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(-)-BPAP Group Buy.

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#361 Multicultural Harmony

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 08:44 PM

Damnit, I hate reading. Im still stuck at pp638 when I wanted to finish my stack a day before yesterday. It keeps getting denser then suddenly I'm stuck reading about CLOCK genes and desperately wish I was reading something more familiar like about any 5-ht receptor.

Edited by Pitolisant, 13 January 2014 - 08:48 PM.

#362 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:24 PM

I'll start with my biggest issue, even though I've stated it before:

We have done no 3rd party lab testing for this substance. Ignoring safety concerns, any observations we make while under its influence can not be listed as an effect of BPAP until we know that is exactly what we are taking.

And why is that? :|?

Because I don't have large sums of cash to spend on costly an expensive 3'rd part tests. I offered my 1g sample for lab testing a while ago to anyone who could provide some viable form of getting the sample tested. Nobody said anything about that; but, everyone is complaining that I never got it done. Puh-leeze. :|?
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#363 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:35 PM

I am going to side with Yadayada on this argument (but not 100%). You have to realize he is the guy who gets these buys going. Did you ever volunteer to start a group buy?

Just because someone starts a group buy doesn't mean he's right or does it good. Yadayada seems to have fucked up multiple times (tons of promises, etc).

OK, now I want you to back up that ad hominem claim.

You also need to realize that when you enter an online group buy, which is managed by users on a forum that doesn't even support them, it's a massive risk. Sure, maybe Yadayada and/or the lab could have done things smoother, but considering most of us have done absolutely nothing to contribute to managing the buy, who the hell are we to criticize what he's doing wrong to the extent that you have?

You are the dudes giving money because someone says you're gonna get X. If you don't get it, the time span is fucked up, etc, you SHOULD complain.

Lol, this isn't a fricked FDI insured investment. This is "venture capitalism" on steroids. Anyone putting in money into these group buys should at least be doing so under the assumption that it can be 1. lost, 2. sunken in synthesis costs. Fortunately, for this group buy 2 happened; but, the supplier wanted BPAP for his own personal reasons and so shelled out cash from his own pocket, like a lot. Go look around for quotes on BPAP. You'll see some astronomical costs. There are no guaratees with these group buys. I hope you guys are aware of this by now.
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#364 lourdaud

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:42 PM

I'll start with my biggest issue, even though I've stated it before:

We have done no 3rd party lab testing for this substance. Ignoring safety concerns, any observations we make while under its influence can not be listed as an effect of BPAP until we know that is exactly what we are taking.

And why is that? :|?

Because I don't have large sums of cash to spend on costly an expensive 3'rd part tests. I offered my 1g sample for lab testing a while ago to anyone who could provide some viable form of getting the sample tested. Nobody said anything about that; but, everyone is complaining that I never got it done. Puh-leeze. :|?

ScienceGuy had offered to do the testing but you pissed him off by behaving like an asshole.
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#365 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:46 PM

I'll start with my biggest issue, even though I've stated it before:

We have done no 3rd party lab testing for this substance. Ignoring safety concerns, any observations we make while under its influence can not be listed as an effect of BPAP until we know that is exactly what we are taking.

And why is that? :|?

Because I don't have large sums of cash to spend on costly an expensive 3'rd part tests. I offered my 1g sample for lab testing a while ago to anyone who could provide some viable form of getting the sample tested. Nobody said anything about that; but, everyone is complaining that I never got it done. Puh-leeze. :|?

ScienceGuy had offered to do the testing but you pissed him off by behaving like an asshole.

No. He recieved a sample in vial solution. I'm not sure what exactly the situation was; but, after his knee-jerk reaction about suppliers from China being untrustworthy and only having problems with them, we seem to have parted ways after that. I'm happy and I'm sure he is happy too. For the matter my supplier offered to send him another sample, larger sample. However, ScienceGuy did not want to partake in testing the sample anymore.

Edited by yadayada, 13 January 2014 - 09:48 PM.

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#366 Multicultural Harmony

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:48 PM

Fortune cookie time!

