Please share. =)

TULIP Experiences Thread: Anecdotes and Quantified Self
Posted 04 September 2013 - 07:17 PM
Please share. =)
Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:43 AM
Lostfalco 7/3/13
It's funny you should mention this...I've been running 20mg PQQ + 300mg CoQ10 + laser + 5g D-Ribose for the past four days. So far, it's been profound. Clearheaded focus and mental energy for days. I think that there is a real possibility here for true enhancement well beyond what I am currently capable of. Keep in mind, of course, that I'm still on my usual stack so the substances are really piling on right now.
Lostfalco 7/6/13
I'm over a week now and this combo, along with a couple of the other things I've been doing, has been ridiculously good. My brain is as fast as it's ever fact, I actually feel like this may be true enhancement as opposed to just optimization. It kinda makes sense if PQQ actually adds smaller, more efficient mitochondria as some of the research indicates it might. I've been combining this with lasers, oxygen, glucose, etc. and the results have been phenomenal. I'm preparing a long post about it right now with more details.
Lostfalco 7/8/13
Opaque! Dude, its freaking amazing isnt it? I was totally hoping you would try it since you have the Vetro as well. I think we are in true enhancement territory here. More mitochondria plus enhanced mitochondrial function. I'm thinking we should call it The Ultimate Laser Protocol or TULIP. What do you think? Abelard would be proud.
The Core: PQQ + CoQ10 + laser
I'll post more after work when I'm not on my phone.
Lostfalco 7/9/13
The number one thing is speed. My thoughts are just lightning fast...way faster than they've ever been. The most interesting thing about it to me is that it's that way all the time. It's not like I dose in the morning and then slow down four hours later. This is part of what I mean when I say I feel changed. This just seems to be how I am now. It makes sense given the proposed effects of PQQ and photobiomodulation. I just have to make sure I get enough calories.
The second thing is endurance. I just don't get mentally tired during the day. Even if my body gets tired, my brain is still going.
The third thing I've noticed is actually related to the speed factor...sociability. Conversations are moving in slow motion for me now. I'm just ahead of the people I'm talking too. You know that feeling when the other person is talking and you are desperately searching your thoughts for what to say next? I just don't have that right now. I feel three steps ahead with multiple options at every step as to where I want to take the conversation. I made a very cute, fit doctor (she's probably 28) laugh so hard a few days ago that she pretty much started crying. She asked if I wanted to see her new car and go for a drive and I had to tell her I had a girlfriend (awkward). She said to call her if I was ever single. I've spent a number of years working on social skills, but this was just effortless. Regardless, my goal is not to sleep with a hundred people, it's to help a hundred patients.
Finally, I would say that creativity and access to memories has been enhanced (these are kind of related due to the fact that creativity is often an unusual pairing of past remembrances). Yesterday, I parked in front of a building that I had only been to once or twice years ago. As soon as I turned the car off a memory came to me of a song that debuted on the radio the last time I was there. I laughed to myself and said out loud, "No way." I remembered that it was a rock song by the band Seether and the the first vocal note of the chorus was an E note. When I got home last night I checked iTunes and that song debuted in 2007, six years ago!...and the chorus note actually was an E (I checked using my guitar tuner).
Of course, these are all purely subjective and liable to all sorts of human error. Please view them as such. =)
I really look forward to improving my self testing methods when I have more time. Anecdotes are all I've got right now, but subjectively I've never felt better.
This brings me to my last point. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't stack amazingly well many of the traditional nootropics. Does anyone see any possible problems combining this with CILTEP? Anybody want to try it and report back?
Lostfalco 8/1/13
Opaque...great to hear from you man. I don't have a lot of time to write and I'll respond further to your awesome post, but I can't resist the opportunity to enjoy this moment a little. Here are a few VERY unscientific thoughts from me...very. (you get the idea, ha).
My visualizations too (mushroom-less), have been unreal. I can go into an almost altered state of concentration, build an image, and walk around in it like I'm there. The external world literally disappears and I' my own mental creation. Yeah, that's new for me.
You're exactly right...a huge part of intelligence (and creativity) is novel connectivity. I see connections and insights so 'effing quickly and consistently now that I can barely type fast enough to get them all down. Actually, I take that back...I CAN'T type fast enough. ha
I love that you mention quotes...isn't it amazing what's actually in our brains that we don't have access to? I can just reel off quote after quote after quote now and I'm not even trying to remember or memorize a thing. They're just there. My mom called me a 'walking encyclopedia' the other day and my sister said, 'holy crap, are you some sort of prodigy?" I enjoy the compliments...someday I'll tell them that I shoot a laser at my head every night. haha
I have SO many more stories about how this has already changed my life...acing job interviews (as far as I can tell), making REALLY hot girls laugh so hard that they introduce themselves to me at the end of the convo ("I'm Suzie, btw...what's your name?" = "I want to get to know you better"), reconnecting or deepening relationships with friends and family (it helps immensely to be able to remember hundreds of details about their lives and surprise them with random little bits of humor), etc. Um, yeah...I'm a different person.
I have noticed that I do need to slow down for people a little (I hope that doesn't sound conceited!). I can simply overwhelm them now with a blitz of ideas and stories and jokes. I usually take the deer-in-headlights look of fright on their face as a cue to back off a little.'s one of my favorite problems that I've ever had. ha
Your thoughts on meditation and staying grounded are right on...more on this at a future time.
There's so much more to write (and I will), but I just want to say one last thing. The goal of all of this simple. In what is widely regarded as the greatest graphic novel of all time, Watchmen (major spoiler ahead!)....the 'villain' tries to create a common enemy for humanity in the form of a menacing extraterrestrial threat. This is completely unnecessary, imo. We already have thousands of common enemies...natural disasters, disease, disability, death, etc. 'IF' TULIP works as well for those of you reading this as it has for Opaque and I (nothing works for everyone), I would request that you use these newfound abilities to team up and contribute to battling these shared foes. We ARE going to win eventually...but the faster we can get there, the better.
Note 1: I could be delusional from taking a novel, untested supplement/device combo. I don't 'think' I am...but that is kind of what a delusion is. ha
Note 2: Is burnout/exhaustion coming? Not sure.
Note 3: Open question...does enhancing mitochondrial function in this manner accelerate aging? Maybe, maybe not. I don't currently have the answer. Regardless, there are certain quality of life trade-offs to consider here. For example...personally, I would be willing to live to 78 instead of 80 if it meant that I felt amazing to 78 while only average to 80. 75? I might go for this. 55? Probably not. There are MANY other ways to think through this problem, but that should give you an idea about the direction of my thinking.
Thanks for perusing my safe!
Oh, last thing...laser dosing and expectations. Please read the Naeser study to get an idea of how the effects gradually increase over time. ie. You're not going to morning dose on day 1 and prove the Goldbach Conjecture that night. =)
ebay laser output testing coming soon...promise. Also, if anyone else wants to test the laser/s and report back, please do! I wouldn't complain. Just google around to look for ways to do it.
