Here's my take on some of your numbered questions.
Your problem may or may not involve a glutathione deficiency, but is probably more tied to glutamate dysregulation. NAC actually does two things. Yes, it increases the production of glutathione, but on top of that, it activates something called the cystine-glutamate antiporter, which basically shuffles glutamate around to parts of the brain where it causes less stimulation. That is why it is so helpful for OCD, which is associated with overstimulation of the glutamate receptors.
I doubt you'll find anything better than NAC. It is one of the more studied and effective supplements and is right in your wheelhouse. I'd also make sure you have the basics in place, i.e. a high quality daily multi-vitamin and plenty of magnesium. Other than that, it's hard to say, since supplements are so hit-or-miss. A high quality curcumin supplement might help, since curcumin has NMDA-antagonist and anti-inflammatory properties. However, don't bother unless you are willing to spring for one of the specially formulated bio-available versions, like Longvida curcumin.
Don't bother. NAC will give you all the glutathione you need, and is scientifically proven, whereas supplementing glutathione is iffy at best.
There are plenty of supplements that can supposedly help with libido, and different people swear by different things. It takes experimentation. I find zinc helpful.
Again, many supplements out there that supposedly help sleep which you can google. Melatonin is a big one and I have found it very effective. Other than that, l-theanine maybe?
Here's hoping you don't crash from the hypo-mania. You need to find a way to sleep and calm the hell down : ).
so if i take nac and that helps immensive- i probably have a glutathione defiecy - right?
Does nac. Help so the glutathione gets in my body or brain where it should has to be ? I read something that a reduced gluthione oxidised after 1.6 minutes .. So if i feel good through nac alrwady .. That means also that the gluthione is higher intercellucar?
What else should i consider taking if u read my story? Anything better for me? - im looking for the perfect solutions through doctors and especially through here because what u PEOPLE write is soooo FANTASTIC. I cant thank xou enough !!
S-acetyl-glutathione anyone? Seems to be a high quality product which should be the best form to increase glutathione .. The brand is eumetabol .. German site .. Maybe u guys know anything about s-acetyl-glutathione
So are there any supplements 2 take so i can get away from the dulled emotional condition?
anything to take to help my libido ..
Any suggestions? L-carnitine-got them but only took them 1 time and already have them for a long time? Or a viagra 1 week therapy?
What could i trY taking so i sleep more so i dont get up after 2-3 hours of sleep starting with full energy ...
My hypermania state :
Im quick, focused dont spend a lot of money have neaerly every smyptom what a hympomaniac should have except that i dont spend so much money on studf because
I dont have the money... I can be really energized but if i want to relax i am able to just sit on a sofa and relax so
I can switch
I would like 2 know how many people on earth have a hypomania ... And is this a hypomanie if i dont have any depression episode at all??!???!??
Somewhere i read 1-3 % ? I think on wiki but a hypomania with depression episode ..
Would love 2 know something about this
.Cheers ! And im so looking foward 2
Your answers.. People here THANKS for this godly MASTER-Thread