#367 lourdaud

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 10:03 PM

No. He recieved a sample in vial solution. I'm not sure what exactly the situation was; but, after his knee-jerk reaction about suppliers from China being untrustworthy and only having problems with them, we seem to have parted ways after that. I'm happy and I'm sure he is happy too. For the matter my supplier offered to send him another sample, larger sample. However, ScienceGuy did not want to partake in testing the sample anymore.

I will make an effort and send you another sample personally if that is what you want to do away with any recent ill conversations. I just need your approval and exact details on how you want to proceed with this since I don't want to repeat what has already happened for that would simply be insane.

YAYAYADA, with the utmost respect you cannot have it both ways... and what you have said cannot be 'unsaid'... You have made extremely clear your feelings towards me, and have not once, but in fact repeatedly stated that you believe I have a HIDDEN AGENDA, specifically that "I have a strong material interest vested in holding onto some sort of leverage or dominance in the nootropic area" :|o

I want to make perfectly clear that I harbor no ill feeling towards you whatsoever, but your change of heart because you now find yourself inconvenienced does not change THE SITUATION that is of your own making... You have put this accusation out there... and it is unfortunately of the ilk that cannot be rescinded... and as a direct consequence of this SITUATION, I cannot any longer be directly involved; and I especially cannot be involved in the third party testing of this compound... this is the only way that everyone, including YOU, can be absolutely sure that there is indeed no 'funny business' going on... ;)

Like I have already said, I am very happy to help INDIRECTLY, by recommending reputable third party labs for you to use to carry out the third party analysis, wherein I have in fact already done so for you... wherein all you need to do is to spend a bit of time and contact a number of these types of labs to obtain multiple quotes for said analysis and if you completely this relatively simple exercise properly you will be able to source someone who is willing to do the analysis for you for hundreds as opposed to thousands of dollars... Good luck, and I wish you all the best :)

EDIT: I should add that whilst analysis via NMR SPECTROSCOPY (e.g. BRUKER) is the absolute ideal, simple confirmation of PURITY via HPLC would be sufficient in this particular instance; and it is a LOT cheaper ;)

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#368 Nattzor

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 10:06 PM

OK, now I want you to back up that ad hominem claim.

How about the amount people were suppose to get, the ISRIB group-buy (even though scienceguy had said he would just do shipping you wrote to him multiple times about doing most of the things). You've also said you were not gonna do more group-buys after ISRIB (I think it was), but seems to still volunter. You also seem to be willing to beg for money to pay some hospital bills, but at the same time participate in group-buys, that's not very responsible.

Lol, this isn't a fricked FDI insured investment. This is "venture capitalism" on steroids. Anyone putting in money into these group buys should at least be doing so under the assumption that it can be 1. lost, 2. sunken in synthesis costs. Fortunately, for this group buy 2 happened; but, the supplier wanted BPAP for his own personal reasons and so shelled out cash from his own pocket, like a lot. Go look around for quotes on BPAP. You'll see some astronomical costs. There are no guaratees with these group buys. I hope you guys are aware of this by now.

Oh right, just because this is a forum it gives you the right to do what ever you want. Sounds like a great plan, promise things, then not hold your end to it. If you can't deliver what is agreed upon, you should not do these group-buys, it's just scamming.
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#369 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 11:08 PM

OK, now I want you to back up that ad hominem claim.

How about the amount people were suppose to get, the ISRIB group-buy (even though scienceguy had said he would just do shipping you wrote to him multiple times about doing most of the things). You've also said you were not gonna do more group-buys after ISRIB (I think it was), but seems to still volunter. You also seem to be willing to beg for money to pay some hospital bills, but at the same time participate in group-buys, that's not very responsible.

As far as I know you aren't part of the BPAP group buy. So, what's your beef? Just want to butt-heads? No thanks, I'll point you to the brick wall to your left. Oh, and the ISRIB group buy is going fine. Still can't add up how two things became a TON.