Lostfalco 8/12/13
PQQ and CoQ10 can be very stimulating. Interestingly, I've found that if I feel a little overstimulated by them the laser actually helps even out the stimulation and turn it into a consistent flow of energy for the day. It also works the other way as well. If I'm not quite feeling 100%, the laser seems to give me that little boost to get me up there. My guess (if I'm not just imagining this...which I could be) is that the laser is not 'stimulating' per se, but regulatory. It'll be interesting to keep watching as more studies come out and shed some light on this.
Lostfalco 8/14/13
Hey Skp, that's very cool that the Vetro has been working for you! It's really interesting how the laser not only gives us more endurance, but more control. I've def noticed that too. My guess is that the added energy gives us a little extra "free won't"...the flip side of 'free will'. The primal parts of our brain are constantly sending us a stream of thoughts and the more recent parts decide yes or no, act or don't act, listen or don't listen. Our fundamental urges never really go away, but we now have more power over them. It's kinda exciting for a nerd like me. =)
Lostfalco 8/19/13
haha I'm sorry man. This is NZT. I never get tired and I have access to every facet of my brain. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I really hope my brain doesn't explode in 6 months.
Future Experimental Directions As of 8/14/13
Add Mitochondra
1. PQQ (20mg) lef
Optimize/Enhance Mitochondrial Energy
2. CoQ10 (300mg) lef
3. laser (808nm 200mw, 2days on, 1day off per 10-20 EEG site)
4. concentrated oxygen (70% oxygen, 3L/min; 3 minute 'sips' every 10-15 minutes, oxygenation tested with pulse oximeterhttp://www.walgreens...451_pla&adtype={adtype}&kpid=prod6089451&sst=65bde3b7-52ce-49a8-5aa8-0000734a440c )
5. glucose (3tsp)
6. D-ribose (5g/day) jarrow
Optimize Clean Up (this still needs significant work on my part)
7. Oxeloacetate (100mg) http://www.bulletpro...-aging-formula/
8. Glutathione (1 pump every 3-4 hours) http://www.bulletpro...ed-glutathione/
Future Experimental Directions:
9. Creatine
10. EPO I may try a hypoxic tent http://www.hypoxico....g-systems.shtml , intranasal EPO http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/23813967 , injectible EPO (anybody have Lance's phone number?), etc. For those of you that blindly follow the media, EPO is not dangerous when used in doctor-monitored, reasonable amounts. If too much, then blood thickens, then death. If proper amount, then more red blood cells, then more oxygen, then more intelligence. It's illegal without a prescription. Hypoxic tent/room/mask is probably the better choice (just ask Michael Phelps ), though expensive. I'll provide extensive links below on the utterly AMAZING neuroprotective and neuroenhancing properties of EPO. It enhances neuroplasticity, memory, attention, neurogenesis, and hippocampal function while reducing depression. It even affects cognitive function without affecting red blood cells!
11. Resveretrol Spray http://www.prototype...p?ProductCode=R and Leucine (thanks to Joe Cohen from for introducing me to this idea...btw, it's not necessary to use spray here)
12. Metformin http://www.antiaging...formin-metforal
13. Mitoquinone
14. Idebenone
15. Ursolic Acid Spray (50 sprays) http://www.prototype...?ProductCode=UR I'm very interested in this substance for it's antiinflammatory properties and it's purported ability to mobilize brown fat to burn white fat. I do have concerns about possilble temporary infertility in males and it's somewhat untested state. (see the article below for more info)
16. NADH
17. IAS's ATP-Boost (combo of ALCAR, ALA, and ATP)
18. Methylene Blue blue ( read this amazing article for info on methylene blue and its relationship to photobiomodulationhttp://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/23806754 )
Special Acknowledgments:
Dr. Ward Dean: There is an excellent 4 paragraph discussion of mitochondrial optimization on page 17 of 'Aging Matters Magazine' (Issue 2, 2013) by 'Smart Drugs' author himself Dr. Ward Dean. Here are his recommendations: 1. Increase Number of Mitochondria: PQQ, 2. Increase Mitochondrial Energy Producing Intermediates: D-Ribose (5g/day), Creatine (5g/day), CoQ10SR (100mg/day), NADH, and IAS's ATP-Boost (combo of ALCAR, ALA, and ATP).
Dave Asprey: Introduced me to the idea of photobiomodulation/low level laser therapy in a podcast.
Con Stough and Andrew Scholey: Introduced me to the idea of concentrated oxygen and glucose as nootropics.
http://en.wikipedia....inoline_quinone quinone/
Source: http://en.wikipedia....inoline_quinone
"In humans, in one double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted in Japan in 2007, supplementation with 20 mg per day of PQQ resulted in improvements on tests of higher cognitive function in a group of 71 middle-aged and elderly people aged between 40-70, who outperformed the placebo group by more than twofold in their standardized memory tests.[18]Interestingly, co-administration of the unrelated compound coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) further improved performance on standardized memory tests when subjects also took 300 mg per day of CoQ10. No adverse effects were linked to the supplementation, and the results suggested that PQQ, especially when combined with CoQ10, can be used to improve mental status and quality of life in older patients, and help slow or prevent age-related cognitive decline in middle-age patients.
However, the study was not peer-reviewed and was published in a non-academic journal. No proper scientific study of PQQ effects on memory or cognition in humans has been conducted, as of 2013."
Ursolic Acid
Oxygen stough scholey
Glucose stough scholey
EPO capacities
Recent Meta-Analysis:
"METHODS: We systematically reviewed the published findings from animal and human studies exploring the potential of EPO to treat depression-related cognitive dysfunction and depression.
RESULTS: We identified five animal studies (two in male rats, two in male mice and one in male rats and mice) and seven human proof-of-concept studies (five in healthy volunteers and two in depressed patients) that investigated the above. All of the reviewed animal studies but one and all human studies demonstrated beneficial effects of EPO on hippocampus-dependent memory and antidepressant-like effects. These effects appear to be mediated through direct neurobiological actions of EPO rather than upregulation of red cell mass.
CONCLUSIONS: The reviewed studies demonstrate beneficial effects of EPO on hippocampus-dependent memory function and on depression-relevant behavior, thus highlighting EPO as a candidate agent for future management of cognitive dysfunction and mood symptoms in depression. Larger-scale clinical trials of EPO as a treatment for mood and neurocognitive symptoms in patients with mood disorder are therefore warranted."
Edited by lostfalco, 08 September 2013 - 01:42 AM.
Posted 08 September 2013 - 04:12 AM
Edited by sunshinefrost, 08 September 2013 - 04:14 AM.
Posted 08 September 2013 - 09:42 AM
From the study LostFalco provided its not clear for me if MB and Laser is safe using together: "Brain photobiomodulation with LLLT is paralleled by pharmacological effects of low-dose USP methylene blue, a non-photic electron donor with the ability to stimulate cytochrome oxidase activity, redox and free radical processes. Both interventions provide neuroprotection and cognitive enhancement by facilitating mitochondrial respiration, with hormetic dose-response effects and brain region activational specificity."
Posted 11 September 2013 - 11:36 AM
Considering PQQ + LLLT + CoQ10 as safe, but I am very interested in Methylene blue and the LLLT + MB or CoQ10 + MB was actually anecdotally mentioned as risky and contraproductive or even harming.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 01:39 PM
The first post is really long and I find it hard to find out the important details about the EEG Sites you used and the timeframe of the laser application.
