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jdtic kappa antagonist bulk/group buy

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#211 formergenius

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Posted 09 January 2014 - 09:48 PM

I was just thinking this, but then I remembered this had already been discussed and that JDTic corrupts/destroys the receptors. They will eventually up-regulate, but apparently that takes quite a while. Whether or not this would cause for tolerance, I can't say, but there doesn't seem to be anything to indicate so. Though I guess if it does, you could always smoke a bowl of Salvia to correct things once in a while.

Edited by formergenius, 09 January 2014 - 09:49 PM.

#212 therein

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:07 AM

I am interested in this group buy. What is our current status?

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#213 formergenius

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:15 AM

Currently interested people are listed here (add fanta2y and yourself to the list).
Other than that we're still begging looking for someone to host the group buy...
KieranA001 and I have been exchanging PM's on how to do this for a while now, but if you've any suggestions to add, please do!
edit: Just saw your post in the 7,8-DHF thread.. any chance that offer applies to this group buy as well? Would most certainly help!

Edited by formergenius, 10 January 2014 - 12:20 AM.

#214 therein

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:29 AM

Currently interested people are listed here (add fanta2y and yourself to the list).
Other than that we're still begging looking for someone to host the group buy...
KieranA001 and I have been exchanging PM's on how to do this for a while now, but if you've any suggestions to add, please do!
edit: Just saw your post in the 7,8-DHF thread.. any chance that offer applies to this group buy as well? Would most certainly help!

Certainly. If you can find a legitimate/trustworthy supplier that is willing to ship only to customers with university email addresses, and to physical locations nearby college campuses, I would be happy to initiate contact and try to accelerate the process.

Edited by therein, 10 January 2014 - 12:30 AM.

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#215 formergenius

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:48 AM

Awesome news! That should definitely help, thanks!
Assuming 5mg is an active dose, if everyone gets ~55.5mg's, we only need a gram, and that should be more than enough to determine efficacy.
To be honest, because of these regulations, I haven't really looked in to suppliers that much myself. However, suffice to say it would be preferable to work with a supplier that has provided for other group buys before. Perhaps members who have coordinated such events in the past would like to divulge this information (via PM if necessary)?
In any case; I'll try to find a trustworthy supplier myself in the meantime.
Lastly; would you mind dividing and shipping out, or would you prefer someone else to handle that?

#216 therein

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 01:00 AM

Awesome news! That should definitely help, thanks!
Assuming 5mg is an active dose, if everyone gets ~55.5mg's, we only need a gram, and that should be more than enough to determine efficacy.
To be honest, because of these regulations, I haven't really looked in to suppliers that much myself. However, suffice to say it would be preferable to work with a supplier that has provided for other group buys before. Perhaps members who have coordinated such events in the past would like to divulge this information (via PM if necessary)?
In any case; I'll try to find a trustworthy supplier myself in the meantime.
Lastly; would you mind dividing and shipping out, or would you prefer someone else to handle that?

I wouldn't mind dividing and shipping at all. I have dealt with weighing out milligram quantities before, it should be fine.

When it comes to reliable suppliers from previous group buys, I know that ScienceGuy has contacts at a reputable synthesis company. We worked with them before for the NSI-189 group buy, and we had no problems thanks to ScienceGuy.

They have been restructuring their company lately so they weren't able to meet the deadline for PRL-8-53, but they are trustworthy, and offer refunds in case they end up not being able to synthesize the material. They had a purity issue with PRL-8-53, so they ended up telling us what happened. They could have easily shipped it out but they chose to inform us. The only problem is, as far as I remember, they are located in Poland. Just an option to keep in mind. :)
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#217 formergenius

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 01:21 AM

Double awesome!
Yes, I know which company you speak of; I have contacted them in the past with no replies (for another substance, was probably due to my requesting of too small of an amount / email address used). As for the location; I assume they abide by the aforementioned prerequisites etc. so I assume it must ultimately be shipped out to you either way..
Would you mind contacting them for a quote?

#218 therein

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 01:30 AM

Double awesome!
Yes, I know which company you speak of; I have contacted them in the past with no replies (for another substance, was probably due to my requesting of too small of an amount / email address used). As for the location; I assume they abide by the aforementioned prerequisites etc. so I assume it must ultimately be shipped out to you either way..
Would you mind contacting them for a quote?