Lol, this isn't a fricked FDI insured investment. This is "venture capitalism" on steroids. Anyone putting in money into these group buys should at least be doing so under the assumption that it can be 1. lost, 2. sunken in synthesis costs. Fortunately, for this group buy 2 happened; but, the supplier wanted BPAP for his own personal reasons and so shelled out cash from his own pocket, like a lot. Go look around for quotes on BPAP. You'll see some astronomical costs. There are no guaratees with these group buys. I hope you guys are aware of this by now.

Oh right, just because this is a forum it gives you the right to do what ever you want. Sounds like a great plan, promise things, then not hold your end to it. If you can't deliver what is agreed upon, you should not do these group-buys, it's just scamming.

You're funny. What do you want me to say? I'm sorry for net getting you guys 1g of BPAP? I don't get it.

For the matter, these group buys are a hobby for me, not a lucrative sort of source of income. LOL. I made tons enough off of Neuralstem while you were busy thinking that all up over the past months or so.

And, if there are any complaints (apart from 1 person and some other guy who has nothing to do with this group buy whatsoever) posted in regards to the way I handle things, I won't respond. My job was to get you guys BPAP and I did to the best of my ability.

Edited by yadayada, 13 January 2014 - 11:10 PM.

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#370 Nattzor

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 11:25 PM

As far as I know you aren't part of the BPAP group buy. So, what's your beef? Just want to butt-heads? No thanks, I'll point you to the brick wall to your left. Oh, and the ISRIB group buy is going fine. Still can't add up how two things became a TON.

Oh right, you did nothing wrong because I wasn't a part of the group-buy. I want the best for the community, i.e. they get what they agreed on. You had multiple "errors" on ISRIB (trying to "give it away" MULTIPLE times, almost ordered from another lab when you had a deal with the first lab, etc).

You're funny. What do you want me to say? I'm sorry for net getting you guys 1g of BPAP? I don't get it.

For the matter, these group buys are a hobby for me, not a lucrative sort of source of income. LOL. I made tons enough off of Neuralstem while you were busy thinking that all up over the past months or so.

And, if there are any complaints (apart from 1 person and some other guy who has nothing to do with this group buy whatsoever) posted in regards to the way I handle things, I won't respond. My job was to get you guys BPAP and I did to the best of my ability.

I want you to say that you're sorry and realise that you did wrong. If everyone acted like you people would order 1 kg pira and get 200g and they'd just say "Lol, you can't trust group-buys". Hold your promises instead of dismissing the complaints just because it's a group-buy.

Are you f-ing kidding me about the money? You have a thread, which you bumped TODAY that you beg for money in. So you made "tons enough", but still want "larger sums"? Should everyone post a "Please give me money, preferably larger sums" thread? You really should look into how you handle your finances. Instead of begging for money you could stop creating or joining group-buys, you'd pay of your debt (assuming you still have it) faster and would not need to beg for money. Just checked a few threads where group-buys are mentioned, here you are:
OSU-6162 (not sure)
Modafinil "successors"

NSI-189 (Done, I think)
Pitolisant (Done)
IDRA-21 (Done)
BPAP (Done)

And to not respond to complaints show that you're obviously not fit to handle the group buys. Your job was to get the BPAP in the amount you've decided with the others. The first NSI-189 group-buy seems to have gone well, PRL-8-53 seems to work fine too (no harsh tones, an organiser that seems to care what the buyers want), you could look at them for inspirations if you want to do proper group-buys.
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#371 Werper

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 11:41 PM

"I made tons enough off of Neuralstem while you were busy thinking that all up over the past months or so"

So you had money to invest in CUR while asking people to help pay for hospital bills?
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#372 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 11:54 PM

I don't know what Nattzor is on about. Werper, my investments are locked atm so I can't access them. As for the hospital bills, they are of immediate concern so I have to pay them up soon. I'm not going into details about my personal finances; but, if someone wants me to apologize for doing my best and getting a product out to the public from an obscure page on wikipedia with the help of a great supplier, they can shove you know what you know where. This is why I didn't want to participate in group buys. It started with Pitolisant where lourdaud first payed and then asked me every day for tracking and then said he wanted his money back because he needed it. I don't want to deal with such finicky participants and already told him to chill. I don't know what Nattzor is on about.

