Have you tested IDRA-21 with GTS-21? what was your experience with both?
Modafinil and IDRA-21 are both mildly anxiogenic in me. I was hoping that the strong anxiolytic effect that GTS-21 provides me would cancel it out, but this didn’t turn out to be the case. I’d say that the addition of the IDRA-21 didn’t have much of a positive effect beyond that of just GTS-21 alone. Two hundred mgs. of modafinil had the best effect, but the problem with that was that the modafinil did its legendary thing and kept me awake until three o’clock in the morning. At that point I got out of bed, swallowed four milligrams of etizolam, went back to bed, and was finally able to sleep. If I can somehow arrange to get the cost of GTS-21 down to $1.00/day or less, I will start using it regularly. I’ll reserve the modafinil for special occasions when I really need to be at my best, such as examinations or starting a new job. I’m open to any other suggestions for compounds which I can stack GTS-21 with in my eternal quest to perfect a real-life NZT-48.
If and when I can buy it in bulk, I’ll send you half a gram for free since you helped contribute to my self-experimentation. That way you can try it out before you commit to a larger quantity. Just reimburse me for the postage.
Well the theory of cognitive enhancement of normal people, without impairment via α4β2 activation + AMPA receptors activation looks really interesting. I was trying to get some galantamine in local pharmacies but there is no more galantamine available, apparently is discontinued :s.
Perhaps another Ampakine like sunifiram or unifiram could potentiates the effects of GTS-21, sunifiram potentiates the release of acetylcholine in the pre frontal cortex up to 200% (https://examine.com/...ents/sunifiram/), sunifiram has a bad reputation for now due to the mechanism of action related to PKC-alpha, and perhaps with GTS-21 could be too much excitation? Well we don't really know, perhaps both are a perfect combination, I've stacked sunifiram+coluracetam without problems. However Sunifiram is on the list of the best noots that I've tried, really potent stuff, the dosage needs to be taken with respect, no more of 15 mg, just one green scoop sublingual and the effects are notorious, mood enhancement, speed processing, focus, stimulation, the excitotoxicity is not a problem if the dose is correct and if preventive supplements are taken, for example NAC+Methylene Blue+Lithium Orotate+Curcumin, or powerful mitochondrial antioxidants like c60 or MitoQ. But this is really preventive, overexcitation with just a sublingual greed scoop of sunifiram alone (not combined with a dozen of stimulants and amphetamines) is not a easy thing to achieve.
It would be interesting that other people could test the α4β2+AMPA activation. I will try to get galantamine, I have a gram IDRA-21 with me so the AMPA part of the recipe is not a problem
Whats about PRL-8-53? The MoA is a mistery, but I have the intuition that is related with acetylcholine receptors and dopamine. Coluracetam is a mild ampakine also, IDRA-21+Coluracetam is a safe stack.
These are some ideas: IDRA-21+Coluracetam+GTS-21 / Sunifiram+GTS-21 / GTS-21+PRL-8-53+Coluracetam
I have never tried sunifiram and idra-21. Sunifiram, prl and coluracetam is a bad idea, too much acetylcholine this gives me headaches and cold sensation on 2014, however I'm sure that was PRL, when I stacked coluracetam and sunifiram that effect never occurred.
Edited by BieraK, 04 January 2016 - 03:33 AM.