Posted 11 September 2013 - 01:54 PM
Sorry about that is a little long. =)Very interesting thread. I wonder what laser I should get for this. On ebay there are some laseres for 50$, but I don't want to buy some useless laserpointer or something that will burn a hole into my brain. Did someone already recieve one of the cheap lasers from ebay or some other site and did you get some results compared to the expensive laser?
The first post is really long and I find it hard to find out the important details about the EEG Sites you used and the timeframe of the laser application.
Here's a quick summary. http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/
Here's the main thread where you can read others' experiences. http://www.longecity...s/page__st__750
Here are the other two threads.
Stacks: http://www.longecity...soxygenepo-etc/
Research: http://www.longecity...biophysics-etc/
Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:05 PM
Bump if anyone know the answer.
Considering PQQ + LLLT + CoQ10 as safe, but I am very interested in Methylene blue and the LLLT + MB or CoQ10 + MB was actually anecdotally mentioned as risky and contraproductive or even harming.
I've already posted about it, it's potentially bad, I however doubt it's bad if you use dosages in the mcg range.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 02:03 PM
OpaqueMind 7/8/13
Took 10mg PQQ today, along with 100mg CoQ10 and the laser treatment at the frontal and parietal lobes. This clarity of mind and thought is incredible. Thoughts rip through my mind like bullets, an environmental que brings immediately to mind a comparison, from which a relationship is abstracted and incorporated into an extrapolation or another thought, and so on. I've never felt this happen so fast, as if thoughts congeal already formed in my mind, the non-linearity and spontaneity of inspiration amplified several times. This is what I've been looking for.
It is highly frustrating that we are limited to language in order to communicate the true effects of nootropics. The quantification of a certain increase in memory, recollection, spatial reasoning and so on really does not allow for a proper communication of a state and therefore its benefits. We lack a proper vocabulary of the mind, internal mental states remain vague and subjective, so much so I guess a vocabulary would be pointless. Because of this, when one person raves about something it is seen as merely that - a raving - the raving of a loon stuck in his own private world using such inadequately nebulous symbols such as awesome, mind-blowing etc. All but the most articulate (old Isochroma posts come to mind) can communicate the power of such states, and even then only through layers and layers of metaphor. Does anyone have any ideas of how we could transcend this barrier? Perhaps to help determine some of the parameters which seem the most relevant to the subjective experience of the effect of nootropics on thought? But then we're stuck back in the trap of quantification. Hmmm. Maybe we'll just have to leave it to the poets among us to communicate their inner states to us. Sadly I don't know if there are any around here :(
Simply put, you guys need to fucking try this.
OpaqueMind 7/9/13
It's the bees knees baby! I have yet to experience this beyond 10 hours or so, so I cannot yet corroborate whether or not this is true enhancement, but it sure feels like it https://lh3.googleus...nTS1LX7ZqVAS8Hq I take it from that wording then that you've experienced a gradual increase in baseline cognition?
TULIP, love it man... sexy yet mysterious. I could make love to a tulip. Or perhaps she'll make love to me, and her gorgeous offspring will populate my neurons with bountiful fountains of energy! I really think you've stumbled upon something special here... looking forward to your update.
An interesting aside, I experienced very increased colour saturation after taking those mitochondrial catalysts this morning. I don't know whether or not these are typical effects, but if not then I theorize that because I laser-boosted the mitochondria in my occipital lobes (brain area that plays a major role in vision) a few days ago and because we have seen that the laser effect can last up to 2 weeks before it drops off fully, that there is some potent synergy here, some direct interaction of mechanism somehow.
OpaqueMind 7/9/13
@MajorLegend - It is difficult to describe as it's not so much a subjective shift in perception as when I put my mind to a task it just runs so much smoother, like all the separate functions of cognition are integrated more completely. Coherence of structure more readily displays itself to me. I wouldn't say I feel insanelysmarter, although I did feel incredibly potentiated yesterday. Today the effect remains, except I can feel that my cognition is blunted slightly by sleep cut short last night. I often have this problem with nootropics. It's not that they cause insomnia, but since I already wake up frequently in the AM, when I do awaken, my mind revs into gear MUCH faster and I wake up with an almost manic intensity of thought. This subsides somewhat after waking, which makes me think it is caused by poor frontal lobe activation (it takes a while to boot up after waking) and the subsequent cognitive disinhibition - the unbarred perception of usually unconscious thought-forms. So I don't expect others to experience these problems. I think my unconscious is just a madhouse of neverending verbage gnashing at the fringes of my consciousness trying to get in. But anyway, these other parameters you ask me of I have yet to investigate. I'll have a jam on the acoustic later and get back to you on the creativity. As for memory, no quantification but I definitely feel I can hold onto ideas better, especially recent ones.
OpaqueMind 7/10/13
Ah I'm glad you mentioned that last part off the cuff, I think perhaps I had been under-eating in relation to the new metabolic demands now placed on my brain and body. I crashed earlier in the middle of the day, then when I woke up I remembered you'd written that and thought I may perhaps be hypoglycaemic or that some kind of bottleneck was going on in terms of energy usage in my brain. After that I ate a massive lunch and all of a sudden I'm alert again. I think the problem may perhaps be that I generally eat low-carb, yet the brains primary fuel source is glucose, and it's demand is probably being vastly upregulated by my wide-ranging application of TULIP. I know you're a big fan of Dave Asprey's work, and he incorporates the low-carb approach into his dietetic advice. I'm interested in what your overall approach to diet is (sorry, huge question I know.. maybe just some pointers so too much of your time is not wasted), and also whether or not you've found a need to ramp up the carbs on this regimen, or compensate in other areas?
It's interesting that you had this experience. I noticed that I seem to have greater social magnetism also, however I didn't attribute it to speed. In fact I haven't noticed too much of a speed increase, more of an increased fluency of thought. I mean, almost flawless; once a thought, spoken or otherwise, begins to flow its force remains unbroken and its much easier to weave explanations together skilfully on the fly. Though perhaps this is an increase in speed manifesting in a way, since my thought processes were somewhat fragmented before, which I hadn't really even noticed. Either way, I think the increase in mental energy is apparent to others - and it naturally comes off as a kind of confidence. Without wanting to sound too mystical I think the word radiance applies aptly here.
I tried combining it with CILTEP and got a minor headache. Nothing too severe, but definitely out of the ordinary as I never get them. I have however used it on days inbetween laserings to good effect. I have a vague, potential hypothesis - cAMP overload
According to the PQQ wiki page -
- PQQ triggers the CREB signaling protein (cAMP-response element-binding protein), which plays a pivotal role in embryonic development and growth. It also beneficially interacts withhistones, proteins involved in the packaging and nuclear organization of cell DNA.[14] CREB also stimulates the growth of new mitochondria.
Two parts of the CILTEP stack also raise cAMP (forskolin) and inhibit it's degradation(PDE4 inhibitor of choice).
I think this four-fold action causes just way too much cAMP for the brain to deal with, causing headaches and other unpleasantries.
OpaqueMind 7/11/13
I'm 21 by the way. I may have also suffered chemical and physiological mangling of my grey matter as a youth due to consistent, prolonged and varied drug experimentation. I may also be a neurological hypochondriac. I think a bit of both perhaps. I say this just to point out that I may not have very typical neural architecture. Whether that plays a part in my response to the laser though, I have no idea.
