I'm compiling a list of activities the Lifespan Society of BC has held or taken part in this year.
January 12 - Movie Night in Yaletown #1 - In Time
January 26 - Movie Night #2 - The Fountain
January 27 - Impromptu Kits Beach Hike
February 10 - CryoBC Meeting
February 16 - Movie Night #3 - Sugar: The Bitter Truth
February 17 - Burnaby Mountain Hike
March 9 - Movie Night #4 - 2012 and the Fractal Brain Theory
March 10 - Open Planning Meeting
April 6 - Movie Night #5 - The Man From Earth
April 7 - Quarry Rock Hike
April 14 - CryoBC Meeting
April 28 - The Loma Linda Lifestyle of Longevity Presentation - Ketty Goudey - funding from LONGECITY. Thanks!
May 10-13 - Portland Roadtrip
May 11 - Introduction to Rejuvenation Biotechnologies and Human Cryopreservation - Portland, OR
May 12 - Resuscitation and Reintegration of Cryonics Patients - Portland, OR
May 25 - Movie Night #6 - The Cryobiological Basis of Cryonics - Brian Wowk
June 1-2 - Vancouver Mini Maker Faire
June 20 - Lifespan goes to the Theatre! - You Are Very Star - Electric Company Theatre
June 22 - CryoBC Meeting
June 30 - Mt. Seymour Hike
August 10 - Lifespan BC at the Beach - BBQ at Spanish Banks
September 8 - Annual General Meeting
September 30 - How Digitizing Humans Changes the Future of Medicine - Dr Eric Topol - Genome BC Event
October 19 - Movie Night #7 - Flight from Death: The Quest for Immortality
October 20 - CryoBC Meeting
November 9 - Movie Night #8 - GATTACA
November 10 - CryoBC Meeting
December 7 - 2013 Lifespan BC Conference
We are currently planning the 2014 events.
As always, if you're in the area join our meetup or facebook group to stay informed of what's coming up next. http://www.meetup.com/LifespanBC/
Edited by lunarsolarpower, 14 January 2014 - 03:41 AM.