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jdtic kappa antagonist bulk/group buy

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#241 therein

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 11:29 AM

I contacted two suppliers using my university email, but haven't heard back yet. No need to get worried, though, it is the weekend after all.

When it comes to the price, North American suppliers are notoriously expensive. While European suppliers are expensive as well, the Polish lab we contacted may give us a good price. So is the other one.

#242 socialpiranha

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 12:23 PM

Yeah i just want to be careful we're dealing with a lot of potential money.. I don't really think trusting some banned member with 62 posts is the smartest idea. Verification is more important than price at this point. Myself and others have spent a lot of time and effort on this. Obviously $15000 is beyond our budget but i think it is a reasonable price for any legitimate custom synth. I remember scienceguy paid around that for his coluracetam synth which is a much easier project. I don't think we have the buying power for a custom synth our only option is buying stock. Medchemexpress chemexpress chemscene and maybe a couple others are the only places offering it in milligrams

All of these places require a business email and business address. So that's where we're at, either we find a company to act as a proxy or create our own company. I'm worried someone is just going to sweep in and say yeah i emailed them and they said yes...send me your money.
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#243 formergenius

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 01:46 PM

All good thoughts indeed, and thanks for that update therein.

One way of course to make it much more affordable would be to have double the people. Having 50 people would make the amount p.p. 20mg, which is still reasonable, and if in the case of $15, would make the price $300. The more, the merrier. However, we can't count on that happening.
The only company I can think of that might be willing to serve, as you say socialpiranha, a "proxy", would be Ceretropic. Unless there are others I'm unaware of, or members here might be willing and able to do so.

Also, that Chinese quote sounds reasonable, but then there's the question of authenticity. We'd have to have it tested by a 3rd party, totalling to about $260 p.p. excluding analysis fees and shipping.

As for $15k being a reasonable amount when taking the Coluracetam synth into consideration; despite that it may be an easier synth, remember it was also a much larger amount.

Indeed it might seem that buying it from a company whom already has it in stock might be a good way to go. The price may be higher, and the quantity might be lower, though on the upside we'd have it faster. All we'd need is a business..

But like therin said; it's weekend after all.

#244 socialpiranha

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 03:53 PM

Ok so i've spent a bunch of time and money registering a business and creating a website. It's pretty lame and bare bones nright now but at least i have business emails to send from and some sort of legitimacy. I'll wait a bit to hear if anything is panning out then message a few places.
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#245 meatsauce

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 06:02 PM

Good job socialpiranha. Your efforts are appreciated.

#246 Virtual Reality

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Posted 12 January 2014 - 10:33 PM

Indeed it looks difficult to find a good company who can do synthesize for us.
Ive seen countries mentioned like china and poland. But imo India is perhaps a country worth looking into. https://www.google.n...sm=122&ie=UTF-8

#247 therein

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 01:25 PM

I have heard back from one of the suppliers we contacted. They said they don't have it in stock at the time, but they would be able to re-make it in 6 weeks.

They are located in China. I don't want to post the company's name publicly for possible legal reasons. I'll forward their email to socialpiranha, formergenius and alex921.

They are asking for 5580$ for 1g.
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#248 lost05

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 05:23 PM

by the way, you may add me on your list of very interested people for purchasing the stuff,


#249 sweetniko

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:02 AM

I am just posting b/c I am interested. But, alas, I am unemployed at the moment. I still want to follow this thread in hopes that this chemical or compound will be available for purchase in small amounts from a vendor. I just joined this forum today and have placed 2 orders with diff vendors but have not actually tried any of these nootropics.

#250 socialpiranha

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:47 AM

Ok i have secured a source by proxy, I offered them double what the product costs to order it for us just to entice them. They would order from medchemexpress. So 50mg would be $1870. based on 20 people it would cost roughly $100 for 2.5 mg. At 100mcg that would be 25 doses. I think this is reasonable for a proof of concept first run. obviously we would have to work something else out for any subsequent purchases if it gets that far.

If everyone agrees to this i will find out how they want to proceed in terms of payment. I would want to suggest that they order it first then we pay 30% for a sample which we would send for third party analysis. If third party analysis confirms it we would pay the remaining 70% and go from there.
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#251 datrat

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 07:40 AM

sp - sounds like a very agreeable plan. Thanks for your work on this.
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#252 formergenius

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:24 PM

Hmm.. Yes I must say I am inclined to agree with this as well, I just want this stuff a.s.a.p. to be honest, haha.
I hope ~2mg is enough to determine efficacy. I still think 100mcg doses are a very optimistic estimate, seeing as it's based off of the experience of a healthy individual.
My only fear would be: What if the active dose is higher than the amount we receive? Then chances are that nobody will experience the benefits, and it might just be put aside as another fluke.
As for 3rd party analysis: Do you have a company in mind, estimated price range, and time it would take?
Other than that I'm down for doing this your way SP; I'm grateful that you've managed to secure this method of acquiring it.
What does everyone else think?

Benefits of this route are that it's faster and cheaper.

Edited by formergenius, 14 January 2014 - 01:29 PM.