OpaqueMind 7/11/13
If I was any normal minded person I would have given more concern to the process. My gung-ho attitude stems directly from the fact that it felt like I had nothing to lose. As long as you understand that long-term application of LLLT to the brain in healthy individuals has not been studied, then I can recommend it in good conscience. My protocol is to hit all 20 EEG sites, every other day. I had to shave my head to do this. It was definitely worth it.
OpaqueMind 7/11/13
Yeah I'm still doing great on it... I think (a little early to tell perhaps, only fourth day on TULIP) I can feel a gradual increase in my baseline cognition, in many areas. Some cool stuff I've noticed is that my motor control and manual dexterity is enhanced, along with creativity. Jams are more fun and energetic. I also sing way better, I think because my emotions and thinking patterns are more integrated, so I can call upon the reservoirs of feel when the time requires https://lh5.googleus...CRWDU-hSqZHH6Gv After poor sleep, which seems to be stabilizing, I'm still somewhat zombied, then again I pretty much always feel that way. Eating bigger amounts of munch definitely helps replete my energy/alertness levels, though not without a dip first. That is why I try not to eat too many carbs, they make me pretty lethargic. Do you have any insight into that? What do you do wrt food? Have you found much need to increase your intake? Also, I'm curious, have you tried using the laser anywhere else yet? I was thinking you could probably hit T3 and T4 without needing to shave your bonce!
EDIT; handwriting is also way neater. And I have greater sensory acuity. I feel so IN the world, as opposed to my previous state of viewing it from behind frosted glass and hearing it behind giant earmuffs
OpaqueMind 8/1/2013
TULIP is going steady, and by that I mean the gains are accumulating nicely and continuously. I do not part with my laser now... I even took it on holiday haha. I hit another phase shift in pattern recognition on a magic mushroom trip a few days ago, and the new-found abilities have remained, for the moment at least. Once they were metabolised and working their magic on my brain cells I was whisked onto the most intense thought train I have ever experienced. I had been loading my mind with wide-ranging and highly intriguing info from this book (buy it if understanding the world and the strange people in it piques your intrigue in the slightest) for a week or so beforehand, so there was an abundance of material floating about in my unconscious and waiting to be integrated. I felt the process of understanding constructing itself to an acute degree; what begins as Chaos in the form of confusion and seemingly disparate information becomes a higher synthesis of order when the wider Gestalt into which it fits is delineated. This process went on for hours and hours, all manner of floating thought forms being integrated into a grand edifice of understanding within my psyche. I am certain, since I have tripped before but never felt this, that the laser supercharged my neurons so that such connections could form spontaneously - the mushrooms providing the quantum leap to reach escape velocity and accelerated gains of intelligence. One widely accepted hallmark of intelligence is the ability to connect disparate pieces of information into a unified structure, to uncover (create?) the relationships between forms. In this sense the laser definitely shines (no pun intended). Another great thing is that I'm a veritable quote machine, stuff is coming to mind that I didn't even know was in there.
One thing that could trip me up if I was not as grounded as I am due to a few years of meditation practice would be delusions of grandeur. In the grip of a manic thought stream I feel almost Godlike, invincible and infallible. It is imperative to hold at the forefront of consciousness the fact that I do not have access to the fundamental ground of Being and therefore have no access to truth - what I 'see' and experience, perceptually is only a model, and what I 'experience' conceptually is but a model of that model. Truth cannot be gained from abstractions, let alone second order abstractions - this I must remind myself, so as to keep alert the healthy skeptic inside of me. For a really interesting medium length essay on these ideas see here. Anyway, one thing I have noticed is that people seem slower generally (hmmm Isochroma.. does history repeat itself?) and annoyance emerges if I am in a sleep deprived state. I want companions who can mirror and match the speed, intensity and depth of my newfound mental existence. Perhaps I need to learn to relate to people a little better - I am a highly cerebrally dominated person, I float in a sea of abstractions, which becomes a raging torrent under laser-guided energetic fluency. LF. I see you listed above as one of the points of improvement if one were to become a biochemist (or something along those lines) was to improve social skills and so on. Are there any particular resources you could recommend which might help in this?
OpaqueMind 8/26/13
Having recently shifted to a fat-centric diet I find all cognition greatly enhanced, and it seems especially synergistic with the TULIP stack. Oh and MCT oil fackin rules.
OpaqueMind 9/10/13
I had incredible results today from taking a heaping teaspoon of dolomite powder (magnesiumn and calcium), 420mg phosphatidylcholine, ~5g creatine, 400mg Shilajit extract, 10mg PQQ, 100mg CoQ10 and a long walk. I TULIP'd yesterday at 18 sites, but today I really felt the power. Yet again, incredible connecting abilities - isomorphisms emerge like lightning, memory is ramped up and the pieces connect so beautifully. I had been eating well previously, but I guess these precursors and elements were necessary to allow the rest of the neuronal architecture to do it's job with similarly raised efficiency. I want to reiterate what Falco said about the importance of diet, and add my own emphasis on the use of calcium, magnesium and choline in particular. They play key roles in neurotransmission, and IIRC cholinergic neurons are relatively highly expressed in the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain which we are illuminating.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:10 PM
Aarfai 8/16/13
Hi all,
I have yet to update the community since beginning TULIP so here it goes...
I have had GREAT improvements with the TULIP supplements and laser routine below. It has by far been the most significant 'nootropic' I have used. I use your every other day 3-4 mins/spot protocol for the 808nm laser. The supplements are a bit expensive however they DO work. It has been nearly 2 months on TULIP and I have experienced similar results as LF: significant increase in energy, increase in verbal fluency, increase in overall cognition with enhancements in well-being and perhaps even confidence? When speaking, I can FEEL the effects the most. For example, I sense I can take the conversation anywhere I please, in any direction. Like LF, I often find myself toning down my thoughts or vocabulary in conversations. Generally speaking, I have MUCH more access to information.
In terms of cognition, I have been using TULIP along 5mg sunifiram and 2-3g piracetam. The combination as greatly improved my DNB scores, speed reading results and analytical skills.
60 mcg Methylene Blue (cannot be used with CoQ10)
808nm 200mW IR Laser
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:38 PM
Again, with permission. =)
Aarfai 8/16/13
Hi all,
I have yet to update the community since beginning TULIP so here it goes...
I have had GREAT improvements with the TULIP supplements and laser routine below. It has by far been the most significant 'nootropic' I have used. I use your every other day 3-4 mins/spot protocol for the 808nm laser. The supplements are a bit expensive however they DO work. It has been nearly 2 months on TULIP and I have experienced similar results as LF: significant increase in energy, increase in verbal fluency, increase in overall cognition with enhancements in well-being and perhaps even confidence? When speaking, I can FEEL the effects the most. For example, I sense I can take the conversation anywhere I please, in any direction. Like LF, I often find myself toning down my thoughts or vocabulary in conversations. Generally speaking, I have MUCH more access to information.
In terms of cognition, I have been using TULIP along 5mg sunifiram and 2-3g piracetam. The combination as greatly improved my DNB scores, speed reading results and analytical skills.