I wouldn't mind it at all. I don't have their contact information, though. ScienceGuy was our point of contact. PM me their information and I'll take care of it tomorrow.
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#219 Virtual Reality

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:11 PM

Count me in aswel!
Ive emailed v3ritatis about JDTic, he is said he is able to supply JDTic for us.
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#220 therein

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 12:27 PM

I have just emailed the custom synthesis laboratory from my university email address. Let's see if/when they get back to us.
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#221 formergenius

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 02:32 PM

Thanks therein! So to sum it up, we know have 20 interested, and 2 possible suppliers. It would be nice if veritatis would post here with details.
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#222 totflare

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 04:52 PM

I am also interested in this.

#223 datrat

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 05:55 PM

Please include me in on this one as well.

#224 KieranA001

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 07:36 PM

This is great news. I wonder if their is a way to slow down the process of the Kappa receptor growing back as quickly instead of smoking Salvia. Hmm, does that mean it will cause more anxiety after a long period of use? I think it's best to keep this stuff at a very low dose, so that you don't get as tolerant to it, (So the receptor site doesn't grow back stronger) as quickly. The less you use over a longer period of time, the more resilient it will be, right ?

200 micrograms is the dose I've heard to be the most effective. It's pretty soluble in water so it might be good to make a tincture out of it, maybe ? :-)

Edited by KieranA001, 10 January 2014 - 07:37 PM.

#225 Virtual Reality

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 10:40 PM

This is great news. I wonder if their is a way to slow down the process of the Kappa receptor growing back as quickly instead of smoking Salvia. Hmm, does that mean it will cause more anxiety after a long period of use? I think it's best to keep this stuff at a very low dose, so that you don't get as tolerant to it, (So the receptor site doesn't grow back stronger) as quickly. The less you use over a longer period of time, the more resilient it will be, right ?

200 micrograms is the dose I've heard to be the most effective. It's pretty soluble in water so it might be good to make a tincture out of it, maybe ? :-)

Wow only 200 micrograms thats potent stuff lol! Thanks for clarifying though, the last thing someone would want is to overdose and suffer possible side effects.

What remains unclear for me, a dose off 200 mcg, does that mean you have to take it everyday?
Ive read somewhere that the effects may last for up to a month? Wouldnt you want to dose higher if you want to achieve this?

Ive had e-mail contact with v3ritatis, he said he is pretty busy right now. So that may be a long time. But he said he could synthesize it.

#226 KieranA001

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Posted 10 January 2014 - 10:48 PM

This is great news. I wonder if their is a way to slow down the process of the Kappa receptor growing back as quickly instead of smoking Salvia. Hmm, does that mean it will cause more anxiety after a long period of use? I think it's best to keep this stuff at a very low dose, so that you don't get as tolerant to it, (So the receptor site doesn't grow back stronger) as quickly. The less you use over a longer period of time, the more resilient it will be, right ?

200 micrograms is the dose I've heard to be the most effective. It's pretty soluble in water so it might be good to make a tincture out of it, maybe ? :-)

Wow only 200 micrograms thats potent stuff lol! Thanks for clarifying though, the last thing someone would want is to overdose and suffer possible side effects.

What remains unclear for me, a dose off 200 mcg, does that mean you have to take it everyday?
Ive read somewhere that the effects may last for up to a month? Wouldnt you want to dose higher if you want to achieve this?

Ive had e-mail contact with v3ritatis, he said he is pretty busy right now. So that may be a long time. But he said he could synthesize it.

I personally wouldn't recommend it every day. You're right, it's suppose to bind to that receptor site for about a month (I think). Here is the link I looked at:


it says to break the dose down. and I was wrong it was 100 micrograms although I've seen reports of people trying out 1mg up to 10mg unless I'm mistaken.. :/

Here is a quote anyway from the website:

One milligram was placed into a volumetric flask and dissolved in 10mL of distilled water. Fortunately JDTic is quite soluble in H2O. Its sub-cutaneous bioavailability is higher than when administered per os, but why bother. Every 48 hours 1mL is administered sublingually, this amounts to 100 micrograms, or one-tenth of the lowest dose used in the clinical trial. The effects are dramatic, yet subtle, like any good drug should be. As hoped, it is not rewarding in itself, but life seems richer and the days more infused with meaning. Life's events are somehow funnier. Music sounds better, and activities which I normally enjoy are even more rewarding. This includes social interaction. I begin wondering what life was like without JDTic. From this vantage point I'm not sure I really know.

Edited by KieranA001, 10 January 2014 - 10:50 PM.

#227 Puppeteer

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 07:14 PM

Could someone please tell me the current estimate of quantity/cost per person? Couldn't see anything concrete reading through the thread, but I might've missed it.

#228 formergenius

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 07:37 PM

There is none yet; we're waiting on a reply to a quote request. With active doses being so low, the more important estimate is what cost and not quantity.
If people could post an estimated budget for this undertaking, we could keep that in to consideration for calculating what we can spend on total synthesis.

