wow... thats lots of work, did you get paid?I made this page up, it lists interesting Piracetam quotes found on forums throughout the Internet. Really great for turning people onto this amazing molecule!
Piracetam! ~ it does a brain good ~

Piracetam efficacy - appreciable effect for you?
Posted 06 July 2008 - 07:56 PM
Posted 06 July 2008 - 10:38 PM
I made this page up, it lists interesting Piracetam quotes found on forums throughout the Internet. Really great for turning people onto this amazing molecule!
Piracetam! ~ it does a brain good ~
Thanks for doing that, Isochroma

#33 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 07 July 2008 - 01:44 AM
Posted 07 July 2008 - 04:07 AM
#35 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 07 July 2008 - 04:50 AM
The slightest headache started on day 3, but was eliminated in one hour (never to return) by eating 6 raw egg yolks. Probably more than needed, but they are delicious. Good natural choices for choline are: chicken/beef liver, and egg yolks. I've been eating 6 raw egg yolks every day since then, but am going to cut down to 4.
Plus it can be bought cheap off ebay, etc. but I like the cofactors in egg yolks, like the cholesterol, lutein, etc. And egg yolks work! The brain is 20% cholesterol by weight, btw. The stuff is a precursor to sex hormones and lots of other things. Lutein protects the retina from degeneration.
Isolated choline powder:
Bulk Nutrition: Choline Bitartrate 1kg
eBay: Choline Bitartrate 1 Kilogram Powder Free Ship!!
Edited by Isochroma, 07 July 2008 - 04:52 AM.
#36 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 07 July 2008 - 05:22 AM
This evening as I was starting my anime watching at 8.30p, I was getting mentally sluggish, sleepy, tired. That horrible creeping feeling of the brain's mass increasing. But I persevered until the magic hour! Until nine, when its TIME TO DINE on the POWER OF THE FINE!
In went the spoon, then I kept watching anime. Suddenly I notice at 9.30p, that I'm not tired anymore! Not stimulated, but just NOT TIRED. Like a neuro-lubricant, this magic molecule has relubed my brain. Biological inefficiencies are ameliorated without side effect, and colors become super beatiful and lines sharper!
By 9.45 I don't even remember what tiredness is anymore, it is some myth relegated to the dark shadowy corners of a fictional past. For now is the FUTURE, the time of INIFINITE ENERGY, when the minds of men shall move forward upon rails of uncorrodable stainless steel, into the VAST FUTURE that awaits on the horizon of infinity.
Freed from the dullness of evolutionary insufficiency, at first by chemicals such as Piracetam, then by fundamental re-engineering of the human genome, and finally by digitization into the lands of the quantized realm, where all moves at lightspeed thru frictionless halls of optically multiplexed nanotubules.
It's the lift with thrift, and legal to boot! God-damn, if I'd had this crap when it was really important (yea olde school daze) then I'd have been an A student. Any kind of brainwork changes from sludgy drudge to effortless fudge, all in the magic thirty I am rescued from dirty!
And this my friends, is the gift that KEEPS ON GIVING! Yes, the tiny drop in stimulant effect within the first 3 days of use, flattened out and is now level. This stuff now retains ITS ENTIRE EFFICIENCY, as in, SAME AS DAY 4, even though this is day 15! In fact, its even better because the more subtle nootropic effects really started kicking in on day 7 for me, and have been improving ever since.
It is EAZIER than ever before to write well, to think well, and to speak richly. I could study to any hour, and still retain power.
So I've decided that due to all the nice things, and nice price, and nice legality, I'll just keep my brain FULLY SATURATED with this molecule for the REST OF MY LIFE! Yes, constantly lubed and always improving, outperforming everyone else and laughing while doing so, it is time to bring on the future, because now I'm always ready to meet it, whatever it may be. Tiredness, the ghost that haunted me for so many years, has finally been banished to the darkness where it deserves to remain forever more, and there it shall

Edited by Isochroma, 07 July 2008 - 05:58 AM.
#37 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 07 July 2008 - 05:55 AM
Not through the false stimulants, which don't provide at all but merely take away just like a bank loan that must be repaid with interest. They are a net loss in the long term. Thus they don't qualify for my regime, just like the psychedelics, which are ok once in a while but deplete brain function. There is a subtle but critical difference between LIFE GIVING drugs that ENHANCE AND PROTECT brain function, and those that just DEPLETE it. Depletors include: caffeine, all amphetamines, cocaine, ritalin, etc. There is an easy way to distinguish between a depletor and a replenisher: the depletor will cause a 'crash' after its effects wear off, while the replenisher will leave one at normal or improved.
