I have taken it three days in a row. I'm not really sure if I feel anything positive as of right now but i'm pretty sure something has changed.
However, using the MAD300 is the most painful thing I have done in a very long time. I don't know if I am using it wrong or what but it is like getting water up your nose in a swimming pool x10.
vlk, how are you applying it with the MAD? I tip my head over a pillow like others suggested which works well for absorption (I think) but it does hurt like hell.
I am trying with chitosan now, I can't say I notice any difference in effects yet, but the addition of the chitosan makes it more viscous so it atomises a bit better at the same flow rate and very little if any goes down my throat.
The most I have (successfully) administered in one go is 0.3ml per nostril, but I think I could do quite a bit more with the chitosan, and I will increase the dose next week. How much are you using?
I assume the burn is from the small amount of sodium hydroxide, and it seems to be a reasonable indicator that you are getting the cerebrolysin to the right place...
Honestly, I quite like the burn as a sign I've got it right, although it does make my eyes water a bit sometimes!
The position that I find best is the "praying to Mecca" position with the top of my head resting on the floor. Not particularly comfortable, but that works best for me

One point to note is that I have have fairly narrow nasal passages and some scar tissue inside my nose from an operation when I quite young, so other people may have more luck with different positions than I have.