As a matter of fact you guys go ahead and make your own group buys. I'm really out for certain. I'm tired of dealing with self-important nobody's who feel I should apologize for putting in all the work while not baking a nice cake for them at the same time. I'll be finishing with the 7,8-dihydroxyflavone, ISRIB, and phenylethylidenehydrazine group buys.
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#373 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 12:00 AM

Not getting 1g of BPAP isn't even an arguing point. If you knew anything about furan rings and their quick oxidation you'd know that having 1g of it would be pointless. As for getting all willy nilly about DMSO, that isn't my problem. These are research chemicals and I'm no doctor. They're for research only, not human consumption.
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#374 Werper

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 12:03 AM

"I'm not going into details about my personal finances"

Listen Yadayada, Once you come in here asking for people to pay your hospital bills for you, You kind of owe it to them to "go into your personal finance details" or don't come in here begging for money, K. Why are your funds locked?
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#375 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 12:08 AM

I'll just be dealing with the rest of shippment to US participants, through Q did it!, for the extra BPAP and I have already provided tracking to overseas participants via DHL express. Other than that the group buy is closed.

I'll be locking this thread to participants only of the group buy from now on to post experience reports or they can do that themselves in a seperate topic, starting tommorow morning.

#376 Werper

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 12:09 AM

Yada, I am calling you out, I think you're running a group buy scam. For your sake I hope not. You certainly wouldn't want see a group lawsuit thread in the making.

Edited by Werper, 14 January 2014 - 12:32 AM.

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#377 Multicultural Harmony

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:00 AM

It seems like yada made an honest mistake as apparently some ppl seemed to receive their BPAP.

Give him credit for attempting to organize something, seems like he's got a lot on his plate atm, so bad timing on his part.

It does seem obvious that investing in this sort of thing would be an inherently, 'at your own risk' endeavor. Potential risk to your hamster for trying a new research chem as well as potential risk to the wallet if things fall apart.

I was hoping to read some reports on BPAP, but hell I'll settle for some virtual fortune cookies.

688wtf!?!? slow day /other shit

Edited by Pitolisant, 14 January 2014 - 01:01 AM.

#378 Werper

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:17 AM

"It seems like yada made an honest mistake as apparently some ppl seemed to receive their BPAP"

Only problem is that it is yet to be confirmed as BPAP. Hopefully yes. Now that it is mixed with dmso, it will most likely be impossible.

Edited by Werper, 14 January 2014 - 01:18 AM.

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#379 Multicultural Harmony

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:23 AM

Well, anyway... Back to my reading. :sad:

#380 Hebbeh

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 02:51 AM

For the record, I received my BPAP a couple weeks ago. 1 drop under the tongue sublingual provides a pretty strong stimulant effect for me and 2 drops has been the most I've dared dose. 6 drops would seem insane...at least from my experience...and at least sublingual.
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#381 sparkk51

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:52 AM

For the record, I received my BPAP a couple weeks ago. 1 drop under the tongue sublingual provides a pretty strong stimulant effect for me and 2 drops has been the most I've dared dose. 6 drops would seem insane...at least from my experience...and at least sublingual.

Agreed, I am inclined to believe it is BPAP, but it would be foolish to go about group buys believing and not knowing. Whatever it is, it is stimulating.

#382 Nattzor

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 09:18 AM

Just to be clear: I'm not saying that yadayada is scamming for money or anything, just that he's acting shitty. Not every job is met with positive feedback from everyone. You should learn from the feedback you get instead of getting really defensive. You've done a good job with organising group buys, but you're not handling it right. And begging for money when boasting about making tons of money on stocks is not the best thing to do.
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#383 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 11:48 AM

This topic is now open to participants of the group buy only. I suggest opening a seperate topic if you want to post experience reports.