60 mcg Methylene Blue (cannot be used with CoQ10)
808nm 200mW IR Laser
What is bugging me is the piracetam arfai is taking. This, by itself, can be attributed to the verbal fluency improvements, right ? LostFalco were you taking any racetams in your regimen when you noticed verbal fluency improvements ?
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:49 PM
No sir =)Again, with permission. =)
Aarfai 8/16/13
Hi all,
I have yet to update the community since beginning TULIP so here it goes...
I have had GREAT improvements with the TULIP supplements and laser routine below. It has by far been the most significant 'nootropic' I have used. I use your every other day 3-4 mins/spot protocol for the 808nm laser. The supplements are a bit expensive however they DO work. It has been nearly 2 months on TULIP and I have experienced similar results as LF: significant increase in energy, increase in verbal fluency, increase in overall cognition with enhancements in well-being and perhaps even confidence? When speaking, I can FEEL the effects the most. For example, I sense I can take the conversation anywhere I please, in any direction. Like LF, I often find myself toning down my thoughts or vocabulary in conversations. Generally speaking, I have MUCH more access to information.
In terms of cognition, I have been using TULIP along 5mg sunifiram and 2-3g piracetam. The combination as greatly improved my DNB scores, speed reading results and analytical skills.
60 mcg Methylene Blue (cannot be used with CoQ10)
808nm 200mW IR Laser
What is bugging me is the piracetam arfai is taking. This, by itself, can be attributed to the verbal fluency improvements, right ? LostFalco were you taking any racetams in your regimen when you noticed verbal fluency improvements ?
Posted 16 September 2013 - 07:58 PM
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:04 PM
Sounds great Nattzor!I'll update this thread in 1 month or 40 days with a conclusive write-up (will probably just post to reddit and link it here).
What did you finally decide regimen-wise? Are you gonna start with just the laser or include the ATP enhancing supps as well? Artichoke?
Posted 16 September 2013 - 08:32 PM
Sounds great Nattzor!I'll update this thread in 1 month or 40 days with a conclusive write-up (will probably just post to reddit and link it here).
What did you finally decide regimen-wise? Are you gonna start with just the laser or include the ATP enhancing supps as well? Artichoke?
Just LLLT for 10-15 minutes (so 10-15 spots), 7-10 days = 1 cycle, gonna do 4 cycles total. Doing it blinded and not sure if I should go with ABAB or do it random (my dad blinds me and does all the "work").
Posted 16 September 2013 - 09:51 PM
88LS 9/2/13
This protocol works guys, I feel totally *effing* awesome, all of the time!
88LS 9/2/13
Besides "feeling" awesome I can attest to the positive cognitive effects of this protocol by looking at my Dual-N-Back, Cambridge Brain Sciences and Lumosity scores, to name a few, and how I'm on top of my game and been putting up high scores for the last few weeks.
Trust me on this one, stop hating and just try it.
88LS 9/7/13
I have been using Artichoke extract with TULIP for approximately two weeks - 300mg morning and afternoon - for me they work very well together. The problem I had with CILTEP was the Forskolin, but Artichoke and L-Phenylalanine only gives me positive effects like you said LF sociability, compassion/sympathy, long term memory retrieval. I came across this interesting study that motivated me to include Artichoke Extract in my stack.
So, PDE-4 inhibition (via Artichoke Extract) and GR-agonist / increasing Glucocorticoids (via Pregnenolone, DHEA or Ashwagandha) facilitates neurogenesis mechanisms. Perhaps this is why TULIP w/ Artichoke Extract and Pregnenolone/DHEA works so well. I also wanted to say, I find that Uridine and Fish oil (EPA/DHA) also has very synergistic properties w/ this stack. Still have to check what mechanisms come into play here.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 09:55 PM
Been on for almost 3 weeks and been significantly energized. I ordered the Q10+PQQ from Thailand; it's energizing and I've noticed skin improvements and fatloss which I would expect from Q10. Anyway to notice if the PQQ is doing it's job?
By the way, you adviced some guy above to take Q10 on an empty stomach; it's fat soluble so I think it ought to be taken with fat.
Thanks for your contributions!
Edited by Judd Crane, 16 September 2013 - 09:56 PM.
Posted 16 September 2013 - 10:47 PM
This first week I used the LEDs three times, every other day, starting with 1 minute at both EEG 10/20 brain map regions F3 and F4, building up to 1 minute 30 seconds. After my first three uses I started becoming more spontaneous with using the LEDs, I took five days off after my third session and during this time dealt with an excruciating amount of stress and eating some things that I'm sure Dave Asprey would tell me had massive amounts of mycotoxins or histamines (garlic cloves that were close to others that had mold on them, I have reason to believe it spread throughout.... damn fungi!); I also had not been using my BreathSlim device or doing any Buteyko Breathing exercises. I state this, because I was completely capable of maintaining my emotional and mental well-being during this time with minimal effort. For those who are unaware, in the past 2 months,some of my HPPD symptoms came back in a massive wave in what I think was a reaction to (1) A lot of emotional stress for a period of a few weeks, and (2) A detox reaction from my first Ice Baths since I live in a toxin filled home with a small amount of mold - the re-occurance of my symptoms was largely based around panic attacks, emotional sensitivity, apathy, lack of motivation, etc. and the trippy visuals I see don't help. So, at this point, having eaten some questionable food and being under stress and not having any terrifying panic episodes and less visual symptoms, having only done 3 sessions, I was sold.
After the fifth day of not doing it, I started regulating (as Falco would say) again, every other day. The effects have been cumulative, just as Falco and others have pointed out. Normally, the day after, I feel a little 'off' for the first few hours of the day, but it gradually fades, and the day after I have reached a new state of being - similar to my current Body By Science influenced strength training routine. The next day I still feel nimble and strong, but I'm a bit sore. The following week when I train again, all my lifts have slightly increased. It's like the same thing but I'm becoming cognitively and emotionally stronger (maybe spiritually, as well?) After reading through a lot of the anecdotes and reading some information from Dr. Ray Peat, I'm actually pretty confident that using the LEDs/Lasers at night is the way to go. Normally, I do it directly before bed, within minutes of lying down for bed. Falco says, from his current experience, LLLT seems to be regulatory in that if he is a little bit fatigued or what not, it brings him back up, and if he is too stimulated it can bring him to a more calm state. I've noticed the same thing thus far. Earlier I stated how the first time I did it, although I felt a little off, it was in the evening and I felt more motivated and concentrated. When I do it before bed, I feel more relaxed and even tired to a degree. It literally puts me to sleep like I just took some substance to put me into an artificial sleep state, lol. Or, at least it has done that the last two times I've used it in the minutes before sleep. Thus far I have used it six or seven times, and last night used the LEDs at F3/4 for about 2 minutes and 30 seconds each. I first thought this would be too much, but I feel fine today, I didn't even feel 'off' for the first couple hours upon arising as I have in the past.