Even more pronounced over the long term, the depletors will make one more and more tired, while the replenishers will cause a slow but progressive improvement in function. Its the difference between pumping water out of a well faster (stimulants) vs. increasing the flow from the source (springs, etc.). The first causes an impressive stream of water, but quickly the water level is drawn down. The second causes only moderate increases, but the water level slowly rises.
Posted 19 July 2008 - 01:09 AM
#39 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 22 July 2008 - 04:14 AM
My dosage is 5g at 9.00-10.00a, and three more doses each spaced 4 hours apart from each other, typically at 1.00-1.30p, 5.00-5.30p, and 9.00-9.30p.
This stuff is an absolute miracle. I can work everyday without being tired, despite crazy bedtimes of 2.00-3.00a! I'm sharp as a buttery knife and quick as a whit all day...
Even better, the intelligence improvement and wake-up effect seems to be becoming additive. That means each day the effects are more present even before the first dose, and the small slump in wakefulness after heavy protein consumption in the afternoon is becoming less and less pronounced.
This molecule is causing long-term changes of a greatly positive kind, which is making my brain function better even when no dose is present. Now that is damn inspiring.
Posted 01 August 2008 - 09:31 PM
I read the article on piracetam on and it says:
"The oral bioavailability of piracetam is almost 100%, and it has no metabolites [22]. Peak blood concentrations are reached in 30-50 minutes, but the maximal CNS effect is at about 6 hours after administration; similarly, the plasma half-life is 5 hours and the CNS half life is about 8 hours [4, 22]. The drug is completely eliminated 30 hours after administration [29]."
So I'm wondering, which of these "half-life" numbers are relevant?
When a drug reaches it's half-life, does that mean from then on it is ineffective?
#41 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 02 August 2008 - 02:38 AM
#42 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 09 August 2008 - 02:33 AM
Yes, I go to bed between 2-4 am each morning... last night I hit the sack at 4.15a and this morning woke up at 10.30, about 6 hours sleep. All day not a TRACE of tiredness. I DON'T do caffeine or any other stimulant during the day. Working all day a mile a minute, with that wonderful CLARITY, POWER & SPEED! Now I break ALL the rules and live a golden existence of absolute mental perfection.
I've got kilos of this stuff in constant stock, and will buy more kilos at the end of the month. My goal is to accumulate hundreds of kilos in a cache in case it is banned, etc.
Also I'm interested in a method to recycle this from the urine, since it isn't metabolized there's currently 100% waste, as it is just excreted by the kidneys.
Choline in sufficient quantity is still provided by eating four raw EXTRA LARGE egg yolks per day. The whites are cooked and eaten. I found that six raw egg yolks per day was so rich that it was causing me to feel too full for too long, and have some digestive clogging/discomfort. I do have a very weak digestion; most people should have no problem with six.
Edited by Isochroma, 09 August 2008 - 02:35 AM.
Posted 09 August 2008 - 02:54 AM
Update. I continue to use 4 x 5g doses of Piracetam per day! The effects are nothing short of absolutely amazing. I feel like I'm becoming GOD!
Yes, I go to bed between 2-4 am each morning... last night I hit the sack at 4.15a and this morning woke up at 10.30, about 6 hours sleep. All day not a TRACE of tiredness. I DON'T do caffeine or any other stimulant during the day. Working all day a mile a minute, with that wonderful CLARITY, POWER & SPEED! Now I break ALL the rules and live a golden existence of absolute mental perfection.
I've got kilos of this stuff in constant stock, and will buy more kilos at the end of the month. My goal is to accumulate hundreds of kilos in a cache in case it is banned, etc.
Also I'm interested in a method to recycle this from the urine, since it isn't metabolized there's currently 100% waste, as it is just excreted by the kidneys.
Choline in sufficient quantity is still provided by eating four raw EXTRA LARGE egg yolks per day. The whites are cooked and eaten. I found that six raw egg yolks per day was so rich that it was causing me to feel too full for too long, and have some digestive clogging/discomfort. I do have a very weak digestion; most people should have no problem with six.
