Does PKR inhibitor C16 could give photographic memory safely? Let's find out!
Posted 09 October 2013 - 01:04 PM
Posted 09 October 2013 - 02:02 PM
Posted 09 October 2013 - 02:04 PM

Posted 09 October 2013 - 10:55 PM
Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:07 AM
Posted 10 October 2013 - 11:55 AM
Posted 10 October 2013 - 12:02 PM
Posted 10 October 2013 - 11:51 PM
Posted 11 October 2013 - 12:04 AM
Posted 11 October 2013 - 01:08 AM
Posted 11 October 2013 - 02:13 AM
Posted 31 October 2013 - 05:02 AM
Posted 31 October 2013 - 11:20 PM
Posted 31 October 2013 - 11:22 PM
Posted 12 November 2013 - 08:45 PM

Posted 13 November 2013 - 01:55 AM
Posted 13 November 2013 - 08:35 AM
Well I got my PRL-8-53... Waiting on a mg scale to arrive so I can be ready after the anecdotal reports on it start coming in. Anyone tried it yet? That 80 music video made it look like the original placebo or something lol.
I was referring to JPC16's PKR inhibitor

Posted 14 November 2013 - 02:50 AM
Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:21 PM

So any updates?
Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:30 PM
I sent Googltarian a PM. Hope he replies soon.How is it going? A post earlier in the thread said that we would have this before ISRIB and ISRIB should come this week
So any updates?
Posted 19 November 2013 - 06:39 PM
How is it going? A post earlier in the thread said that we would have this before ISRIB and ISRIB should come this week
So any updates?
I was supposed to receive the C16 today but Googoltarian didn't send it again. So know I am trying to get his attention again and I am hoping I can receive it by the end of this week.
And technically: The synthesis of the ISRIB should be done this week. That doesn't mean that we will have it this week. It will at least (I think) take another week before someone receives it from ScienceGuy.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 04:36 PM
Posted 20 November 2013 - 05:48 PM
I don't get it. Does he tell you why he cant ship it? I sent him a PM askign for a payment method for ISRIB; but, haven't even gotten a response yet. Pfft.How is it going? A post earlier in the thread said that we would have this before ISRIB and ISRIB should come this week
So any updates?
I was supposed to receive the C16 today but Googoltarian didn't send it again. So know I am trying to get his attention again and I am hoping I can receive it by the end of this week.
And technically: The synthesis of the ISRIB should be done this week. That doesn't mean that we will have it this week. It will at least (I think) take another week before someone receives it from ScienceGuy.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 06:15 PM
And before some people are claiming that im only egoistic or other nonsense-bullshit, I want to clearly declare that Im one of that persons who shouldnt get his hands on this drug. Why? Its not ma knowledge about chemistry or biology, its because Im new here and first of all I have to show that capable of handling such a substance and showing evidence that Im trustworthy.
Its about drugs like this that are the hope of a community like this, but they could as well destroy such a community.
SORRY for offtopic and I know for many people especially which wrote from page 1 to 5 it isnt adequate.
Edited by scitris, 20 November 2013 - 06:21 PM.
Posted 20 November 2013 - 07:20 PM
I don't get it. Does he tell you why he cant ship it? I sent him a PM askign for a payment method for ISRIB; but, haven't even gotten a response yet. Pfft.How is it going? A post earlier in the thread said that we would have this before ISRIB and ISRIB should come this week
So any updates?
I was supposed to receive the C16 today but Googoltarian didn't send it again. So know I am trying to get his attention again and I am hoping I can receive it by the end of this week.
And technically: The synthesis of the ISRIB should be done this week. That doesn't mean that we will have it this week. It will at least (I think) take another week before someone receives it from ScienceGuy.
I guess you've tried making contact with the company through their web form?
In comparison to some other members here Im really new on this board. But when I see how many "new people" are asking for the compound here at this topic I would be extremly careful. This substance is not a joke, not like a racetam where the dosage is greater than 200mg or a subtance with great range of administration. This shit could kill someone easily. I have seen enough people on this board who cant even read a scale right and thinking 0.01g would be 100mg (dont believe me? then look at the noopept threads). Im sure this compund hasnt such an intense and stingly smell like ammonia and dosages like 20 mg not in anyway. Unintentionally exchanging a glas is easy and in this case it could be your death. If such a case would go public (and we have to consider that this could really happen) and associated with an nootropic research drug AND OR this board, how fast do you think would this board be closed?! its very interesting how easily someone can get his hands on a research drug, but im sure it would be much harder after such a case, if it goes public, that im speaking of. Only people with enough/solid knowledge in chemistry/biology and trustworthy (thats a hard topic, but to simplfying this I would say regularly active and over X posts) people should get a chance to get this drug. Everyone who possesses this drug and will (in future) possessing this drug should precisly think about to whom he is giving this substance. Its a great responsibilty for themselves, for this community and for the person he is intending to give this substance. Threads like this should be more regulated. I know its shitty but for the sake of this board, it should be. Threads like this is no place for "newbies". And believe me Im a person who is for freedom and when Imtalking about to give some of this freedom up, then only because Im thinking it would be better for the well of this community.
And before some people are claiming that im only egoistic or other nonsense-bullshit, I want to clearly declare that Im one of that persons who shouldnt get his hands on this drug. Why? Its not ma knowledge about chemistry or biology, its because Im new here and first of all I have to show that capable of handling such a substance and showing evidence that Im trustworthy.
Its about drugs like this that are the hope of a community like this, but they could as well destroy such a community.
SORRY for offtopic and I know for many people especially which wrote from page 1 to 5 it isnt adequate.
The substance is to be dissolved in DMSO before being sent out to people. In other words, the concentration will be greatly reduced and the danger of overdosing likewise

