Can anyone explain the biological effects on the brain of excess chronic use of cannabinoids (smoking 24/7, avg 3.5-4g/day of 20% THC ganja, for years)?
While researching piracetam I came across the symptoms of acetylcholine deficiency and it seems like I may have it, which I theorized was caused by chronic THC. But I eat 2 eggs/day and drink a lot of milk. So plenty of choline should be in my diet
I also saw a study that found THC may inhibit acetylcholinesterase which I interpreted as leaving more acetylcholine in the brain, which seemingly contradicts my above theory. Can chronic THC somehow deaden of the whole cholinergic system making it work crappier even though the amounts of choline are fine? I saw other articles saying "chronic THC depletes neurotransmitters" but without going into detail on how/what/why etc.
The reason I am asking this is because 1mo ago I cut back on Ganja down to 1-1.5g day then in the last 6 days started taking 1g piracetam and 300mg alpha GPC twice a day, and I already notice subtle but definite and pervasive improvement in the same symptoms which I matched myself for with acetylcholine deficiency. Even the first day I felt it working somehow which I was suprised because I thought no effects would appear for 1-2 weeks. Then I researched and found piracetam can repair damage from overuse of cannabinoids, and thought maybe that's why it kicked in so fast.
Maybe ganja really can fry your brain, if used in high enough levels? Or is there likely another reason for the symptoms. Could my choline system have been impacted by heavily oversmoking too much Ganja for a long time? What is the biological process that chronic excess cannabinoids have on the brain in the long term?? Any good articles, links, etc on neurochemistry & cannabinoids will be appreciated
I find it funny that only after taking smart drugs did I research things and conclude that heavy ganja use might have been impacting my brain... for years I told myself it was 100% fine
Looking forward to hear everyone's thoughts on this. THANKS!!!!!