Dear God,
Please don't drink your urine. Or even distill Piracetam out of it. Piracetam isn't going anywhere.
Experiencing any sides from your Goliath-size dose?
But I am glad it is going well for you (I'm a Piracetam fan) and I can relate to your other comment somewhere about Aniracetam making you tired. I found that effect the (very) few times I tried it.
Take Care,
One Of Your Flock
[Just so a newbie knows, usual Piracetam dose ranges from 2.4g - 9.8g/ day (many like the 4.8-6.4g/day range and some benefit from very low-doses, especially if the are on a large stack.)]
Edited by Rags847, 09 August 2008 - 02:58 AM.
#44 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 09 August 2008 - 02:56 AM
As for Aniracetam, the stuff sharpened my vision but ruined the nice alertness of Piracetam. Head underwater. Not really 'tired' but thoughts cut down by half at least, relaxation of major muscles, slightly uncontrolled gait while walking. It would be useful for the insomniac before bed. Maybe 25% sharper vision and same with color saturation, than Piracetam alone.
Edited by Isochroma, 09 August 2008 - 03:00 AM.
Posted 11 August 2008 - 10:18 AM
I'm a young(21) college student and I've been taking 3-4x1.6g per day with 1x800mg Alpha-GPC every other day. I have been taking these for 4 weeks.
I've tried Piracetam from 2 different suppliers(Unique Nutrition and International Nutrition), and at first was skeptical about whether they were placebos, but after finding that both have the same effect on me and taste the same, I've started to assume that they both have at least some significant amount of the drug in them. Yes, I am looking for another supplier, but don't bring this topic up. I do NOT want the UN/LM debate or some marketing campaign disrupting the current thread.
The observations so far:
- I no longer like very fatty foods. Lasagne, beef, casserole & minestrone all kill my apetite. Pizza and pasta don't leave me with that "must eat until I'm bloated" feeling that I used to have. Kind of strange, but good for my health :D. Has anyone else experienced this?
- Neglecting to take choline actually reduces my alertness significantly. Headaches also occur.
- I am unusually good at Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero now(Both are rhythm-based arcade games and require deep concentration). Compared to when not taking piracetam, I've seen a noticible increase in score. My misstep rate in DDR has halved.
- When I miss a couple doses in a row, I do feel different. Less alert.
- I can't comment on sleeping patterns as I just recently began quadrophasic sleep cycles. I haven't had a "normal" night's sleep in over a month.
Posted 26 November 2008 - 02:25 AM
Posted 26 November 2008 - 03:24 AM
acnecdotally... Ive only never had powerful effects from the powdered form sold at bulknutrition and cognitive nutrition
"I've only ever had" or "I've never had"? Lol! Just wondering.
Posted 29 November 2008 - 05:40 PM
Btw, i voted for "i had better results with pramiracetam", so another *racetam might do it for me.
Edited by Mr.Bananas, 29 November 2008 - 05:41 PM.
Posted 29 November 2008 - 06:58 PM
I have tried it a few times now, and every time i end up having brain fog, even with cdp-choline and/or alpha gpc, so im just gonna try it with shrooms and acid to see if it potentiates it, other than that im done with it.
Btw, i voted for "i had better results with pramiracetam", so another *racetam might do it for me.
You might want to try a lower dose. Going overboard with Piracetam and CDP-Choline makes me want to sleep. A little goes a long way, for me.
#50 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 19 July 2009 - 10:24 PM
Not even when I ought to be sleepy or mentally fogged/tired (late at night after long day, right after waking up, etc.). Yet I still get my usual hours -15% of sleep, and its better than it ever was. More brilliant dreams, always wake up super refreshed with brain working full speed.
It's like I'm gradually becoming superhuman.
The best analogy I can think of is replacing some junk lube in an engine with superfluid gas that has zero friction. Not only does the engine run better, but so much cooler and without damages building up that it can function in ways not even anticipated by its designers.
Which is why I call Piracetam Neurolube! The stuff over a period of time no only superlubes the brain, it also gradually polishes all those microcracks and nanoscratches until the entire interior horizon is shiny smooth and super slippery. No stiction means no friction, and no friction means no wear. No wear means less damage and less need to repair (shorter sleep hours).
This molecule is the closest I've come to the true fountain of youth, an amazing God-molecule that everyone should be taking. Thus it is recommended if one wants perpetual brain superfunction and to never get tired and to have brilliant dreams and to get better effects from a wide array of other drugs via potentiation, to use three to four teaspoons of Piracetam every day all day of your life.
