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Unifiram thread

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#31 tritium

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Posted 01 July 2013 - 02:22 AM

Took 10mg and barely felt anything. About an hour later, took 50mg. Had a little bit of pressure feeling in my head and felt somewhat more focused, similar to caffeine, but without the physical stimulation. Took another 50mg an hour later with not much difference from the first 50mg. Overall, I still think the other racetams have better effects for me than Unifiram and Sunifiriam.

#32 Stormy

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Posted 02 July 2013 - 08:01 PM

Took two (slightly heaping) microscoops sublingually yesterday. (And just for clarification purposes, the single microscoop I took the other day was also slightly heaping - not piled into the stratosphere, but not completely leveled off either). I got the same mood lift I did from the single microscoop, but no other positive effects. I also got hella brainfogged for several hours and felt some pressure in my ears that didn't go away until late this morning and is still lingering a tiny bit. This wasn't painful or anything, but it was definitely noticeable - similar to the feeling you get when an airplane lands or takes off, but milder. I'm thinking Uni isn't the stuff for me. I get more positive effects from Suni and never experienced the ear pressure, even on the occasions when I took two microscoops.

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#33 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:33 PM

This morning I did the following stack:
200ug Methylene Blue
10mg Sunifiram
10mg Unifiram
20mg Noopept
200mg Phenylpiracetam
300mg Centrophenoxine
400mg Adrafinil
400mg Caffeine
1g Oxiracetam

I'd done the same stack before with either Unifiram OR Sunifiram and found it to be relatively stimulating, but the combination of the two totally blew the previous effects away. Sunifiram and Unifiram clearly seem to act in a synergistic way. Almost a bit too much, my reaction time was 182ms over 5 trials, and my forward digit span was 17 (both well better than baseline). Only problem was I got fairly jittery and anxious, more than 400mg of caffeine can explain. I did 10mg of Afobazole and 20mg of Propranolol, which fully took away the side effects quickly. Ultimately felt great, pretty much all the positives (and then some, scratch that, lots) of a high dose of dextroamphetamine (ultimately) with no side effects. Smooth comedown after about 5 hours.

x-posted to Sunifiram thread

Edit: I'm a trained professional monkey on the sodium channel blocker carbamazepine, so your results may vary, or result in spontaneous human combustion. Do this stack at your own risk.

Edited by 3AlarmLampscooter, 03 July 2013 - 04:52 PM.

#34 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:04 AM

I've got a fairly interesting Unifiram anecdote to share.

A couple days ago, I stayed awake 40 hours straight with the aid of Adrafinil (dosing 100mg every 3 hours). Generally some mental fog would persist while doing this, although this time I decided specifically to try Unifiram 5mg every six hours starting at the 18 hour mark. The results were pretty great, I absolutely couldn't tell I was sleep deprived throughout the following 22 hours. Then dosed 6mg melatonin and 150mg trazodone to put me out and slept a solid 9 hours, woke up feeling great.

When I say absolutely couldn't tell I was sleep deprived, I mean it. I had gone kayaking 15 miles in the first several hours of being up, which got me a bit physically drained. But I was doing highly precise welding work at +38h, which I'd never dream of on dexedrine or caffeine, and would be a big stretch on adrafinil alone.

Edited by 3AlarmLampscooter, 19 July 2013 - 12:09 AM.

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#35 Introspecta

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 04:02 AM

Interesting. I'm looking forward to trying Unifiram when it comes in. New Star said it was shipped out to them a few days ago. Not sure how long it takes. Anyone else experience with Uni? I'm surprised at how few reports there are when the samples sold out pretty quickly.

#36 MizTen

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 05:34 AM

I've been taking it sporadically for about 3 weeks. It is very much like Sunifiram but less stimulating. The two combine very well for me. Seems like there's no come-down or overdone effect when I take it about every three days for maybe two days in a row.

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#37 ThePhoeron

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 01:25 PM

I really should have ordered the sample sizes of unifiram while they were still available. It's taking quite a long time for NSN to get their full batch. Still waiting for the Coluracetam, too, of course.

#38 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 01:37 PM

Been using Unifiram, inconsistently for the last 2 weeks.

It definitely does something , i've been taking about 4-8mg of it (eyeballing with the NSN included microscoop).

Have coupled it with Sunifiram a couple of times too.

But basically, yeah it does feel alertness promoting, less stimulating.

Visual hallucinations are also hard to get (as with a high piracetam dosage) from Psilocybin while coupling it with Unifiram although there is an added depth to the whole trip and everything is so crystal clear.

Also the lethargy from smoking cannabis multiple times a day is also seemingly prevented from Unifiram.

But i've also drunk a beer or two on the same day as taking Unifiram and so far no profound negatives from that, but will really try to abstain from doing that.

But yeah,

my 2 cents

#39 Isochroma

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 04:37 PM

The cannabis news is excellent - thanks for the report!