#229 KieranA001

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 07:49 PM

Well I get paid in three weeks :( but I'll be willing to pay up to £80 or more if needed. (£120 tops)

#230 Puppeteer

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 07:50 PM

Hmm... Well I'm certainly interested (really don't want to miss the boat if this does turn out to be effective and have to wait however much longer for a second group buy) but would probably want to keep it under $100USD... If that's a reasonable budget, then add me to the list!

#231 formergenius

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 08:20 PM

Well.. assuming everyone's budget is around $100, that would mean our maximum total budget is around ~$2200-$3000.
It would be higher if some people would like more. This estimate is of course excluding shipping.
Personally my budget is 200 euros, 300 tops.

It seems to be a more than reasonable amount to cover a gram, but of course labs are more keen to synthesize stuff in higher quantities, so it might be that the price for a gram would be considerably higher than otherwise.

Perhaps the greatest obstacle is in fact finding a lab who is willing to synthesize such a small amount. But let's just wait and see for a bit until the lab replies before going further in to this.

#232 KieranA001

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 08:37 PM

Well I don't mind paying as much as you need, as long as it isn't overboard! Seen as you only need a small dose anyway I wouldn't expect it to be too much money. Over here:


They're selling 5 grams for under £100. Seen as you only need about 100mcg for a single dose I wouldn't thought it would cost a lot of cash. Although, I wouldn't mind buying at least 5 grams anyway even if it's more than £100.

#233 formergenius

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Posted 11 January 2014 - 08:58 PM

Sorry, but that's 5 milligrams, not 5 grams. 50mgs is about 900 dollars there, which is around the quantity we'd expect to have for every individual here, and hopefully for a much, much fairer price.
I have however seen a listing on Alibaba where a single gram was $111, though they've never replied to my message.
As for 100mcgs being sufficient for a dose; let's take in account that this was in an individual that did not experience any cognitive deficits, depression, or dissociation, so one could expect that for individuals with such an affliction, the dose required may be higher. With 5mg being the highest suggested dose I've seen in clinical trials etc., my idea was to hopefully provide at least multiple 5mg doses, which would certainly be sufficient to accommodate everyone's research needs.

That said, if everyone is fine with buying 2.27mgs at $42,50, or 5mgs for ~$90, we could simply buy from them.
If that's enough to determine efficacy, then of course we could coordinate a bigger group buy after that.
These were just some suggestions though; if you've any thoughts, please do share :)

edit: They also state they provide substantial discounts for larger orders; those prices I made were just estimates based off of buying 50mg divided by 22 people.

Edited by formergenius, 11 January 2014 - 09:01 PM.

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#234 AWATS

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 01:44 AM

I'd like in on this too, if there's room still.

#235 meatsauce

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 02:06 AM

I really want us to have this ASAP. From the experience report of it it seems amazing. I love being extra Happy!

#236 formergenius

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 03:07 AM

I'd like in on this too, if there's room still.

Yes there is! 23 and counting now :)

I really want us to have this ASAP. From the experience report of it it seems amazing. I love being extra Happy!

So do I.. Would be nice to feel happiness again. Or being able to remember my life for that matter.
Guess in the meantime we can work on finding another supplier in case this one doesn't work out. If anyone has any suggestions please do add your thoughts.

#237 socialpiranha

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 06:35 AM

I've just gotten a quote from a custom synthesis company here in canada who is willing to produce a one gram sample batch but they say they can't do it for any less than $15,000 due to labour and material expenses of the project. It would take them 5-6 weeks. I explained that i was an individual and they were ok with that as long as i signed a confidentiality contract. I have a feeling we won't find anything much cheaper unless a company has already made up a batch and needs to get rid of it.

#238 penisbreath

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 08:24 AM

if dosing would still be in the microgram range, then $15 000 is a lot, but not completely unattainable .. I mean, the original quote I got from that Chinese company was $6000 a gram, which would have given each participant about a 250 day supply for $200 (pending dosing is done each alternative day) .. so here, you'd be paying like $500 instead ..

though formergenius did speculate we might need a higher dose, though again people might only need to dose once a week or whatever, so there are a lot of variables

I would personally be willing to pay that much
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#239 KieranA001

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 08:34 AM

I think we should see what the other companies have to say before we go with that one. We might get it cheaper, and quicker if they have already made it. :)

I think we should set a deadline for the other companies to contact us within a time period.

Edited by KieranA001, 12 January 2014 - 08:35 AM.

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#240 socialpiranha

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 10:27 AM

i agree, just not too hopeful of that happening
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