Posted 21 July 2009 - 01:13 AM
It's so strange. I used to get sleepy during the day every day. After a year of 4 tsp. per day of Piracetam, I no longer get sleepy. Period.
Not even when I ought to be sleepy or mentally fogged/tired (late at night after long day, right after waking up, etc.). Yet I still get my usual hours -15% of sleep, and its better than it ever was. More brilliant dreams, always wake up super refreshed with brain working full speed.
It's like I'm gradually becoming superhuman.
The best analogy I can think of is replacing some junk lube in an engine with superfluid gas that has zero friction. Not only does the engine run better, but so much cooler and without damages building up that it can function in ways not even anticipated by its designers.
Which is why I call Piracetam Neurolube! The stuff over a period of time no only superlubes the brain, it also gradually polishes all those microcracks and nanoscratches until the entire interior horizon is shiny smooth and super slippery. No stiction means no friction, and no friction means no wear. No wear means less damage and less need to repair (shorter sleep hours).
This molecule is the closest I've come to the true fountain of youth, an amazing God-molecule that everyone should be taking. Thus it is recommended if one wants perpetual brain superfunction and to never get tired and to have brilliant dreams and to get better effects from a wide array of other drugs via potentiation, to use three to four teaspoons of Piracetam every day all day of your life.
Posted 24 July 2009 - 09:03 PM
It's so strange. I used to get sleepy during the day every day. After a year of 4 tsp. per day of Piracetam, I no longer get sleepy. Period.
Not even when I ought to be sleepy or mentally fogged/tired (late at night after long day, right after waking up, etc.). Yet I still get my usual hours -15% of sleep, and its better than it ever was. More brilliant dreams, always wake up super refreshed with brain working full speed.
It's like I'm gradually becoming superhuman.
The best analogy I can think of is replacing some junk lube in an engine with superfluid gas that has zero friction. Not only does the engine run better, but so much cooler and without damages building up that it can function in ways not even anticipated by its designers.
Which is why I call Piracetam Neurolube! The stuff over a period of time no only superlubes the brain, it also gradually polishes all those microcracks and nanoscratches until the entire interior horizon is shiny smooth and super slippery. No stiction means no friction, and no friction means no wear. No wear means less damage and less need to repair (shorter sleep hours).
This molecule is the closest I've come to the true fountain of youth, an amazing God-molecule that everyone should be taking. Thus it is recommended if one wants perpetual brain superfunction and to never get tired and to have brilliant dreams and to get better effects from a wide array of other drugs via potentiation, to use three to four teaspoons of Piracetam every day all day of your life.
Hmm... yikes! I think you ought to stop it right away. Clearly it is making you manic. These are the ravings of a madman!

Can't you see that? Oh, well of course you can't...
Next thing you know you'll find yourself fashioning spandex costumes and contemplating deviant misguided superhero plots like dosing city water supplies, super-smart rays, and a city-sized magnetic cognitive-enhancement field bubble that goes disaterously awry!
Posted 25 July 2009 - 10:36 PM
edit: duhhhh eggs. I need to order some Piracetam

Edited by zm3thod, 25 July 2009 - 10:53 PM.
Posted 01 August 2009 - 02:34 AM
It's so strange. I used to get sleepy during the day every day. After a year of 4 tsp. per day of Piracetam, I no longer get sleepy. Period.
Not even when I ought to be sleepy or mentally fogged/tired (late at night after long day, right after waking up, etc.). Yet I still get my usual hours -15% of sleep, and its better than it ever was. More brilliant dreams, always wake up super refreshed with brain working full speed.
It's like I'm gradually becoming superhuman.
The best analogy I can think of is replacing some junk lube in an engine with superfluid gas that has zero friction. Not only does the engine run better, but so much cooler and without damages building up that it can function in ways not even anticipated by its designers.
Which is why I call Piracetam Neurolube! The stuff over a period of time no only superlubes the brain, it also gradually polishes all those microcracks and nanoscratches until the entire interior horizon is shiny smooth and super slippery. No stiction means no friction, and no friction means no wear. No wear means less damage and less need to repair (shorter sleep hours).
