I love cocoa. For about 6-12 hours. I have energy and focus, I feel relaxed, generally good, a little dizzy, less anxious, music sounds better, etc.
After that, the next day, and maybe into the 3rd day, I feel irritable and angry. It puts me in a foul mood. Little things that normally wouldn't bother me, bother me. Things that normally bother me a little, bother me more. I'm less patient.
Is there any way to get the positive effects from cocoa without the later negative effects?
Why does it happen? There's a study on combining cocoa and GABA, that makes me wonder if there's something going on there. There's this article at psychologytoday.com:
OK, what about the anger? How might that happen? Chocolate contains phenethylamine (PEA), a molecule that resembles amphetamine and some of other psychoactive stimulants. When chocolate is eaten, PEA is rapidly metabolized by the enzyme MAO. Fifty percent of the PEA you consume in a chocolate bar is metabolized within only ten minutes. Thus very little PEA usually reaches the brain, thus contributing little or no appreciable psychoactive effect without the use of a drug that can inhibit MAO. Could this happen? Possibly yes. MAO levels are at their lowest level in premenstrual women, which is the time when women most crave the soothing effects of chocolate. In addition, chocolate also contains small amounts of the amino acid tyramine.
Tyramine can powerfully induce the release of adrenaline, increase blood pressure and heart rate and produce nausea and headaches. Usually, the nasty effects of tyramine are prevented because it too is metabolized by MAO. You can see the problem: the tyramine and PEA in chocolate may slow each other's metabolism. The consequence is having both of these chemicals hang around too long in the body would be high blood pressure, a fast beating heart, heightened arousal, racing thoughts, anger, anxiety and rage. One rather controversial study claimed that inhibitors of MAO were able to increase PEA levels in the brain by 1000-fold! That's a lot and the consequences of this actually happening could be lethal. However, the potential exists for some vulnerable people to experience significant shifts in mood after eating chocolates with high cocoa powder levels.
I don't have the fast beating heart. I don't notice any physical negative effects, just on my mood. I sleep okay and no jitters.
I take lots of natural MAO inhibitors, like Curcumin, Resveratrol, Anthocyanins, Proanthocyanidins, Manganese, and maybe some others.