#384 ScienceGuy

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 05:29 PM

Hi Everyone,

As YADAYADA has suggested, now that this thread has been password protected (???) I have started a new thread for the continuance of all discussions relating to BPAP and for participants in the Group Buy to post their feedback such that it can be viewed by all, which you can find HERE:
(-)-BPAP Discussion & Experience Feedback :)

#385 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 12:25 AM

I've removed the password from the topic. The group buy is over so I guess you can post anything BPAP related here or any similar compounds anyone might have come across. I hope some universities start more studies on synthetic mesencephalic enhancer substances. I'm not replying to anything in regards to the above posts.

#386 ScienceGuy

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Posted 16 January 2014 - 11:32 AM

I would like to suggest that instead of focusing on the negative, we all think positively about the way forward regards future Group Buys, learn from what has gone wrong with respect to this particular one, and take appropriate preemptive measures when managing other future Group Buys so as to avoid the same issues and pitfalls occurring.

With this in mind I have set up a new thread with the objective being to discuss, decide upon and establish GROUP BUY RULES & PROTOCOL that are to be followed and adhered to when carrying out and organising future Group Buys within the LONGECITY community.

The intention here is that by adhering to said GROUP BUY RULES & PROTOCOL the likelihood of the Group Buy proceeding to its conclusion smoothly and according to plan will be maximised; and it will also help to maintain good relations between everyone involved, throughout the Group Buy process.


BTW now that this Group Buy is over I recommend that the OP asks a LONGECITY MODERATOR to lock this thread to prevent any further posts being made... Any and all future discussion and feedback regarding BPAP should occur over in THIS thread: (-)-BPAP Discussion & Experience Feedback ;)

Edited by ScienceGuy, 16 January 2014 - 11:36 AM.

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#387 Dominicus

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Posted 23 June 2015 - 09:10 PM

im a little late to the party, but will there be nymore BPAP group buys or a placeto purchase this?

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#388 Mian Ali Ismail

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Posted 18 June 2016 - 01:13 PM

.There might be a potential cure.Please refer to this thread.This is an enzyme which brought improvement in end stage AlLzhimers patient and he was able to walk again while he was almost  bedridden before and was unable to sit or stand on his own before.In the dose the patient was given he had no side effects.They say this might also help in other Neurodegenerative diseases.


NEW YORK, June 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Researchers at the Human Microbiology Institute (HMI) have uncovered a potential new Alzheimer's treatment that significantly reversed the late-stage effects of the debilitating neurodegenerative disease.

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160606/376069LOGO

The results, published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports, details the promising results that the research duo of Victor and George Tetz had in treating a 77-year-old Alzheimer's patient with the repurposed medication deoxyribonuclease I, an enzyme approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of mucus buildup in cystic fibrosis patients.

"Our results show potential for reversing the effects of a disease that dramatically impacts not only millions of patients around the world, but also their families," said George Tetz, scientific officer, at HMI.  "Our experimental drug has given one patient a new lease on life, and now we are continuing with our tests with the hopes of reversing the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease and other incurable diseases like dementia and Parkinson's."

According to the published case study, the male patient had been diagnosed with dementia and behavioral disturbance secondary to late-onset Alzheimer's disease 30 months before the researchers first saw him. He had been undergoing routine treatment, but his cognitive condition continued to deteriorate and he had rapidly progressing amnesia and behavioral changes.

The patient was unable to remember his name or family members, among other things, and had been diagnosed as terminal when his family agreed to try DNase I. Just two days after treatment began, improvements were seen. And he was soon able to recognize family members, dress himself, tie his shoelaces, feed himself and walk and ride an exercise bike.

"Treatment with DNase I allowed the patient to withdraw from a terminal state and resulted in significant improvements in cognitive and behavioral function, including the ability to walk and perform everyday tasks with near independence," said Victor Tetz, scientific advisor at HMI.

HMI, a non-profit research organization, is working to convert its work into a drug to help treat dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia and is characterized by a progressive loss of brain tissue leading to amyloid-b accumulation and severe decline in cognitive function. 

More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease. The cause of Alzheimer's disease is poorly understood, and available treatments are limited in their efficacy, particularly for patients with more severe symptoms.






Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bdnf, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, enchancer, joseph knoll

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