Edited by Megatrone, 20 November 2013 - 07:26 PM.
Posted 23 November 2013 - 08:22 PM
If it is an issue, you can inject the solution (of course at different concentration) subcutaneously?
And as I understand, after dissolving it, the molecule can be stored at 4 celsius (as it becomes a lot more stabil, than the solution itself coming from sigma)?
Posted 24 November 2013 - 08:50 AM
Posted 24 November 2013 - 10:28 AM
Posted 24 November 2013 - 10:47 AM
Actually I have medical background, but I'm not a chemist.
This is really good, that you are worrying for the communitiy, and would like to add something. If this is the case, and you're not just trolling around, please add your practically useful (even if negative) knowledge to the current issue.
So, please, if you have a real idea, of how to let an agent administered securely (no matter, if it's about c-16, or FGL..), please be so kind, and make us clear.
I think, and hope as well, noone will use any chemicals (already used in medicine, or research agents) without clearing the background of the stuff, as I won't do so as well. And I don't think, it would be wise to use it on humans, before animal tests, did u ask me (or anyone else, how is it intended to be used)?
The topic was opened, to discuss a RESEARCH CHEMICAL, not vitamin-c, so what do you expect, there will only be people, with high chemical background, who would like to test them (even if on animals)?
Megatrone do you really think thats so easy? If we take a look at the first poster after our discussion, ergo at "zach". I think my concerns are more than appropiate. He is talking about a solution with dmso that he wants to put in capsules and then ingesting it per oral. I dont think that i have to say more. This is talking for itself. AND it will be my last post in this thread. The good thing maybe is that he wouldnt dying from the c16 thanks to your greatly reduced concentration, but there is a really good chance that the dmso would do the job.
Posted 24 November 2013 - 12:06 PM
For asking about to administrate this you have to know that this drug could be dangerous. But to know thats dangerous you have to ask for it OR researching for themselfs OR someobdy has to say it to them without they are asking for it. BUT the reality is many people are too lazy for this. Maybe they only hear at any place of this "miracle" drug. searching for this thread and jumping to the last page and asking where they could obtain it, without seeing that this question was answered some lines before a page before...
I have seen this many times. Because of that I dont think I am trolling. I am sure thats a real concern.
One more thing. Do you really think that the most people that are jumping in this thread are here to discuss this RESEARCH CHEMICAL? They are here to know if it does what they want and how to obtain it, nothing more. And SORRY but your sentence is ridiculous. You are trying to tell me, because its named RESEARCH CHEMICAL that people would be aware of the potential danger. If it would be so then it wouldnt be as a thread on this board. AND face it many people are here because of a movie ("Limitless"). I have read several times sentences from people on this board that they only want to reach that effect of that miracle drug and some people claim explicit that they want it at all costs. I could understand it if they had difficulties/problems/handicaps in their life that would make such a drug necessary because otherwise life wouldnt worth living for them. But here again reality is different many of that people have none of that handicaps.
Maybe you can now understand me better. If this drug would be a success in meaning it would do what they imagine it should do. How long do you think it would take till all sorts of people would ask for it? obtain it? consume it? how long it would take till someone would make an error?
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: c16, photographic memory, pkr, safe, inhibitor, ultimate, nootropic
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