Personal Anecdotes: (1) One night I used the LEDs directly before bed and woke up after roughly 4 and a half hours of sleep and felt completely normal. As I said in one of threads, I felt as if I had slept around 6 and a half hours and was in that state where a short 10-20 minute nap later or some coffee would give me just what I needed - but I slept 4 and a half hours, lol. I didn't get excessively tired later in the day, still did my foundation training, went for a long walk, hung out with my fiance all day, and read a lot. I had a small amount of coffee later and it gave me an extra boost. No nap was needed. That night I slept for about 8 hours or so, which was nothing out of the ordinary (HPPD has made me sleep more, I used to be fine sleeping 6.5 hours a night now I sleep 8 even if I don't want to, sometimes more) and I woke up refreshed again - no sleep debt.
(2) One night I used the LEDs really late, roughly 3am, and I woke up the following day, did my usual thing, and around 12-14hrs after stimulation, I completed a hard session of Tabata Sprints with deep nasal breathing. I normally feel good after intense exercise, but this was something even more than that. I definitely had a very strong endorphin rush. I'm wondering if the fact that I did it relatively soon after LLLT, that there was some sort of correlation, but maybe the LLLT has just made me more 'aware' and mindful, and thus I noticed the endorphin rush better. Or, maybe I just had a stronger endorphin rush because it was a nice day out, I was in a pleasant mood, and I ran the sprints more intensely than normal (up and down a hill - up hill = more resistance, down hill = 'overspeed' training).
Personal Caveats: (1) I've gotten strong results from TULIP thus far, and I've only used the 48 LED at brain regions F3 and F4
(2) I started with short time periods - 1 minute - and didn't increase much at all until last night, 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
(3) I don't know if I can increase the efficiency/potency of TULIP by altering the supplements - I'm currently taking the LEF Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer with BioPQQ and LEF Ubiquinol + Shilajat. I take the recommended amount of both as per the container - 4 capsules of the Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer, and 2 of the Ubiquinol/Shilajat combo. This totals up to 10mg of PQQ, 200mg Ubiquinol, and 200mg Shilajat. There are other ingredients in the Mitochondrial Energy Optimizer, so there are some other things playing a role. I normally take them midday day on an empty stomach. I'm wondering if I should also throw in one pill of PQQ and an extra Ubiquinol/Shilajat so the total would be 20mg PQQ and 300mg of both Shilajat and Ubiquinol.
(4) I have lately been sporadic with LLLT because I want to find my personal minimum effective dose. I don't want to have to 'rely upon' TULIP to feel great, I want it to potentially aid in getting rid of my HPPD and possibly bring me to an enhanced state of being that I can maintain with proper nutrition, hydration, and a proper environment and mindset. This may or may not be the case - maybe I'll find out that I HAVE TO use LLLT on at least a weekly basis. The Naeser study shows that the participants needed a maintenance dose, but there are caveats to this. They had traumatic brain injuries, they weren't taking the TULIP stack, and there was no mention of their nutrition or the current psycho-spiritual/emotional state/environment. Maybe if they had been taking even just PQQ and CoQ10, they wouldn't have needed as frequent of a maintenance dose, or maybe they wouldn't have needed one at all (since PQQ would have grown them new and more efficient mitochondria anyhow).
(5) I'm under an immense amount of stress from a lot of events that have been going on for a few years, in addition to some new ones. This probably greatly negates the effects of LLLT. I'm actually wondering how LLLT would fare in two very different individuals using the same protocol. For instance, TULIP + regulation/stimulation at the same sites at the same time of day for the same time lengths, but one individual is optimistic and lives in a relatively low-stress environment with a strong support system, and the other is more pessimistic and lives in a high stress environment with no support system. I wonder if the epigenetic changes from their thoughts/outlooks on life + environment would be potentiated by LLLT, or, would it be completely overridden and make the pessimist an optimist and the optimist even happier?
(6) Having HPPD and concussions, maybe I would benefit from different frequencies/doses/regions being stimulated/regulated than other individuals - maybe I would benefit from omitting or adding different compounds as well.
Personal Resevations/Worries: (1) Using too high of a dose/frequency and making too many structural changes to my brain. Someone noted on the main thread that we should be careful since we are essentially changing our brains, and I believe that is true. That is another reason why I'm doing the sessions more sporadically, and why I think I might not surpass 2 minutes per region until I do further research; (2) Dave Asprey, in his CreativeLive webcast/webinar, made a point that one should not alter their brain chemistry/structure without first working on their parasympathetic nervous system, heart brain connection, and so on. I think this is a valid point. I don't want to make hundreds of new, novel connections and greatly increase my brain power when I don't have other strong connections and conscious activation/inhibition of different aspects of my nervous system.
Other: (1) One day, after maybe 2 sessions total at this point, my fiance noted that I seemed full of energy and could keep speaking and pulling things (random information, facts, and anecdotes) out of thin air; (2) No one has said that I seem 'out of it', sad, or 'lost' since starting TULIP; (3) As others have noted, connections seem to be created with greater ease and a deeper 'imprint' of them is created, i.e. they are more meaningful and easier to interpret and explain to others; (4) Memory 'i-o' seems enhanced; (5) I'm going to start blinding myself to a large extent. I'm going to send some studies and reports to my mom and maybe fiance on this topic, and have them stimulate/regulate different regions for me at random for no more than 2 minutes. I will tell them to do whatever areas they wish to do, or use a 'sham' and pretend to stimulate/regulate; (6) I plan on doing the blinded sessions once a week, or maybe even less if they work well.
Questions: (1) What would be the best 'bang for my buck' supplement out of TULIP? I was thinking that LLLT does a lot of what all the supplements do, but they act synergistically so it is a good idea to have them. I was thinking, LLLT enhances mitochondrial functioning and has a lot of downstream effects largely acting through Cytochrome Oxidase, maybe save money by only purchasing monthly PQQ and taking 10-20mg a day of that with weekly or bi-weekly LLLT after determining my minimum effective dosing based off of blinded and/or sham sessions; (2) Would I be able to use the 48 or 96 LED array for other uses, such as scar tissue healing? (3)Does anybody have a way to stimulate the RAS, or can that only be done with something more focal, such as the VetroLaser? (4) Any more experiences on stimulating other areas? I could've sworn somebody was stimulating the genitals for possibly enhanced testosterone. I know Dave Asprey said in the CreativeLive webcast that he used a Laser at a specific region to give him a good burst of wakefulness since he had been sleeping only 3 hours a night. The member who posted the information about the Euon showed that the creator used it at specific areas for creativity, motivation, etc.
Overall Experience: Thus far, very good. I'm very hopeful for what TULIP will bring me. I have noted largely decreased anxiety, panic, and wandering or re-occurring thoughts. More motivation. Slightly more resilient to stressors and less apt to get upset. Increased memory 'i-o'. New connections being made as I read through research, blogs, watch videos, etc. The effects that I have gotten thus far (1) have been done with relatively little total time stimulated, (2) only two regions stimulated thus far, and (3) have made be much more hopeful and confident, which most definitely has downstream effects in and of itself from increased positivity and enhanced mood/outlook. Thanks for all who have contributed. I'm hoping everyone continues to do so.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 11:32 AM
(3)Does anybody have a way to stimulate the RAS, or can that only be done with something more focal, such as the VetroLaser?
I think the best way to activate RAS is from the side of the head and not the back, (so you will not have to go through the cerebellum) as the Euon manufacturer suggested.
Although the link is for ultrasound stimulation of RAS, could possibly apply to TULIP also (altough depth of penetration is an issue...)
