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The basic nutrition + some stimulants(mostly adaptogens)

nootropicanxietyfish oil electrolyte will rosemary social situation cacao protein minerals

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#1 Tomy VÃinegar

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Posted 01 September 2013 - 06:41 PM

I have developed during a couple of years of experimenting on myself, my own mental/physical health formulation and I want to share it with you. It was looking for something that stimulates me, so I can be more productive but on other hand, I want to drop down anxiety levels and makes me more comfortable in social situations.
I had some serious problems with anxiety since I was a child, now I am 26 and making translations between german/hungarian/slowak language for smaller companies.
I have tried many supplements, but after the years of experimenting I have found that first you have to build the basics and then use stimulants or other things, because if you have good basics, you can build on them and maximalise the power of stimulants otherwise you will have subtle and nonconsistent effects/results.(and first I used stimulants and dont cared on basics)

So first the basics (I use it every day or every second day):

1. good quality fish oil 2-3000 mg/ equals 2-3 capsules (I use New Chapters - WholeOmega)
2. good quality (whole food not syntetic!) multivitamin and mineral formula (I use New Chapters- every mans One Daily Multi )
3. I use somteimes some electrolytes because New Chapters- every mans One Daily Multi doesnt contain enought Magnesium (I use NutriBiotic - essential electrolytes)
4. eat everydayy enough protein, best is some protein drink(I use Garden of Life- Raw Protein), because we are from proteins and fat, so therefore we need enough protein and fatty acids, to work properly.

Optional :
4. sometimes I eat dark chocolate with 70-90% cacao powder beacuse it normalises sugar levels, reduces anxiety and works as a stimulant and is a good source of Iron.
5. eat regulary, every 2-3 hours something if possible, drink regulary and exercise every day at least 10 minutes(jogging,pilates,fitness, taichi)

So now my stimulants, that makes me more productive:

1. I use 2 caps from Dragon Herbs - Will power, 2 caps from Dragon Herbs - Bupleurum and Dragon Bone, 2 caps of SHI- arctic root(premium rhodiola) at once before some bigger meeting or at the morning - so this works very well for me, I dont have tangle in throat, I dont sweat less, I m focused and my libido is stronger so I m more productive and ambitious,I can handle stress far more easly because this formulation stabilises my anxiety and panic attack if I have present something before a group of people, It makes my concentration sharp and my mood is normalised.

2. sometimes I use 4 caps of Dragon Herbs - Tao in a Bottle because of the l-theanine, that makes for me possible to concentrate for a long period of time if I just dont have the other capsules by me and I dont have to talk before a group, just to concentrate and make notes on a presentation/on college.

3. Sometimes I use Rosemary essential oil to refresh me, stimulate my memory. I use som drops on my shirt.

4.Or I use some glucose, It is very good, refreshes me and makes my will power better because we need enough glucose to concentrate and use will power the whole day long.(http://psr.sagepub.c.../4/303.abstract)

5. I use sometimes SHI adapt 232 or just schisandra capsules (1-2 g/day) for physical endurance and creativity.

So I hope I helped some of you and please write down what are you using for calming the nerves and for better performance. :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nootropicanxietyfish oil, electrolyte, will, rosemary, social situation, cacao, protein, minerals

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