Hello mnosal,
How are you sure the piracetam is benefitting you?
Thank you,
Prior to using Piracetam, I had great difficulty putting ideas to paper for APA research, I required multiple 2+hr study periods to retain information for exams and was an eternally stuck "B" student. I was fully understanding the material (Chemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology) but not very adept at repeating it back verbatim on standardized exams. While Piracetam has not made me "smarter", is has certainly enabled me to better use my natural intelligence and conform to institutional testing standards(memorization & recall).
I also feel that my reading and listening comprehension have vastly improved as has storage and retrieval. I have disovered that much of the material memorization required for my current studies has morphed into a sort of "photographic learning". I take the required reading , create an outline then "capture" that outline in my head. For reasons unknown to myself or anyone else, I am able to recover those outlines verbatim when in the actual exam.
I'll be starting 3rd year of college (Bachelors of Science Nursing) this fall and am carrying a 3.9( just got my grades...lousy B in Statistics :( ) I'm an adult student returning to school 17yrs after highschool. Working 40hrs/week climbing/fixing Cellular towers. It may not work for you or many others...nothing works for everyone but I know I have reaped great benefits from Piracetam.