I have noticed in these forums and from personal experience that certain nootropics cause depression.
I have been using mainly nootropics for around 7 months. After the initial "buzz" wore off around a month or so of use I bagan to feel very depressed. I would deeply contemplate the question, " why do I feel this way"!? I'm usually a very chipper, energetic, sociable person so I found this depression I had sunk into more than just an irritating side effect it was a mystery that needed to be.. demystified.
I know I should put some evidence on here in order to consider this a theory, but after 6 months of deep contemplation, and using my stack/diet uninterrupted and properly dosed/regulated, I have come to the conclusion that, "depression is caused by the rapid increase of cognition".
Though the depression is still here, all my friends have moved on, I now sit in my house all day jobless playing the piano, and writing my book, I feel that it's a sacrifice that must be made.
I found the root of my depression in plane view. It is everywhere. Society.
I have always been empathetic but this is a whole different level.
I did extensive research on nootropics, dieting, sleep cycles, DNA/RNA, and cognitive exercising. After all the research I put my new found knowledge to the test.... and it worked, perhaps too good.
So you may ask yourselves "what does this have to do with me"? First of all your in a nootripics forum thread so your obviously interested or already in pursuit of "super intelligence" second I believe it is my responsibility as a human being to warn you about the side effects of increasing intelligence.
Ever heard the sayings, "with power comes responsibility" and "knowledge is power" of course you have. Be sure to write them out as affirmations for placement on your front door, bathroom wall, and gun safe.
Responsibility is depressing under a certain light, but brighten up your smart enough to find the root and burn it now (:
You may think I'm crazy, but if you search diligently enough you WILL find 20 or 30 IQ points here and there, in soon to be closed websites, headphones, powders, pills and excersice regimens. The synergy of all your finding will eventually lead you back to this not so crazy theory of.... ours.