anyone has any idea what would be a good start?

I mean I don't even know if we should be in the 10 microgram or the 1 milligram kind of range.

I really wonder what doses give what percentages of KOR antagonism in the brain. Could there be a rat study result of this? Cause I fear they are useless since they always give huge amounts to the poor animals (like 10mg/kg body weigt for JDTic), which can not be easily compared to a human dose (also because they have a different rate of metabolism). Maybe we should just depend on the only human trial and assume 1mg is a good amount, but what if a tenth would give the same effect? would be a huge waste of money to take 1mg in that case....

Edited by Remon, 19 February 2014 - 02:41 PM.

#567 Steve Zissou

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Posted 19 February 2014 - 11:17 PM

Not really sure this belongs in here but I can't see any other active threads so I'll post it here.

I have ended up buying some savlia tincture and some savlia tea leaves. I will try sublingually administration daily, and post results in this thread. I'm not aiming for a dose which will make me lose touch with reality, hopefully I can get a good dose sublingually without the major dissosiative effects.

#568 celebes

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Posted 20 February 2014 - 12:20 AM

I have ended up buying some savlia tincture and some savlia tea leaves. I will try sublingually administration daily, and post results in this thread. I'm not aiming for a dose which will make me lose touch with reality, hopefully I can get a good dose sublingually without the major dissosiative effects.

The degree of kappa downregulation should be proportional to the disassociation caused. That said, I hope chronic dosing works too.

#569 KieranA001

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Posted 20 February 2014 - 08:22 AM

Not really sure this belongs in here but I can't see any other active threads so I'll post it here.

I have ended up buying some savlia tincture and some savlia tea leaves. I will try sublingually administration daily, and post results in this thread. I'm not aiming for a dose which will make me lose touch with reality, hopefully I can get a good dose sublingually without the major dissosiative effects.

It depends on how resistant the individual is. I can smoke 5X Salvia without tripping, although I do get slight psychosis for about 30 seconds after inhaling a whole cigarette filled with 5X.

I tried 10X but that will cause you to "break through" into another world. Stick with 5X or the leaves.

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#570 Remon

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Posted 20 February 2014 - 08:42 AM

This is interesting as well: http://journals.camb...ine&aid=1706188

Kappa Agonism seems to be very effective at stopping mania.
Another indication that JDTic will probably be very beneficial for unipolar depression.

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