Dear Longecity community, Your advice and input on the app is most needed, as we are making it for all.
The essence of the app is multiplying / adding / subtracting from or to the minutes of the time we have or would have to live if we follow certain lifestyle. It will answer to the question: How many minutes did I lose or gain today compared to normal average lifestyle.
This will be an app, with competition built in - people keeping score who has best potential in the world to live the longest quality life: version a. your personal, and b. your fictional alias (use for testing and planning for your personal account).
1. Area to set everyday changes - number of cigarets smoked...
2. Separate area to set parameters that are usually constant like air-filtering
Some characteristics:
stunning graphics
dramatic emotion triggering - animation, sound-effects, facial impressions
users suggesting new categories (new subcategory notified to all who have installed app)
1. diet
animal-fat decrease
red meat
fruit vegetables
vegan, vegetarian, all eater, meat eater
caloric restriction
2. sports and workout
3. stress level - tech measuring, and separated also by country, small town, large town.
4. medical measurements - blood, heart-rate...
5. genetic tests for inheritable diseases - treatments, preventions acted on.
6. medical enhancements in future
- nanobot cleansing of arteries planning for 2025
- nanobot fat removal
- nanobot ...
Telomerase lengthening/stabilizing treatment, levels - a. b.c.
7. food supplements
free radicals removal by antioxidants intake
vitamins and minerals, alcohol, substances, poisons, environment, room ventilation
8. mental exercise
9. fulfillment in life, kids, family, pets,
10. professions categories by danger level - nuclear plant cleanser - forest-guard, rock-climbing trainer, computer scientist
11. Sex-life -
12. Sleep - measured quality,
13. being male - female
14. harmful or excessive pleasure substances, coffee, alcohol, narcotics, sugar, florid bubble bath, dust, allergies,
15. hygiene, - full body daily showering / washing
16. Television watching - and other media
17. town and country (climate and pollution)
18. mode of transportation motorbike / train / bike / helicopter
Referee and rules: Referee decides which categories can be added to 1.fiction 2.real life competition.
If prizes are given out jury will decide if winner has followed rules. But how to prove that someone is just not making up the data, probably a daily journal for a year, as probably uncommitted person will not bother to sign or follow in each day.
Score is kept for
1, activity on app - creating new categories. creating functions that get incorporated, sponsoring by putting up prizes
2. personal potential lifespan
2b. fictional fantasy lifespan for my fictional Alias.
3. quality of life
4.Daily, weekly, monthly, annual winners. after we have certain number of downloads.
5. Most struggling contestant award
life. lifeminutes.jpg 26.32KB 5 downloads