Anyone checking the link, zoom at FIG. 1A
FIG. 1A shows sagittal view of brain highlighting the Reticular Activating System 130 including skull 100 with cerebrum 110along with cerebellum 120. FIG. 1B again shows the Reticular Activating System 130 including skull 100 with cerebrum 110along with cerebellum 120, but this time with ultrasound transducer 140 approximately aligned along the axis of the Reticular Activating System and placed against the neck. The ultrasound transducer 140 does not cover the entire length of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) first because the upper part of the is not physically accessible (although the top of the outline 130 is the midbrain which is outside the RAS) and second because the ultrasound field can be steered to a point above the top of the ultrasound transducer 140. In another embodiment, the ultrasound transducer is perturbed laterally, up and down, and/or in and out causing enhanced change in the target neural tissue.
Ultrasound stimulation is very interesting, having a preliminary look, it seems possible to use the same ultrasound units used for physical therapy (there is a lot of research already).
They conducted a followup study of ultrasound on UA psychology student volunteers, recording vital signs such as heart rate and breath rate, and narrowed down the optimum treatment to 2 megahertz for 30 seconds as the most likely to produce a positive mood change in patients.
"With 2 megahertz those who were stimulated with ultrasound reported feeling 'lighter,' or 'happier;' a little more attentive, a little more focused and a general increase in well-being," Sanguinetti said.
Allen and Sanguinetti then began a double blind clinical trial to verify the statistical significance of their findings and to rule out any possibility of a placebo effect in their patients.
Edited by Strangelove, 17 September 2013 - 11:46 AM.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 12:03 PM
Thanks for the info Strangelove!(3)Does anybody have a way to stimulate the RAS, or can that only be done with something more focal, such as the VetroLaser?
I think the best way to activate RAS is from the side of the head and not the back, (so you will not have to go through the cerebellum) as the Euon manufacturer suggested.
Although the link is for ultrasound stimulation of RAS, could possibly apply to TULIP also (altough depth of penetration is an issue...)
Anyone checking the link, zoom at FIG. 1A
FIG. 1A shows sagittal view of brain highlighting the Reticular Activating System 130 including skull 100 with cerebrum 110along with cerebellum 120. FIG. 1B again shows the Reticular Activating System 130 including skull 100 with cerebrum 110along with cerebellum 120, but this time with ultrasound transducer 140 approximately aligned along the axis of the Reticular Activating System and placed against the neck. The ultrasound transducer 140 does not cover the entire length of the Reticular Activating System (RAS) first because the upper part of the is not physically accessible (although the top of the outline 130 is the midbrain which is outside the RAS) and second because the ultrasound field can be steered to a point above the top of the ultrasound transducer 140. In another embodiment, the ultrasound transducer is perturbed laterally, up and down, and/or in and out causing enhanced change in the target neural tissue.
Ultrasound stimulation is very interesting, having a preliminary look, it seems possible to use the same ultrasound units used for physical therapy (there is a lot of research already).
I am not going to start a new thread about ultrasound stimulation, but lostfalco if you have the time and interest, I am sure you are the person to get things rolling!
In any case is quite interesting!
They conducted a followup study of ultrasound on UA psychology student volunteers, recording vital signs such as heart rate and breath rate, and narrowed down the optimum treatment to 2 megahertz for 30 seconds as the most likely to produce a positive mood change in patients.
"With 2 megahertz those who were stimulated with ultrasound reported feeling 'lighter,' or 'happier;' a little more attentive, a little more focused and a general increase in well-being," Sanguinetti said.
Allen and Sanguinetti then began a double blind clinical trial to verify the statistical significance of their findings and to rule out any possibility of a placebo effect in their patients.
I'm actually a big fan of Dr. Jamie Tyler and his work on transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS). I have done this a handful of times (6 or 7) and it is VERY stimulating. I usually had energy for around 2 to 4 hours and then I would crash. I still have my device (a friend just gave it to me!) and I'm going to try the 2 MHz probe soon. 8 MHz was originally postulated as the best http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/22664271 but now I think they are leaning more towards 2 MHz.
Dr. Tyler's company, Neurotrek, is still paying people ($100) to try out TUS in the Boston area. I'm going in October (I originally signed up for the end of August but got too busy).
Dr. Jamie Tyler's Lab:
My Device: https://www.medexsup...oducts_id=23548
Study I imitated: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/22664271
TUS report from June 2013: http://www.longecity...210#entry594400
Videos on TUS: http://www.longecity...240#entry595490
Edited by lostfalco, 17 September 2013 - 12:17 PM.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 12:26 PM
I am a fan of Dr. Tyler and his work for a while now, and I am very interested to hear your experiences with TUS when you feel like it.
You should start a thread if you have the time, you are the right person to get things rolling!
Posted 17 September 2013 - 12:33 PM
No problem man. =)Thank you for the links!
I am a fan of Dr. Tyler and his work for a while now, and I am very interested to hear your experiences with TUS when you feel like it.
You should start a thread if you have the time, you are the right person to get things rolling!
Actually, if you want to start up a thread on TUS I will happily head over and post on it. I think the four threads I'm involved in are already getting a bit obnoxious. ha
Edited by lostfalco, 17 September 2013 - 12:36 PM.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 01:28 PM
Hey, what's up Judd? That's awesome man. I'm glad it's been working well for you.LF: Have you found your sweet spot with LLLT (in minutes)? How long would you say to reap max benefit (in months)? --Hope I'm not having you repeat yourself.
Been on for almost 3 weeks and been significantly energized. I ordered the Q10+PQQ from Thailand; it's energizing and I've noticed skin improvements and fatloss which I would expect from Q10. Anyway to notice if the PQQ is doing it's job?
By the way, you adviced some guy above to take Q10 on an empty stomach; it's fat soluble so I think it ought to be taken with fat.
Thanks for your contributions!
My sweet spot for the LEDs has hovered around 2 to 4 minutes per spot. It really doesn't seem to take much more than that for me.
Number of months...hmm good question. There are so many variables here that it's hard to say. The truth is, we are pretty much in uncharted territory. I think we are going to find that when we hit 'energetic' plateaus we are going to be able to push past them with proper fundamental substrates and epigenetic type enhancements (transcription factors, small peptide chains, miRNAs, oxygen/EPO, training/neurofeedback, membrane substrates/lipids, aminos, enzymes, etc.). I don't think any of us have reached 'max benefit' territory yet. =)
As far as distinguishing specific PQQ effects separate from the laser and the CoQ10...I don't have a very precise answer for you. I lasered for 5/6+ months without the supplements. I've used CoQ10 in the past with decent results. I've never actually taken PQQ by itself. I just followed the 20mg PQQ + 300mg CoQ10 pattern set by the main human study (non-peer reviewed, of course) and added it to my existing regimen.
My skin and body composition have also improved significantly on TULIP. I'm down to about 10% body fat (according to my questionably accurate scale) without losing any muscle (size or strength) over the past 2.5+ months and with VERY minimal exercise. I've really just been focusing on the brain and all of these other benefits have just happened to come along for the ride. I'm not complaining about my 6-pack though. ha
You're exactly right...CoQ10 should be taken with fat (although Ubiquinol is somewhat water soluble). Luckily, a number of the CoQ10 supplements include fat in them. If you want some extra fat wouldn't hurt. =)
Looking forward to hearing your continuing results!