#253 lost05

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:33 PM

for me it's all good

i just hope we've got enough people for this

#254 formergenius

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:50 PM

We do; 24 people so far, take in to account a few may drop out, that leaves roughly 20 people which is sufficient to accommodate the aforementioned price.

#255 socialpiranha

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:46 PM

I haven't had time to look for a third party lab yet, is that something you could take care of former? if not maybe someone else could? I spoke to david pearce a while ago and he said several people, including himself, confirm it is active below 1mg.

Yeah it definitely will be faster and cheaper, the quicker the better IMO every line of research i start keeps ending up at the same place so i'm anxious to get at it.

#256 formergenius

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 03:24 PM

Yeah I'll try to find one that is affordable, would be nice if others made some suggestions as well. Ah, I wasn't aware you had actually communicated with Pearce.
Hmm well I found this lab mentioned in certain Reddit posts for starters, might be worth looking in to. I'll keep searching.
I know here they are pretty expensive generally speaking.

Edited by formergenius, 14 January 2014 - 03:24 PM.

#257 KieranA001

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:54 PM

This is good news. I've heard that JDTic is water soluble, so I think I'm going to buy a 10ML dropper and some distilled water, fill the 10ML dropper with the water and place in 1MG into the dropper. Apparently 25 drops is enough, and equates to about 100MCG. Don't quite know how many uses that gives you, but that sounds quite good. Think it's about 10.

I want to be part of the group buy, but I get paid on the 1st of Feb... Does that mean I won't get JDTic ? :/

And thanks SP for your effort in securing a way of getting JDTIC. :-)

#258 formergenius

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:57 PM

If we are going about this by SP's way, then you should be able to join Kieran.
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#259 KieranA001

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 06:00 PM

If we are going about this by SP's way, then you should be able to join Kieran.

Thanks for the insight. :) Appreciated

#260 socialpiranha

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 05:25 AM

We are going to go ahead with it, It will be coming from chemscene(u.s) rather than medchem(china). $100 for 2.5mg

You can pay here :

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#261 penisbreath

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 07:59 AM

ugh, I'm broke. when would the deadline for payment be?

#262 lost05

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 08:08 AM

ok thanks
and about how many mg would be a daily dosage?

#263 socialpiranha

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 08:14 AM

ugh, I'm broke. when would the deadline for payment be?

end of the month roughly

#264 penisbreath

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 08:27 AM

could whoever's in charge of distributing let me know if sending to Australia will be okay ..

#265 formergenius

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 02:15 PM

lost05: Suggested starting dose is 100mcgs every other day.

socialpiranha: Great to see this starting up! I have a few questions though:
Do you have a maximum of participants/quantity, considering the price?
Is there a maximum quantity per person?
Does the price include 3rd party testing & shipping?

Edited by formergenius, 15 January 2014 - 02:17 PM.

#266 Puppeteer

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 02:30 PM

Uhh... Sorry to say it, but I'm really on the fence about this. $100 for such a small quantity with no concrete guarantee of considerable efficacy feels a little to risky for me, unfortunately. I'd be far more inclined to put that money toward 7,8-DHF.

#267 meatsauce

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 05:11 PM

Uhh... Sorry to say it, but I'm really on the fence about this. $100 for such a small quantity with no concrete guarantee of considerable efficacy feels a little to risky for me, unfortunately. I'd be far more inclined to put that money toward 7,8-DHF.

Try to make some extra money. 100$ really isn't that much. From what I read and understand, this compound, I think, has the potential to enhance life more than any other drug right now for a certain group of people.
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#268 meatsauce

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 05:28 PM

We are going to go ahead with it, It will be coming from chemscene(u.s) rather than medchem(china). $100 for 2.5mg

You can pay here :


We are getting the HCL form? JDTic-2HCL? If so we need to take into account the weight of the 2 hcl molecules for dosing if it is based off the free base form.

chemscene's website says that 50mg of JDTic-2HCL is 935$ 50mg/20 is 2.5mg and $935/20 is $46.75 not including the cost of shipping.

And then for sure we want to have it 3rd party tested? I would rather just go ahead and try it while we get it tested at the same time rather than waiting even longer! :laugh:

#269 formergenius

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 05:51 PM

@Puppeteer: Understandably so. We're still working on finding a better alternative. Unfortunately it seems that, for now, this is the best option; despite the low quantity it makes it affordable for everyone to participate, as well as being relatively quick. I was actually hoping that a paying member could make a group buy group, so we can have polls etc. and do this a bit more democratically and organized. That said, I'd still like some more details before committing to this myself. And my offer still stands btw ;)

@meatsauce: It was mentioned that we'll be using a "proxy" company; the offer was to pay double the original price as compensation for this service. Hence, $1870/20=$93,50.

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#270 meatsauce

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Posted 15 January 2014 - 06:32 PM

Selective κ Opioid Antagonists nor-BNI, GNTI and JDTic Have Low Affinities for Non-Opioid Receptors and Transporters


Edited by meatsauce, 15 January 2014 - 06:33 PM.

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