This molecule is the closest I've come to the true fountain of youth, an amazing God-molecule that everyone should be taking. Thus it is recommended if one wants perpetual brain superfunction and to never get tired and to have brilliant dreams and to get better effects from a wide array of other drugs via potentiation, to use three to four teaspoons of Piracetam every day all day of your life.
I'm confused, you took only 4 tsp per day? Is it only 4g per day as 1 tsp is only 1g, I thought you should be taking a lot more than that.
#55 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 08 August 2009 - 02:55 AM
Of course it is just eyeballed, I weighed it once on my friend's scale. So I should buy a real scale shouldn't I? But I'm a cheapo.
Now that I've ordered more potent racetams (Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam) I suppose it's time to cave and order one of those milligram scales off eBay.
PS. sometimes just because I like the bitter aftertaste I nibble on extra bits between doses. Each extra bit is about 1-1.5g. Redosing totally enhances the bitter taste which helps to convince me that I'm buying a real drug. The worse it tastes the better I feel about my skinny wallet.
Edited by Isochroma, 08 August 2009 - 02:57 AM.
Posted 12 August 2009 - 07:19 PM
Over the last year my average was 4 tablespoons per day (4g per heaping tablespoon). I take about the same or nearly so today: 5 x 3g "flat tablespoons" per day.
Of course it is just eyeballed, I weighed it once on my friend's scale. So I should buy a real scale shouldn't I? But I'm a cheapo.
Now that I've ordered more potent racetams (Oxiracetam and Pramiracetam) I suppose it's time to cave and order one of those milligram scales off eBay.
PS. sometimes just because I like the bitter aftertaste I nibble on extra bits between doses. Each extra bit is about 1-1.5g. Redosing totally enhances the bitter taste which helps to convince me that I'm buying a real drug. The worse it tastes the better I feel about my skinny wallet.
You won't be nibbling on pramiracetam- that stuff tastes awful.
Posted 23 September 2009 - 06:10 PM
PS. sometimes just because I like the bitter aftertaste I nibble on extra bits between doses. Each extra bit is about 1-1.5g. Redosing totally enhances the bitter taste which helps to convince me that I'm buying a real drug. The worse it tastes the better I feel about my skinny wallet.

Today's best, hehe..
I've just learned to grab a spoon and swallow it with just my saliva.. Yummy.
Posted 24 September 2009 - 05:55 AM
PS. sometimes just because I like the bitter aftertaste I nibble on extra bits between doses. Each extra bit is about 1-1.5g. Redosing totally enhances the bitter taste which helps to convince me that I'm buying a real drug. The worse it tastes the better I feel about my skinny wallet.
Today's best, hehe..
I've just learned to grab a spoon and swallow it with just my saliva.. Yummy.
Does anyone know whether taking piracetam with Citrus or any other delivery facilitator would be a bad idea? How about grapefruit, which is supposed to break down some enzyme?
#59 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 24 September 2009 - 09:47 PM
Uptake will be slowed if taken with a large or fatty meal, but that's just a matter of the surface area and time dynamics of absorption - common to anything taken orally with large volumes of other material.
Dehydration will keep blood level higher than a non-dehydrated state because piracetam and oxiracetam are exclusively excreted by the kidneys. Lower fluid transport volume means less excretion per unit time. It's that simple. If you want to keep your blood level higher, drink less fluids.
Of course, even mild dehydration ruins brain function, so it isn't recommended.
Edited by Isochroma, 24 September 2009 - 09:54 PM.
#60 Guest_Isochroma_*
Posted 27 September 2009 - 03:53 AM
Background: I've been taking four or five level tablespoons (about 3g each) piracetam per day, one every three hours (since last month) or every four hours (previous 12 months).
It has had so many marvelous effects, which I won't expound upon here.
Instead, tonight's goal is to determine what the absolute maximum power of this molecule is!
Thus, at six o'clock I broke my routine and started taking one level tablespoon per hour instead of per three hours (that is, triple the dose).
It's now 8.54p and I've noticed in the past three hours a noticeable increase in visual clarity, almost resembling what I achieved with Oxiracetam. Also, mentation is even clearer than it was pre-hyperdosing.
I'll be providing more info tomorrow, as the plan is to continue hyperdosing for the next 24-48 hours.
Also take note, I take no choline but eat some eggs each week. Also I take zero caffeine and zero alcohol.
Edited by Isochroma, 27 September 2009 - 03:53 AM.
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