Thx for posting the study.

Yep good question.
I do not know how much Coconut Oil it would take to completely eradicate these infections, or if its even possible with Coconut Oil alone. I was trying to be careful and not say 'cured'; hence 'treatable'.
This PDF lists research on coconut oil and the different acids, MCTs etc. found in Coconut Oil.
Searching the key words is a quick way to find links to the studies, but as I have to reload the PDF after each linkout I am not going to post each of them here; I don't have the bandwidth.
http://coconutresear...arch Center.pdfH. Pylori:Susceptibility of Helicobacter pylori to bactericidal properties of medium-chain monoglycerides and free fatty acids.
http://www.ncbi.nlm....cles/PMC163106/I’m H. Pylori Free!
http://grainfreeandf...-h-pylori-free/human papillomavirus (HPV):
I was incorrect, this is not a lipid coated virus and as such is not treatable with Coconut Oil or BHT.
Hepatitis B & C:Are both lipid coated.