Edited by lostfalco, 17 September 2013 - 01:35 PM.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 02:21 PM
I will try to keep abreast of the anecdotal reports here, thanks for the you tube vid (bulletproofexec) opened my eyes to a larger community of self hackers.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 02:24 PM
You're in luck! =)This methodology is very intriguing and well supported by literature (just reading some now), if i could find a cheap enough laser source i would be willing to give it a try, sadly my current budget simply doesn't stretch to 200-300 dollars.
I will try to keep abreast of the anecdotal reports here, thanks for the you tube vid (bulletproofexec) opened my eyes to a larger community of self hackers.
96 LED array:
48 LED array:
For more info check here. http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/
The Vetrolaser is still great...but the LEDs are extremely effective and WAY more affordable.
Edited by lostfalco, 17 September 2013 - 02:27 PM.
Posted 17 September 2013 - 02:30 PM
You're in luck! =)This methodology is very intriguing and well supported by literature (just reading some now), if i could find a cheap enough laser source i would be willing to give it a try, sadly my current budget simply doesn't stretch to 200-300 dollars.
I will try to keep abreast of the anecdotal reports here, thanks for the you tube vid (bulletproofexec) opened my eyes to a larger community of self hackers.
96 LED array:
48 LED array:
For more info check here. http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/
The Vetrolaser is still great...but the LEDs are extremely effective as well and WAY more affordable.
O my, that is excellent , the 96 LED array looks a tad bulky for 10/20 per site application though , the 48 appears more apropos. However I see in your profile (only quick browsed) you state "laser whole brain" before bed. Does this indicate you have stopped using per site excitation ?
Posted 17 September 2013 - 02:40 PM
Yeah. I laser/regulate the whole brain now before bed. Works extremely well for me. I'm pretty much using the Naeser study as a pattern with the LEDs...around 2-4 minutes per 'region'. (the 96 is pretty big)You're in luck! =)This methodology is very intriguing and well supported by literature (just reading some now), if i could find a cheap enough laser source i would be willing to give it a try, sadly my current budget simply doesn't stretch to 200-300 dollars.
I will try to keep abreast of the anecdotal reports here, thanks for the you tube vid (bulletproofexec) opened my eyes to a larger community of self hackers.
96 LED array:
48 LED array:
For more info check here. http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/
The Vetrolaser is still great...but the LEDs are extremely effective as well and WAY more affordable.
O my, that is excellent , the 96 LED array looks a tad bulky for 10/20 per site application though , the 48 appears more apropos. However I see in your profile (only quick browsed) you state "laser whole brain" before bed. Does this indicate you have stopped using per site excitation ?
Posted 19 September 2013 - 12:54 AM
88LS 9/7/13
I have been using Artichoke extract with TULIP for approximately two weeks - 300mg morning and afternoon - for me they work very well together. The problem I had with CILTEP was the Forskolin, but Artichoke and L-Phenylalanine only gives me positive effects like you said LF sociability, compassion/sympathy, long term memory retrieval. I came across this interesting study that motivated me to include Artichoke Extract in my stack.
So, PDE-4 inhibition (via Artichoke Extract) and GR-agonist / increasing Glucocorticoids (via Pregnenolone, DHEA or Ashwagandha) facilitates neurogenesis mechanisms. Perhaps this is why TULIP w/ Artichoke Extract and Pregnenolone/DHEA works so well. I also wanted to say, I find that Uridine and Fish oil (EPA/DHA) also has very synergistic properties w/ this stack. Still have to check what mechanisms come into play here.
Forskolin I have found over the years is very powerful when combined with Artichoke Extract. Most supplements contain way too much and I have to weigh it out with a milligram scale for the best effects. Were you taking more than 4mg? That's the absolute max I take on a daily basis. Any more than that and I get a mild headache. The Solaray brand which contains 3.85mg is the only forskolin supplement on the market, at least that I know of, that is less than 4mg per pill.
Edited by abelard lindsay, 19 September 2013 - 12:54 AM.
Posted 19 September 2013 - 01:05 AM
Thanks for the heads up Abelard! I'm still loving the artichoke half of your stack with some of the other stuff I've been taking.88LS 9/7/13
I have been using Artichoke extract with TULIP for approximately two weeks - 300mg morning and afternoon - for me they work very well together. The problem I had with CILTEP was the Forskolin, but Artichoke and L-Phenylalanine only gives me positive effects like you said LF sociability, compassion/sympathy, long term memory retrieval. I came across this interesting study that motivated me to include Artichoke Extract in my stack.
So, PDE-4 inhibition (via Artichoke Extract) and GR-agonist / increasing Glucocorticoids (via Pregnenolone, DHEA or Ashwagandha) facilitates neurogenesis mechanisms. Perhaps this is why TULIP w/ Artichoke Extract and Pregnenolone/DHEA works so well. I also wanted to say, I find that Uridine and Fish oil (EPA/DHA) also has very synergistic properties w/ this stack. Still have to check what mechanisms come into play here.
Forskolin I have found over the years is very powerful when combined with Artichoke Extract. Most supplements contain way too much and I have to weigh it out with a milligram scale for the best effects. Were you taking more than 4mg? That's the absolute max I take on a daily basis. Any more than that and I get a mild headache. The Solaray brand which contains 3.85mg is the only forskolin supplement on the market, at least that I know of, that is less than 4mg per pill.
Have you continued combining CILTEP with some of the TULIP supplements? Anything to report from the past few days?
Posted 25 September 2013 - 02:13 AM
Mettmett 9/1/13
I have been lasering for about 3 weeks now and have definitely noticed benefits. I just recently added a lot of stuff like the 96 LEDs, the ebay Pqq/coq10, and the curcumin. So it will take time to see how it pans out. Some things I have noticed: I have more initiative...At work I can formulate plans on how to get the job done easier and quicker than before. My conversational skills are increasing along with my wit, but its not quite at the level id like it to be. I am still working on making my brain more 'well at quips'(well equipped). I did have a noticeable moment today where I had everyone laughing with a joke I was running along with.. just ad-libbing a long scenario that turned out really funny. I didn't really see where it was going in my head, but I was in the zone and it just came to me.
I notice I am making more connections with previous knowledge and intertwining it with stuff i currently read. While I have been following this thread from the start, Ive had my own side goal of figuring out how to have the healthiest blood...I came across a book called the Mucus free diet system by Arnold Ehret and I have to say it really resonates with me. So right now I am transitioning from a paleo/primal/bulletproof diet (ive tried them all) towards this one. Although physically I am fit with a 6 pack abs, strong, fast..I've always had a problem with foods giving me mucus..moreso than i notice anyone else I know having. it was pure luck that I came across this book and i just finished and now started the Rational Fasting book of his. I figured strong mitochondria need the blood feeding it to be strong as well. That was my reasoning at least. I just started this diet and will let you know how it goes. but damn its tough going from eating all of that meat to not eating any...:(
That's all i have to say for now, keep up the good work everyone, this is definitely one of the best things that has happened to my life...aside from finding the girl I'm going to marry, but that's a different story.
Edited by lostfalco, 25 September 2013 - 02:14 AM.
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