#40 xsiv1

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Posted 19 July 2013 - 10:28 PM

I've got a fairly interesting Unifiram anecdote to share.

A couple days ago, I stayed awake 40 hours straight with the aid of Adrafinil (dosing 100mg every 3 hours). Generally some mental fog would persist while doing this, although this time I decided specifically to try Unifiram 5mg every six hours starting at the 18 hour mark. The results were pretty great, I absolutely couldn't tell I was sleep deprived throughout the following 22 hours. Then dosed 6mg melatonin and 150mg trazodone to put me out and slept a solid 9 hours, woke up feeling great.

When I say absolutely couldn't tell I was sleep deprived, I mean it. I had gone kayaking 15 miles in the first several hours of being up, which got me a bit physically drained. But I was doing highly precise welding work at +38h, which I'd never dream of on dexedrine or caffeine, and would be a big stretch on adrafinil alone.

That's an amazingly interesting experience. One that I wouldn't attempt, but nevertheless - awesome. I wonder if the same would apply with Suni.

#41 renodino

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 09:58 PM

Just got the news NSN has uni in stock. Order placed, research to begin soon.

Curious as to recommended dosage ? Various posts seem to say 3-5 mg, but that seems pretty small.

Edited by renodino, 20 August 2013 - 09:59 PM.

#42 ThePhoeron

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Posted 20 August 2013 - 11:44 PM

Yeah, put my order in today for 1g of the new unifiram batch, plus 100g of aniracetam, with EMS shipping naturally. Pretty excited to compare it against the suni.

#43 jdeer

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Posted 21 August 2013 - 03:28 AM

thanks for letting me know ill check it out and report back

#44 Climactic

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 01:16 AM

I stayed awake 40 hours straight with the aid of Adrafinil (dosing 100mg every 3 hours). Generally some mental fog would persist while doing this, although this time I decided specifically to try Unifiram 5mg every six hours starting at the 18 hour mark.

Ok, but for the record, I will note here that mixing unifiram with adrafinil is potentially dangerous, for the same reasons as mixing sunifiram with modafinil. You risk damaging your glutamatergic system in the same way I did. If you're increasing glutamate in the brain by means of armodafinil/modafinil/adrafinil and simultaneously making the brain use more glutamate by means of agonist-like agents such as unifiram/sunifiram, you may give the brain all the inclination it needs to upregulate this system well into a danger zone.

Edited by Climactic, 25 August 2013 - 01:21 AM.

#45 Isochroma

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 01:49 AM

Current reports combined with the functionally balanced structure of Unifiram suggest that it will not produce the unbalanced effects which some individuals have been unfortunate enough to experience on Sunifiram.

In particular, Unifiram exhibits bipolar functionality whereas Sunifiram has only monopolar functionality thanks to the rather foolish inclusion of propanoyl rather than the correct completion of benzoyl. The asymmetric bifunctionality of Unifiram suggests that it possesses both potentiation and depotentiation functions.

Whether Unifiram has sufficient balance to prevent problems is still up to human testers to determine. I predict that it does have sufficient balance and that there will be zero Unifiram victims at any dose.

Thanks to Unifiram's more balanced structure it may have the power to reverse problems caused by Sunifiram. We know from the discoverers' studies that it has slightly more peak power than Sunifiram so it should be able to remelt and remold that which Sunifiram misshaped.

Most specifically: Unifiram's sulfonyl-parafluorobenzene precisely corresponds to Sunifiram's benzoyl. However, rather than propanoyl on the other end we have a pyrrolidine ring - the racetam frame.

This pyrrolidine ring has no correspondence in Sunifiram's propanoyl at the same position. Instead Sunifiram contains the dysfunctional and anootropic propanoyl group where Unifiram's pyrrolidine ring is.

These are the rationales to justify my bifunctionality claim.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 25 August 2013 - 02:01 AM.

#46 Isochroma

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 04:09 AM

Unifiram's sulfonyl is a superior replacement for Sunifiram's carbonyl - Unifiram's Sulfur atom can hold an extra Oxygen atom with its two extra bonds.

Unifiram's benzene ring is a duplicate of Sunifiram's but the attached parafluoro is highly electronegative and so significantly alters the geometry of the benzene ring's delocalized electron cloud.

The sulfonyl substitution and parafluoro addition are sufficient to explain Unifiram's higher peak power compared to Sunifiram.

At the other end of the molecule the functional pyrrolidine ring accounts for Unifiram's higher activity at low doses - it's bifunctional so the pyrrolidine ring contributes nootropic effect while Sunifiram's useless propanoyl at the same position contributes no nootropic effect but may only have a facilitative function such as ensuring hydrophilicity.

The difference in power between Sunifiram and Unifiram at polar ends of the dose range ought to be explained too. Unifiram's pyrrolidine ring is nootropically contributive but it's half-buried in the piperazine ring. That means it contributes only slightly so the balance of probabilities is that its contribution is most visible at the low end of the dose range where the total effect is weak.

