There could be long term consequences from repeated use of vasocontrictors. Maybe even itself going into the brain..
Given what we know so far I'd personally opt for lower dose repeated spraying. There must be a ceiling to how many new blood vessels formed or neurons saved etc at any given time, but not a lower limit. And since IV/IM users typically report minimal affect from 1 ml and adverse reactions from 10+ ml, I'd say the .5 ml max per nostril we're at least ~x6 concentrating into the brain here falls within that optimally therapeutic window!
I remember reading in one of the posted studies that EEG readings were significantly changed for ~40 minutes after an intranasal dose, if we correlate that as the time period of maximal effectiveness and presume CRB works through mechanisms that will not down regulate receptors (preliminary Googling shows this to be true) or inducing negative feedback (this one not so true*..), then spraying every 30 minutes for a few hours could be a good approach.
Honestly we don't really know so let's all report results from different approaches!
*Referring to negative feedback of IGF-1 signalling that would impede autocrine production at binded tissues... Who knows how inhibited autocrine IGF-1 production and thus signalling impairs synapse remodelling and whatever during learning as we dose.. This could also work its way to the pituitary and suppress GH pulsation until the IGF-1's cleared. Maybe we should dose after intense learning is finished and chilling out starts?
edit: The approach I'm most partial to now is 0.55ml administered 3x daily into both nostrils at every meal. This gets through 10 ml ampoules neatly and ensures if there really is any detrimental effect on learning, it would fall into a period of brain down time whilst I digest

Edited by AuralAnomaly, 10 August 2013 - 02:29 AM.