This is the SHIPPING COSTS only, right? Just to confirm, I have only signed up to manage the measuring out and shipping of the individual participant quantities to participants and I am not paying the lab for the ISRIB... Are we both on this same page regarding this? 
Umm, no. There are 10 participants in this group buy, so unless shipping is 100 a person then no. The total sum I have collected from 9 participants is 900USD, including myself that is 1k. You're calling the shots now. Let me know what do you want to do with the money.
Oh for heaven's sake! YADAYADA you asked me you help you out the SHIPPING and

Hello ScienceGuy,
I was wondering if you can assist with the shipping for the ISRIB group buy. Thanks.
Sorry, been off the grid for a while again due to zero free time (again!
Did I answer this? 
YES, I am very happy to assist with the shipping for the ISRIB Group Buy, so long as I receive payment in full that covers the total shipping costs 
Probably simplest if I handle all the shipping and you have GOOGOLTARIAN mail the whole quantity of ISRIB 
Hi Everyone,
Just to let you know I am now involved in this 
I will be assisting by measuring the individual participant quantities and managing the shipping 
Now you seem to be trying to dump the whole thing onto me at the eleventh hour when I have made very clear I would do you a favour by helping with the SHIPPING, but
that is allFurthermore, you know of my lack of available free time... because I have told you... more than once

I don't know what the HELL your problem is YADAYADA, but what with your recent wholly unwarranted ranting at me in the BPAP GROUP BUY thread (
everyone check over HERE: (-)-BPAP GROUP BUY for further details) I am beginning to wonder whether the best course of action should be that I cease participating in anything that you are involved with entirely... I have no interest in getting into a pissing contest with you... and personally, I think your spearheading many GROUP BUYS to be highly commendable... I am not a threat and I am not your enemy... But seriously, you need to work on your people skills as with the utmost respect THEY SUCK... Insulting people, making all sorts of baseless serious accusations, treating them like garbage and attempting to bully them into doing things for you that they have never signed up to is NOT the best way of getting people to do you favours...
You asked me:
"I was wondering if you can assist with the shipping for the ISRIB group buy"; wherein, my answer was YES; and
my offer to help you with the SHIPPING (only) is still there... but I am
NOT going to take over the whole GROUP BUY for you; so with regards to:
"You're calling the shots now" with the utmost respect,
NO I am
NOT; I never have been, and I never will be, OK?
This is YOUR party; wherein, you have asked for my help with the SHIPPING (only)... wherein I have kindly agreed to assist you... OK?

If you still want my help with regards to the SHIPPING (ONLY); then I will need from you:
1) Payment of TOTAL SHIPPING COSTS for all participants;
2) List of the NAMES and ADDRESSES for all participants, and their respective QUANTITIES of ISRIB that you want me to send them;
3) The ISRIB quantity, which you can arrange for the lab to mail to me directly if you so wish.
Edited by ScienceGuy, 10 October 2013 - 07:42 AM.