The large effect gap between Sunifiram and Unifiram at the high end of the dose range - peak power - is best explained by the much more significant parafluoro addition and sulfonyl substitution at the other end of the molecule. At the high end of the dose range the parafluoro-sulfonyl side's powerful effects dwarf the additional half-buried pyrrolidine ring's small contribution.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 25 August 2013 - 04:26 AM.

#47 Isochroma

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 04:35 AM

Both Sunifiram and Unifiram mimic a racetam's pyrrolidine ring - Sunifiram with its benzoyl group and Unifiram with its sulfonyl-linked parafluorobenzene group.

The difference from racetams and Sunifiram is that Unifiram's pyrrolidine mimicing group is tweaked for higher peak power by its parafluoro addition and sulfonyl bridge-link.

The other difference - from Sunifiram only in this case - is that Unifiram has an actual pyrrolidine ring on its other end while Sunifiram has the anootropic propanoyl.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 25 August 2013 - 04:40 AM.

#48 Perception-Is-Reality

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 04:54 AM

I just got my Unifiram in the mail today. What dosage would you suggest taking?

#49 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 01:00 PM

I've gotten my old sense of smell back, it seems. Life seems a lot more fuller now, I fell ill for 3 days having a slight fever and a runny nose, but I am more inclined to think that it wasn't due to nootropic usage (I take both 3-6 mg Suni and 3-6 mg Unif everyday). Lethargy is pretty much gone since trying these compounds, I couple them with Caffeine on most days, just a cup.
Anxiety seems to be LESSER now than before.

Btw, quick idea - Dolphins on noots, could be interesting to see what their equal to isochromas state would look/be like (and possibly other animals as well, haha) . This is weed talking now though :D

#50 Perception-Is-Reality

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 03:42 PM

Is both suni and unif togther better than simply a higher dose onei? What im trying to ask is how does 5 mg suni and 5 mg unif compare to either 10 mg of only suni or 10 mg of only unif?

#51 Isochroma

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 04:11 PM

If you check the reports in this thread you will find at least one reporting that the combination of Sunifiram and Unifiram is indeed excellent.

Or it was one of the other two Unifiram threads:

Unifiram - Nootropic Stacks
Unifiram experiences Or other obscure racetams...

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 25 August 2013 - 04:13 PM.

#52 MizTen

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 09:10 PM

If you check the reports in this thread you will find at least one reporting that the combination of Sunifiram and Unifiram is indeed excellent.

Or it was one of the other two Unifiram threads:

Unifiram - Nootropic Stacks
Unifiram experiences Or other obscure racetams...

That might have been me, I'm pretty sure I posted about that and a few people PM'd me about it.

They did work well together, Unifiram seemed to modulate some of the brittleness (of thought and mood) of Sunifiram. Sunifiram made the Unifiram a bit more bright and intense. If I were using them now, I'd use them together, but without other strong stimulants.

#53 Isochroma

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 09:21 PM

Nice, thanks for the report!
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#54 MangekyōPeter

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 09:36 PM

Yes, I can relate to what MizTen said about Unifiram and Sunifiram - going well together and I've also noticed similar effects (Sunifiram adding more brightness), i'll also be using both of them together for a while, will quit caffeine soon.
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#55 Isochroma

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Posted 25 August 2013 - 10:33 PM

I figure when I start hearing 'quit caffeine' then nootropics are finally powerful enough to start displacing depleting stimulants.

I guess that day might just have arrived. Waited far too long.

Unifiram's pyrrolidine ring fills in Sunifiram's propanoyl gap thus the positive reports from combining the two.

#56 3AlarmLampscooter

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 12:46 AM

Just tried a combination of Sunifiram (10mg), Unifiram (5mg) and Nicotine (12mg) all orally in a 000 gel capsule.

Absolutely great stimulation, far better than Sunifiram/Unifiram combined, or nicotine alone. Clear synergy. Reminded me of all the positives of a very high (50mg) dose of d-amphetamine, minus any side effects, save for the hypertension induced by nicotine (I ran out of Guanfacine, which I usually take to counter that).

#57 Isochroma

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 02:33 AM

Nicotine covers an area left out by racetams and racerams - the α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor.

Racetams work on the muscarinic subtype while racerams work on the NMDA receptor.

#58 ThePhoeron

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:29 PM

Just got my order in. Took 3mg Unifiram with 5mg Sunifiram, 25mg Noopept, and 80mg of the incredibly fluffy aniracetam to fill the capsule. Will report back later.

#59 jerrybusey

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 07:14 PM

So far I've only had a few days to try this and I'm reserving detailed judgement until I have a little more experience. I will say that unlike sunifiram I don't get a headache 4-6 hours after dosing.

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#60 Isochroma

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Posted 26 August 2013 - 10:24 PM

As expected.

Balance is a beautiful thing.

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