I'm starting a thread to be devoted to the quality and effects of NSN phenylpiracetam. I am experienced with Demiurge and Liftmode and found Demiurge to be more superior. I am now interested in seeing how NSN phenylpiracetam stacks up against competitors. I love the effects of Phenylpiracetam but hate the tolerance factor. Has anyone come close to figuring out why there is such a tolerance with it. Piracetam too me years to build a tolerance which probably wasn't a tolerance but just me burning out my adrenals and neurotransmitters that were required for optimal effect. Please Post your experiences with NSN Phenyl. Thanks
150mg down the hatch for me. Typically takes about an hour to hour and a half for it to kick in. Anyone have any methods of making it kick in sooner as I don't want to be up too late but will take the sacrifice if need be.